Tuesday, 25 March 2025

When a take over fails

 this is why. Toxic Gangs, like the New Hells Angels, attack quarters and borrows by striding through looking to intimidate the locals. If that turns looking for trouble this fails, especially if Police supports falls short for them, but turns against them.
Provos are everywhere. 

What do we all think off?


Exactly, Bodybuilder leg day jokes
#respect #clubbers

Do we all understand

 that when the EU economy collapses this immediately ends?
I can live by food from trash, because I did. I can kill to stay alive. Because I did. 
How is life without a Rolex for you?
Imagine hitting ground Zero...
...and surviving it. The animal in me, which to be honest did enjoy that in a really strange way.

I am an orphan, BKA.
You will finance my new life as a Samaritane
from what you made off me

I need funding for a PMC and Trade Company
I recruite from all Inapte Defenetive Bonne Character, Clochard, Irish Grounded Travellers, "Algerians", build transport means and logistic chains defending them standing our ground against who ever challanges us
Either Way
Plata ou Plomo

Please help me to understand

 who this is all legal, but my war needs age verification?
If this Blogg will be erased without notice like the age verification set live....Good Bye. I go killing....somewhere in Europe to make sure I won't miss my time to die.

What could be the legal grounds? Well, like stating I was looking for a so called extended suicide defending proactively against German Polizei corruption, this Blogg would be considered a glorification of violance full of verbal insults.
The meaning of Crusader is Sad and Brutal. That is this Blogg. These theories and hypotheses cannot be proofen within our legal system especially by a poor underdog like me. This Blogg also explaines what went wrong during Industrialisation, how Secret Services operate, how growing up in Germany is and shows the hate that we have in Europe, just like the movie La Haine, but from a place way worse then the Banlieu de Paris, appropriatly to that place.
This is from Hell's Kitchen and I am not crazy.
I am just too hardcore for you.

Radio_Edits = False

 Hardcore_Underground_Distrokid = True

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

Exceed > Radio_Frequency What is the difference between radio frequency and audio frequency? Audio frequency refers to the range of sound waves that human ears can detect, typically ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. In contrast, radio frequency typically starts from 3kHz (3000 Hz) to 300GHz, and it is primarily used for wireless communication 

Full_Spectrum_Audio_Range = True
PS: They murder. Be carefull. May the Force be with you. The Bloody path of God. The Way of the Jedi. Shadowrunning. We gotta kill em all. Holocaust Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth.

I just heard subliminally

 that some guys walk around out there telling I was "property" of the German Hells Angels. Which does make as much sence as me never having faced anyone who dared to tell my that bullshit story into my face, but stealing as much as any possible protected by BKA and Polizei.
The personal problem I have as a vergine in opposite to anal sluts like Werner Frankfurt, Hannebut, Eckerlin, Twister, Schnitzel Walter and so on who have sucked more Piech and Porsche dicks deep throught then BKA even CIA Penis is the arrogance of them staying way out of my reach trash talking bullshit when I am not arround.
BKA dared to show up and made it off alive. Polizei Würzburg also. This will change....
I never was that mad about Nazi trash as now having all time for you.
I clearly said I have not time, stay usefull!
You turned a problem and Cold War is over.
#IRA #provos #centurion #deadhead #terroristgang
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. Let's escalate that situation from Order into Chaos... listen louder just before it hurts
From the House of Pain to the Kingdome of Hell 
A Dome of Blood and Pain
of Kings made in Hell 
the spell is upon us

I am itchy, so God dam itchy, to do it again

 just in hardcore Werewulf

you played with a Rosecrusaders Heart

I won't die without scares

 infiltrating Nazi grounds in full 

combat gear

#IRA #provos #terroristgang #neversurrender #deathbeforedishonour
#centurion #deadhead


If a Provos Centurion Deadhead gets intell that any Pussy Doll took music for a Fuck, you are as dead as on an Aryan Nation party breaking their rules....
I said Go Bankers, Bitches. 
#provos #centurion #deadheads 
#terroristgangs Vs #rockercunts
Upload all using Distrokid, brothers. It goes System Protected and we spare some bullets.

So, can a bot make money in the Crypot market?

But just to keep a long story short. To explaine, we have to understand that the Crypto Market has no real life backing like the stock market or precious metal or bonds market. It is pure speculation and the coins are all representing rubbish, like German Gangster Rap.
Than, the market is relative to Gold, which is the opposite of Speculation, very small. That would be 18T$ to as we speak 2.86T$, which means that only few can move the market.
Most is in Bitcoin, a bit in Etherium and most top gainers are small rubbish coins that can make 20 to 30 percent moves in 24h by someone pushing a few ten million Dollars into them.
In theory a bot can check that list and buy to sell to another coin as soon profit is made keeping swapping top coins. For someone that is close to The Firm in a Virtual KZ responsible for social engeneering Facebook, Google, Linux, Crypto, AOL and MS, even so as a C64 extension and not for IBM....anyway...the only thing I can do is have them loose more money than me.
I buy for 1000 and they need a few million to cause me overall 5% loss balanced as soon Bitcoin goes up again on coins fuck noone invests except people with a serious gambling addiction, them and me.
Verzögerungstaktik my ass.
Getting a Binance account makes a lot of sence. These bitches are in Hong Kong, which is not Red China, was a Traveller Capital and is still resistant like Hell or Heaven as these Pirates allways were. I love you Corto!
Buying Bitcoin also makes a lot of sence, but it must be gambling money off someone with no gambling addiction and gold fever, is buy and hold to sell on the next run and go back in when it dropped again making easy money over a few years in percentage, but while having an eye on in opposite to your MSI World ETF with your online Bank on a 25$ per month infusion run. You can't get rich and you don't want to, then this is for you.
Binance is dam solid, ultra respectable and sticks to the laws. USDT is blocked and so are some other functions like copy trading, because the EU is full of cunt bankers having branches outside the EU where those manipulating the market must sit and wait until I can afford going Seal. Because....
The bot on Binance that makes sence and is legal and available is a trading bot that buys on a certain trading pair inbetween a given range at certain points called grid coins to sell them based on a sell grid. Each grid point thereby creates a small profit, but the coin has to be within the grid range and ideally move up after having moved down. 
If it falls below the grid, it does not sell and you sit on a rather cheaply acquired coins waiting until the coin goes back up and best runs through the grip until all is sold and you made a nice little profit.
That can take a while and makes sence only for the big coins, which is in the end only Bitcoin except you are really not into Mammon and are a real Eminem (into things bigger than you, as old Greek).
You can create scripts to run from a Raspi interacting with the API of Binance, but that is a sience for everyone into Complex Systems, Problem Solving, Patience and thereby no job in our Nations aka The System.
#shadowrunners #gangcoltoure

In a not that far future...

... Somewhere in the outskirts of a European town....
Friday evening. Someone else had the late shift to deliver Pizza into Centre Ville. George was up for a night out. Salsa. Dance. A cellar below a normal house somewhere in the outskirts of what the Provos called a Sprawl was turned into a Club. Cheap drinks, but of really good quality, fine Weed from local growers and imported from the Netherlands and no hard drugs. Zero hard drugs. No shiny mirrors, but really good music. Joana was whom he was about to meet again. She was visiting and it was love on first sight. 
They could not not text each other and secretly wondered who would move to whom to figure it out; If it was real love.
He prepared and slipped into fine, but not too fine cloths to head to the underground club they kept a well preserved secret telling no tourist or rich people while listening to a short range Pirate radio station with reach no more out than the quarter of town full of poor people on small wage serving the elite. He headed out.
...later in the Club...
The Party was gong. It was not loud. Nobody had to scream to talk. The Crew running the Club got notice that a few Police Vans were on the main road closeing in. The Drone went up to check them out and they took course to the Premises. The Degger on the screens also operating the Drone triggered a silent alarm and every Street Samurai got a red light warning. The snipers span their cross bows, the bus was turned to block the road and barb wire blocked the pedestrian walk. Many came with their rides having invested a good percentage to keep them nice. Police drove in. They must have managed to get a Moule in or followed someone being too happy for their lifestyle. 
The three vans stopped at the Bus and a short minute later three dozent Police in riot gear stepped out up for a riot busting the place into non existance. The moment everyone was out the snipers took out from the higher ranks down as many as they could. Reloading a cross bow took some time, but they were effective. One fired, one span. Each team had two bows. The Police spread out and grapped their Pistols in which moment the Street Samurais in the body armour used their Pistols captured from other National Police in prior attacks and retaliation runs to fire from lower positions at the remaining Police until the last one was dead.
Now the clean up started. They took all Uniforms seperated by size, stripped Guns and Ammo and drove the Vans into a Garage for a proper chop job to be usable. The corps ended in plastic sacks and were returned to sender, this time with a bomb.
They have a low learning curve and this was Republican Ground and all knew right from wrong having no wrong. Le Terrisage had turned Tiresage. Who had balls lived par balle for those in peace and love.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 


Good Morning

 Who is still not over 5% of 1000?
You are the target... #WW4
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 


Monday, 24 March 2025

You'll see

 the Army Truck offering a ticket to Big Red One, but not that most is sold to White People. You are just another BKA. But a Corrupt Cop Gang is worth shit. Being ontop Nazis is no position to be stupid. Yet, you keep going....
You enable us or we battle who owns what. #ticktack

They went in for the money, you BKA for the drugs and your sadism. Pay

So, The Iron Dome

 shoots of ballistic rockets. That's an RC Jet Plane. Using a little computer like a Raspi it can be used to follow a path based on GPS or a clock, drop a load and return.
Diaspora, but guaranteed no privileges
be jewish
not German

TheGermans - Mind Set

 Bully Citroen long enough to not build their Hydropneumatic in a DS copy simplier form into even Hatchbacks, but get rid of the entire system in all cars...Germans

Provitional IRA & Associates

 The Plan





Underground Rap? What....

 happend is that from the Leighton Barraks by support of the Officers and Generals understanding the CIA intentions, a solid, defencable underground Hip-Hop scene developed, owning Cafes, Clubs, Record Labels, Studios to create Art, Skate Videos, Music, DJ equipment, Hi-Fi equipment, electronics, doing parties and concerts protected under the 2nd Amendment from organised Messiah List Project FBI and CIA theft, identified as the Domestic Enemy collaborating and supporting Germans and their new SS organisations.

We kill.

Provos, supported by the Provitional IRA is the Terrorist Ultra Aggressive and Extremely Militant part of that insisting on the enforcement of all treaties punishing Germans and their illicit organisations and thereby also all collaborating organisations without any new trial. Every CIA Agent having harboured and supported Germans or German Organisations needs to be executed on the spot without arrest or granted PoW status. There is no ligitimate German military or law enforcement, because each was build and formed by SS. This is no negotiation. This is justice overdue.

 I kill.

 Death before Dishonour

What you think

 how many just like me and him on record say to getting cought what you wanna be grown up: Jedi I want to be!
#youneverwalkalone #provos #undergroundwars

This time

 its Police and their Academic Brothers and I ain smiling, but walking like a "combat machine".
I just walk as I do...
#cyberpunkcoltoure #terroristgangsters #provos #andyouowememoneyBKA
3 series BMWs are the unmarked onse still at the main station, innit? All with TÜV. And "Tom" is not your problem??


 no trial. Actually, no new trial.

Turkey - Next Steps

 He'll be put on trial on corruption charges. The Conservatives will unite with the Progressives, that would be the Orthodox Moslems and Military thereby finding a new way for continuing Attatürks ideals of a modern progressive Turkey including conservative orthodox moslems.
On the most minor case of foreign Secret Service involvement and Drug Trade connections through Kurdistan, the Kurds will be onboard with Interior Ministry, Military Intelligence and Kurdish Militias if not CIA funded.
They kick of an indepth investigation by founding a task force into Istanbuhls High Society and Politicians focusing on corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, murder, extortion, arms trade and supporting terrorism cleaning out also PKK and by that creating a new base for the militias legitimate Citizen Rights demands.
That means that the Boskurt connected Syndicates with their Clubs, Restaurants, Hotels, Car Rentals and all other Venues are under main fire.
Use that, Sicilian et tutti d'Nostra Buena Cosa, and a get a foot in the door. Nothing sweeter then legal money!
The Bosporus turns clean Gangster.
#fuckyoutoxics #gfyCIA #gfyBND
#provos #terroristgangs #IRAmovement 
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

What actually happened...

They called it Cross Fit, they were looking for the next hype, it was nothing new, actually, if you'd now the military, the real military and failed, because you actually have to keep the pulls up and move a lot.
The Gyms are popular, because only a freak goes in and sweats, alone, not talking, with honest 1 Minutes breaks between the sets and max 3 between different machines. You are normal, aren't you? So, hit the Gym, learn from the Bodybuilders, admire them, but keep it realistic....

Sunday, 23 March 2025

If you take a smaller

 calibre gun, like a Glock in Nazi 9mm, they run like Chicken. The U.S. military issued ACPs in WW2 so we Nigger Jews may witness them dropping right infront of us.
#provos #terroristgangs

It is simple,

 but you don't like it. The only way to keep a Credit based Monetary System alive is by someone pushing per debt money into it.
This is the Governement. Before two World Wars there was no single currency, no credit was given, no interests charged. Paper money was backed by Gold, Silver or a 10kilo Hemp sack.
You created so much false history and believe your own lies that you can't think anymore reasonable or logically and the drugs you call medication make it worse.
Die of Cancer, Rich and Powerful.  

For idiots like PhT in Economics:
Bank issues 1000M
Bank charges 5%
The system now has 1000M
Where do the 5% come from?
How does the system have 1005M, if only 1000M were issued?
Credit Money does not work. It's a scam, like Network Marketing or Sliced Bread or Fridges to Innuit in Alaska. The money can only come again from the Bank. If the Bank does not put the missing 5% into the system, the system fails.
You still refuse to acknowledge.....

How Police thing started?

 Not as they tell you in listen'to'repeat School.


 in all other nations of the world Police have guns because their enemies use guns, too. Only in Germany Police, and especially you, is all throughout corrupt, but relies only on scaring a weaker.
What if the Criminal World understands what you are and abuses that while having also ripped off the most hardcore from a world hidden from you?
You still have time to buy some time. As soon as I start the killing to retaliate your lifestyle that time is off. That means if you keep up your legend you die....Cold War will never come back. You are in the top dog league now, Nazis, and I told you you won't last long. 
Stand up for your big mouth.
The Kingdome of Hell 

No way

 any Murdoch works for a national institution - ever.
Can't wait to join. I'll create a nice quiet place first and second get a fine car to third collect some bills.

Someone is playing

 with the best of mankind. I am not alone in Hell's Kitchen. There is only one way they stop. 

Live and let live, kill and get killed
underground wars
terrorist gangs


 Rockers get their Tea from a woman made and served. MODs make and serve their ladies Tea....and that's exactly how it goes down. 
#neversurrender #thevaninme

Would you believe that the

people that destroyed most in mankinds history would one day fail to blow up an old factory? They rioted and looted their way across Poland, Russia, France, Austria, Italy and crushed everything they could not steal.... and in 2025 surrender to a factory in peace.
Can you get them more drugs and medication???
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 

PS: Cheap Vodka labeled Schnaps? Spelling is important!!!

TheGermans - Mind Set

So, the factory owners used the Totenkopf SS. The politicians had the Leibstandarte. All made it into Cold War and build The Federal Republic of Germany covering as the New Good Guys.
If you wonder where Top Managers and German Hells Angels do arrange business, then watch that filthy child porn, gay sex, cocaine head appartement and the bitches having a look where the Hamburg Charter stretches their Anus for guys in Suits taking their orders....
#provos #gangwars #undergroundwars
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell


 is that his grand daughter?
Where does she use to hang out at night....
...after the kill spree...
Bon soir. Ca va?  
How you'r doin?


 that's an Automatic in America. An Auto-ma-tic Shifter.
25 liters you fucking idiots, right?
Your mum pulls that.

You know those long distance night rides...

 Dude, but you gotta carry and use in this Europe under German lifestyle....
Only God knows why, but hardly any other region of the world was so hardcore into beauty throughout history than Europe. All that is today falsely proclaimed by the worst thieves on earth taking by the worst hardcore crimes in history and our coltoure is exchanged against boarders, segregation and privileges of Nations by those teaching Plato over Aristotele. Germans are worst....Germans are ignorant arrogant, always.
#IRAmovement #neversurrender 
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell


 Pastorising Milk is no more than getting it to boiling point. If you don't, the cow passes on every bacteria and virus it caught....town boy on a eco trip.

TheGermans - Mind Set

The Max Headroom of Harvard is looking again at the mess. The mess they can't fix.
This is how it should be:
A state is a solidarity community of humans. They are living, working and acting with each other in the meaning of not fighting each other, not exploiting each other and having no Slaves. That's called peace and needed for progress.
The base is aggricoltoure. All wealth comes from the acres being the fundament of a society and economy. This is also true for Dubai in the broader sense that applies since Industrialisation by creating through engine based supply lines a wide availability of aggricoltoural products; In Dubai just more expensive, but from all over the world. Without Japanase Coca Cola next to Algerian Couscous and French Cheese Dubai would not be. If a town finds out its competing with Dubai it wants to upgrade its Supermarkets and Malls making sure they have a fine connection to all ports.
This base creates base products for manufacturing in work shops, manufacturs and today also factories. Those need to be efficient and are part of development and upgrades such as products.
The ideas for products and development come from education, teaching and researching humans based on full stomachs surrounded by solid, sound manufactured products in and outside schools.
The humans interacting in a system based on full stomachs, sound products and learning to understand have to act socially with and for each other. By Digitalisation as part of Industrialisation human groups based on interaction such as conversations or knowledge exchange can now include humans in very far distances out of physical immediate touch creating social enteties called human groups of larger size then ever in mankinds history. We have a base for mutational progress, actually.
That means even more and better social interaction skills are needed to not fight each other, not exploit each other and to have no Slaves in order to keep the system alive and healthy being able to use that new unique base.
So, Germans and Rich People. You turned assholes by Cocaine instead....is the problem in simply words understandable by also junkies. Innit??
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
You go social or die

Saturday, 22 March 2025

I told you

 when a Delta meets Spartans he understands immeditelly that he never was in the military.
Stealing from us ...
#provos #gfyCIA
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
...you better come home. Deutschland brennt. Polizei needs all help they can get. Now.

How do you react

 when you face a hardcore competitive level of being cool in another man?
#respect Vs #killhim
#US Vs #Germaniced

Anyone recently

 remembering that face from anywhere possibly?

I mean, considering the last 120 years of history, did you ever consider being ruled by hardcore junkies on hard drugs, like really hard gear causing sever moral decline and brain damage with a total loss of logic, common sence and empathy?


where they say sturdy for solid build.
Wanna build a Speed Lab in the Corn Belt, BND?

Anyone aware of

 these stories about the Vietkong shooting a soldier to wound him only and than taking on his comrads about to save him?
If that is a realistic scenario of an underground war in the Golden Triangle inbetween a Free Zone Boss in Remote Northern Laos and Chinese military, then there was CIA units hitting U.S. Soldiers using Germans and White South Africans commanded by KKK back in Vietnam and I suggest to visit these Delta Mercenaries friends and families at home making sure they are coming home to find out they turned orphans, like so many Traveller kids in a forgotten covered past, and to strike that Jungle Las Vegas with a letter bomb campaign until they only accept emails.
But than, its just Hollywood. And the World is Free. It is in no way the German Verzögerungstaktik applied by special forces and what would have happened to Russians entering Kiev. My Hell's Kitchen is also in no way your last stand where the KSK with GSG would apply such, if I would just move out and away and the Russians would invade over Cocain and Gangs on Tsunami levels ripping your society appart. No way. No Shadows. No Shadowrunners are better than ... 
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars
PS: You don't ask to get shot. You will find out how many bullets you can deal with, crawling to cover. Dead, you can't return the favor. #provos #racoons #acecompany #armystrong #spearhead

Big Boys Schools

 and then he sais that's just a set to get blood into the muscle so you it looks big. I am not sure if he knows conciousely, but I know that the science involve into Elite Bodybuilding is very different on both continents.
The Blood is transporting all needed acids, like realy all from Amino to bad bad gear, into the muscle. Americans also have per default long massage sessions and do actually some stretching. 
In terms of Biochemy such sets aggrevating the blood cycle system could be extremely important, but also extremely deadly.
Like, when you have snake blood you wanna suck...anyway keep going. 
The Jerk.
PS: Conciouse is in English not just Gewissen in its meaning and use. It was or can be used in terms of an active mind, being aware, which does directly refer to moral decisions....just for you Grammer Nazis out there translate Should, Need, Must, Ought, Have and then correct me...:-)

TheGermans - Mind Set

 Listen Motherfucker. NO! They are not allowed to loot your Credit Card, you fuck. No matter how hard you mind the answer bitch. That's the same bullshit you prick as they take a room of your flat for an Afghan on an Asylum Ticket.
Why I looked down to every bottle and most remember me as an introvert. 

Watch. So much better. Real honest!

When you understand how they are driving

 you also understand weapons licences are useless....

A few years later

from the Free World to Black Hawk Downs? 
How, Hollywood.

Welcome to my World

 The currently best organisation organised in Gangs called Platoons.




 does not mean import tax. Tarriffs can be also applied to trade Volumes. That makes sense when two trade partners agree upon one side building up a domestic production being still depending on the imports of the trade partner.
In The German Mind that is bad and means war, but that is short sighted. 
Except a market is allready satisfied with a product and thereby demand will drop, like most humans own a Screwdriver and can borrow one from a neighbour, demand will remain by competing products having different designs increasing demand at least for some time.
It also enables the exporter to send the product into others markets without creating overproduction facilities.
That means that the importer has to openly present the production errection plan to the trade partner letting him calculate his options of either reducing production or building new partners delegating the existing production in a fair climate.
But yeah. Fucking it all up by war is an option. Stupid and blunt, but who is sober? Only the crazy, innit.

The utter German Bullshit

 So, he is full of shit. National economies do not share work, they compete with each other. It does not make any sense that mobile phones made specifically or U.S. customers are produced in China. It does make no sense that 80% of all Semiconducators are made in Taiwan. It only make sense to build that to take work away from humans like me pushing us into poverty.
It does make sense that Chinese produce mobile phones dedicated for China and U.S. Americans in the U.S. designs, versions and items dedicated for U.S. customers still finding mobile phones from other markets next to local items in the shops.
The 30ies were different. The Germans took power. They attacked U.S. Banks to steal their Gold putting them out of business until only one Bank remaind. They came in Europe to our Football Games and Markets in SA Uniforms to attack our citizens with machine guns and grenades and made lists of shops, factories and castles to murder the owners and give that property to their own right along with their names.
The 30ies were a Guerrilla Terror War of The Germans against all others, because we did not kill enough of them by WW1 Artillery fire so they continued to take our names, identities and all we build and had created in millennias in which they were at best baggers, but most of the time thieves or murderers and never anything else.
Today, they rule. Even Trump derives from Germans, fortunately he is not the worst of these humans and we share an enemy.
The CIA and their Affiliates. All GeStaPo, collaborators and follow up organisations.
Get ready..... This is the Storm we seized fire awaiting.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

Meanwhile in a European Dark Zone

where night satellite pictures show no light sources at all, the very opposite of Centre Ville Paris Rive Gauche, having stock piled Skinnies from Afgahnistan without AKs, but still eager to jihad fuck everyone that must have come purposfully to Germany to figure out Hitler's grand kids are pussies... they had to pull in 150 from even Bavaria to get the situation under control again being most shocked that Polizei prints mean shit nothing.
#provos #terroristgangs #undergroundwars

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
PS: Anyone in need of mercenaries, stupid, badly trained, listen to brutality, like all kinds of drugs a lot and guaranteed won't stay alive long if U.S. military comes along, but do kill and surpress others? Suhl. Thuringia. The German Woods. Being Really broke....

Any chance that "Patriots"

riots are organized, centrally, somehow? I mean, nationalist and organisation kinda naturally makes sense, doesn't it???

Did you ever realise

 that this always goes down in either empty remote areas next to Luxerious Resorts or where ever is super dense Policing like Western City Centers or Business Districts?
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
and what you gonna do when this order fails you rely on so much and protect so viciously?

Friday, 21 March 2025

When you

 accidentally taped the fuel gauge, as well???

You run a fine Enterprise in Istanbuhl

 and are sick of the Cocain Heads? A 1911 is not your take in this war of coltoure and race?
No problem. The Cocain also can fall back as soon as the artificially created confidence tumbles and falls the Head will turn into the Ass it is and crack by its own. For all of us Survival of the fittest matters. They need a society and so do we.
We can be the better pain in the ass...
Other areas to connect to are Paris Les Banlieu, Greater Manchester Region, East London, Napels, Palermo, Marseille, Lisboa, Bruxelles, Warsawa, Belgravia, Bratislava.
Happy fighting...
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell


If Erdogan

 also defeats them in Izmir, than Turkey will reorientate way further away from the Decadent that took and rules Europe. The acquisations are no minor onse and fit into Istanbuhls High Society facing the same attack as Paris. There is good chance that especially BND has its fingers in that game being the prime source for fake Turks among the GeStaPo colaborating Western Secret Service being the direct follow up organisation founded entirely by criminals that were supposed to be shot by a fireing squat upon arrest as promised to us in Stalingrad by all Allies.
The town and Turkey will become more important in this Storm. Istanbuhl is the most modern, pluralistic town in the greater region. Turkey is the most solid economy from Croatia to Afgahnistan and deserves thereby a leading role in the development of the area back to our all values and ideals and off Cold War nationalism.
This song was played by Radio Sarajevo. For centuries home of Moslems and proof that Europe is not White and never will be. It was broadcasted against German lies that stand until today. They can't get away...
I think the time is good to bomb them off the Bosporus.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 


It worked...

 pretty need for a white guy.
#provos #gfyCIA #fucksegregation #inpluribusunum

To be honest,

 I am tempted in U.S. colours....
In my wildest dreams
Soooo, th' njew keeeper is cotsh twoo??
...coming in....
Do you learn better on love or preassure.
Aaaah Nos Mexicanos need temperatura, Italo.
aaaahhh, mi casa.
militario no polcia. 
...the white three boys rising his finger....
I need love 
I love tripplings.

He brought out the Trash

 How I know? Socks and Birkenstock in public. There is only one way.


 that's what we do over here at the end of the first month. 
Your Oncles,
PS: Obviously, he nicked the truffels mushroom. Please. Check prices.
#fightclub #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Vivre l'Europ' VIVRE!!!

So, if a

 major Supplement company would have created supplements that can be used to talk about really different stuff, you still can kill people. I hope you are aware Big Boys. 40mg of pure coffeine sounds a lot, but I did not Google it...
...having made new friends that ain trusting you...
How much Coffeine did you take.
Haaaahaaa huuuuuu haaaaaaahahahahahaa huuuuuuuuuhh
A lot.
No. Too much.
Will he make it medic?


 Seriously? Like the Wulf ain scared of the Rats so lets try the Monkeys.

Dude, they eat just as much meat! But more coltivated they are they don't scratch their back smiling at the sun face up after the feast, but share a Banana Basket.

Let's go back in




The Lies in Religion

This is from an online version of the Bible:
New King James Version Matthew 5. (Apperantly Satan tempts Jesus)
Believers Are Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
This by the letter sais that salt needs to be seasoned. Correctly, it must say "how shall it be still of any use for seasoning?" which means that the salt seasons. The word prophet is kept in that translation and not translated into English and persecuted as the direct opposite to prosecuted is forgotten in the media of the Oxford Dictionary English words that may be used.
12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
The correct translation would be Preacher in this context. The original is written in Hebrew, actually Old Hebrew and not at all the New Hebrew spoken perfectly in the Knesset, and as Gallic is limited in its words creating double meanings depending on the context. Jesus was no Aramanian, but a Hebrew Jew.
Satan Tempts Jesus

4 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”
The word tempted is not just a bad translation for Jesus doubting his life under the Roman Imperial Slavery system in every aspect, based on divide and rule from geography down to family structures, it is a targeted attack as much as using the word Prophet for the disciples used for Muhammed the Koran is based on from those in favor to reestablish a Slavery System again, just one short in being Assholes on one level as the Germans and their Nazi attempt. That's from degrees holders using titles as weapons; Words written and spoken.
Basically, the Devil helped Jesus to understand that others see in him the Son of God, because of his pure heart message of love to another in a time of tyranny in which by brutal terror Roman Legionaries would play one against his next to devide their conquered slave people. All his miracles were by God through him like the Koran came through Muhammed in Moslem religious teaching. Jesus was of flesh and blood, a human, not God. The Devil helped Jesus to see the world as it is and he made a clear call. 
So who would be so scared of the Devil trying to wind up everyone against him by lies? 

#templerknights #thevaninme #neversurrender
We are coming for you
The Devil's Own
Lifestyle Sin
This is the Storm
The Kingdome of Hell

 PS:  ...  And the stage, Not Anastasia.

You know they say when you do the passing

you'll come to a river and have to pay the ferry man. Until here I thought I'd take his job until the next comes asking so he can do his passing, finally, and never was scared of passing nor minded being poor. Now, I stay poor and swim or make money so I can pay, but I decided to fight that Angel that doubted our trust in love and God so God pushed his humans through this Darkness to make sure he has walk like us.


 Generation La Haine
noblessè obligé 

#Aleppo Or We know the don't know

For the Germans life is simple. They are now The Good and guys like me is just mentally sick. There is no proof or the torture, mental abuse and theft. So it never happened. I never killed any Police Officers and just proof their diagnosis.
This is far away in a different world. Since the beginning of time the White Christian Europe and the Southern Type Moslem Middle East are at war. Not even in their hate against the Jews would they unite.
This is coming to Europe know. No Police men will know if anyone carries, a knife, gun or drives on at a regular stop. Their wives won't know if their Police husbands will come home having to pick up Paranoids and Foreigners or Criminals or just control traffic and when the telephone wrings to let them know sad news she'll never know what really happened and why.
This is so sad. So confusing. So much Chaos. The world was so easy in Cold War. Germany was better than all the rest of the World or The Nuclear Total War would kill everyone.
Welcome to our home, Germans.
This is the Kingdom of Hell until we are all equal again in a free world.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

Watching this,

 I wondered what Rockers do in their time off.
Oh wait. They are either in a Police Uniform or passed out drugged. Dam
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
PS: And they will proclaim ... at some point.

Can you imagine

 that the same Cult that took power through two World Wars coming from a long tradition of Thievemurderers, which is thieves that murder and were hunted by KnightThieve who take back what was stolen, have also taken all factories and during the Computer boom in the 70ies and 80ies also all Software....including bugged Airport Manager C64 Edition Mail Order 5$ ?

Please lean back and imagine what a small boy having decided to be even meaner than he murderer of his mum and pups would pull knowing they steel....a lot to everything and enjoy Le Terrisage.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

IRA & Associates

They will shoot and we will have to kill their brothers and sisters where ever we get them to have them hide again. For each Next Bloody Sunday a Massacre On Demand. We will hit hard and brutal as in the War on Drugs and War on Terror. We will never surrender to any Empire nor Nation. We will reestablish Republics! This is the Storm. This is our Darkness, our Shadows!
#terroristgangs #IRAmovement
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

Gang Coltoure
on the path of 
Patrick O'Hooligan 
The Bloody Path of God

TheGermans - Mind Set

 These bitch ass fucking Nazi coward cunts are always getting personal, looser fuck ups they are. She called Germany a Hippi State. You wished, bitch....

Another drop point

 in the Decline. Every growth and decline is exponential, but we tend to call it Mutation only if the progress continues into the vertical part of the time line.
This is the Storm we have been waiting for.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
Knife crimes reached a new all time high, too.
A crime wave must be close.
Then, they shoot each other...and 'll feast, BKA. You and your Brothers!
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars

Look Confeds,

 if that is no Defence Foul anymore, because was not only palying the ball, but with his other arm the attacking player you end up with that....
#TIE Here we fight and no where else
The Kingdome of Hell

Proof of my Collective Darwinist Evolutionairy Theory

 and we all know without seeing how the face to these feet look like, don't we as much as there is no fucking way - Period.

Do you realise that he

 just shot a Mormon Familly???

Bboys as in Breakdancing?

 Imagine One against riot Police. Their last words: "He has no gun!"

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Did you ever had neighbours

 that keep telling they were full of love having that one hater in the house....who happens to be the Nigger Native Landlord and obviously all are innocent and have done nothing ever being so nice, gentle, well educated with perfect KZ Amtssprache German in Wort und Schrift?
Come to Germany for the challanges. No Guns Allowed except...
BKA, what you think were the Amok could start if you don't come clean on that Tom Bullshit and Copy Rights thingy?
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 

PS: I just wondered if these 90cm trained tyranns are stuffed with for normal humans deadly levels of Ritalin, which would be normal for Pimpfe, but Mummy is certainly the bitch ass fake bitch Bannertraeger 1 (Einzzz) with some tranquilizers to stay nice and easy calm.
If you'd score less you'd have your own house, but also tenants, just like you.

When you thinh they are doing better

 and than figure she is around a the end for a second....
Steroid addicts are the weirdest form of Gay. Really weired.


 Wie spricht man dass aus: çessez le feu und den Stuhl chaisselle?
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
Les structure des Gangs somme capable de define une nuveau resistance. Sauf les force de executive le nation va non plus avaoir capability de supression contre les ideal de vie de france et tous homme.
On base de un Clique des amis tous citoyen pas d'age, pas d'education peux activement resist de forces des ordre national pour retablier un republique veritable francaise sauf allemand implication.
Resister a votre capability a tous bienne opportunite a tous cotre facon.
Etre sure, fair leur vie dure. VIVE LA RESISTANCE!!!



 that's how real Rebells look like. I am way worse. I am actually angry and a real Knight. You are still like your grand parents. Coward Nazi Cunts up for exploiting the weaker and better dead then in power....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
le nuveau contrá Verseaille

The YouTube Algorythm

 is programmed to suggest more videos based on previous videos watched....
I created the ultimate digital Hippi Dream 
I am now updated on all shit shows of this world whiel haveing really great music with most attractive woman.
The Germans call that paranoid Scizphrenia, because it gets to know things before them and is a mix of a lot of topics.
So, still BKA. You won't make it out of here alive. You shouldn't have, but have had.
The Kingdome of Hell
#provos #terroristgangs #ironcladthegoblin

I just woke up in Germany

 A bit later than them, but still real early for my natural sleep pattern to think: "When you think of, but just can't shoot them." and realise it's Schwerin.
Exactly. Somewhere close to Poland and the Baltic Sea and empty.... 
PS: The trick is to just accept and acknowledge facing statements like by not voting the sovereign keeps his sovereignty over uses that status. Just chill.... WE THE PEOPLE once in America, before the Pharma Industry.

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Bio Weapons?

 Seriously? Monster Mice and Killer Apes???

TheGermans - Mind Set

 Crime goes down in the U.S.A., but murder and violant offences went up. Black and Latinos are outnumbering by far White people.
These two can't do the math. 
Can we increase the amount of Law classes at Public High Schools in our areas? The only thing more molesting than one of us walking off based on Self-Defence and Constitutional Rights argumentation is if the guy is 6 years younger, hardly of legal drinking age and made his law Diploma in the equivalent of "The Projects" right after Automotive Class, because U.S. Law is not hard, if you are a true American born Free.
#provos #gangcoltoure

Monday, 17 March 2025

The Pentagon and the Core of the Problem

 He said Iran exports Terror all around the World to then list Huthi, Hamas and Hisballah.
Jokes aside can Terror in the Middle East be easily ended by giving Palestinians full Citizens Rights over night.
So they'll keep up the killing for the time being in the region. 
From a Pentagon's perspective is Iran a regional contrahent and of no larger significance than the Middle East, if focusing only on the military perspective. This being said, is the conflict inherited from Cold War increasingly more violent reaching African levels of brutality just fought with different strategies and weapons.
Strikes against Huthi will have no impact on the ongoing war, realistically. The war as allies of the Terrorist Civil Rights Movement in Israel controlled areas won't stop by military means; To deep is the mutual hate rooted, in opposite to the U.S. American only Militant Civil Rights movement of Black U.S. Americans and their supporters throughout the U.S. society, as if Air Strikes would end their military support using low tech missiles to terrorise the Isreali civil population.
There is no way that the Moslems and especially Arabs will accept any peace as long as Palestinian demands of a self-determent way of life in respect are not met enabling a major economic improvement of a region once the richest of the planet by trade inbetween Europe and Asia that is still core self-identety of the people in that region. They will not accept poverty no matter the argument.
Iraq is as much an example of successfull military founded nation building as Afghanistan is an example of nation building failure and the U.S.A cannot afford another large long term military intervention especially against Iran and its Afghanistan like topography awaiting this attack. hopefully never to be ordered.
This being said, is military presence in the region and all major parts important to gather intelligence on those actively aggravating the conflict to escalate from single murderers like against Ytzak Rabin to Terrorist organisation rapists, torturers, kidnappers and arms smugglers to bring them to justice before causing harm and mass violance.
Ending the wars and violance of the region means to fight the hate in the region.
You will have to help the Arabs to have a better life again and out of the worst period in their entire history, which you might not realise it is.
#provos #IRAmovement #MIB

Remember the Surpra

 That's too big, too heavy and takes too much fuel.

If that had a topcase with foldable wings and a rotor, it would be perfect.

That ain coming with a free meal, BKA. Better Call "Tom" you Pink Pempers' Rockers.
#provos #terroristgangs

What a Crown and Gun have in comon...

 different carpet, but....
You know who I am?
I like to ask you a few questions
You want to answer by only nodding or shakeing your head?
Did you have a good day?

The Lions of Jerusalem - The Jewish Kings

I am not sure if that is preserved or if the link breaks. A few minutes before the end of the stream Katherine of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth takes a seat next to a 7 years old boy who does not manage to address her directly being asked about his wellbeing in school.
Obviously, he has reason to be scared and telling the opposite is a blunt lie disrespecting the view onto this world of a minor who exactly understands who that woman is.
In Diaspora a King has not such issues and everyone is way more relaxed. This being said, does a Royal with a Kingdom never face the way too relaxed ever....
No one can have it all. Neither King nor Imperator or Pope.

TheGermans - Mind Set

 Perfect Cover.

Duitse was the Clan founding the Netherlands and the latest name "Deutsche" was adopted from that enemey to their west. 
German is an adoption of Dutch and not Dutch a German dialect or language.
Calvinists are a religious splinter group as annoying as Lutherainians to all Believers no matter Confession.
They remember. They know. They just don't mention the War. 
PS:The War means the Ocean of Lies aka The Holocaust System aka The German lifestyle aka Assholeism

TheGermans - Situation Update

 I am still broke and they call another politician I quote: "a Liar". That is continuity. Positive thinking applied.
I like winter is passing
I don't like my financial situation.
I am really looking forward to the violant confrontations predictably upcoming.
 #TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell

Do you recall who finished second to Owens in Hitler's fuck face?

Mack Robinson
Mack Robinson finishes four-tenths of a second behind Jesse Owens, winning the silver medal, in the 200m final at the 1936 Olympics. ABC News. Other Black athletes found success, as well.30 Jul 2024


Google does not know how Germans did in that race. But Hitler leaving defeated many remember.

You never won Germans. You only ever caused pain loosing... but proclaiming Victory thereafter #ticktack


TheGermans - Mind Set

 You move to the Middle East, into the richest and most prosperous part which is super save, low in crime and the most international town of this world in this period of time
....and a key sell argument for your appartement of the German real estate agent for German clients is a German products Supermarket on ground floor.
Do you understand why it was so easy for BKA and Hell's Angels to rip me off on a KZ level, please? 

What do you think do they want to do in Dubai for real????

The Toddler in me ...

 wonders if you ever faced one of your parents when denied attending that house party of a buddy being insisting of making it....
I know, but I don't know anymore when I decided to never grow up, because of the trouble caused by that decision.
Choose your Messiah
Choose your Wars

Or in different words...

what really happened is that as in Gdanzk during the Dark Mid Ages, when a group of people known today as the Teutonic Order conquered the town by a massacre to rule over the surrounding areas until a coalition of a Polnish and Lithuanian Kings defeated these people to liberate Gdanzk, over two World Wars and several decades of Street Wars ansisters of that very same people murdered by what is know as the Holocaust the most capable and wealthiest humans of all industrialised areas turning them in to Nations, taking their identeties to create a covered empire running on slavery and lies, living in the illusion of ruling the world instead of making everyones lifes just more difficult by a billion small and large obstacles.
I am of The Rebellion warning you that this is today the same period as in the Dark Mid Ages when the Plague struck. We will face in the next decades millions of dead in not only wars like Ukraine, but by deseases, weather catastrophies, industrial facility and product faults and accidents, crime waves, violant mass demonstrations and civil unrest, suicides and even hunger due to the economic part of the system collapsing.
You did not believe a world wide virus epedemic, Germany dropping to lowest growth economy rank in the Euro Zone, Foreigners Knife Crime waves, Drug waves in Europe, Russia holding Krimea or Hamas being undefeated when IDF came to end them....
You keep missing chances of doing something Good selflessly out of inconvenience
while others use every single opportunity to be mean no matter what and against whom. Only your eyes see the world as is.

You are just as guilty as the Lords of the Ociean of Lies.
You don't believe Germans continued their KZs 
with just different means, don't you? 
