Tuesday 15 October 2024

Germans watch most porn...

is honestly not the bad part in that information. She ain telling what the Germans produce and watch.
I won't showcase, just use the search function on Pornhub. 
PS: And the incognito function does not turn off geolocalisation, these mean bustards.

Where are they heading?

Interestingly the current Government now attempts to enforce buying Electric Cars. 
Today the algorithm also suggested me the BMW CEO stating that the combustion engine ban cannot withstand the pressure of market resistance. 
Most likely the next Government will soon celebrate the end of that plan calling it a major step into the right direction.
It is hard to put that down without bad and ugly wording so,
You ugly fucking cunts of Germans have a learning pace and error handling threshold of ridiculous snale speed.
How did you manage to step further down from our primate Mammal instincts to Insects.
But, do you see the opportunity here?  Imagine you do what you want and get away with it. But in fucking Germany!!! 
So, what potentially criminal act or embarrassing if failing action is on your secret bucket list? 
Pen, paper, what can go wrong list, avoidance and walk out deviation plan, check list, preparation, training and when confidence reached, execution. 
#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Africa made it to Germany

or where else would someone repair a trash Dryer in the kitchen, stereotypically? 

Collective Mammal Darwinist Theory

So, there are some humans that can store incredible amounts of fat in the body's fat reservoirs, which would be the scientific wording when watching a Logos, Nigeria 4k walk and a real fat Africa black chick with one kind of a bud joggs through the panorama. So to continue the thought, which Mammal can store and loose fat reservoirs real quick that also realy stick out?
Bingo. You found the arguably only worse animal than a Monkey in the African context and a human. 
A Camel. 
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Look BKA,

the Cold War is over for you. You are the only once that for 80 years were trained to have no matter what bullshit comes out of the mouth of any Police Officer everyone will act accordingly. Even on the most stupid takes. 
Those times are gone for ever, especially the corrupt of you, because this is the shit peak others dealt with while you scored my music and kept a Virtual KZ around me established. 
You fucking Supremacist Idiots. 
#provos #3batch 

TheGermans - Misconceptions

Honestly, it is not as bad as it will get. Most of "the violence" is spitting and pushing. The German Polizei is not in regular gun fights. They still have time for a SWAT to show up when someone goes nuts with a kitchen knife instead having to decide at which Bank they face less fire power. 
They also still can actually talk in car stops with the offender and don't face car chases and rounds fired at them as a regular procedure.
You even can have hobbies as Car Collector Influencers or Bullshit Talkers.
And all of that by your lousy training and historicaly bad reputation in a really really dangerous world all around that Northern Center of the Globe. 
L.A. Gangster or Tokyo Yakuzza. Same distance and as far in Mind Set.
#gangwars #gfyBKA #vopyrightsyeah 

The Henn or The Egg - Bullshitbingo 2.0

Considering the size I understand that not all Christians and Moslems will fit into Israel despite Jerusalem. Based on that pronunciation we might one day pull a number of a roll and apply for a Visa. 
Than I am sure Arabic is second official language in Israel and even the fucking post office staff speaks it fluently. 
And aggression. Can I tell that the Kindergarden staff that banned me little Dickhead off the grounds because an older someone proclaimed the Kitcar from behind me before I jumped him? 40 yeas ago. 
Caus, in opposite to a lot of really hot IDF girls I won't even consider referring to my Dick size and overload...to crack a joke in your face.

Also available in white and blue, but with Arabic numbers. Romans won't fit and other we haven't. 

A false Treaty in preparation?

Splitting Ukraine and Kiew goes NATO? 
That only means some guys want to buy time digging in deep with a copy of Russian trenches reading also headlines about Germans expecting Russia to be ready by 2030 to attack...
Wait, I am the Psyco in their nation.. 
What you think Russia is gonna do until you are ready for a preemptive strike defending Democracy in Europe against and Autocratic ruler about to attack you based on rock solid CIA spy network Intel?
They will invest into incredibley insane amounts of ridiculously cheap missiles making Hisbollah really jealous and Iran showing little Brother balls the very moment you go stupid. 
#igotstuck #MIB 

PS: We might face a PET shortage soon. 

Monday 14 October 2024

I love Wulfs

I just decided

So, what would get a luxurious

watch into a Museum of Modern Art. 
That depends on if it's an exhibition or supposed to turn a stock item.
An exhibition is a temporary topic related show case and therefore specific. It could be in a greater context of Jewish Migrants and their influence onto modern art which would put a Tiffany Watch more important than a Rolex in New York, but the other way round in Geneva. 
To turn long term Museum stock item the watch needs to be significant and explanatory for the whole industry and therefore a potential Rolex or AP is as important as the first Swatch, because of fashion marketing significance, or Casio Calculator and iWatch by technological advance just as e.g. the first mechanic precision stop watch pocket watch in measuring milliseconds.
The first Luxurious Watch sold for over a Million US Dollars belongs more in a Museum of Economics, arguably, IMHO. 

My German is not that good, but

this guy actually speaks English.
So I understood the Watch Trader perspective. 
The key phrase is that watches are collectable and he never said an investment. Then he continues to point out why he as a trader invested into an 80ies watch straight off a Miami Vice arrest busting a few kilos Kokain right along that portable Fort Knox.
Obviously traders invest to sell to a collector as a business model, and that definition makes sense. 
There are two problematic points here which are part of the greater problem of what I call The Dark Modernity this blogg is beside German bashing and a stand off with Secret Services also about. 
These items are industrial products and their price tag. 
To explain why that is an issue you have to understand what luxurious was before the machine age and possibly want to do an online tour through Rome and it's Michelangelo statues or Athens ruins beside the Touch Mahal (or how does that spell), plus check out the Museum of Modern Art in New York on Industrial Design. 
As much as Michelangelo never ruined anyone even so being payed very well the Castle of Versaillle is where Nobleman or Clerics sponsoring great Masters of a craft went wrong. In the end of the day those that build and also financed Versaillle were litterly behaded by those other rich that sponsored Hospitals and Poormen Kitchens known as the Citizens.
The Clerus and Aristocracy basically just lost it and started cutting down Citizens rights trying to avoid bankruptcy.
Modern Industrial Design is in its peak and coltoural importance not short of Michelangelo and therefore finds a place in a Louvre like place by all means justified. 
But a Braun Electric Shavingmachine or Water Cooker is in no way the price of any luxurious Watch. 
Braun is a great example of a company that created a high amount of Industrial Design Art items having been influenced by the Bauhaus School of Architecture and Design that layed almost single handedly the base for contemporary Industrial Design by attracting in the time of Airplane travel and telephone communication an international set of Masters that would never have met in the times of Michelangelo. 
Obviously, only a view items relative to all industrial produced items are worth to be saved and displayed in a museum, but not even Ferrari or Coco Channel reached prices that exorbitant over the actual material and production value. 
The only other time rich men overspend that hard was shortly before the French Revolution. 
Today 80% of humans live on 10 Dollars a day and a plastic watch is sold for 100.000 those days. 
Get it?
You don't:
How do you make the other 80% have enough to get your shops bussier. Murdering the 20 or 80 ain no option, but some try hard. 

You shall have no Slave, Mammon. 
We have 10, 1 can't be that hard for you people. 
#jedi #TzuPack 


Around 09:00 Listen. 

World, The Germans are all like that. All I learned is hate and not to trust them. There is no other kind that is so off action and perception than the Germans.. 

#TIE Here we fight! 
The Kingdom of Hell 

What you think would

make a Slave most confident in his attempts? 
Being the very first ever so scary that none of the Masters ever dared answering him that one question: I know what you are, but what you think you are? 
It would be Superior and kill him. 
#provos Vs #BKA 

I am done here

What exactly was he starring at in the Mirror of his Ferrari? 
How would you miss... 

That ain an "issue" 200k offordable by.. 
I don't know Bro??!
#whywefight #provos 

PS: At this point he realised, it was two mirrors factory build. 

Boston Dynamics Anti-Drone System

Lockheed-Martin will produce it.
#cyberpunkcoltoure #gfyCIA 

So what you think?

How many of the Journalists here score that gear themselves, how many cops are dirty and who of them will survive the Kingdom of Hell? 
All & None. 
Provos Promise. Europe will be free again from Plato and Hegel, Nazis, Germans and Tectonic Order. 
#TIE Here we fight 
#provos #terroristgangs #IRAmovement 

He asked why Germany would

spend tax money abroad for a Subway in India. 
Remember Narcos and that Plata ou Plomo something from your dealer for tor way of life? 
You said cash in suits, because he lost in uniforms....

You will also loos Cold War in Flip Flops. 

Ey German SEK

That boy there your Anti-Riot boys play capture the flag with, that's who are 22s are made for where those I socialised with came from to defeat your Granddaddies... 
#provos #igotstuck 

Can I live with bears

They appear to not have a Doctor
#igotstuck #TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell 

A Glorious Moment more

and we all understand no matter retirement off the spot light he'll gloriously continue to count macrobiotics and you might bump into him at Demeter Frankfurter. 

In the meanwhile where it all started having turned save by now, finally. 

You wanna Bully Your Local Hater

being stuck in a war zone and don't care if they speak bad Arabic or weired Hebrew while you are yourself actually are understanding atleast one of the two books that base the language and are looking forward that they are coming for you?

It is called A Good Time Against The Odds and is a proven solid strategy to get in trouble with the biggest assholes around.

The War Zone Pirate Radio Station. 
Lilly Marleen didn't cut it, but that did!! 

Who would do that? 

#cyberpunkcoltoure #TIE Here we fight! 
The Kingdom of Hell 

Henn and Egg Game, Bibbi?

Bullshitbingo 2.0
Beirut CTHB online news service 
Today another Israeli Terror Cell Headquarter of their illegal IDF was attacked and dozents of active Anti-Moslem and Anti-Arabic killed by our heroic Drone Operation Forces. 
This is an important hit against the attackers and murderes of our innocent Lebanese people of all religion. 
...do I have to continue???  Ai Haaaaaaaff, aighd?  Vohhh thah nahhhm ohhf gohhhd!... 
#TIE Here we fight! 

You know how dogs bag for

having a share of what we humans eat? 
Well, the Bible already mentiones that some dogs received food of the table in connection to how that wealthy man treated a homeless guy at least indirectly, if you'd know dogs.
Animals like dogs get triggered on what their body needs by how it smells and by nothing else. 
So, a Cheeseburger here and there is good for Doggy. 
#thevaninme #TIE 
      Lukas 16

16 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.

And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.

Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.

I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.

So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord?

And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty.

Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.

And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?

13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.

15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom

What you think?

at which Administrative Pay Grade do they mange to believe anyone on social welfare dependency gives an honest answer to the guy in charge of the cash dropps?
#igotstuck #TIE 

Getting Combat Experience NK

North Korea is sending troops to the Ukraine battlefields
Most likely Kim Yong Un wants to have them lick blood. An expression used for mistreated dogs originally. 
I am sure the North Korean Military is no mistreated dog, like the Roman Legions were, but considering the longstanding existance of something that God dam looks like a Tyranny is having a deeply routed support within the people thereby recruiting also highly motivated humans next to the usual obeying opportunists.
I recall numbers of about one Million Soldiers from newspapers. 
China, being hardly an as strict and tight system, has all around the Shaolin Monestry several hundreds of Martial Arts Schools with about 10.000 students, if I remember reports correctly. They form the core of Chinese Special Forces and high ranking military and policing Officers. Students starting as early as six, but most after puberty, training in day schools martial arts next to regular schooling in China is basically creating Red Knights.
There is no way North Korea dropped that ancient education form as the Nazi reformed West did after Katyn looting the European Aristocracy by even taking their identities.
If they proof successful in Ukraine their numbers might jeopardise this little annoying bloggs intend to suggest a large scale Underground war instead of an invasion and stretches WW3 known as the Cold War out way further than good for anyone. 
We have to overcome The Total War Nuclear. 
One more bomb and some need extreme violence publically unignorable... to end the rule of stupidity tyrannising us since Kaiser Willhelm. 
You ugly Cunts Germans! 
All on you. No one is so stubborn in its arrogant stupidity as yours from your "Teutonic Knight Schools".
Everybody sain needs to go harder against mighty and decision makers making sure that they under that after another bomb someone will be dropping their names and get them published so we can wipe them and their loved once out like Drug Kartells shut down competition. 
Enough is Enough. 
#TIE Here we fight!

The Kingdom of Hell 

Sunday 13 October 2024

TheGermans - The Henn or Egg strategy

most played on the Middle-East conflict starting not earlier than 48 and never with The Germans.
You all talked to long without action and now the Egg turns Omelet or the Henn Chicken Salad or an Fried Eggs with Chicken Stripes, because a good war is better than a bad peace. 
#WW4 #TIE Here we fight! 
The Kingdom of Hell 

Ey Jews, that's the German

The Question before 53:47 is a typical German one.
The man said that the Rabbi criticised the Christian way of dealing with the Bible, but today many say the Koran should not be read letterly.
Well, the Rabbi said that Holy scriptures are different from Shakespeare and other important coltoural texts and have to be treated as such. No one said to read the Koran word by word thereby. 
So, what did the Rabbi say... and he'll refuse to answer until beaten. 
Germans, you can't leave and will have to fight. 

The German Troublemakers

speaking as badly German as Arabic say that the biggest success of the Shaitan was to make everyone believe there was no Shaitan. 
The Nazis managed to turn Scientific Research ad absurdum. 
The Bible, written metaphorically in several different languages being translates cannot be Holy because it is not an accurate historic documentation.
The Language of Beowulf mixing with Old Hebrew did not create Dutch, Dansk, Swiss and Bavarian that was German first written by Martin Luther... 
Jews are Humans, because they act humain. 
Get it, Nazi?  

Ey, Army Contractors...

I do prefer an ex Army Contractor PMC a very lot over so nice Polizei protection for a Rabbi, please. 
#undergroundwars #WW4 
The Kingdom of Hell 

It appears to me that Judaism

is struck by fearing once again of having no save place in the Diaspora, because of rising Anti-Semitism everywhere. 
Well, the world was always a dangerous place for everyone. Rising Anti-Semitism is also dangerous for the Anti-Semite, which everyone that ever not got beaten up by keeping his mouth shut should naturally understand. 
In these days news come in fibre optic and radio wave speed from all around the world. We can travel everywhere especially if enjoying an adventure.
I know for well that haters don't move their brains quicker than a pure mind.
If you can't move away or fight them, you have to outsmart them.
And will! 
So maybe, the Modern Dark Diaspora is to stop thinking for them and think for your own?!

1700 years Judaism in

Central Europe. 
That is based on books the Nazis did not manage to burn and were not hidden. 

So, what you think. Who manages to build a main town about 5000 years ago only a few miles off the coast of a calm sea that has hundreds to thousands of other settlements, villages and towns at its coastline and rivers and close by mountains, would sit duck in his own town and never ever build a boat or ship to go looking around what the others doing? 
The Vikings, you miserable piece of Nazi shit???

What's up!

A Kaiser's Israelits 2.0?

This is dangerous, but also very Jewish. By having books for about 5000 years and pretty much singlehandedly having taught all of us to write clearly they keep insisting on the force of the word, which we never mind. 
Jewdaism has no Vatican and they only agree that next to the Thora by having the Talmud another book to explain a book is superficiant, yet not having another opinion. 
Over the millienias they had Mercy where we used the Morgenstern. 
Some things stay the same until His Kingdom Come, because we all want him save erecting it upon us. 
Until than noone may rule upon us! 
Free Men 
#TIE Here we fight!

Fighting an enemy that

uses his word as a weapon and turned a master of placing and aggrevating hate into his enemy, it needs more than an Inner Djihad to defend the own hate, it needs to accept that hate to control the whole own force within and that is also the dark forces such as hate. Hate for Hate, Love for Love. 
What goes around comes around and you taught me well, GeStaPo, but I won't get lost in hate, I am certain to be able to control that force when we finally clash.... in both our darkest our. 

The Kingdom of Hell 
#provos #deadhead #centurion 


The last days of The 4te Armee Totenkopf SS by Me 

Bekannt in deren Reihen als der
Letzte der Ureinwohner 

Why the Koran is important in Judaism

David won against Golliath in a time an enemy stuck to his word, because he was of purest heart and felt no hate fighting for their way of life given by God.
In the Koran this is called Djihad. 
And only those that defeated the hate within them may go on like David did in a world in which the enemy uses his word as a weapon. 

So, RUN!! 

I am no Jew,

I bring a Tec-9 chambered in NATO.
#rosecrusaders Vs #teutonics 

Until the last of you.

While I was thinking

of the Grip.... 

TheGermans - Misconceptions

They fear their car industry crashing. But how can that be having build cars by German standards and nobody buys them anymore. World Wide. 
#igotstuck #cyberpunkcoltoure 

TheGermans - Misconceptions

and their Bullshit conclusions.
Why do humans catch feelings after One Night Stands? 
Well, would you fall in love and marry an ugly cunt of a stupid unwashed basterd?
So, is that what you let fuck you.... 

Saturday 12 October 2024

You might call it a Freak Show

and that's where it once started as part of travelling Circus Venues, but they are humans and some no SS Lifestyle Übermensch elitarian at all, but incredibly humain. 

Ever wondered why Irish are so

hardcore cathlic in their own specific way? 
Collective Darwinist Evolution Theory might have the answer. 

Een van de Buuren

is activ in mijn house. Hej het secere mannen in Adam. Waan de stoorm bloody waard gaar ick striken in Adam.
#wehr #hetisbrucelee

Some found the hint


Do you need a written personal invitation post card?


TussyInc SWAT

Darling, what did he do?

PS: For all Players out there that would drive a stolen convertible through Europe, he will choose the so much wrong punishment.
PS: Just get a haircut to get a touchpoint. Trust me.

Things Bodybuilders never

gonna say.
What make you win giving you the cutting edge Mr. O?
Samantha, it was the stripes of my ass.

So, massages are made to

relax muscles and so you get treated like good Pizza doe.
You gad noooh idea. It's a fucking Michelangelo hands sience.

So why do they work for

a Secret Police altering reality in their reports?
Well, I also wondered why some only really enjoy playing Computer Games in invincible mode and never really try a realistic mode.
It must be comparable to Bodybuilders selfimpression on their muscles.
But, as much Bodybuilders have no real strength and only an unhealthy load of water loaded, the real world of Gang and Underground Wars is hardcore dangerous.
#ticktack #3batch #terroristgangs

So, fashism steals and proclaims

Now, look at Rome. The Colusseum. If that building is only since Mossoulini erected by that Slave nation...
Football and Rugby in style right inbetween MidAge Gothic and Renessaince Roccoco over a lousy execution place.
What you think?

It couldnot hold water, that's for sure, innit??

American Rockers joining

The Kingdom of Hell? 
OK, correct me if I am wrong. American 1% are no subsidery of the CIA and have some distance to Ayrian Brotherhood or KKK, but score a lot from the same Mexican Kartells while being challenged by segregation Gangs.
They are less like SoA socially and more on the wild side, like one level below the SoA show about Club live going out of hand by scoring with International Terrorism by selling to the Real IRA terrorist organisation.
That means American Rockers are like the visual impression of the Show with actually fast Harleys, Pistols and Rifles and lot of social interaction on the rough side just short of the bodycount in even the worst wars.
They'll come for Loot and that would be Armed Robbery, if they'll come. 
That means using the vast street, workshop, garage and parking lot network along with an incredible long coast line to get the load out, thereby not establishing local contacts still connected most likely to Cold War Secret Service surveillance devesions without even knowing operating as alians. Planning from the outside, going in adjusting the plan and leaving again making no friends.
Than, the Loot turning Load will be defined by its value per kilo from high-end electronic products to jewellery and fashion. 
Instead of transporting Miami Vice style powder north, they would get on the same offshore raceboats, small aircrafts and go fasts Load out of Europe to customers by save connections established on home soil that are known to be trusted, most likely Kartell connected.
That way the pay could be done way off the drop point in also other currencies than cash on any other possible place in space and time.
#gangwars #undergroundwars 

Revolutions come from below

so if Emirates would cancel all flights, it would be a reform? 
Well, cheap flights finding no demand anymore was not the point. The Boss of Ryanair said that The German Administration was to difficult to deal with proofing my point of a system failure and not only a systematic failure.
Ryanair founded basically the low cost aircarrier industry by using modern machines, Pilots appearantly at some point payed better than at Lufthansa, but avoiding the main Airport fees and logistics and comfort installations of Lufthansa. 
You carry your luggage yourself and bring your Sandwiches, but it's an Airplane close to a bus station. Landing in Ireland, not having found that Dublin Airport, explains itself after landing by figuring out by the map with the "i" on top locating that Village with an Airstrip on the other side of the Island in an area Sunday won't buy you nothing by really cathlic opening times of everything.
In a declining economy poor, but adventures citizens should find their chance, but not in Germany who historically gased those humans as not needed in their Industries. 
So, we stay and fight?? 

Do not mistake my kindness

for weakness, because when you are unkind to me weak is not as what you will remember me, is my most favorite quote and it's from Al Capone. 
In a different context, the Head of the Kosha Nostra fighting the KKK and Presbyterians in Government, he meant that doing good selflessly, as an extreme form of kindness, is needed to change the world for the better. 
Selfess means to not expect any return for a good action, because than it would be egoistic and soon good will not be the focus anymore, but the return. 
His quote was a warning to all those thinking to exploit someone doing good. 
Point is, doing bad to the bad is good... 

Mr Trump, there is a problem

with Project Aurora and you might wanna get a Lawyer from a public School background.
Death Row is State affairs that can not be infringed by Federal Law, except the States agree. 
That means that the Government of the USA cannot dictate any laws upon States. That's why it's a Union and I am not gonna explain why a law cannot be explicit for a certain social group at all.
Malcom X, Dr Martin Luther King did that and my guys fought the Civil War for that, since the Civil War. 
The Act you refer to has a problem by the missing declaration of war, but can be legal base for a new Act. 
You well may within the Constitution push for an Act that lists a certain type of criminal offences leading to No Bail and extradition, if found guilty, creating legal base for priority trials. 

Friday 11 October 2024

The Downfall of US Lawyers

Genious against the ATF? 
Paper and Pen and Eggs and Ham are universal ingredients, but a Lower Receiver or Barrel are dedicated ingredients or components.
Infringement is really clear so. 
Idiots, Ignorant or Confederat Cunts trying to get killed? 
What exactly... 
#provos #gangwars 

Another Ghetto Kids Joke?

Hey yo Joe. Remember the guy you flashed iron at?
The White Boy asking, if we could help him out and it wasn't directions? 
Yeah. Looks like he screwed a deal and he's on air now! 
#OGGIs #51sts 

What you think,

does this guy all for a sudden got cold feed and wants to give the Voters purposfully a hard time? 
Proud Boys was one thing, but scoring on Genetic Race Theory is bluntly stupid. The American Race theory is not connected to genetic research until one finds the Spanish language gene, but by God are there some Prison Gangs now asking for their citizens rights... 
That's gonna cause stabbings in Federal Prisons! 

Primal Instinct or Where Knight Names

come from
The Officers are scared. Even the Sniper has fear, but they have learned procedures to deal with that instinct. The Driver gives away decision making and starts following orders of a trusty focusing on him and his task eliminating the cause of fear. The Sniper uses breathing technics. 
Some humans under threat of life turn sharper. Everything slowes down. All others move slower. Time stretches out. 
Exactly as Michel Jordan and many other Athletes describe it when scoring under pressure that last important point. 
Grandpa said that this cannot be trained onto, but it can be developed upon. 
There is a good chance that this is a primal instict deriving from an ancient Mammal brain structure. 
All hunting Mammals have high social abilities needed to not kill each other yet no mercy with their prey to eat and no fer against who would kill them to stay alive, at all. That's more than hunger, that's an instinct of its own Rats and Pigs don't have programmed.
Lower pulse, sharper senses and way more energy makes a special Soldier... and a Knight. Most others call it fearless. 
#itoldyou #ironcladthegoblin 
#WW4 #WW3stayscold 

So, I wonder how confidence

like his hits Americans of that kind. I have basically no clue of Bodybuilding as such and only know which parts to copy, such as the exercise execution, and the dark side of it, as a true ancient KnightThieve's duty and obligation it is.
In General, American society prefers humbleness and Show Off Trump is just the big middle finger against a failing system of which nobody understands why it does. 
..Except you are in a parallel Universe in a Night Diner smoking heavy Weed and having a slow Rum, which would be Paranoid Schizophrenic off meds and a fraction of payout from his heritage in the real world. 
Chris Bum_something is about the fourth name of that trade I will remember and in his chosen wording the prime example of American Understatement. They'd give him Second, if he was "I Score That Niggers", wait, "Motherfuckers", selftanner, and ban him for lifetime for the N word. 
Urs is the typical German aggressive Primus and I wonder if the spokesman considered his statement of will to be Second or First arrogant or just surprisingly ambitious, because I can't put his form onto a position and neither understand how that interview is valued.
Also, Bodybuilding in the USA is more like WWF and not like the NFL in opposite to Germany. 
If Chris Bumsted, and I didn't Google, meets Brady he'll ask for an Autograph and talks about it next time in his Vlog granted. A national Football player of Germany might react that way meeting Urs, considering that both trades hardly have touching points and Bodybuilders are the actual secret stars, beside an incredible black market of illegal steroids in German amateur sport.
You just can't separate the two and Arnold Schwarzenegger did a lot using his political weight to help understand and clarify what that gear does and what not. 
Urs as Nr 1 would trigger a hype in Germany and stupid idiots they are turn a lot of locker rooms into graveyards immediately, sadly. 
That Top 1 Vs Top 3 is a clash of coltoure and cults. 
The only humans that ever showed me true respect were those serving for also these American freedom, no matter being self-inflicted unfit for service.

Undank ist der welten lohn

is a very old saying that is misunderstood. It actually needs to be translated with The Commons won't thank you, but only if Commons and Citizen is two things. 
The Germans translate it usually into modern German that the World doesn't give back, but that's the same declaring the better to the enemy of a good one or justify all action by the purpose. 
So, never expect anything in return from anyone and treat only those that do noble as noblemen deserve. 

This being said, sometimes the bad never can give back neither the shit you drowned them in neither.
So, never mind the bolloks, men.

Finally within TheGerman Street Rap

the longterm effect of Psychopharmacological Medication takes its impact. 
So, Atypical Neurolpetica, Street Name Benzos, were initially developed for use in an active ongoing psychotic episode, but later also legalised for long term use.
That happened in two steps. First the use was limited to a year and if having a second psychotic event to not more than five years. 
All related studies did not have any addiction check up.
As a matter of fact, no study has an addiction check. Not even Opiote studies as a legally binding requirement.
Addiction is defined as a dependency onto a substance incoherent to doses increase and focus of thought around using the substance. 
By this definition Air and Breathing is out, Heroin and Alcohol and Cigarettes are a check.
The problem is that parts of the Pharmaceutical Industry are actively reasarching addictive substances, but not for profit by addiction, instead for supporting the Nazi lifestyle.
The Holocaust Industry still looks for a shortcut to outperform us. Us, all those that train body and mind. Like Owens or Malcom X.
Every Bodybuilder believes he is stronger than a comperable military trained man and Natural Bodybuilders still use substances. 
Ben Johnson was a marketing gag to promote Steroid use breaking the sprint world record. 
In order to achieve the speed of whom ever is below that Deep Fake video ran the person needs perfect body coordination possible only by a highly developed nerve system and fully intact brain.
The Mr Olympia Competition proofs every year that Anabolic Steroid use does the opposite. 
GeStaPo took over Western Secret Services and now Owens must be proofen wrong.
You are idiots, CIA & Co 
That's why Army Rangers have to rescue your Deltas over and over again. 

TheGermans - Delusional Illusionism

And if you wait long enough you'll figure what really happened. 
This guy worked in a Restaurant as a Doormen. 
There is a good chance that the Restaurant is also not in Albania, but somewhere on the German country side and that Doorman was standing next to the Gyros Grill and Street Vendor Window. 
There is a real word out there, Germans. Cold War is over and noone can protect you anymore from what is all out there. 
Yesterday someone uploaded a Vid about a potential Fentanyl Crisis. 
Remember BKA what I dropped on your website if and than?
#gangwars #undergroundwars 

I never missed a shot. 

The First Real World Cyberpunk

Characters I have found. Ghule. Critters. Metahumans. From Fashion Victim, to Fashionista to  ???  How'd you call them 

TheGermans will tell

themselves that this is AI to ignore the pain. First Blacks are faster and stronger, than Asians better in math and moving and next Latinos cook and mix better Cocktails... 
Mojito anyone?? 

Thursday 10 October 2024

Remember the Beer Pong Daddy?

from Project X? I am so much up for the hardcore version. Project A. 

Roman Turning point

This is the first time the Anti-Fa gets a lead on Anti-Riot Police. 
Rome is most likely Europe's center or capital of the Anti-Fa Movement that is different from the Brigado Rosso of the 60ies. Back then the Brigado Rosso basically guarded the last emigration wave to the USA of the very last Alpine Italians that resistet longest against SS and straight after against a Central Italian Nation alien to Italy's history. 
That Anti-Fa is close to those of the German RAF that burned down a Shopping Mall and robbed Banks in the 70ies recruiting from Europe's midclass rebellious kids that can't cut it as artists or social workers refusing to get a hair cut and suite to afford a factory new car.
They fight the factual EU Kast System. Brahmans with Arafat's scarf being good Weed customers, if they have money, but hardly anyone read Hesse's Siddartah ever.
Leipzig is the other main town, Hamburg pretends to be and from here I am short on Intel which towns have major communities living from Basking and Bagging to Containering, but with a University Degree. In opposite to the "Algerians" in the Banlieu they won't get hired to flip Burgers. Uniting with them from an "Algerian" perspective is difficult, because they tend to believe every fucking possible stereotype on sociology and history in terms of repeating that, yet not thinking that whole hypotheses through just fucking once for God's sake, even so knowing fuck for well who build that nation publishing their inconcluded Intel.
So, 10er quote and by 10 give em 11, but make sure all seeds are gone...The Tea is great so and you roll up from your gear. That is subsidary, but you ain mention that. 
#provos #MODInc 

And if you have a Weasel

primate brain? 
Well, it might explain the Irish mind. 


if in any of your brothels is just one Madagascarian working that was persuaded, by her personally a return ticket or ANC will bomb the shit out of Frankfurt.
Fucking Idiots.
#terroristgangs #provos 
Just stay at home and suck off each other. The International World is a dangerous place. Ask your BKA buddies having come by recently.

So, yes you can use them

for that, but initially we constructed and build them for Truck Trial and you may keep off driving your money to great areas and into the Gemstone Business appreciated in especially Asia.
Do you also try with trailers? 

You dropped these Korean

Birds in L.A. and that's what happened? 
I told you.
Sunset Strip K-Pop Inn, Diner and Club 
Adds in Seaul Nightlife Magazine or open one. 

Fort Riley International English School Summer Camp?

So what you do when

you ran through all Thugs in town?
Join the Army on the mountain top, obviously
Bigger guns, worse thugs. 

They admire Ong Bak

facing the Raid in The Kingdom of Hell in their last years possessing daddies colours.
#terroristgangs #cyberpunkcoltoure 

And me, when Le Terrisage

we keep telling you since LaHaine making you laugh goes down?
Let's put it Metaphorically into this weired forum about killing all Germans..
#itoldyou #overandoveragain

And it's not... 

Help me understand what I could have done to be in tiny, causy Alpine cottage on a mountain top in France or Italy, please. 
I am not in a Mental Hospital, but only apparently considering the News.

Do you want a lake all around

or do as I say? 

The Kingdom of Hell 

TheGerman New Order

This once was one of the poshiest spots in Germany. Porsche Cabrio and Rolex show spot. 
Today the spot is taken over by one of the Subcoltoures going out of hand, actively crated by the GeStaPo services to create Deso Dogg human resources. 
Obviously, that ain Al-Quaida and it's Germany we are talking about.
So, there is no way on God dams Earth that the Big Guys did not figure out these toddlers of the International Main Asshole Industry and I am sure some of them might soon getting more than just Propaganda Vids, but structure and guns, from real motherfuckers.
Even so the CIA did a lot to enable Taliban, the B'n'B host of IS, ISIS and Al-Quaida, to give them back Afghanistan, that is all that happend and these real motherfuckers face Open Season one step out of their Heroin Shithole all around, no matter Silk Road North, Pakistan East and South or Iran West.
They get shot without any prior warning being the only once with even less buddies than TheGerman Services.
So, if you have two little assholes in Class taking afternoon class... you put em together and close the door, right? 
#gfyAll #theonlydyatopiayouget 
#TIE Here we fight! 

Look an autonomous car

....Ooooouuiii oui oui... 
Do you have a permission for this? 
Officer, that thingy doesn't even have a driver. 
Do you have a licence? 
I plead the 5th. 

Dea Baidel

Stechbeitel, Stecheisen, Stemmeisen, Stemmbeitel 

The Big Boy Mind

Around 14:53 A man suffered from a dominant other that made 7 times first, the competition was harder than today and you can't get that out of them, because that's why they started. 
They wanted to be bigger. 
No other Subcoltoure reacts as quickly on ego challanges than Bodybuilders.
Incl Arni. 
He also could say that he competed with the very best and that now being older and off stage he remembers the fine moments and not feeling bad to be always second or third. 
Atleast he is honest. 
Positive thinking means fighting depression and to do that on has to see the beautiful and good moments and things.
That's why Dementia patients feel best in theme rooms reminding them of a time they were happy. Humans stride for happiness, but we are often misled. 
Training the brain is done by thinking. 
If this blond Olympia Veteran leans back and remembers the moment he posed challenging a 7 time winner over the moment he heard is number he creteas a different neurological patten in his brain that might help to fight some Big Boy typical diseases. 
And have a portable defilibrator at about 50 when hitting the Olympic Veteran Club Meeting so much not anonymous.
#freaks #noblessoblige #jedi #cyberpunkcoltoure 

TheGermans - Misconception

All other beside The Undertaker entrance is no politics, but bitching Bullshit. Hulk Hogen just does take no Bullshit.
#51sts Vs #TheGermans

What ever really happened

The word Gold Mine and miner workers without any miner typical work clothing should be not ignored in order to understand what really might go on.
Possibly and in no way certainly.
Tuareg fought longest against French Kolonial Forces when they turned bad and away from building Railways and Cotton Farms, today recultivated in Burkino Faso off decades of Guerilla War creating prosperity again. They also are with the Turks the most moderate Moslems historically, speaking a very clear form of Arabic very close to the Koran. 
Connecting with Western originating Islamist Extremists is weired, but in the Ocean of Lies no unusual information.
Wagner as a Russian influence force makes sense, but it well can be all a lie and those Wagner Troops a false flag action.
Hate is a still a strong force and Greed, as Charly Chaplin fought it, is only part of that. White Supremacists hot wet dream is to show up in a remote area and force unarmed civilians by outgunning them their will up on. Blacks prefered over Asians, I guess and Latinos are militant as fuck these days, but atleast making money by their drugs. The SS version of a Safari. 
An attack like that also fits perfectly in the current Hegemonial conflict to be exploitet for the media war.
There is a chance that a dedicated Tuareg force initially created that flag, comparable to the Buddhist symbols the Nazis abused, and keep insisting onto their colour. 
The only thing certain is that in an area still part of European Coltoure humans are poor and war is over them.
This situation is coming here. 
It will look and appear different, but its coming here like Deso Dogg went down there. 
The Kingdom of Hell 

We all can fuck the System. Please!
Each a bit. 

For proper shoes in the Mining Industry atleast.

The Hyena in me

wants to tell them about 

how important sugar is in my life and what a Flapjack is.
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure 

My problem below the Germans

for them was that I just can't not handle myself when even the Pope would show up. Meaning I can't be bothered.
They think it's a lack of respect, but you know... Predator
We all can? 
#thevaninme #noblessoblige 


has in no way any rights to film and audio record anything on any U.S. Military facilities world wide without explicit recognision and granted allowance of The Pentagon and Local Barracks Administration which would be the commanding Officers in charge.

You have stolen, CIA, for your own profit and by attempted murder tried to cover those actions lead by German Nationals thereby acting for an alien Secret Service still operative and known as The GeStaPo. 
This is Treason. 
Fight or Squad?

Ten minutes in the Vid

Three them talking I wondered when the Staff Search comes storming in shouting all crazy... 

I hope they

have him back in soon.


Look BKA, if you

had been pulling this in the USA.
Guess what's happening here to you and your buddies, in a possible close future.. 
#TIE Here we fight 
The Kingdom of Hell 

A nice dry place to sleep, left, after all.

This one is my last one, took a con men gang out loud! Now I am out and retire and hire for my Diner! They are all dead and I cry nomore, but still made from scares #provos 

Imagine that

15.000 Germans from one day to another without a clear daily schedule and no money anymore. Work is their freedom, we all know.
That will go wrong. Remember last two times they gone broke?!
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure 
Imagine on their last trip before unemployment money comes they run into a little village in the Elsass for a wine and when the local tells 'em about VW have a Renault since ever after they tell them about what their version of Elsass' history...
Save that Frenchman from 15years! 

What if I am right with

the weather at the 18th and she ain happening? 
Sorry, but to my excuse Slave Farm Economist is more predictable estimatable. 

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Dude, I might die

of a laugh cramp myself if Mexican Kartells after a major Netflix and BlueRay session blow up Langley over anyone else. 
PS: Fattah copy. 

So this 90ies sound

fits quite well to what we did afterwards... and I never miss 
Check my Music and connect the dots, please. 
The Kingdom of Hell 
#TIE Here we fight! 

Who sweared to protect

the Constituion?
Die in a fight screaming or after confessing by a Firing Squad CIA & Affiliates.
We prefer the fight. 

Who can drop the CIA

psychological profile of El Gunman and compare it to a Hedgehog? 
Are these motherfuckers ain going for runners, but only the German Services?
#undergroundwars #terroristgangs 
#WW4 #isaidyoujusttouchherikillyouall 

Collective Darwinist Evolution Theory

Some Mammals are Flight Animals that won't counter attack, like a Wulf, Bear or Weasel, but run. Those all function sharper under fear. 
Degenerated humans on drugs carrying a scavenger primal brain will abuse that until becoming prey to those following their primal hunter animal instincts colliding heavily by both being able to fight to kill on a very primitive neurological programming level.
#TIE Here we fight!
Pigs and Hyenas first? Rats second, Mice last? 
The Kingdom of Hell

Whom would the CIA Artefact

Devision declare a Kartell moving characters to Mexico out of their Cold War battleground? 
BND or BKA or both SS follow up organisations? 
#provos #ticktack #3batch #undergroundwars 

And what do real Latinos feel about that...on the world's greediest Drug market. 


Mio esto Miguel/Sussa del malle amigo da E. Uno trafficante del haute de gamme internationale et charactero principale del Mayans telefalle.
Murto et tous son comrades et organisations limitare mes actionas. El organisationa completa et tous obstacles de la via de mo noche.
Les operationas del artefactoa cintunuare par la publica. 
Provos IronClad The Goblin 

In the meantime

in Marbella on the other side of the Galaxy. 
Enjoy your Ignorance. 

Your area is spooked and you wanna

pick the fight? 
Awesome, you just turned Provos and became a Paramilitary.
First, you never walk alone and group up with other locals.
You watch Walkthrough Horror Game Vids to deal with fear with the group and alone. 
You start sprinting and running hurdles and free climbing.
You learn to see at nigh without a flash light. 
You learn the map of your region up to spots and pathes not on the map.

Pranks can turn a Cult giving the members a feeling of supremacy. The SS was using only sacre tactics and took heavy losses when facing trained enemies. 

That means facing them having hit a remote country side area is dangerous. Some murder as the ultimate kick of supremacy.

The trick is to be different than the easy civilian victim in need of light to see being fooled by their mascerade. 

IR Vision helps, but after some training and not using a flash light a full moon night is almost as bright as some other days. 

But, what you do having found them before they spot you?

Make a plan A to B and C.

#terroristgangs #provos 

Another Prank Wave?

After the Clowns facing Ghetto Kids and their barrels some Internet forum is looking for Redneck Hunting rifles? 
#3percenter #provos 

What you do scared to death wild

You turn off all lights and adjust your eyes to the night. Then you control your breathing and be that fear and start packing from what you need to walk and run to all you have. 
Ideally, you did not unpack it all as you would in a Hotel Room. Everyone who manages to keep living out of a suitcase for a week or two can also arrange all from a Rucksack.
Then you decide on a way point close to other humans, humans you trust. Assholes love other Assholes.
And walk. Steady and save. 

Prior you have to trust your feeling. Any creepy around asking where you go get's bad Intel and walking on to a place that feels fine is better than ignoring fear. We fear to survive. 

When you missed a turn

and got lost on the way to a Fukki Duddy Paddy asking for directions and shouldn't have "warmed up" at home. 
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Now imagine any of these idiots when they can't really find the Hiker to than figure out he is not amused, angry and really tall in the middle of the night coming out of the bushes where he was hiding his sleeping bag shouting: "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!!" 
They all run, fall, stand up and run.
I swear and real fast. 
After Day X, they would hear a bullet travelling through their comrades head and no more. 
#terroristgangs #paramilitary #provos 

If you wanna sell

drugs to Israel to make them stronger, you might want to check Frankfurt, not Paris and certainly not Antwerps, but Frankfurt. 
The Kingdom of Hell 

Dam, it just struck me that fella

is no Environmental Ministry, but Minister of the Economic resort, which makes sense, my Garden turned a fucking Jungle and my future a desert.
At least a violent one. 
#TIE Here we fight!

The actual laugh is

how does he wanna defend himself?
Physically I mean. Physically... 
So, it was a save nice place, right?
#weremember #provos #TheGermans 

PS: Next time catching him someone tell him to hold the Pose...and hold the Pose.. hooooold... white turning off the AC, opening the current and carrying all water out. That's for fish and unworthy for Ubermenschen in Vegas. 

In a possible close future

Today, but in a future 

You are the Rigger? 
And also a fine Street Samurai? 
I can shoot. 
I need to leave town. Munich got hot.
I've heard. I can provide accommodation for four weeks and drop you outside the EU without custom checks, if you need. 
Is there a warrant? 
No. But the Cops are well connected.
How do you like Lybia in Autumn? 
Not sure, never been there. And LKA? 
Non, what so ever. 
Than, sounds great. 
Ok. I have a place for four weeks close to Metz in the woods. We get there during the storm. Depending on the weatherforecast we head to the next spot and in three month you have a nice ocean view spot in Africa with an AK next to you and a good fish and lamb restaurant around the corner. Your pay will last you a year there, but there is no cleaning lady.
Sounds great. 
Sure you don't wanna have em dropped? 
Ah. Yes.
Your call. Wanna eat?  The Burger are good here. 
#theonlydystopiayouget #gfyNazis 

And the Doctor asked

What do you see there? 00:39 to 01:00
Brandi and the Doctor. 
Do you feel sexualy frustrated? 
#MODInc #ThisIsSPARTAmorningroutine 

The actual problem is

that this form of order and law will get worse in this failing nation and only against the weakest.
The FRG is in no way an undoubtfully legally founded entity of the United Nations, but together with the GDR a product of Cold War, by giving those that caused both World Wars a nation even way beyond their original territory, because of a new World War threat. 
Fashism and Empires were defeated, now Systems threatened each other leaving no time to sorrowly investigate wrong doings and just shooting them all was no option, because of a lack of manpower.
Both systems invested heavily into industrial mass production and needed humans to work those machines and soldiers to defend them.
Germans, as long they did not publicly kept their fashism alive, were needed.
This created just ever more lies. Hitler''s troops never fired back, but those infamous words of Hitler were all present in German TV. Today the Marshall Plan investment importance is as forgotten as Pershing Missile Silos and everybody is sure Danzig was a German town instead victim to a massacre of the German Teutonic Order. Telling them Franconia spoke French and Prussia Polish will lead straight into mental hospital, especially if both Psychiatrist and Polizei exactly know how their Father or Grandfather got hold of a clean name way off Red Cross War Criminal lists.
Living on lies worked just to well for those having lost two World Wars living on the thirds battleground without any chance to get away, but all possible distraction to ignore their dedicated destiny in WW3 turning hot.
This system of living lies is failing along with Hegemony. One System build to achieve world dominance failed already and the remaining is right now giving way to an oligopoly being incapable of reforming towards more individual freedom, but turning ever more against European core values.
In Germany that won't happen without a fight. Medication and Drug use is higher than everywhere else. Society is split into oppening parts way worse than everywhere else and the all abusive remainings of GeStaPo are tumbling to death with a Police force losing its authority and helpless politicians incapable of reforming out of the Ocean of Lies that made them all possible.
Germans, you are not a superior people above others. Your products are not the best of all. Your work is not better. Your language is not less primitive than others. You are not more civilised than other people. You are not more innovative and efficient than others on this planet. 
But fucking hell nobody minds as much as you being reminded. 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Mondays in Germany

Why would Germans try to kill each other predominantly on a Monday? 

What you think that pattern could possibly indicate? 
Now add the fact that foreigners are dominating over Germans at this first workday of the week. 
Ever had a German boss?  I needed to send fucking female Gahndi in getting something done in the office, every single time it needed "approval" in the German branch of an American company.

Can you imagine that

by taking no drugs everyone has a solid good chance to be that smart as me? 
#natives #TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell 

PS: You data scientists

When you can store data internally and on the SD card, what you need no code for?

And do you see the red arrow next to Internal Flash? 

Don't worry. FBI also tries number lists.
#provos #undergroundwars 

Can you imagine to be

such a little pussy of a handicaped drug addict, that you get away with spying for BND and their Buddies? But fucking each single time being caught in stupidity.
Yeah, me neither. 
#igotstuck #undergroundwars 

I honestly do not know one fine guy of my trade that would not laugh him out making all coked up an offer of any kind to just forget about that bullshit immediately straight afterwards wondering what he's thinking he was, in the past, and do not know one bad group he'd not shit is pants having to approach them. So guess, what the biggest problem was on "their turff!", the FRG. 
#terroristgangs Vs #TheGermans 

PS: Can you send a copy of what really happened to especially the female "friends" of that hero, please? 

My personal advice on Bodybuilding

Let's put it like that. We are made for walking and not swimming. Swimming is very challenging for us, therefore. We need a lot of muscle and coordination to be a good swimmer. 

This is Micheal Phelps and I could not get a Side View Biceps. 
He also is used to Speedos in public attention. 
Invite him or an active like him, teach him a bit Posing and judge it. 
He is healthy, because of Cold War Olympic International Anti-Doping Testing. 
Clean. Like reaaaaaallll cleeeeeaaaaan. 
#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure 

McDonald's Pepsi Diet

GIs were known for hitting the McDonald's downtown in the Valley and scoring orders like 20 Cheeseburgers, a big Coke and 20 Nuggets or A BigMac menue, a McRip and 20 Nuggets without building massive fat reservoirs and being rather lean. 
That's because of the drug free military physical education program they got stuck in after being busted for stupid or in need of a financial base. 
The more medication used the more the subconscious systems humans can not control, but use their free will to ignore or hear, will crave for processed foods and the Fast Food Burger combination is especially desired by that system known as Appetite.
Mastering fire to cook food gave us a biologic jump becoming the Homo Neanderthalensis from the Homo Erectus. 
Today, we either become the Homo Mortem by ignorance or have another jump soon by eventually going clean; Which is already a known expression among Street Criminals to be honest. 
Processed foods are not bad, the combination turns them bad. Steak from an abusive animal farm is bad, but all bio is hardly better, because too inefficient. 
We won't work less, we will work more, but some don't let us and steal to break us and our mind. 
You will fail as long the best way to bully you is becoming better! 
#terroristgangs #noblessoblige 

TheGerman Medicine

and at which point do you want to understand that your books were written litterly by the Ausschwitz Crew. 
24:26 I can get no sleep.
So, what you think, being no doctor or any other medical professional when a guy shows up that visibly in your fucking face takes an entire pharmacy of "stuff" telling you he can't sleep anymore?
Like his diploma degree "budees"  take that and those on top or how to explain him by maybe a nice sweet cup a tea, if dropping that gear making him look really a lot different was in any possibility an potential option, maybe worth a try?
Anyway Sherlock. 
Sleep is actually badly researched. Sleep research quickly hit a no progress level and the only thing really understood is low and very rhythmic pulse, plus only some parts of the brain being active and we dream. 
The Dream part is the problem, because all main Secret Services experiment with dreaming, but in an occultist way comparable to the Nazi hunting the Holy Grail so Hitler may life for ever.. 
Most likely because of his nightmares. Hehehehe...
Dreams are important since the Bible when a King dreamed about 7 thick and than 7 skinny cows and only one man could tell him what that ment.
Secret Services tried using drugs, so does PsyOps all around me Messiah List Kingpin Top Spot holder, to see secret enemy buildings enteriors, influence Dictators and pretty much all other idiotic stuff you can imagine starting with Tele...ending in kinese, pathy, porting... 
All to rule the world making sure men like that Bodybuilder won't receive a scientifice medical answer how they survive four weeks without sleep and nothing more, actually.
I wonder, if the body of that man suffering from a lowered immune system by keeping a diat throughout a respiratory disease basically needed the pulse up to push more blood through the inner organs  which suffered from too little nutrition to deal with bodybuilder gear and a virus the same time.
Like: That engine stops, you won't make it run again ever and so we idle or you mind give me food! Your body!!

Did you ever tell a guy

especially an Autist when haveing scored a tiny bit too much Coke the moment he sais unbearably stupid you just can't handle anymore like: "Maybe you think I always was in control and had a solution.." 
"Nobody thinks that Paul! Don't worry, we all know you make mistakes and have had difficult times"?
Well, you gain silence and when offering him thereafter ever more Rioja to the Curry for the entire rest of the evening.

Exponential growth and

decline are laws of biology. Every natural organism growths and declines exponentially. At the steep part of the graf showing that there is a jump on which the line changes only on one axe.
We grow, if not using altering medication, fastest in the age between around 14 to 16 reaching maximum body height and who ever guided another humans passing knows that a few days before death comes the human physically decline strongest visibly.
A society is a more complex system and the decline in times of war is extreme. The closer the front comes, the quieter and less lively every place will turn. Shortly before death comes by the attack all noise is gone and afterwards destruction shows the death.
Socio-Economic decline without a direct war has never been recorded before in history. 
World Watch This Town! You don't wanna be a Berliner! 
#gfyAll #cyberpunkcoltoure 
despite ever German especially these days them going ballistcally nuts 

What did I mean by

You don't believe in making friends? 
Well, if you have a really bad reputation and everything based on cheating the weakest around while sucking up to everyone stronger around it might turn out that noone will not even indirectly help you when some real motherfuckers in the game decide to strip you naked. 
Like, imagine the Police FBI Crew arresting the Swiss Banker of The Wolf of Wallstreet was fake. 
Or a lookalike of a Tyrannic Nations despote ruler's son goes rouge showing up with a fake Order loading all National Gold onto a convoy of US military trucks.
Or some guys start digging into Cash Vaults to carry out even more truck loads somewhere in a no matter nation.
Or someone tells every competitor where you produce your main product and how you run, so everyone with some brains can digg a trap and take advantage.
Do you know what I mean, BKA & BND? 
Who ever enjoyed your company over your absence, please. 
I am not alone, you are KZ wardens.
#3batch #ticktack #undegroundwars 



When you ever loos it all, what else what you do?  Car, Dog, Women and Future gone... You are no fighter. 

#igotstuck #butamonggermans 

Tetris Jump Around

isn't that creative
And why exactly would you being on hard medication steal from Elite Frontine Soldiers, please? 

What I mean by

you can get me out of a Van, but not the Van out of me? 
Something like that the moment she impersonates a dog. A real fucking dog..
#IRAmovement #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Am I part of a conspiracy?

No and not all. Everyone believing that one organisation can rule all mankind is on drugs and stupid. 
But massmurdering millions and destroying the entire planet Earth, that those can do.
And that's what they did and almost did. 

I just dropped from one place into another and got stuck and to leave it needs some effort.

The Last KZ inmate of the Germans 


Just, I am a Knight and no just a Violene Player and that mistake is gonna hurt a lot.

So, why is a true Traveller's

lifestyle that bad? Did my people have too much fun?  Did we share like commis should and were better like fashists claim? 
Were we too Free? 
What was it that we cannot have a nation, too?? 
#thevaninme #realhellsangels #spartans 
So now you loose all of yours by The Kimgdom of Hell 

Conflict, Chaos, Anarchy, Renessaince, Freedom 

Misconceptions - TheGermans & The Middle East

So, deport them to Gaza City? 
Beside some legal implications based on the simple fact that Palestine has one Nation and that is not called Palestine who would want them there? 
As a matter of fact would be a Israeli Administrative Body responsible for that deportation and they are not that mean. 
The Middle East Conflict is pretty much only based on an internal Israeli conflict while being in the superior overall position thereby threatening prosperity of the neighbours actively as a side effect.
Mossad, you are a bunch of ugly cunts.
With all given respect, it is almost like the Tectonic Order being back. When they came, way before the Rosecrusaders or Hospitienser and the House of Iblin, they massacred Jews and Muslems alike in Jerusalem claiming it their own.
Israel never was that ruthless brutal and never massmordered others as German keeps doing as soon as in a homogeneous group over their history repeatedly, but even so it was a German Emperor the Israelits of whom Yitzak Rabins murderer and most Militant Settlers derive remain a major force in Israel. 
Israel is not an Apartheid Nation, but also incapable of enforcing it's laws over all Israel nationals.
These Germans in Berlin are part of the Problem. Who honestly believes that Arafat Abu-Chaker has a real Moslem Lebanese root when his beloved mum doesn't catch first and surnaming correctly to begin with? If they came from there, than these aliens got deported, possibly by AKs and without any paper trail.
These guys dropped into Gaza will get shot, by IDF troops still sain on Hamas being a legitimate resistance militia fighting for citizen's rights by using terrorism as a military strategy.
If that is legitimate, is politics. Keep talking, but it's not your call anymore. 
You failed on no matter which side. 
A sad fact for two honorable Nobleman Mr. Rabin and Mr Arafat. 
This is war. 
#TIE Here we fight!

When the only thing you understand

is you are different and they are proofing now who was and is nuts.
Wasn't me; Told you. 
Sadly, I am due to financial short comings, comparable to a Gazan Day Worker on a Kibbutzim, pretty broke or what you think how Germans pay and treat someone like me, located in the geographical center of that shit show hitting the fan when they manage to turn Arabs into bloodthirsty warrior's over 80 years of living in the region?
#ticktack #provos #3batch 

Am I surrounded by Israelits here,

because these 01:01 super aggressive ultra bright lights are around here along with a main respect problem. 
I recently dropped from Sephardim for Askenasi to NiggerJew for Nazis and I am sure it's my fault. 
But what can I do, I do hate Nazis a lot no matter as what they label. You are a piece of shit, you sick motherfuckers taking way too much bullshit.

But my trouble with TheGermans aside, these high risers all illuminated will host key companies of Israels economy more important in a modern interconnected society than even F-16 airfields. 
I would strike them before lunch time with super sonic missiles on a Tuesday, if it was Germans and I had some, which is roughly the equivalent of Hamas and Hisballah mind set level after even more time living next to them.
The 911 attacks caused a stock market crash and changed the course of U.S. foreign diplomacy now taking down monsters crated and supported by Secret Services. Siemens delivered Iraqi gas production factories, yet not on trains, and he used them in the war against Iran and the CIA directly opened up recruitment offices for Mudjahedin against Sowjets in Afghanistan.
If Israel goes Bankrupt the first running will be Rabin Murderers being into what is called Shoah Business and fake Jews abusing and exploiting the save harbour idea of Israel to be found in heavily subsided Kibuzzim Farms notorious for not paying Arab workers appropriately to even Israeli law. Just In Europe they live above us and not next, but next to other Supremacist groups. Hopefully the Real Jews below the Nationalists find a Real Arab lie AlSalahudin and no fake asshole like Saddam Hussein. Inch Allah for Shalom from there on, monsh ah mensh.
I actually kinda liked the Tel Aviv and Haifa beach boy crowed, from distance so missing touch points, but it's war. 
War changes the rules, sadly. 
May the best survive and the force be with them!
This is the Storm many have been waiting for.
#chieftain #alltheyteachishate #TheGermans #terroristgangs #provos 

TheGermans - Misconceptions on Artillery

That is no heavy fire. The noise was mainly of the impact from the rocket's ballistic evergy and not from warheads. 
The money Israel saved on Arab wages, they now have to spend on intercepting cheap simple rockets.
This is the first wave of rocket fire and already came with precision strikes against Mossad Secret Service facilities whos impact will have a Top Secret label on the file.
The same rockets can carry, in the worst case and cheapest design, nitro-glycerin duel glas tanks surrounded by scrap metal parts, likr bolts, nuts or balls, that by impact fusion and thereby explode. 
Semtax called Homemade plastic explosive needs an electric spark, has less explosive energy, but is therefore saver than the high reactive nitro-glycerin that explodes heavily if the two substances mixed are physically hit or shaken.
A tiny rocket of the diameter of a plumber hand-wash tub water pipe can carry a few kilos of explosive energy, and possibly up to lower two digest kilos explosive energy, by basically two Coca Cola Cans of liquids up to one litre glas bottles from all standard industrial products.
The explosion would drive the shrapnels called metal parts through the rather thin walls of those typical and badly insulated Kibuzzim factory houses possibly causing even the collapse of the structure.
You'd be still rather save flat on the ground, but if standing be ripped apart by several dozens to hundreds of tiny sharp metal parts accelerated by the explosion of the warhead way past a rifle round.
That means they are wrecking the Iron Dome to than kill you by rockets carrying warheads of which kind ever. 
155mm Artillery is way worse so, which is what my Basketball Buddies would have faced, if you stupid rich privileged wankers would have ordered to attack Russia, assholes. 
So, don't be a pussy and stop scoring so much gear. Your pupils are like mine at pitch dark nights with the cat... 
#coldwarkids #WW3stayscold 

Monday 7 October 2024

PS: Piddy Diddy Doo

Your Crew couldn't wrack it and so we told you. 
#provos #OGGIs 
Hip-Hop Coltoure made it, you diddy. 

I am so sorry,

I had no idea. 

In the past the Secret Services of the

U.S.A. did deals with criminal organisations frequently to fight an enemy considered worse. 
What if they figure out that the most dangerous domestic enemy is to be found among a two-faced allie, while in the same time a close neighbour could turn from a rouge state to an appeaced state, if turned again into an allie, but this time with a long term drop out plan such as rehab instead lock up.

Despite their Egos, which you

can tell from the footage, they are not the battle hardenst of all warriors serving Supremacist Organisations. 
That might turn sour soon. 
#provos #cybeepunkcoltoure

I don't think they'll ever manage to adjust their egos to the reality, no matter what.

Do you understand what

that symbol means in Asia?
And do you understand what we Europeans will do to you for stealing them??
#TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell 
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars 

TheGerman Sociology

Why he does not try to remember when he told her last time it was "all good"? 
He knows and that it wasn't at all as well.
Fucking obviously!
#igotstuck #TheGermans 

TheGerman Delusion

Into minute 10 he explaines that once he got into a robbery to protect an elderly man he had six months of pain afterwards, but also that he is prepared always against being attacked by carrying something appropriate being painful for not him...
That reminded me of one of the young pretties in the company telling another one older one that she can protect me, caus some boys wanna beat me up, having made a weekend selfdefence seminar the company organised. 
Which blew me cover, because the other told her about that one public box fight in town I couldn't talk me sellout and he just should have not dropped the Führergruss the moment he came off his corner. 
Next time I won't run, but stay in that beer tent, 4te. 
#TIE #killemall #provos

Not really dude,

but no outskirt of our natives Europe will mind if them join their brothers at home. 
#terroristgangs #TIE 

Imagine, Boko Haram not threatening Goat Farmers to get killed by a Drone Strike,  French Legionnaires or the real locals anymore, but going AK shopping in Berlin Friedrichshain taking a Block and Anti-Riot Police shows up expecting their school teachers kids. 
I thin they manage to move out before Bundeswehr Tanks come into town.
So, how much does that AK and Ammo Bag add to the fee of the Human Trafficker, Amnesty International? 
Do you understand, ISIS, how much better Kurds are tained, being factually Farm Boys, compered to Shopping Mall crazy German fashionista Polizei?? 
And he said Kalifat in Berlin, not Mia Kalifa from behind!
#TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell