Friday, 17 January 2025

TheGermans - How to fight an economic

crisis? Well, they demonstrate against it. No change in tactics since - ever.
That's gonna get so hardcore brutal here as soon as they figure they have to work themselves and cannot steal or proclaim anything anymore.


BKA, wanna clarify

your bullshit or do we go all here?
Above the Law means no Law, Polizei.

And then Delta

takes on Big Red One!
You selling Crack again Bobyboybill?

If you press hard enough

it cracks.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Why did he not

take the Beretta?
Because, he used his rank?
Because, he gave clear target instructions?
Because, they are 75th?
Eeeexaxtly. And thereby fired two shots.

Dude, I think the Wulfs

came over to just play.
You don't know Wulfs, right?

I'd train him to

have a bite after they managed to open the door.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

God, Iove New York

here we are done so hard we fuck em up straight. Like he ain knowing....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

A few days later

Highyyyyyyy. You selllllin Steroids here?
To fucking amateurs?
You just turned my bitch!!!

Jim & Joe

How is your Bar going? I heard it's more like a Club.
- ? ...doing slot eyes....

The trick is

balance. You need to balance the impact when going into....


Thursday, 16 January 2025

Imagine you are in a 223

million nation military and than they buy six of these for all....

So, get a few dozen of these and imagine a rocket launcher where that aluminium tank is...please!!


IKEA was founded by an SS man

who never faced a firing squat no matter how well deserved by wearing that German Uniform.
Today, no European can afford a hobby garage or room build with furniture by a cabinet maker.

We all have to buy his products.

These are economic power houses in need of cheap standardised furniture to improve their manual labour workshops.

Sadly, they are all Jew Nigger Untermenschen for SS men.

We should have shot all SS men dead. Don't you agree?

Justice improves the world. Justice for all.


You cannot defeat Russia.

Creating a plan to defeat another nation that is in no UN outlawed state is Unconstitutional.
The part about the Land of the Free....!?!
Exactly as George Washington foresaw is the United States of America under threat by those seeking power above others.
No one is Free ruling another human.
Iraq today shows how it's done. You ride in defeat the Tyrannical Government and give all it's Gold to the people.
So fuck you Confederate Americans. Retreat or Die.
#TIUSA The Land of The Free
Where all humans are equal

These fools must stop. The CIA Clandestine Service must be investigated by both Senat and Supreme Court under Secrecy to maintain sound national security.
The U.S. military must be enabled to secure and ensure world trade by ground, sea and air, but not to conquer and rule any other state or nation.
All tyrannies do not or restrict trade. All tyrannies close or densen their boarders. All tyrannies surveille all citizens closely having them proof their innocence.

Ireland, it does not matter

from where your ancisters came and when they arrived. With Apple Computers, The Shipyards, The Potatos, Viking traders or Roman Slavery escapy .... it does something to you.

PS: Can, ahm, may we come back when we learned to behave? Please....

Yours, Sincerely,
The Naughty Boys

What's wrong with so society today?

You are telling me none can afford a minute about the weather here tossing a coin?
What really happened to England....what did we fight in Brighton for...not for  Football at the core...

You might have wondered

how little me MODernist Skaterboy can handle hours of selftanner Top Gs wearing no T-Shirt and guys looking forward in excitment to get cheered at on stage in Speedos - all also selftanned.

Get it?

That was Germany'SS major main YouTubah being extremely successful for being nice.
No Onuha, Libsett, Thurston cocky motivation bullshit on a constent spending spree in Spain or Dubai. No. Being nice...
#ifuckinghatethem #igotstuck

I told you

which fools were celebrating?
I ain buying anyone here being the real deal and always assume they wash off the hair colour and go back to School as Justus and Michael.

And than you find the perfect

ride to annoy TheGermans to understand that they have had prepared some. No way to find one in the EU....even if I had the mon.
Dam. Chinese Jeep. Awsome!!
Imagine that one custom. Supercharged, wide body and long travel suspension.

There are no many ways

to completely exaggerate and being all ignorant about it. But why do you have to do that your way....please?
Look at them. Leaves you speechless and staring, but it ain that bad after all. Innit?
#igotstuck #TheGermans

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

TheGermans - Back to their roots

They are testing keeping order up.

The Germans derive from European banditism and over centuries and millenias murdered, raped, hurrassed, extortianed and plundered from us natives.
They never were as powerful as today. Their Deutsch Herrenorden Staat defeated by a coalition of Polish and Lithuanian Kings was way more challenged then the UN recognised nation they have erected by the Holocaust over Prussia, Bavaria and the smaller monarchies around their swamp land retreat.
They understand that this is the end of their economic exploration system and that they cannot rebuild their economy as it was a Cold War lie all throughout, known as the Holocaust. They have exploited everything we have had build over hundreds of generations.
After the Nazi regime they were treated with mercy and never had to pay for their crimes having build since then a certain Ego.
They will retreat into centres and make plans from whom to take, as they always did. As they will do until exterminated.
Those centres will be tightly surveilled and the connections inbetween strictly controlled. Atleast that's the plan, but based on a blown up ego that created a delusion having lost touch with reality. The Germans are no single united group and will even more fight each other over drugs, status, ego, authority and money.
This is the Terrisage and we natives intend to survive it against the Jewmurdering peopel in charge. The German kind.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Be aware

not all in The Hills had insurance. Some is coming...

PS: 800 acres is 3.237.485,14 square metres. To be honest, 1 million short is not that bad and it's Munich. Gun restricted, no militant, no OG, but Munich in Germany having 2 Million flexible square meters of space ready to be customised to your needs in great geography also close to the Mountains and unmatchable, Italy.
What you think? Heim ins Reich?
Would anyone drop Tom BKA bitch his address - please - as soon as he has a place?
#provos #TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

I like where the Visual Arts

are going to. The 90ies CIA theft peak was real bad, like jaw dropping horrible bad.
So, BKA. Was that also "Tom"?
#provos #alltimeforyounow
#TIE Here we fight. I'll kill em all.
The Kingdom of Hell

Gain of Function research

we've hears about and I would take bets here.

Daddy, daddy. There is a Spider outside.
So what?
In 1911 size.
That's why the dog ran in before you?
....nodding the head...

Can anyone explain

both parties that no once food supply is under threat?

TussyInc - Turning Queen

Is when you have found a man you don't wanna have, doesn't make you hurt being have by another woman and you decide to be best friend with by staying away from them to fight for them far away them never knowing.
Some won't ever turn Queen. You have to pick up a Crown and fix that Crown eventually at a save spot, bitch.

Taiwan - Suicides & TheGermans

So what they won't say about Taiwan is that it was founded by a fashist General who fled from mainland China during WW2. Like in Central Europe the time of World Wars was also in parallel to foreign forces attacking a Civil War in China.
In both Europe and China the ancient Aristocracy lost. Today, all European Aristocracies are exchanged, in China all Aristocracy is entirely demolished. Europe kept as mainly a facade the Republic, but turned with all Nazi collaborating families into a Nation system preserving privileges for those war criminals. China build an entirly new system exchanging the Chinese Imperial system completely.
Taiwan, being as hierarchical or feudalist as European Nations or also Communist China must have a strong interior Secret Service historicaly by its founding General and because of the constant Communist Chinese threat of subversion.
Basically, Taiwan will have a paranoid secret police on an holy eternal hunt of anything suspicious of communism while in parallel securing an elites privileges deriving from Porsche and IKEA like KZ running families never shy of murder for profit.
Almost like in China or Europe.
What you think BKA founded entirely by SS men really does, please??
#provos #IRAmovement #terroristgangs

If anyone in the Trump

administration wondered what happened at the last delegation meeting between Russia and China....having a Bolshoy Visit....
Well, looks like they got bored and are Forbidden Town level picky on Chinese Opera.

PS: Never drop anything like, "but that's for the Circus", because you'll get all righteously rosted for those lions in a cage. Settle it dancing to Dixi.

You have in the Constitution

clearly and explicitly a rule for guns.
But why would it for none of these drivers be even possible to face loosing their drivers licence for ever?
I am not the only one that would keep a fake set of Idaho plates in South Boston being irritated by that humongous discrepancy of an legal punishement apparatus against the spirit of the founding fathers.

The CIA - Why which position

She was unsuitable for a Langley Desk Job, but turned Field Operative for The Clandestien Department, with her husband.
From her wording we can understand why. Naturally, she uses as an English mothertongue speaker with higher education and some English literature knowlege (Edgar Elen Poe and that's how she is gonna drop it) that she was "exposed" to the Islamic Egyptian coltoure.
So, first of all did the CIA not check, if they were recruited and prepared by Mossad to apply for CIA jobs and secondly are Moslems no Virus.
Others might say they had no touch points with Islam, Islam was forigne to them or just that they did not know Islam.
Being exposed is a destinctive wording and a form of a Freudian Mistake.
CIA does not profile like that and I am full of shit here, like every other race cheater on the Messiah List of gifted humans.....that trusts a real Jew like Freud or Einstein.
So, does anyone wonder why the CIA is a failure and what they really do when she was recruiting intelligence sources in an Islamic coltoure?
#provos #MIB

High. I am Saaaam. I know you know about all here.
Helo. Whad?
You know. 
I am a hairdresser in a Slum. What do you mean I knooow?
Like you know what is going on in Egypt.
Like in the Government?
Get out. Tell Jason Borne's lady boss you never come back.
Oh My Goooood.....high pitch voice Now rushing away on her toes.....

TheGermans - Figuring it slowly

2.000.000 square meters empty and untenable office space in Munich.
Who cares?
In every other economy this would be a major crisis and the end of a few Real Estate fonds.
Not in Germany.
I am telling you, Germany's economy is as fake and Cold War propaganda bullshit like SDI.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

TheGermans - Delusions

They just said that Alice Wendel The Nice A Leader of the AfD can deflect all racist and fashist blaming, because, hold tight, she married a woman from Sri Lank and has two kids. We all assume that not Alice A gave birth....but the Germans smile.
That ignorance is so hardcore to deal with

PS: Poland and Checks will pay for a wall. The others would, if there was no Secret Service occupation. ongoing....#vivelaresistance

What really happened

Are you the exorcist Preacher?
Ahm. No.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

And now add

the SA and SS drug Cocktail to these Officers. They will not hesitate as those having founded and build all German Police services to comit again crimes against humanity and later blame orders and drug use, being the poor innocent abused democracy loving victims.
Germans never changed throughout their history since the Crusades, their massacre in Jerusalem and Gdansk and will bow to any stronger to avoid righteous punishement.
Over and over again.

PS: Here the commented version from the Deutsche Pravda. Die Wahrheit!! Showing that the German left preferred the Es with LSD parts over Cocaine a lot more.

I hope I see you all in Church

for enjoying that horrible times so badly....

Do you get the hint?

Collective Darwinist Evolutionary Theory.

Come to Europe.
All of you...

Guess what is not happening

Cocaine production. Too big balls required. So you understand how bad this Dark Modernity is?
The only way to become as free and independent as those around that air strip in Europe and The West, is complexity.
Believeing independency was a self maintaining Hippi farm or a nation in shut boarders producing all stupid Nazi bitch ass bullshit of reality.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

TheGermans - Their Never Ending Stories

Such as the Bernstein Zimmer. To keep a long story short, they wrecked it.
Bernstein is, if on knows how to produce it, a very cheap and easily shapable material. Seeking along beaches inbetween salt water and needle trees is also possible.
The design is typical for Rococo. A very lot of ornaments that turns even the brightest Mosques shy of simplicity and Gold would have been as too expensive as real Carrera Marble stone to dangerous to bring to Franconia as pillars for in a Church.
And yes, we mind that you plunderd that magnificent One - Nill beating our best effort, Deutsche. Still.....

At least we tried. And you....

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

They said they drew even. But honestly, the reflections of different depth of Bernstein alone....

Like I am not having

dog like primal ancister genetics.
Show me one monkey!
Collective Darwinist Evolution Theory.
I am different too long at one place at home.

TheGermans - World Politics

Based on that Intel, my Mexican friends, you gonna keep pressing hard against the other, I quote, "artificially drawn line" and as soon the pressure cracked the northern "artificially drawn line" boarder you retreat to Panama which must also pull down the, I assume, natural fence.
Push, pull, to fuck that bitch properly called Boarder and we get vacuum sealed homemade Taco sauce refill packages to Toronto.
Yours, Pinky.

My person business philosophy

and that's how it's used:
Which collides with G bitches all around me.
Obviously, predictably, periodically.


TussyInc - Gang building

and that's the deal with no small print. 
The price for the Hot Way, ladies.

Misconceptions - Top G capability

Let's put it like that:
What a badly mistaken ego must a man have to believe to be able to exploit, dominate and use a women like her.
All Top G ventures are not into Gang forming to build a venue like a Club, Restaurant or Sportscar Rental, but into pimpery of woman a galaxy off their league.
Tate, no fucking way any of your students gets anything by your teachings from a woman even more dangerous as an enemy in a business suite then in her cash machine bikini business outfit.
Imagine her and no DA up for your ass, the nice Top Floor way.

You fucking, Idiots.


TheGermans - From Utopia to Dystopia

VW leys off 35.000 employees. From having succeeded and gained as no other people of bandits before from massmurdering its neighbours the Germans, Teutonic Order or Hanoverans are now falling into economic decline. Their Utopia of being the Ãœbermensch or milder phrased People of Philosophers and Thinkers tumbels into an obvious unveiling lie even they have to admit to themselves and are now creating a Dystopia to day without any chance to avoid the harsh reality and truth.
The German way of life is bad, was always bad, never will be anything other than bad and ends in an even worse reality.
All germanised areas, of this world from The L.A. Hills now burned down by bad spending prioties over the German economy existing only due to Cold War global politics and straight to Israel's Militant Settlers, face their brutal ending.
Germans love order and punctuality always meant needing clear simple instructions in a clear hierarchy of straight steps.
Nothing may be complex, all needs to be instructed and fame and profit is for the Alpha, the Primus, the Leader no matter who really did the job.
Today, nobody needs Germany anymore. Once being with England the first in industrialisation and with France and Poland into fine hospitality turned by German rule central Europe first into a slaughter house against humans and then into a subsidised spot to battle a system conflict by military means that now ends in a draw for both sides. Communism failed and Capitalism found it's boarders right along.
Now also the Fashists, the German Supremacy, ends being carried by Capitalism as much as Stalinism, the Communist form of Fashism, ended by also an economic crisis and system crash.
The plan is even simpler than Perestroika:
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Actually, we just start being ourselfs again...
because Fuck You!
or from a Confederate perspective: