Monday 31 October 2022

Comments - Han Solo Salvation for every scoundrel in distress

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 1 second ago

All around me the abused choose Luke Skywalker, the willfary Stormtroopers and the abusers Darth Vadder as their favorite character. To me it always was Han Solo. Renegade, smuggler, cheeky basterd, rude per default, playing mean tricks to the bad, a hidden Jedi understanding the force at what is is. No energy field, but good deads for those in need such as death to the worst and a ride out of heat for those in need creating a blood trail of bads. He shoots at Darth Vadder knowing his reputation without thinking, has the fastest ride all around and plays a princes like a wolf a pudel, hanging out the kind and nice style in the worst pubs in a galaxy far far away from the average.

#jedi #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Are you solo? 

Are you from the Empire or the Rebillion, so do I have to worry or am I fine?

Friday 21 October 2022

Major Comments - Colion Noir - Armed Jewelry Store Owner

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 1 second ago

It is comon practice in western nations to limit constitutional rights by laws, even so it sais in most interpretations of law, that constitutional rights are further explained by laws. The problem is that most constituions were put in place during the birth of what was a republic and those turned over sometimes several hundred years into a nation.

Republic means back to the people and referes to the power given back from aristocratic rule to the people, while nations are today as a matter of fact, a state system in which the people have to share the power with companies, fraternities and unfortunatelly a political clique, which are several stakeholders of the state. Last time this was the case it was lords, clerics and cititzens. 

Trump was voted against and not for, which is a national phenomena in opposite of the ideals of a republic. Every constitution declares rights FOR the people and the laws that further detail such are always against certain possible actions and consequences deriving from them.

Which is the actual root conflict on all problems in all western societies from 2nd to copy rights. 

A tomahawk was mightier than a gun and today the nations intends to limit use of military grade weapons to the military. We have a right to express ourselfs but copy rights can be arranged in contracts to be owned by others including their profits.

Than, there is always and ever another strategy. DON'T GET CAUGHT.


PS: Robin Hood did kill the Sheriff. Zoro found is love and the Punisher took em for all!

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Major Comments - Johnny on the powder trade

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 31 minutes ago (edited)

The Cocain Kartells made base successfully in Milano and the Costa del Sol, but failed to establish base in Antwerps. Where I am from the CIA heroin trafficking industry met the Gestapo Amphetamin business. CIA, Buskurt and Germans left blood in the 90ies shortly before the War on Terror moved Barraks that gave home to the most important NATO hospital in Europe...

Most of what happend back than is a conspiracy theory and part of underground art at best. 

In the near future, when this crisis intensives and the high functional toxicomaniacs from all parts of the underground will step up their game, I am sure Milano and the Costa del Sol will see even more violance especially against covering up Police and Secret Services than most can imagine. Like when Billy said there might be pendemic pending.


PS: Can you imagine how many well trained within Secret Service and Special Forces are either greedy or up for retaliation, despite Kartells, Mafia, IRA, ETA, Corse, Rockers, Hooligangs, Barrios, MS13, Crips and Bloods, etc, in any respect?

10:18 You state the Columbians are the biggest, but the Peruanians grow most. This is a typical missinformation as it does not make any sence. In order to produce Cocain, you need to grow Cocain. Now, someone might say the Columbians expanded to Peru, but than you need to correct the wording as they are now Columbian-Peruanian.

What really happend ist that the war against the Pablo Escobar for political reasons got so intensivied that Medillian dropped out completely and Cali turned underground. Than the Mexicans took over production and Venezula turned silently failed state while Mexico is an open battle ground. 

Guess where the new heads of the Cocain busines are living and guess what FARC with Gov. Bogota, Brazilian Militas and BEPO will soon do? Gangs war jungle style, no prisoners. The crisis just has to hit properly.

22:40 The Ltd ist taking orders and has full responsibility for the product and especially profit. You were a outside contractor, because you were not entirley on Cocain yourself, needle no blow, and asked for the good weed over fuck weed, the coce I need. If the Ltd screws it he will be exchanged from within or if the entire gang is done from the outside. They pay failure in blood..and inch allah their success soon too again. ;-)

Major Comments - Tate turned rich and bitch of the selfish

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 1 second ago

No Mr Tate. The reason is that most of us, as Charly Chaplin said in the Diktator, have a heart and soul and will not bend for mamon. You had the opportunity to say no and be a good, helpful person. Now look at you. You turned yourself into a misreable example of a greedy fame junky that badly hides his envey for  especially attractive woman and is just scared of love. You are the weak and you will do what ever neccessary stering into a barrel, if someone comes for the selfish that are somewhere behind and around you, and that turned you hinto their little wilfary bitch. They say jump, you say how high.

Considering the overall state of this earth that lost autum, that fails to provide to everyone even the most basic of all goods and the end of political, economical and military hegmony, those evil on the bloody path of God up to tyrannise the selfish won't be able to spare the weak alike you and your friends when 4th starts and we collect our interests on the credit they took.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #ezekiel25 #centurions #WW4

Saturday 8 October 2022

The EU - tomorrow

Europe is a continent of war. Even so I strongly believe that it was more peaceful most of the time than my history books suggest and that there is a strong chance that the Turks did not come to occupy, but to settle in the south of Vienna, that Varus faced mass deserting soldier slaves and that the limes was build by annoyed Barbarriens against Roman invasion and slave capture runs, since the industrialisation there is no doubt that the same that organised slave trade and farms outside of Europe are causing war all around the globe.
Rule by deviding the opponent and bread and games for the own people was the fundamental strategy of ancient Rome that was build upon slavery and tyranny against all others, but the 1st citizens of Rome.
Hitler abused the Barbarrians living in terra incognita to create the German, while having no other plan than building another Roman style empire based on a ruling race and a slave race.
The European Union was in the beginning a trade union and in times of peacful trade Europe florished most turning an enrichment for the world over a burden.
Today the EU is a burocratic system with two half used parliaments and hundreds of institutions all united in innefficency and being closed up from the generals public understanding. 
The honorable idea of a united Europe remains an idea. Central decisions devide like a tyrann will tell over ask it's people what is needed to do.
The EU and it's instiutions is basically the bitching session version of Europe at war. It is diplomats and lobbiests that bribe and social engeneer each other for profit and power over using cannons, which is due to the boom since two most destructive wars that coverd all of Europe from the very western Atlantic to the Ural mountains and reshaped earth in every aspect.
It is a system of nations and nations claime to be republics, like a tyrann will have himself called king, yet they are nomore but the egoist version of a state that keep each other away from turning an empire, fortunatelly. The Euro is based on interests and therefore the money serves only those within the people that already have money and only a few will manage to gain in the shark pool of running a credit line.
This is a faulty and fake peace for most that are tyranniesed by a morning bell and never can afford to rest except they except decline.
Communism failed on state controlled markets and the free west fails on interest based money creating monopoles that are kept alive based on political influence as we speak. 
But where do we go tomorrow?
Those, still believing that an empire on European soil in wich one dominates all others, will try their terror rain as soon as the economy collapses and they are many in number, but little in intelligence.
I am more and more certain that this is the time of another dark mid ages and that turmoil and violance is ahead, of which I hope it will stay as underground as the battles inbetween U.S. forces I witnessed here in Hell's Kitchen and I will take part. Too many must have figured out who I was back in the days and some more do not accept my basic rights. I am no slave, you may not steel my music nor ideas.

I want a system of independent regions, town and metropols that sent representatives on all affairs that concern them and others to find agreements in peace among them and those it concerns, based on good will, reason and arguement in which no human or organisations gives orders to anyone else that does not limit anyones else and their freedom.
Because God made all humans equal and gave us a free will the human shell not deny.

Vive la Revolution.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #gangwarstocome

We only can fight about that, if WW3 does not end nuclear.