Wednesday 19 October 2022

Major Comments - Johnny on the powder trade

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 31 minutes ago (edited)

The Cocain Kartells made base successfully in Milano and the Costa del Sol, but failed to establish base in Antwerps. Where I am from the CIA heroin trafficking industry met the Gestapo Amphetamin business. CIA, Buskurt and Germans left blood in the 90ies shortly before the War on Terror moved Barraks that gave home to the most important NATO hospital in Europe...

Most of what happend back than is a conspiracy theory and part of underground art at best. 

In the near future, when this crisis intensives and the high functional toxicomaniacs from all parts of the underground will step up their game, I am sure Milano and the Costa del Sol will see even more violance especially against covering up Police and Secret Services than most can imagine. Like when Billy said there might be pendemic pending.


PS: Can you imagine how many well trained within Secret Service and Special Forces are either greedy or up for retaliation, despite Kartells, Mafia, IRA, ETA, Corse, Rockers, Hooligangs, Barrios, MS13, Crips and Bloods, etc, in any respect?

10:18 You state the Columbians are the biggest, but the Peruanians grow most. This is a typical missinformation as it does not make any sence. In order to produce Cocain, you need to grow Cocain. Now, someone might say the Columbians expanded to Peru, but than you need to correct the wording as they are now Columbian-Peruanian.

What really happend ist that the war against the Pablo Escobar for political reasons got so intensivied that Medillian dropped out completely and Cali turned underground. Than the Mexicans took over production and Venezula turned silently failed state while Mexico is an open battle ground. 

Guess where the new heads of the Cocain busines are living and guess what FARC with Gov. Bogota, Brazilian Militas and BEPO will soon do? Gangs war jungle style, no prisoners. The crisis just has to hit properly.

22:40 The Ltd ist taking orders and has full responsibility for the product and especially profit. You were a outside contractor, because you were not entirley on Cocain yourself, needle no blow, and asked for the good weed over fuck weed, the coce I need. If the Ltd screws it he will be exchanged from within or if the entire gang is done from the outside. They pay failure in blood..and inch allah their success soon too again. ;-)