Saturday 18 May 2024

Jim & Joe

Jim, I need my Cowboy hat, the wild leather trousers, the snake leather Cowboy boots, the Wtrangler Jeans Jacket and a white fine shirt.
Dude, do you need along the full artillery the Trans Am over?
You saying...
I was jocking. That thing is two tonns and the plane....tooot....toooot....toooot...Seriously, Joe, You have a crush now.
....text message incoming...And the Big American Eagle belt buckle. The sterling silver one.

Listen to that

 from 19:03 on in the language of the people that told its victims to have shower in order to get them into gas chambers, considers itself a people of poets and philosophers despite Schlager music in Mallorca in need of prohibition laws......and understand what BKA PsyOps does. 
Build speakers into your walls, hijack your Microsoft OS computer, enter your flat when you are not in. have some guys stare at your and follow you ... to face during their economc collaps and major war in the East a big bill.


Wer zuletzt lacht lacht am besten


The Gamers are allready all in

 I am not sure if I should declare them a subdevision of Cyberpunk, but this is a realistic simulation of a battlegroup within a potentialy soon coming scenario....right here...

So, you like dying a lot, if its just others? I'll give a fuck about your deals with The Russians .... and hand out headshots, motherfuckers. Like you gat someone stopping me on your premissis, politician.

Do you know what that means?

Here. This one.

If you check these maps...

then you have to understand that any team or group of teams coming into the area to make based on DIY shop available substances rucksack bombs of 40kg explosive weight to attack already traffic jam impacted Autobahn crossings and river barriers with placeing about 20 bombs in a few days will put down that nation and out of business for a very very long time.

If you blow up the 5 barriers of the Ruhr the Rhine will flood and most of Germanies steel industry is out of business especially during a heavy rain season.

There are 5 main Autobahn crossings diagonaly stretching through the Rhur Areas traffic jam center that would devide the area into two if blown up.

A9 and A7 are the two most important connections North to South and placing the remaining 10 onto their main crossings everyone had to use the German train service.

They kill each other on the platforms after a week....

Do you understand

 how many Bostonians will sleep a lot better, if that goes on as it does for Provitional IRA veterans?
Special Forces in Ukraine and a full restructering based on that war fare lession?

#formanymoregoodfridays #nomorebloodysundays #gfyHanover

What if

 the estimated maximum time frames for staying in a high intensity fight of NATO are not that much based on ammo, but on how long those troops can deal with the medication given until physical collaps?

And if the Russians get that, they will drive to Warsawa and Berlin and Frankfurt. That is after three days of direct confrontation about only 11h. Seek, Kill, Clean up. That is not a lot...

What actually happens

is that the moment Germany turned the most struggling and hardest wrecked economy they start building weapons again, as they did under Kaiser and Führer.

It also means that we can liberate Europe from their tyranny to be ourselfs again. 





Do you understand that

 I can drive an electric engine on a wall plug to connect that one with a multi gear transmission driving a dynamo to create more electric energy than that drive train pulls of the wall plug?

I am no crazy, but your stupid.

IronClad helped Hamas and Hisballah?

Those in the north got a set of fake Dollars onto which they put a stamp used to hand out money after Israeli air strikes or artillery fire that lacked precision to buy dedicated products to rebuild the houses. The system is based on Templer Banking education like that temporary money that looses value after a certain time and can buy only certain products used for funding decentralised housing rebuilds.

Gaza has three tunnel systems. Attack tunnels into Israel that were also used to smuggle goods the workers stolen from Israeli farms and factories they worked on for low wages. Those I have not planned.
A highway system to transport goods and humans in Gaza off the Isreali surveillance, spy and collaborator network. The bunkers below the hospitals are connected to bring wounded humans into the Lazaret, Officers and comando communication lines wires are in those too. They are not designed to be defended, but for fast travell of goods, humans and communication.
A defence system only within Gaza for fighters to defend the terretory. The attacks in Israeli conquered areas are done by them.
The smuggle tunnels can be easily found. The transport tunnels can not be defended. The defence system is hardcore.
Hand out the Rabbin Murderes or Israel will loose that one war and we go hunt the Kaisers own world wide thereafter.

You are no superior beings. You have no privilages. You are mortal. You have to practice to become better. You have to think before you act. Your actions cause reactions. 

Weclome to Fight Club
Hardcore Fight Club

This fight will last as long as it lasts
It is not several, it is one big fight

PS: How? Well, I took a pen and paper and dropped it at an approproate place? maybe...

To make clear what's coming

 The Holy Land is again a prime excample. Nutraly describing the situation is the problem in Isreal and Palestine since the end of WW2 inequality in every aspect of life for all humans living in the region.
Some are very rich and others are very poor. Some are very priviliged and can avoid prosecution for any or most crimes they were accused of and others suffer from surpression. Some can travell internatioanly others are stuck in one place. There is no clear easy line that will not be unfair quickly when getting into detail.
In this area the situation is most extreme. Hamas never was able in any way to put the Gaza Strip onto an economic solid bases and Isreal faces a brutal form of small arm conflict. Each is in return to the other. Not everyone in Gaza is fighting and not everyone with an Israli passport is joining the IDF.
Here in Europe the difference is not that big. There is no camp like area with a big fence around or any area under constant threat of extreme violance.
But, never the less, is our system highly corrupt and has priviliged enteties. The fact that Bavarian Police uses violance against citizens without prosecution is a known fact. Cokain or Exstacy users are less punished than Cannabis smokers. Getting legel advice is almost impossible for low income households.
Port that to here.

One thing is for sure. Euope will see more violance especially between those parties that cannot negotiate anymore and want to see death on the other side.

So, how do you like my jokes and aquisations about a virtual KZ system from an organisation build by SS men after 45, BKA? And how do you estimate your survival chances?

#provos #totalwar

Sudan at War

Currently, the off national support groups attack the Masalit People of whom wiki sais they are about 500.000 in total only. On their history the problem is that The West wrote this part of Wiki and obviously war is the main focus of that history. Slavery was normal and so was conquering others. Therefore, between 1874 and 1908 they were ruled by different Sultans and the Ottomans coloniesed them. Ottomans are Turks and Sultans are moslem Kings.
There is no way that the local Kings would ask Turks to help bringing the beginnings of Industrialisation in form of steam machines to the region that well can be fuled by dry dung and not only coal. There is no way that the business of looting got even more lucrative and even so I would love to blame The Germans, others in this world would not find to the same lifestyle.

So, obviously, no one will ever look at the current situation in especially Darfur on what they have there and who might want to have a lower price for that. Who had build in the recent past which level of wealth and who trys to take a share without giving any exchange and by which means from tax to blunt gunpoint.

Why would we??

It is so normal that people kill each other. Right Germans? Just look at your history so representative for mankind. Even the people of poets and philosophers murdered most brutally millions and until today keeps a virtual KZ system running to exploid specialy gifted humans that happen to be never on drugs or bright blond white. So, why would Africans be better.

Darkness for All - A not that far EU future

Finally, everyone and even the media realised that not Russia was under sanctions, but that The West isolated itself. First the USA became a stronger trade partner than China and now there is no trade with China anymore at all. Taiwan is still delivering electronic components, but especially EU products are stock piled in warehouses and find no buyer abrought and at home.
Unemployment risis and only the nations and tiny business still provide work. Deindustrialisation as in the south of Italy and Greece hit the industrial core of The West.
The synthetic drug waves did not stop, but got every bigger with ever lower prices and ever stronger substances. In some areas all shops had to close down.
Police started to shoot at both mass protests and small criminals.
The stock markets make billions in waves crashing through the markets. One day a central Paris, with all its closed shops, but at least few junkies, house was worth a tenth than before the Corona Crisis triggering the economic desaster and some unknown French company almost as much worth as Microsoft was before the crisis, but only for a few days. Speculation was exchanged by gambling called price manipulations.
No one needs to pay any parking fine anymore, most is cash only business, banks are not secure anymore except those directly connected to the big stock market speculants and Police is either not arround or to weak to enforce anything.
The best product to be sold are cheap reliable guns and ammo. Junkies won't buy, still too expensive, gangs won't buy, still too proud, but every rightous citizen want's one for his daughter, son and himself.

Factually, Europe is off rule from any national institution. If we just kill enough of those from the past....
2030.01.01 Happy New Year. Maybe I survive another one. Antwerps.

Friday 17 May 2024

Jim & Joe

Hey Joe. What time is it?
No, I mean what did the sandclock say you've been staring on for three hours while dancing?
She is bringing her friend tomorrow to dinner.
I love you, maaaaan

A Synthetic Drug Wave over Europe

 is hitting now. These drugs to no harm to the jungle or farmers. They are fully synthetic. The reason why in this wave created by organisations that for well can take on even European military tonns of load are captured by the nation is advertising.
No one honestly believes that there is any doubt about the character of someone joining the Police force, but from a forigner perspective you need to understand the levels of corruption and capability. Some of the main Mexican Kartells are operated by former military men and they are looking right now for new partners and hires.
Mercenery is business. In the hard drug trade a gun men is cheaper than bribery in the long run. Everyone can charge tax, deposit or protection money, but die only once.

So, BKA....are you still insisting that none of yours ever stolen from me and murdered to cover that?

Than Mexicans will need to be realy convincing keeping you as their bitches.


I do not negotiate with Germans. No one does. But I do kill Germans with no remors or regret.

The Street serving The Floors

 So, some guys get killed. They are all considered The Underworld of this society. They are crime bosses and rule The Underworld. They are hunted and wanted. They are dangerous and pay the price for their power and way of life.
Well, most of those that fit that description, cultivated by The Floors of the society, having hard drug consumption as a major part of their lifestyle while being to scared to import or cook that gear themselves will do a lot that their newspapers, TV channels and YouTube influencers keep up the spirit.
They will be also realy nice to the bouncer of their VIP Club and his manager. They will even nicier ask, if he can get some Cokaine or Exstacy and deny all knowledge like the CIA does with their field agents.
Those that get killed first of all died. 
Then, we have to understand that they were living a lie from covering their double life to many of their loved once to even lying to themselfs. The first lie is usually when sitting in a nice posh car on the passanger seat and hearing that you never score your own product, that you can make a lot of money and that it is save, beside prison time is not that bad and avoidable, because you are smart guy.
Getting out of the car to walk past the cemetry, to the old Chappel having a prayer, making your way through your occupied town back home is not considered smart. Yet you know you have lost yet another friend to the snake trade and can't tell.
And do not tempt us as we do not tempt others.
Ignoring Risc Management turns you into a gambler. When you play Lotto it sais somewhere on the webpage the chance, like one to a million to hit the jackpot. Then, there is also a list of all pulled numbers since the start and they are all about equally pulled, yet with some differences. Wondering about those tiny differences is called Chaos Theory or the Science of Complex Systems. Using your most favorit suing pattern on the squares is funny at best.
If you would manage to successfully predict the Lotto numbers at least twice in a row you would be a Chaos Theory Mega Super Master Mind, understanding that it won't happend a smart realist.
Those from The Streets and The Floors in especially the hard drug trade do not think like that. They love that criminal hardcore aura and illusion created by the drugs in combination with the known risc, like the lady putting in her suing pattern and buying a Ferrari imaginarily ever single time she puts in her suing pattern.
The Real Underground is full of only one kind of humans. Those that use their talents to influence others to shape this world and human society by all their abilities.
Some people wanna use you, some people wanna get abused. By now you should now what the Nazis do. A friend in need is a friend in deed a friend with weed is better. I am your fool.
In the same place some dance drugged to these songs and even sing them along and others hear a message to follow up on.
I know how to save a life, but this also for my friends from the LAPD and all abusive motherfuckers that took advantage of a guy because he had long hair...COP KILLER

So, Sheep, Rat or Wolf. Lion, Dompteur, Wulf. With or Against. From or For.

And do you believe in God?
That one allmighty loving force in all mysterious ways
or in your own only


Joe & Jim

Don't you think we are getting too close to our business associates, the hotties? I mean...
Reaaallllyyyyy. Again this conversation?
So, no?

TheGerman - The Influencers

 More conflict is coming to the top dogs of TheGerman influencers. Most must have believed that they successfully managed to be on cam the nice guys, ignoring that they are actually kinda weired, but in no way like the excentric Brit or the avant-guard French, more like a strange German.
There is also a great chance that this crowed is part of the Isrealit community in Germany and I believe many are or have been striding through this Hell's Kitchen from which also the current head of the main Jewish representative organisation for Germany comes from, just that my Granddad said no Jew came back to here. All those that managed to get away from SA terror and were not murdered in KZs deathcamps stayed away to avoid Germanisation and started hiding.
Israelits derive from the Kaiser. The murderer of Yitzak Rabbin was a German Israelit and their defenition of Jewish is the same as the one of the Nazis. You are a Jew, if your mother is Jewish, it is a bloodline decision and one way to obtain Israeli citizenship. You pass the Ayrian Test, practically, but as a Jew. 
Currently, the second row of the Influencers that are all about opinion making and not into fashion, watches or cars, appears to get under fire by its staff beeing rebellious about the mental parts of the work conditions.
They basically make everyone understand that off cam the super nice fake smiles turn into an ugly nasty fuck face. 
Like noone ever considered them to be assholes??? It is still the schoolyard thing in which everyone else is fake or stupid except...
The good news is that they will sort their problems by even more bitching and crying sessions with finally lawyers and judges and a lot of paper work, yet possibly creating long term depression patients or suicide cases.
Nothing to worry about realy, except you have money from their cash streams in TheGerman society and no legal insurance, but care about your reputation like the Royals do, despite...

Thursday 16 May 2024

TheGerman state of mind

 watch until minute 07:36 and than imagine you tel him that is no real axel, but two independent wheels, shortly before hitting Lidle America, having no German Lidle products, because they serve Americans in America. You miserable German homesick hater boy....

So, big boy. To the best of my knowledge have you been in a Wall Mart Super Store that sell big pack products. No one walks out of a Wall Mart with on bottle of Pepsi, hardly anyone with just one 2liter PET pack of 6 and most use more than one trolley. Americans go to a Butcher for meat and a Bakery for bread with the excpetion of Whole Foods Stores which are expensice, but all organic and realy tasty, like shit is that worth its money and it sucks being poor.....which is in may case your fault  BKA, dead meat walking.

And to the Landlord, if you want to avoid any future full house inspections you need to stick signs on in at least English saying: Do not open. No entry or Private. Like in Texas, where some Germans live speaking Texas German. Is that a coincidence?




Your Ego won't lke that

 but the truth is that no sain soldier wants you anywhere close in combat therefore you were put as far away as possible from Helmand Province and I am sure the Northern Alliance is still mad at us.

Sorry. Do the Mosquito Helicopter do the job, please?


We had a job to do. Babysitting rougs was not part of the job description. L! ... wait: rogues, so you get it, grammer Nazis. And that's how a real war looks like what ever you do in Urkaine with your "stay behinds" I am glad the civilians are gone. #coldwarkids

La nuevo mondo

 Amigo tranquillo la Guardia Civil? Tous en promille prenne la liberte de tous, de nous, le people, dans les immeuble male, ill meme tous formidal en luxe par tax max est ca trop maintenant. la nuvo mond la resistance en face de cette DISGRACE TO THE HÍMAN RACE!

les petit arrive dans la mond de grand. Les petitos et Les grandos. With or Argainst


 tries the future belt to keep the devil away with a spell....the snakes all fake.

On Gangs

 I am not sure if you get that, but European Nomads known as Travellers since Charlemagne were organiced in Gangs, lived in Gangs, fought in Gangs and died in Gangs. We never walked alone until those that always jumped our Gangs got a nation and did the Holocaust as soon as being organised in a state to get another nation full of lies continuing their murder, just with different means until this day.

That's why I always will be a Gangster, a One Man Gangster you Jewmurdering Nazi shitheads of German looters.

This is the Storm ending The German state


TheGermans - Illusionism

 Do you understand that one can see what kind of weed is in the bag and that the slide of the gun won't deal with anything propa?

PS: What do think happend here than? All that came after was on , which the German Bundestag band like BKA our traditional Butterfly knives beeing from there on according to NSA internet from the Phillipines.

Jim & Joe

 You go wedding crushing now, Joe?
Well, managing to steel not the bride, but her sister after showing up by the excuse of being part of the band as male GoGo....
Is not crashing the wedding. No crash.
She realy has a crush now.
The bride?

TheGerman G wars

 Is all about name dropping and Whats App contact lists. Ask them, how many also know the sheep on that village they are from all knowing each other....point a native off High German Hannoveran pronounciation and with a beer in your hand you get away with it, if you chicken out before you have to kick their ass by them breathing into your face.

Mundgeruch is a thing.....


PS: Me? Well, as long as they considered me a fool it was all no problem. The moment someone that today serves in Ukraine from the local Russian speakers was threatening my girl from 10 meters away I shouted back in English, if he knows me; Walked over as he shook his head having unexpected feedback and tiny glimps of those running the stove of Hell's Kitchen and showed him my German national registration card to have him remember the name and go ask around who I was, who knows me and what they all say about to me. He ignored her next time.
BKA, CIA and Hells Angels score too much drugs to connect the dots of what the must know about me, in opposite to the thugs running the streets. Too high on the floors to even see the Underground.
Go park your rides when the shootout starts and you can fill the vaccuum that comes after I explode.

So, what would be the most aggressive motorcycle?

 Well, short wheel base, small engine, but high turn Harley, even so you wanna feel the wind like to have more stopping power.

Did you ever do that? Get up making you big when being full in the breaks before a turn to throw your body weight into the turn letting the throttel go open to have that bitch fly high all sliding through forward.

I am a Traveller we live most intense ruling our Kingdom is in our blood it sais and I wonder, if the blood is a 6 dimension. like Princesses are born not made, we are.

Imagine this is just practice

and crusing in a bad peace and how a good war would like like, like flying a glider plane in the mountains to a low passing attack helicopter in mid mountain range.....

What is your craft Provos?


Jim & Joe

 Hey Joe do you
Mm mm.
Did you?
Ahm, I can't
The copy of
Jim, No.
Send my a picture of the sick leave temp!
OHhhhhh Myyyyy Goooood.

The Sponsored Car Deaker among TheGermans

 who does not know yet, that it does make no sence to repair a totaled Super Car. There are too many around with too few buyers that any would honestly buy a rebuild niche car. With exception of Oldtimer Super Cars that were extremly limited no car above 200k being totaled will find a buyer.
A totaled Toyata Avensis with 50thousand km does make sence to be rebuild, because there are plenty of usable used and exchange parts around with no need to use OEM parts, which you cannot do on a Lamborghini, Bugatti or Ferrari. you an unlimted credit line, boy? ....and is there anything else going on...
PS: And than does the Clickbait Master actually mind selling a Citroen to what are you realy...

More conclusions to the assumptions

It appears that the CIA Artefact Departments agents in Germany did not in any respect let the BKA StaatsSchutz guys, that were looking for the rapper creating pretty much all first wave German Rap music before Aggro Berlin, know that they had it directly stolen, but covered my existance by themselves creating fake underground videos which the BKA SS already new from fighting Hip-Hop coltoure, hunting real Graffiti Artists or Breakdance Crews.
You never made it off your school yard, socialy. The only one that does not get fooled, is you, fooling all others, right? Each of you.

I told you

 it will start to be too many enteties. All against All, TheGermans Paradise.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Do you happen to know these nose stripes to breath better

and are you aware that the nose has muscles to you can train, too? I go for training my nose muscles anytime, like I can move both eyebrows independently and simultainiously or rest them depending on the desired impact in the current situation.
How come?
TheGermans can be realy annoying and trigger a very lot of hate and when you decided to put that into muscle traing you will go looking for more some point laking striking cover.

The CIA Artefact Department in WW2

Did steel furniture from all historic European buildings on their way? Yes, based on the prinicple "Alles was nicht niet und nagelfest ist", because of the Bernstein Zimmer which is lost by total destruction during the demount attmept. The SS so, did not have to cover as U.S. Army Officers like the one claiming to have saved the ceiling painting in the Residence of Würzburg that today has no furniture anymore and even needed to have the mirror room redone build with mirrors not nailed or glued to the wall.
As a matter of fact one of the old furniture items was once found and given back by a clumsy photography and instead of the service being blamed the papers reported a Big Red One soldier had stolen it. Like, do you understand how hard it is to get a box of Burboun into the field with no Officer stripes despite an entire furniture back to the USA out of the field???
The rest is, if I did not manager to steel it back by a Turky, Turkmenistan to Krimea route to the native Francs new homes, still in Confederate familiy posetion. Or is that fuck you properly?

What you think, Mr Popp.
Does it say Made In China below or on the back? #imperialguards #thetriads

I told you

 and the next level will be they use weapons in mass brawls. Long knives, bats and crossbows are legaly available in Germany. Guns are restricted, but despite those officially tight gun laws, Germany is also the nation with most guns per head of which most are hunting or matchgrade weapons under certain handling and storage rules with plenty of Pistols and Revolvers in gun clubs.
But, only a certain part of the Germans has the required gun licences. Villagers mainly, of which most own more guns being able to hand out them to non gun licence holders in case of a major conflict. Most of these gun club backed gun licence and hunter licence holders are from SS families, SA families or NSDAP member families with a clearing by the school ministry psychological evaluations. So, I am as far off one as anyhow possible. Straight off topic.
And also not The liberal left about legalising cannabis. NONE.


I told you

 this is the guy that working most likely for the BND abused his position to help the BND founded organisatoin N'drangheta, in no relation to the ancient original, to wash their money by buying land and factories in remote parts of the nation.

Therefore, this can have been anyone from the own service having found how he cheated, the FSB based on old ties, N'drangheta against whom he broke a contract or even a local resently formed resistance group, beside a mentally challanged person, obviously.

Interestingly so, did the attacker not use a Scorpion Submachine gun to also take down the guards, so it was not us most likely as we like to die in style.

#provos #IRAmovement #MIB #thedomesticenemyoftheamericanwayoflivefreedom

How does that, from a Cyberpunk Pub far far away,

 in the real world simulation fit together?
In that war all about For or From the people two ancient organisatios battle each other. One is Elite Military Knight Order the other an Elite Criminal Synidcate.
One Knight of the order is a Witcher that can without the use of psychoactive substances read others thoughts and create illusions to be mixed up for example. The others get ever deeper and deeper cought in their crime lifestyle.
In the 90ies, after having been on a special operations mission to shut down Cokaine production, that Knight took down all CIA Narco operatives and their hired guns. The created vaccum, existing due to the German lifestyle of high level illicit drug use, was filled by the actual core enemy of the Knight Order. Those that triggered the frist Crusades by blaming moslems for their actions.They also went undercover hiding their meetings haveing moved them into the by World Wars captures ancient fortress town of that Witcher Knights military order.
Does that make no sence?
Awsome, except it is fictional, innit?

And how do I get a contract for an action movie in which these guys get into trouble with a Terrorist Gang that recently started supporting Gang Army Syndicates based on a deal to stay out of their own turff and invest their profits into fighitng poverty in Central and Sourh America?
Like a guy dressed in ballistic nylon all black in major shootouts with Police after he killed the as neighbours coverig undercover Secret Service PsyOps guys he abused as cover to social engeneer required material for his serving brothers on their badly planned missions?
Maybe, you play me music and just film the whole thing???
What you think, Lionsgate.


PS: Some use you, some abuse you, contiunues for now. Sorry.

What realy fucks me up?

Ukrainian War hord attacks.

Do you wanna try this on any side?
You are a comanding Officer in the Ukraine war and order a group of 2 tanks with 155mm and 7.62mm gun, 3 armoured troop transporters with a 30mm gun each and each loaded with 6 infantrists of which one has a 7.62 machine gun and all others 7.62 assault rifles in total 18 infantrists. Each infantrist has 3 hand grenades and a 9mm Pistol, one out of 6 has a radio and all iron sight optics only.

You are orderd to attack or counter attack an ememy position and take to hold it.
First of all, is that reasonable considering the last attempts and do you have a better situational idea to suggest to your command?
Then, you go for the attack. Most likely a bombed out small village with some improvised trenches to be reached over a 1km stretch of open fields without vegetation.
First, you estimate based on experiance the time until the enemy starts the shelling by artillery of the convoi. You reflect how many artillery canons had been firing at the convoi in the past. Was it one firing three rounds per minute or three firing one each per minute to understand the capability of your first enemy on this mission. Also, one even very capable canon team can only fire one shell at one target at the time, three can fire at three targets.
The basic plan is to have the convoi on its path through the open field stretch out into several smaller units to give a more difficult overal target during the first shelling wave.
If you attack a position with either to be expected heavy resistance or strong fortification of which you do not know the exact blueprint this is the way:
You have the two heavy tanks drive forward together but far enough apart to be not impacted by one shell. This would be the maximum shell impact range as minimum distance to each other. They start firing their main canon while driving against the strongest part of the target approaching into the target to breach into the village where they will use the 7.62 gun to take on infantry soldiers and fire with the main gun at secondary targets changing speed from maximum offroad to sneaking forward and backward slow speeds within the village trying to use as much housing cover to avoid long lines of fireing range.
The 3 transporters spil up into three. One on each flank of the main tanks and one falling behind by slowing down or driving elyptic routes, but not stopping.
The flank tanks enter the village to drop the soldiers as soon as having reached the first save postion by most likely any kind of houseing or a trench system on each flank while the main tanks enter the village over the defeated main position. 
The back up tank either rescues the main tanks crew being hit, supports any of the flank, if facing heavier than expected resistance or drops the infantry into the remaining first main tank target position.
The infantry gives feedback, if its drop position is appropriate, if they can advance, need to retreat or need a pick up to look with the troop tank for another drop position suggested by radio based on feedback of any tank or plattoon or reccon or intel of you the comander.

Ok. honestly. What you think BKA how hard can I fuck your Polizei in the town I never get lost in, if you continue your path against me and ... am I a Knight or a paranoid schizophrenic with a poverty oath?

Either way FUCK YOU BKA!!! Mia wahn zuerst da, du judenmörder.

For Konrad and his Daddy

 So, what's gonna happen? Do you know those rich business men that do cultivate grammaticaly correct English, but with a strong local accent making sure everybody knows they are German or French?
Those that mind clear statements about the dark past of Europe and in weak moments state humans were horrible and cruel?
Those, are right now loosing their support by Russian shelling. Most of those warriors serving in the Ukrainian Legion worked as their most appreciated below them turning every meeting difficult every single time it was about knowing it better than the boss, but for real.
All 90.000 are the same from within the military and they will fight. Depending on how strong "Die Ewig Gestrigen" are still in the Wests society NATO will soon directly attack Russian forces on Ukrainian soil, trigger a Russian attack by hurrassing the Russian minorities in Belarus and Moldavia or by waiting until the first Russian shell hits NATO forces within Ukraine to than use "defending" and synonym the media.
The effect of that will be a visible crash of the EU. The USA are better positioned and a crash would only kill off the Dow Jones run Ivory League Manager sub-coltoure of the U.S. economy and society. Wall Mart has different customers.
The EU instead will face a chain effect of economic hard crashing that already started by main factories serving several thousand workers' credit lines to be fed by firing those into national administrative nightmares and certain poverty. They can't find another factory or build their own small business no matter how many national payed workshops they attended.
Those job training companies serve the owners of the provider, who are all part of ... "Die Ewig Gestrigen" but won't get you a job. This complex will crash like every on Stalinist principles run Kombinat did even before unification.
In this situation the FSB, ANC, IRA, ETA, Cosa Nostra and Camorrah will take their prey creating an environment from which this current order won't arise again by taking all follow up organisations and affiliates of the GeStaPo and SS out of the game, period. The Headshots game peak.
There will be an underground war. There is an underground war. There was an undergrond war. There never can be a nuclear war. Ever.

When the world goes nuts @home

A home is more than shelter, but may not loose its core function of sheltering those that live in. A home is the place to find peace and feel save. Every anti-social and tyrannic entety will attack the home of a target or targeted area to make sure the targets don't feel save anymore and cannot find peace.
Accustic stress, poarch theft, bycicle theft, all this is part of an occult attack against a good person or area like telling everyone around the place to buy drugs was South Central by their media friends having a nose on their party in The Hills making sure their supply thugs drive just shortly before their buddies into South Central being passive aggressive to making stupid noise and eventually rioting homes of the locals while Police will come for you, if you shoot them.
What you think how would the home of a Occult Crime Syndicate look like that is a wild mixture of legal business and illicit actions attacking the underdogs of society, the working hard poor?
Well, the working hard poor have homes with a one peace colour way in usually bright, but calm colours. They have well thougth through spots for durable furniture and every accessior does have a story. The bookshells will be filled with books they actually read and enjoyed and own to keep for a longer time. So, every decorational item is also a memory or transports an atmosphere. Pictures and paintings have a meaning and remember the home owner of important occassions or principles.
Everything is supposed to help relaxing at get into the cousy mode, yet still being ready for activity and socialising with friends and relatives.
So, who will move in here please? 

Enabling small trade in developed regions

 Is by allowing complex systems to develop by creating a solid foundation. Small trade needs small production and basically looks like a fleemarket. Those are especially healthy if they also have new products build or created by small one or several persons companies.
Therefore it needs a fine by easy to understand and run legal company background for one or few person companies with small turnovers. It needs places to find a buyer from online platforms to market places and cheap ways to get there with the products.
No train can also carry even a standard one cubic meter case of goods. Markethalls hardly ever have enough parking lots or easy to register online pages to get a spot and even cheap small trucks miss fuel efficient drive trains with large amounts of gears to keep engine turns low on long steady stretches of travell.
Creating a fine small business environement in a developed nations means intelligent infrastructure investements that will benefit every citizen exponentially and creates a lot of movement. 
Planning is even more important in areas in which millions live and have already a car enabling them to actually use it, trains are already packed and centers are crowded only by innefficient ways of space use.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

How ever it fits together

 this KingPin of TheGermans Max Headrooms is talking about a girl that made me walk out drunk from the local tiniest bar when she said her name was Whatever TheDuck having the most impressive Duck bud I ever saw....drunk leaning a find a save spot hiding my humour.
These guys are not part of the Narco parts of CIA or GeStaPo, but must be close to the Artefact Devision of the CIA with most likely tight connections to some realy malicious Kibuzzium that recently suffered badly in retaliation as much as the latest news of trying to convince me that my Granddads best friend was not a Jew that managed to get away in the 20ies to never come back the very same conversation I heard about Tom whom I gave all my copyrights to out of an poverty oath at which point I dropped the serious part of the conversation.
Last time they reached this bullshit level was when I was told I had spend two weeks in the Frankfurt Forest and was imagineing to have been a recruite at the French Forigne Legion that also was not in Aubagne, but somehwhere in Marseille.
The Duck Bud is an asshole and lost keeping up the illusion of being the nice good German that they all play since Landau needed to drop his offical uniform because hemp trousers wearing and hemp smoking hillbillies like me fucked up their Reich big time.
I am sure they did not understant yet that I do give a major pile of shit to which wing of GeStaPo they belong. They all have two options:
They pay back the credit they took with interests and spare some time until I join the fight or we go straight to the bloodshet.
Just bullshit negotiations won't happen with born Loosers.

Their code word

 is conspiring for love.


Heaven or Hell

 Well, you can't sleep there later than before noon and we Clochard do not hestiate to give on a zip of water given from le resto de coer so someone can carry on with his spell. Some men have to ring a bell to end what they spend their time with on wet jobs under all seal.

This is the Storm

When you

once in while wanna sleep at night, but have to dream walk a loving guy through his valley of darkness to have for all a brighter day, what better than to lay down as a towns own, very own that never moan, but receive from those that greeve looking for a tiny better deed bringing some sweet back into their lives as a rosecrusaders strive is to fight for love to rule the world, by all means neccessary.

John's Poker Card Oracle


Two Aces, Two standing infinites and a Queen of Hearts. We all know why you are in for this and this is the first time I do this on Five Cards Draw, our Cowboy Game. From your Queen missing your eternal luck you turned sentenced to death to send them to death turning lucky and soon it will be time to find your Queen of Hearts.

Be aware to not challange desteny too often. Magic is for the sober, like challanging God for God's own, only.

If John Wick 4

Was real, than that original and is mates use niners. Subs wit soft round copper heads instead of spiced up niners hardened cop killer hads with a peak as well as super spiced 356 from a spring hardened Eagle. 
JW1 Vs JW4
Drug Elite Vs WitcherKnight King 
Rex tabula locatio de vinotheka restaurantum maximus historia. Vorte Gratua! 

A Shadow Run Strategy - Fighting Off Police

 The Run is clear. You have to liberate your crew member from those that screwed you over. First they made you import an illicit substance and now they want to cut down price by taking you in keeping the load for free.
The exit was easy abusing a low security level spot during transport, but the guards resisted and five of them died. Now, it is murder and personal.
You are facing 200 of their elite, ready to kill and ready to tell you everything to make that kill easier. There is a headmoney out and all and everyone will drop a hint on your whereabouts to get a little beacon later, potentially. The area has on some main roads CCTV cameras, all public transport is off except you manage to play it cool, but than, they have your biometric data and can run software over the CCTV streams,
You can run, but than you run for ever and that's what they want. Keep you scared and on the run.

So, Runners you entered new turff in the Shadows of the Sprawl and wider Region. You turned Cop Killers. You need to understand how much ammo you have, how well you are trained on your military grade assault weapons and how good you are in defending a position. You know you can attack, that they underestimated you once and you saw the faces of them being scared when their authority is challanged successfully.

How many can you attack to kill until they create a madia legend and stop the main search turning you into an always armed Underground Gang off reporting, living on cash only, constantly? And where to attack first.

Sometimes running is no option and you have to go the full hundred yards. From now on you sleep with a gun below your pillow. A nine millimeter Police gun and an Assault rifle in reach. Always, everytime until the passing comes


I told you

 Germans are pussies that jump politicians with bare hands while meanwhile in France about whom they big mouth constantly when no French is close Police is treated as the Other Gang in town.

DId anyone actually ever

investigate the difference between tyranice and terrorise? Like, to understand what a tyranica Police force would face when getting into trouble with a terrorist Gang?

Try Google...

TheGerman ignorance - Applied example

 Watch this on 04:35 and understand, like let it sink, that the Max Headroom of G Rap to the bottem right looks at the same picture saying that that women being part of the Bunny fraction of TussyInc should have herself known that real bunnies mind having their fear colourd.
The red haired all make up bunny did not know that rabbits may not have their hair colourd.
Get it??
Dude, send one of your Gs with a blank gun to knock on me door.....

Is Bugzy

 one of those guys that is the cock in the chicken gang who ripps off whom the chicks qualified? Like he first dropps the mixed North Manchester as a kinda bad thing to go on stating he was scared to tell his mum he got stabbed and did not drop any reason on what happend.
Why would ýou be scared to tell your mum? Because you lost the fight or you caused the fight with someone that did the exact same thing I did here with the Germans over and over again on ever escalating levels of violance for their crimes against me....
Which is why I never got any shot onto a major contract, which I don't mind considering the neighbours here and corpo managers attitude.

If the Law is for the People

If the Law is for The People, The People may enforce the Law.

If Police is off the Law, there is no Law for the People what ever your paper or book sais, but you are a Tyrann.



27.000 murders in South Africa

 And what they don't tell you about it, is that it was worse under Apartheid. It is a sad fact, that under Apartheid the law did not apply for everyone and some got away with murder, torture or any other crime, if it was just against no privilaged white system man.
Today, at least the offender needs more brain than those he attacks. We seperate from animals by intelligence and because no racist will admit his crimes as much as a people liberating itself from racist rule insisting no matter the argument on their privilages to let others have the work done wihout sharing any profit, creating an environment in which the smart can defeat the stupid means to create a system more humaine even so based on simnple natural selection instead of ideals.
There are no trustworthy numbers available from Aprartheid rule on any crime, because a crime statistic only reflects the registered offences or claimed offences of which under Apartheid many were not even reported onto paper or any database. The crime statistic is also not the judge rulings and a pretended theft is still a theft in a Polce crime statistic.
There are other laws that are easier to apply and more difficult to trick. Those of physics, those of mathematics and those of sociology.
Areas like underdeveloped townships may not see old Buuren wipes again or they trigger deadly counter violance. Volunteers must be voted and be like a Sherriff with Deputies to be no alien to the neighbourhood as much as administrative systems need to be stronger based and placed into communities to port them further away from Apartheid rule to Clan or Tribe coltoure that also was home to the Resistance.
Slave runners take salves out of lazyness. It is easier to use a gun in the face of a man to have im work on a field than to do that yourself especially if the field is proclaimed by gun right, too. This is how every slave nation started and they all also fall by gun law.
The crime was and in many cases most likely is created by Apartheid racists. The end of Apartheid is not pushed through society and many managed to hide or cover their crimes.
Everything and everyone needs to ge more bussy, there must be more life and laughter, more party and more activity like sports, gospels and arts visible and in everyonce face and quickly the lazy will be visibly from the bussy, the anti-social parasitea from the social communities, lovers from the jelous
even so it will mean Death before Dishonour to dancing lovers celebrating a bussy week and not only knights aka freedom fighers aka Resistance Members for some time. 

Monday 13 May 2024

Imagine that is actually

 about TheGermans coming to get me back into mental hospital onto Benzoids to tell me I fell better despite my feedback. Is that funny or tragic?

This here... and they will never give up looking all the same of their kind.

Bad news Top G apprentices

 If I ever go on a date into any food spot with a chick like that, she will pay. Because it is a mean world, innit?

Wanna support me?

 I take dirty and mind you not playing without listening

Or you turn me into the boring party explosive

As you wish.

but help to fuck the system

Thank you

Hot Girls Live Vs Among TheGermans

 American hot women are privileged. Me, as the only not German among Germans, wake up to defeat Sparta, go back for a nap and let my frustration go by blogging to one day leave with a proper cash flow or kill the neighbours. These ugly cunts.


 That it makes any sence to try to chat of a women like the one in that very long Bikini dress instead of having her decide, if you are an appropriate mating partner.
To be realy honest with all you Gs, she is wearing that very long version of an all visible Bikini to make everyone on her thought through path for the day understand what he'll deal with. She is a women that does for well consider her options of clothing based on where she goes when.
If you are single and in the first three seconds of bumping into her, like in the lift, manage to say a nice "Hi" with no further wording she can fetch that tissue and give you the opportunity for .... to fuck her brains out where ever she slips out of that thing, dude, by some more nonsence check up sweet talk.
But hurrassing her with insisting on you being the Top G Alpha Male of he like how often did you go past that Bouncer by your best lines?

Read Jim & Joe and TussyInc SWAT to understand what meterial you turn yourself into. Your fault

TheGermans - Arrogance an applied example

 In the first five mintues already this is no Recconessance Unit. What ever they realy do, reccon missions need beside a short briefing at least silencers on the rifles and a Ghili suite. Binoculars come in handy too, waitig until night time to infiltrate the area to take position in one of ideally several predefined surveillance spots on a map with a grid ...

I fucking hate you having laughed at me the last 38 years after one of your mission murdered my parents to kidnapp me along....telling me I was crazy.

In fact, you have been crazy to ignore every tactical and strategical progress in warfare while keeping a virtual KZ system to exploid higly gifted humans.


PS: In opposite to what the contemporary Sturmbannfuehrer sais to the end, they are not training phsically but use drugs to ignore the impact of physical actions while building up a constant passive aggressive aura they will not be able to live up to under counter preassure. You can, like a Wulf an older Rabbit, hunt them to death, because they will collaps with a stroke over having a break when running. Like propa running.

#undergroundwars #the90ies #GIvsBW

Germanisation - An applied example

So, this guy might need a translation of Mein Kampf, the actual Germanisation Bible Luther never was able to have a first version due to us and since IronClad the 1st times keep making trouble also on the Islands  Flag in 00:22, but he should be able to understand that Taliban fuck for well can understand what a Prince does in an Apache in Afghanistan no matter what he sais when and where.
They won't consider sight seeng a legitemit reason.

PS: "Think, before you speak" without at least a prior bat strike never did the job.

I told you

they will ignore reality. It just turned out, that I missed even so being 100% into YouTube, on not this but last week a knock out and last May a straight kill by fistfighting in Frankfurt during what the Germans call Amateur Football.

I told you and it will get worse. Point is, fucks like me keep telling you since ever and get nothing in return than more reasons to one day take part in the bloodshed to end you Übermenschen ignorant stupidity.


It appears that

 in Britain the weiredos are still those the Police goes against, while this is Germany and there is no British Police anymore anywehere in Berlin. Cowards. Berlixit 89. Was it too many?
Jokes aside, could have citizens supported the for good resons unarmed Police Officer, if the local Lord would have spent time on forming an Armour Citizen Club for training the handling of leathel weapons and if non leathel weapons like rubber bullet shooting RAM guns wold be allowed even normal neighbours.
This way, by insisting on outdated privilages a man got harmed with potentially leathel wounds.


Jim & Joe

Pepe Jeans are only sold in three spots here of which only one has dark blue, stoned washed in long leg size.
Mmmh. Are you develepong an Asian thing, Joe?
It is still the moves.
Get ya.
In perfect rythm.
What will be the strategy?
Well, like always. "Hey, how are you doin?"

Ey privilaged

 what if we are everyhwere? What if we are millions? What if you connected us by action movies with deep fake footage taken form us? What if we rise? But for All!

I am not alone. You are Germans.

Irish Republican Army

Skaterboy movies - Ki

 Watch this and understand why Skateboarding is such a perfect base for turning Elite Soldier or Street Samurai on the Way of the Jedi, the moden Knighthood.
It appears that the legs are fixed while jump turning as if the young man was attached to hidden ropes.
Instead, imagine a Skateboard controlled below the feed in a 180 trick of any kind.

Street Sports are done sober. Thrasher Magazine operated by either direct CIA officers or CIA affiliates has stolen about all content from us. We Provos, part of the IRA ciivil rights movement, are responsible for approximatelly 100% underground Skateboard videos circulating on VHS during the 90ies with a high level of visual art and underground band music

Time to collect the Credit from those that took from us.

Sparta is gone.


The upcoming battle of Karkiv

 Karkiv is a 1.5 million town stretching in the largest distance over about 23 kilometers. It is located in the flatlands at a river crossing and the town is devided into industrial and housing estates. There is a main stadium, large industrial halls, small one family houses and several floors appartement houses placed in a squared block system depending on the two rivers with many straight lines and few turns or corners.

In general this is Tank terretory with heavy infantry taking positions and drone surveillance quite comperable to the Battle of Baghdad in the Iraq war. 
Classic main force attacks would be by a spearhead strategy in which the attackers choose an entry point for heavy tanks sourrounded by infantry with heavy guns and sniper weapons that has as much cover as possible for the attackers and as easy as possible to spot position opportunities for the defenders to head into town as far as savely possible to create first strongholds as forward positions to have more troops advance spreading out into town and into firefights.

In opposite to Irak both fractions have a good understanding of drone use in all reccon, suicide and bomb dropping ways. Actually, this battle ground would be perfect IPV race drone terretory to spot enemy positions, but that is the elite of drone operators.
At night infrared systems become important to see heat signatures to directly or indirectly spot positions by hotter than usual survaces in tactical spots for further reccon.
Towns like this are Special Forces terretory that can approach silently in good situational awarness understanding off fear or anger what they do working their way slowley but steadily through empty roads, pathways and buildings until attacking positions or giving position coordinates to precision artillery.

Considering the past pictures, they will just shell all each other turning other regions nicely quiet.

Bulldozing or Scalpel
What would you do?

TheGerman attitude problem

 The Officer is no judge. The problem is that they all consider themselves judge dreads being state autorney, judge and law enforcement in one. The officer has to discuss the aquisation with the aquised offender and in doubt confirm with a judge, instead the officers is visibly angry by a citizen asking to dsicuss the issue having a differenciating opinion on the situation.
In my opinion the officers behaviour and collaboration of her comrads justified leathel resistance considering that her service was founded by SS men and the Capitulisation Treaty that was base for the nation she is supposed to serve as law enforcement and no judge.

Obviously, this will be a gun fight off cam....the way I look like. An obvious Native.

The hardest part of my Corpo World tenure?

 Having to avoid Laser Tag Group events. All of keep the cover. Everytime, I had that subliminal ritual of making a cat back, lifting the keyboard with hands on the table plate to drop the keyboard from about 5 cm height and let the eyes go round only the moment I looked at the screen again saing "OOOOhhh" swolling the "fuck you I wanna take you out, bitches, humiliate you and put you in place, motherfucker, lets go." and instead I was clenaing up some database for an hour in desperate silence to deal with the disappointement.

A Cyberpunk World Order

 is no ideal Republican order based on the ideals of the French Revolution that created a system past abusive feudalist Aristocrats that enforced the end of privilages and enforced shared rule based on honorable principles and ideals. 
We have to admit that during industrialisation that humaine order was lost until today and also understand that powerful parts of profiting from that change won't even give up their privilage of defending oneself and insist of the privilage of using force.
In a Cyberpunk world we on one side seperate more from each other, but also come closer to our equals in a by technology interconnected society full of sub-coltoures, classes and organised enteties with no honest real shared equal rights.
Provos, as elite Gangsters being part of a Terrorist Gang baed on independet cells shareing a military or para-military background, the same honorable spirit of fighting for others without selfish aim challanging injustice with also vice means, will rise against the current Secret Service organised tyranny and crimes against our human rights, even if it means total Chaos instead of this national ordered abusive system, but in peace for most except for us in all real unequality.
We have to start from now on to ourselfes invest what we have and took to also protect it for those we have it from and what we took from those we took it from realistically understanding that no nation will compensate our suffering ever creating by their tyrannic privliaged service membes for good profit for a better world after this WW4 going all in into this war. 


World War goes Gang Wars

We turn Street Lords
taking dow national law enforcment to rule better than them

Centurion Deadhead staffed

I just figured that the Hercules

 finishing move is part of Bodybuilding posing in exactly 09:45 to 09:48, you know, when the earth shakes and everyone drops down?
But the fireball move ain. I am a bit disapointed here to not see two arms sretched out, in side stand, over each other, both feed in a step solid on the ground and an all white tetth row out of a brown face grinning into the crowd....
Do you know what I mean??

You think I am dirty and filthy?

 Well, how deep did our society drop, that a main Lion of Entertainement, has to have his lawyer drop in a law case about his ex affair that he did not do her propely....with his short fingers?
And he ain the guy that is like "I still appreciate the efford and admit it worked, so I came back, bitch", but insteas he'll be, "Yeahhh, She faked it. She faked all of it. The love, the admiration, the orgasm, she was all fake, fake like ths system, fake like you!"....pointing finger into camera... 
There is no way to have the tabloits out of the news, innit?
Imagine a world and society in which News would actually explaine what Trump minded on Obama's healthcare. Like with bullet points and arguements. Or that someone would show in order, clear and logically 15 votes and each argument to keep the guy for another round?
So, don't touch any guns if any in Harlem shooting at any looters. Harlem ain New York anymore since your don't get that sorted in Manhatten or they vote a Sherriff and announce Deputies, CIA. Your Real Americans, even no from the 51st States of America..

Obviously, if being alien to a coltoure

 based on Judeo-Christian values, founded by philosophers, poets and masters of the fine arts,that florished by trade and has a long long history of honoring outstanding selfless humans among them willing to go beyond what is considered human possible and ready for the ultimate sacrefice for love and helping others, fear and intimidation is the only way to gain power.

Spartans. we never will run out of prey and if we turn our home to a Cyberpunk Chaos those that need strict order will suffer even more with all their supporters and die with pain of their faces.

The coward Aliens to Europe.. Vs Death before Dishonour made in Europe

There is that German politician

 That keeps me wondering, if she got born as a woman and always was a woman. If so, it would be the hardcore mean way of biological reproduction stop I have discovered so far and if that statement of nature spreads through the already rather closed up German genetic pool, in two generations Germans have a general travel immigration ban from Australia. They only keep the fit once, right?

Nature is so mean.

To be realy honest with you

 this woman is the female version of Andrew Tate or Jack Hopkins considerig her name not popping up immediately when her titts are in my face.
Everybody will immediately understand that none of both Tates is the ideal guy for most women, but what the fuck does make you believe she'd be for every man?
Sooner or later Andrew Copy will hook up with Nice Titts or her sister. I am sure they will be kinda happy. By all means they define happy. I happily make jokes about TussyInc, because I do like the titt pics and understand the business model, but I don't have to touch them....being solo. Han Solo.


Sunday 12 May 2024

TheGermans on child development

 In the first miniutes of the vid, this Max Headroom of the German opinion is certain that the little boy, as he himself would have not, as no conception of what a 99 Euros Spotify voucher is any good for.
Well, I was rather short with 6 years when I came into the Germans occupation by brute force saved only by my lovely curly hair, to understand that I got food by either using a chair when they were drugged in the living room to plunder the fridge or by copying the local blond next to me which was hitting the table and shouting "ahaahaa huahaha" to then receive Alete glases.
The Alete was not the problem, but the size. I was small, Alete glasses are fucking tiny made for handicaped toddlers and the Germans did not ever understand the connection of children and food intake related to growth, because as it turned out later when I got into the weed business to by food and as a side effect of discovering supplements they only grow after 16 and by needles in opposite to Traveller kids that stop growing with about 16 at least in height.
That means that the boy in the vid even has still some time until he can phrase full sentences to arstuclate his demands, Germans have no wishes or ask, and reaches school age until wiping his ass autonomously with a high chance of never ever being able to use lacers. 
So, know you also understand their posh sneaker shoes. All slippers in full disguise.

TheGerman Diplomacy VS the IRAmovement

 In this vid the German diplomate states that there was always the say that the North would not share the pie with the South. He then quotes Biden with "reexpanding the pie" and that the pie can get bigger, if the South deliveres more.
Obviously, somthing is either expanding or declining, but re-expanding must be a Freudian Mistake called spontanious word creation showing the CIAs plan to push especially Africa back into poverty.
The German is also missing out on the fact that the entire pie was backed by theft and parasiting from all others including threats of vioalance until today insisting on the privilage of owning superior weapons thereby taking away a nations right of selfdefence.
Obviously, every black African, every Arab African and even more every light skinned African for well understands what making a bigger pie means. 
Africa will watch that smile gettig bigger in the face of the body having his arms still around a just even bigger pie and still sharing fuck, but a slice.

So, FUCK YOU. And that is the strategy and core statement of the IRAmovement and if the Provitional and Continuity confirms an official statement of the IRA.
Provos Independent Cells

You gat rhythm White Polizei Man

 Well, you better scale up the training protecting your corrupt Germanic Chieftains a Franconian Warrior is coming for you soon, but not in trainers like here. 


TheGermans - Another Subculture

 These guys are a special breed among TheGermans. They are naturally dark skin coloured and some derive from a Brigade of Congolese Africans that served in the SS and were for centuries the slave catchers for the House Hanover, others derive from post war immigrants and only a few are realy GI kids. Actually, most would be kids of the Confed household slaves collaborating with the slave system of the Confederate States being still willfary supporters of the CIA.
Like in the Shoah Business they will play the racist card when ever it suits them and the best way to identify them is by cracking Fluffies jokes as a Latino from Europe aka an Italian type. They give you the card in no time.
In the end of the day they are pure breed Germans on the elitery, drugged and super posh Clubber szene side that are on the guest lists of the most important clubs that are not as touristic as the Berghain Gay Club, or they will walk off to another spot.
These guys are very well connected, have more than one supply on speed dial and keep their facebook account secret to only insiders, show off their Instgram to everyone ready to loos the challange, are the equivalent of The Hills in Germany and deserve a special dedicated more exclusive treatment from the illicit substances trade.
Magic Chocolate is a thing in the Hills, I heard?

#provos #partisanosclandestinos #theswaags

When I pass by in Berlin Mauerpark

 That Houshold Slave Crew of the priviliged will swap to their brow, jow, low version of what they think is American Ghetto English the very moment the kids rat pack of lost slave catcher families sees me.
Once a Ghetto Redneck always a Ghetto Redneck.

Jim & Joe

So you are criminals looking for women for your Crew?
Well, we are Project Managers and Financial Consultants for femal professionals using the system for personal and social gain.
Yes, we have interesting investement opportunities to offer outside of the main players like Interpol, NATO or FSB in rather nutral areas of this world with exciting growth potential and a realy impressive bang for the bug.
Do you like Diamonds?
Fair Trade off any middleman.
I hear you too.
And there are plenty more of ligitimate and responsible investements of major interest for sophisticated professionals.
How old are you both?
Online of Offline?

Joe & Jim

Officer what happend?...He...can I speak to him?
Hi......awkward moment of silence ...
So, you never overtip
But...more akward silence...
Walking out of a luxerious Karaoke Bar even sober with an open 200 Dollar bill is new.
I send to you the vid.
Can you bail me out and send a proof of Identety?
And your wallet?
Just watch the vid. She is perfect, I just have to find her again.
And the security tacelt you on the street just a few meters outside?
I was bussy and they came from behind. Dude, you enjoy this?
Muhahahahahahahahahaha, How is the food?

The New Western Econemy

This Max Headroom of Harvard Stock Market Anlytics sais it all. The real economic situation does not matter anymore at the stock exchange. Last time the attitude of traders and investors changed was in the  early 2000 when classic valuation tools lost importannce and stock market prices lost touch to profits, but this was also due tno a ever rising allover amout of cash.
Now, they threw the stock market into Rolex watches trade areas of mind set and attitude. This way the most important entry point for forigne investements turned loose from its original purpose.
In the same way that TheGermans ignore their world wide reputation and therefore whom they naturally attract as refugees, the West drops all sence and purpose ignoring whom they will attract onto a stock market listing all important companies within its econemy when stock prices are as reasonable, predictable and logically explainable like the price of a Daytona compared to a Pepsi.
I am sure some guys on way too much cash will find a way to push their stock piles of surplus paper into something they can outgun by visting the companies offices asking for the CEO or even better CFO in realy good suites, heavy cars and some iron as soon as they stop robbing banks, but occupy banks to have abnk accounts they can cash in their piles.
With a gun at their head and a few photographs of their wifes and kids even the Mainfranken Sparkasse bosses ruling 6.5 Billion Euros out of a long history of GeStaPo activity will gladly hand over rule of washing big time money nicely giving away their tax office buddies and most certainly open up bank accounts accepting weekly payments by nomore than dropping an envelope of cash into their nighttime counter wall mounted post box from anyone using the great ICE train connection from Frankfurt or Hannover or Berlin or Munich or Stuttgart. Actually, the bank network has cash machines in bank couner halls that accept cash in all over Germany.
How can a society fuck itself that hard by all ignorance in all suprimacy?

#sparkasse #debeka #someonethoughtihadafinancialconsultantoutthere

Saturday 11 May 2024

Glider over Jets

 every time. Jets are aggressive and violant, Gliders are possible only with the wind and weather. This being said, a Horten designe would allow both, especially if the wings are attached to a core monocoque with engines in a supercharger designe over jets to keep the noise down and short wings and can ideally land autonomously.

So, how do you do Gliding?
Well you defeat gravity like this guy does. There are four ways to do that. You have an engine rucksack, Thermique, Mountain Upwinds or like a Vert Skater.
Thermique are warm upwinds over reflecting surfaces the sun hits over which a glider is circled to srew with the upwind higher. The Desert is full of them.
Mountains are like jump ramps for winds and at their tops those create a preassure flow that can be used to accelerate the glider giving more speed that will have the wings do their job creating upforce.
And the Vert thing is like a skater in a vert half pipe, only for the brave and needs a steep drop to accelerate into a 45 degree up flow ending in a higher altitude as the drop in starting point.