Wednesday 28 September 2022

Modern hunter problems

No innocent may be killed. So, a jedi knight in a cyberpunk world on a deadhead centurion run hunting the bad in the shadows has this problem:

Who is the boss off these fucking nazi-kommunists???

Monday 26 September 2022

Star Wars trailer

I keep seing a trailer for a Star Wars spinn off in which one man states that they did horrible things for the resistance and I keep thinking that this must be a good man. They need to talk about doing bad to the bad, because doing bad bothers them. Doing bad to bad is up to the evil who will enjoy all and every evil deed so much that they'll keep it secret like a good man how he satisfies his beloved wife..

The devil's job is runnig hell. The snake temps.

The route of the Centurion on the Way of the Jedi on a Cyberpunk Shadowrun.

Sunday 25 September 2022

Columbias President declares the War on Drugs failed

Someone got desperate. The war on drugs was regularely declared failed and actually should have been called the war against drugs.
The U.S. Army successfully carried out strikes against jungle laborotaries based on Military intelligence information over CIA intell, the Columbians sank trafficker boats of all kind close to their coastal waters and exectued in their forgin communities Kartell soldiers and the British Navy shut down all trafficking in the Carribean by using the narco traffickers as navy training material.
Columbia is since cocain turned white gold devided into Kali and Medillin cartells, Bogota as the U.S. influenced government city and the country side in war between FARC and Contras and Mexican Kartells taking farm land ground.
Nobody knows on which national territory most cocain is produced in the South American jungel. Only French Guyane is free from coca farms, because the French Forign Legion uses Kartell Soldiers as practice material while protecting the European Space Agencies rocket launch site.
Along with other news it appears that the CIA supported cocain producers are loosing ground and legalizing anything else than Hemp usable as a recreational drug and also for industrial puposes will turn the government in Bogot in a doll without any power.
A nation build on litterly jungle terretory either has full support of all enteties or turns a puppet show that only exists in the media, yet nobody cares about.
The Medellin Cartel successfully cut down on law enforcement during its war against the CIA when financing social welfare projects by selling cocain to the western filthy rich by executing every Policemen and Soldier that just showed presence in the 80ies within their reach. They even payed out bounty money to independent contractors.
Even so the West declared victory over the Medillin Cartel there is reason to belive that this might be a propaganda move, like the stating Russians lost in Afgahnisten by avoiding to mention that the Sowjets entered Afgahnistan to cut down on Heroin imports to Russia and retreated when this mission was successful, while the CIA kept flooding the streets of U.S. cities in all those areas that are mixed and not exclusively of European decent with drugs by supporting the Mexican Cartells and Contras:
Their very personal perspecive on a world that they try to shape to the disadvantage of all that are differnet than KKKs, like militant hippis I am.
Inch Allah, the CIA is dead soon.

#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Saturday 24 September 2022

A media platform design

 YoutTube is server based. There are several servers world wide that mirror the content and the alogorithm is maniplated by CIA or NSA beside payments of professional content provider marketing firms.

Instead I like to see a fully P2P build system that charges for each video, the more demanded the more in a crypt currency, with a discount for bandwith shared and content hosted for the individual user, transfering 90% to the content creator and keeping 10% for creating the app or browser plug in and keeping a first connect IP list up to date.

Get it?

No power for all no one.


Thursday 22 September 2022

Deleted comments - Is it racism

It is weired which of my bussy comments get deleted. The latest one was on a German national TV show using YouTube to high light the German music szene.

Basically, I stated that guitarres in Rap creating a certain atmosphere had been introduced by the Latino Rap Crew Delinquent Habits and stated the song Tres Delinquentes. Even so in this song the trumpets become dominant quickly it is an all Latino folk band playing the entire beat line and in other songs the guitar is more dominant.

Comments get deleted without a comment on why and it might also have been that I dared to write Los Angeles in the lean back hispanic pronounciation of hispanics, which might have been interpretated as racist, even so I further down explained the different attitude of hispanic underdogs, original gangs and even gangs, over Afro-Americans. They tend to be the more lean back and less aggressivly figthing for civil rights than the Afro-Americans and have until today no counter part to Malcom X and the Black Panthers or Dr. Martin Luther King in which tradition the major part of the Black Lives Matters demonstrations initally stood.

Until they alianted many parts of the Rockabilly grand children by declaring All lives matter, which inludes the browns as Fluffy calls them, as much as mathematical genetic geniouses and this is where the trouble starts. Jokes...

Using racist stereotypes against racism by turning them into a laugh, like the "they all look the same" classic, is especially by hidden racists a trigger point. Hidden racists introduced positive racism which is still racism and they usally change topic or look at me in a strange way when I tell them that acknowledging the existance of races is racism.
Homo Sapiens describes Homo as the species and Sapiens as the race and currently we, the Homo Sapiens, is the only race on earth. Racists devide usually based on one organ of the human body which is the skin that comes in different pigmentations from white, black, brown to coloured. The latter is especially problematic to keep the theory of co-existing races and usually racists state it needs a black and white part as parants to create a human with a skin that can change colour from white to even dark black. Those have been called "Kaffa" by the South African apartheid government and their existance is a well kept secret. It needs very strong UV impact to turn the colour completely black way further south than the Mediterrainian, so most don't even understand that they belong to the bottum line within racist theory.

The Army has no colour and the men I socialised with all did not care about the skin pigmentation of all of them around. Beside gang activity also every form of racism is cut down in the U.S. military. They salute the rank not the human.
In my time as a Clochard my jokes on and by using racist sterotypes made my fella African Clochard have a laugh in the same way the GIs did, while on my trip to the U.S. I almost got in a fight when a group of American colleagues from even the Boston branch tried to play the racist card on me.
I do take it personal when I get put in the same spot light as my German arien departement boss who's family is making a good living on land that once belonged to my people, something no soldier would do, but is a well thought valid draw in corporate world.
Point was that my boss is from an SS family and their farm land once belonged to a Frankonian either Jew or Cathlic and was given to them by the Nazis during their rule, yet never given back. Jew for Nazis is beside a religion a race and the southern type of human is part of them. Hitler no blond arien himself as the leader of the Nazis makes as much sense as their entire movement. None. Hate doesn't need reason.
This boss so managed to hit down on an Afro-American woman that was not known for her work skills in numbers, but way more importantly for the team spirit for her social abilities in another U.S. team.
When it came to the final battle and HR had to look into the racism accusations, the two Afro-Americans had to speak up for me to take them down, I was told.
I do prefer street live where I can take down a blond all english speaking G that keeps crossing me, even so I was the team lead and that turns out to be the Hispanic, for fuck some reason, over any corporate bitching sessions, any god dam time.
I am glad I manage to distinguish an Asian from an Afro-American, but fuck me, if I learn Spanish I mutate to another race?
Furthermore I stood close to the lake in Boston at a sailing school on a Saturday and got a call from my manager who tried to use the occasion to put me back in place making me freak out and shout out into my mobile that the entire park got clean empty in minutes about fake mid-class gang attitude pissing me off in a town that is known to be an Irish republican save harbour hot spot.

Anyway. It remains difficult between me coulour blind and those feeling guilty for others faults and the rats putting fire in other heards, even on a Shabbat.

Inch Allah, Dr. King, Inch Allah.

PS: An artist got away with making photos in the NY subway of passangers while e.g. an Afro-American read in a book that stated on the cover: "Mathematics for non-Asians"
The brain is all the same, education and family is are still one ethnic group, bloody yankees.

Sunday 18 September 2022


Human or Humanity in english mainly means mankind, but it also describes a behaviour. The definition of that behaviour is:
The word "humanity" in a narrower meaning of the word designates traits of human beings that are objectively considered right or good, for example compassion, charity, kindness, mildness, tolerance, benevolence and willingness to help [from Google search].
All actions Love makes you do.

If I had to choose a religion it was Jedi, because of the idea that there is a force rather than an existance that is called God. In all holy books God is described as good and demands us humans to do good over bad and good actions connect us. Especially in the Old Testament and the Koran actions against the bad are considered rigthtous, even God given, if they are bad against bad and Jedi figth Sith to death.
Sith are capable of using the force, but they do bad with it, like that freeloader friend or in times of war a gunshot after rising the white flag.

Master Yoda said that the path to the dark side is fear, anger and hate and if you give into those, like living the seven sins of death, you'll have a bad boys live.
Those that e.g. constantly bad mouth on women are first scared of a woman, they fear the pain that is in being rejected and the pain of broken love. So, they stop feeling, but this is what makes us human. They walk on further into darkness by being angry about women that reject them and finally hate all of the other sex. From there on they will intend purpusfully to harm their object of hate and to do that, they will be nice and kind in order to increase the pain caused and to manage to get close enough for a hit.

Star Wars describes in the means of modern pop coltoure a strategy that is around since the creation of mankind and is described already in the Old Testament by the actions of the snake, that stands for temptation and tricks both Eva and Adam into breaking that only one rule that existed for them in Paradise. Eva is said to be created out of Adams rip, which describes that woman are the missing part of a every man, meaning we are dualistic heard animals that need company. 
The more we deny our most basic natural settings the more we will become inhumane, maybe not in our visible actions, but in our intentions. This is what is meant by, you have to accept the pain and they forget to tell that love also needs to be accepted, in which way ever it may come.
Jedis are the pop coltoure Sci-Fi interpretation of a Crusader or Mujahedin and in the real world too often the Bad hid between the good and dressed up as good, to use the force for thei own bad intention. Most they fear evil, because they for well know that the devil is in charge of hell, the place where they suffer for their sins and the same that keep steeling to entertain also managed to misplace the use of the word evil. But than, guys like me can just way better enter bad places and sneak out unseen.

The Way of the Jedi.

Wednesday 7 September 2022

A forgotten time and a different use of money

Industrialisation changed earth and all of human societies. Digitalization continues this change, but it does not bring back forgotten understanding of a time before nine to five and supermarket runs in an ever inflating market of good's prices.

In Paris the Ur-Meter is in a vaccum box and changes length by a fraction of its overall size. A common set length is only possible in a connected world. 
Before the wagon turned automobile, meaning right until the end of the 19th century, in my area most market places and therefore towns were independet in also their used measures.
The standard length unit and weight unit were on display and every trader putting up his goods from close by and far away had to agree to calculate his asked price in those units.
Along, the locals also often had their own currencies, while obviously some things, such as gold and silver were commonly of more value, along with some rare stones that also exist in central Europe. No diamonds so, except from realy far away.
And now it got a bit more complicated than today, because beside gold and silver coins, also different local coins made out of e.g. copper were in use, but a trader might not be able to use them further away. Like today only between nations, but in even shorter time frames, due to planes crossing even continents.

The churches in France until today have most of the time no fixed benches, but easily removable chairs, because they also surved as negotiation places, beside standing infront of the chicken stand with some rabbit leather, but no coins at all.

The money was not based on a central banks interest rate and a lot closer to the goods traded. It was more important how many chicken someone got in exchange for coins, than, if he could find someone in the next church off church service times that would exchange the coins against silver or another coin.

Today's bank notes come from a special piece of paper that was only of value, if you knew who would cash it in, wihch was based on trust. This was a special service some trust worthy and early bankers specialised in, from within the Templer order and Jewish communities, used for higher value transactions.

All in all, live was a lot more calm and slower, way more relaxed and the greedy were in a disadvantage before modern times took a wrong turn and created unseen massmurder and poverty world wide.

Every time I hear my neighbours stomping upstairs or slaming the house door, for well knowing that I can hear it, because I even told them, I doubt that we can alltogether in a peaceful manner correct to a better more calm and relaxed lifestyle, but might face another time of war and turmoil as those ending the dark mid-ages and feudalism in most parts of the world.

How would they behave in an old times market over a no talk just cash in supermarket, or when our monetary systems fails like in war times?