Thursday 29 February 2024


 that what applies for Vegas, applies for Ibiza.....Vegas, is Vegas. You wanna keep shot after Vegas, but Ibiza??
In the end of the day you go sun burn, threw up on a bad E and alcohol, figured the DJ is playing a tape and they've stolen your puse.
About Las Vegas they do movies. Epic, devastating, crashing, worse than worst movies....

PS Rich Westerners

We Underdogs all understand why your condos are so clean. They are empty, hardly in use and you have no friends coming over....#gfyFreeWorld

when I was helping you to stock pile cash in your accounts

And on Putins speech

 I just remembered that it is such a pitty that the very best anthem of any nation ever the Sowjet one...

its like Wagner in good by a heart

you like need a munte to shake of the naivity of glory 

before heading on with reality

But jokes aside, is he spending most of the time on internal affairs. Obviously and of course it all starts with remembering the fallen and those in duty as every nation does at war. The rest is pretty much about new schools in St.Petersburg and Football grounds in Vladiwostok and no war rethoric. Except you are part of the company that All Hands Meeting, All Staff Facetime, is realy realy boring....

The Trump phenomenon

The AfD is winning, according to this Max Headroom, because they have a simple message for the simple Germans. This idea derives from him being German and therefore being convinced that he outsmarts the others. So do the others.

While I am.....

And in the end of the day, no one wonders whom to vote to change for the better other than someone else than those in charge. This only applies in areas that are doing bad. Russia is doing good, so Putin has an easy game. Someone else needs realy good arguments and strategies to challenge him until one day Putin sais. Nje, Mamushka Rusia. Da, noswidanja.

Trump is perfect to tell the system to GFY! And so is the AfD in especialy secret votes. 

We don't meet anymore with neighbours to vote a representative to send up the chain. We take a sheet of paper and cross the first guy on the party we like without ever haven met the guy in the lack of a better system.

What, if Epstein

 was part of a CIA abduction program to enslave children of the most talented humans and the current sex scandel is just the tip of the Iceberg?

You search for humans that exceed in any aspect of a classic intelligence test such as linguistic, mathematics, logic and music and kidnap their kids. If they are politically active with an oponing ideoligy you kill the parents and put the kids into an education program, but from a very early age on having started somewhen in the 60ies.

What, if Jimi Hendrix had a baby girl his Hells Angels bodyguards new about...

...and what will we IRA and FARC and ETA do with them, if that ever makes TIME magazine headline as no theory:



the civil rights movement's

missing babies


 has had merceneries, than there are three ways of penetrtation. 

1.Coming from Europe into Mexico City Airport picking up arms outside of the City.

2.Coming through the USA picking up arms after boarder checks or through a tunnel with all gear.

3.Using a Frigate and as naval amphibic comandos in all gear Military vessels have use no transponder.

Which weapons did they use? Which other gear and what kind of Uniforms die they wear indicates their path? ...and you understand the channel.

Either way, there is only one Gang that is known for that style of massacre. You'll find them in TIE having a realy bad haircut being stinky in rural areas all among their own. Yet, traspassing with a bad eye...all others

If this turns Underground War

he'd not have to regret his investements, most likely. This is because you have to understand the overall money around in The West. This is Dollar, Euro, Pound, Francs and some smaller currencies such as the Sloty, yet not less important and all following the same lifestyle.
The financial lifestyle. New York and London are The West, Hong Kong is Asian now and Dubai might turn Arabic top center. These are different attitudes towards money and investements. Arabs buy Gold chains and Watches not as an investemant. They have too much money and that is pretty, also pretty expensive, but they have a very lot of money.
The West has several investement classes and a very lot of money is actualy, in opposite to the Arabs, in institutional hands. That would be banks and such alike, called investement vehicels like an online registered investement dedicated company on the Bahamas with a connected online Bank account and stock or crypto market access and enabled to kick off SWIFT transfers.
These different classes are Stocks, ETFs, Bonds, Calls and Puts, Crypto Currencies, Real Estate, but also Luxerious Items. The latter is what the successful investors buy to have both an investement and more fun as staring at a green or black number.
BUT if WW3 goes hot, no mon!
In an Undgerground war rules are different. Next to BRISC are three other developing areas and the Arab rich centers would remain nutral in financial terms. The other parts are all of Spanish speaking America, all north of South Africa and all Oceania inbetween China and Australia. That is a lot.
Considering the gigantic amounts of numbers that are stuck way above Average Joe's pocket being ruled by hardly better earning bankers all up for a good, great commission to invest into exactly that last investement class that instutions will not enter or only by buying comapany art at Southeby's, the investement banker gangs will have start moving the cash within one class, but also inbetween the different classes.
Like, they sell IBM to buy an ETF that covers a set of devoloping market companies online. That's a decision in a meeting and a few clicks at a desk. This makes them 12% in 6 months. The next meeting says that the Real Estate Market in Bankok predicts 20 percent in just a year and they sell their ETF to buy via a Real Estate Consultancy a portfolio of Offices in Bankok. They took a good bet and after that year sell of their portfolio to a banker next door to invest their money into the Crypto boom.
With a team of 20 bankers they did the Homm and made in five years two digest profit.

But only, if no parachut regiments land in London......and only some Lockheed Martin guys have an accident and the Office Skyriser in La Defance got an electric emergance system upgrade to balance some weired outages so the computers just reboot shortly before you found out what USV means from the support hotline.

Again. The actual enemy is still the Nazi attitude. Gas for gold Teeth, Nuclear bombs for Hegemony and now Ignorance for Status Quo???

Start bar fights with the loud asking for WW3 going hot!!! 
and insist on the he started
do no know but
he started

be a Provos and no Nazi breed

PS: This is the LLoyds of London building in The City of London. From the restricted inside. It is an architectual landmark and home to the most important shipping insurance company based on history. You might not now or ever have heard off. They will have some spots for Rolex and Piguet collections as company art show cases and motivation for their elite. Possibly, but right next to the company coffee shop. And only, if I am not a Partisan and all like me....get it BKA and CIA??

You lost all your friends Priviliged Boyz....

Jim & Joe

 Ok. This is the plan. You are gonna be the good friend, the innocent that will did not....but....why would you....I HAVE NOT SAID is a good....nooooooooo.....but why....I mean.....yeah....of course i .....I doo...
Gimme Jim. Just Gimme the phone.
...briiing....briiing...He Sara..... Oh, this is Maddy. Oha. No. Jim was calling....YOU? OH MYYY GOD! WE ARE SO SORRY. Can I call you back?

Fency The Armageddon Scnario

Most Max Headrooms understand that from Helmets it went to Missiles and Regular Troops was dropped as an option. too.

The Armageddon.Scenario

NATO sends its remaining spear head troops into Ukrain. They also get all main forces in alert. Russia closes in with the Army and limited Air Force war machine already in action. The moment they clash both Russia and China attack with all forces wide spread NATO forces. India and Pakistan unite to end all Western influence and arrest Westerens in the same way the USA arrested Japanese in WW2. Dubai turns an isulated enclave and all Arabic nations stop oil transports into the West. Australia stays nutral and starts peace treaty negotations with its northern neighbours based on trade agreements, therefore indirectly with China. Japanese pro West forces are beaten and a civil war breaks out. The Emporer and all Parlamentarians are killd. South Korea has to surrender to North Korea and its Laot, Vietnamese allies. The new Capital of Brazil gets destroyed and massacres against rich and politicians turn common practice in Central and South America spreading to the rich Carribien resorts. African nations insisting on their UN boarders collaps in wide spread small arms driven civil wars. Europe falls into turmoil by being cut off from every imports or US/ Canadian supplies facing another oil crisis. Sabotage teams shut down all radio and internet networks. Police gets beaten to death in already troubled areas. In the chaos more virus mutations drop out of labrotories and cut through the world population creating empty pockets and pockets of deseas, but also shutting down combat activity other than naval warfare being cut off from direct connections with the Virus and mutations spread pathes. Parts of the reserve forces in NATO suffer from mental desease by the new virus and wrong medication to open up secret chemical weapon arsenals starting to become violant against the civil population. A few badly secured nuclear weapons explode in their silos such as Pershing rockets in the Frankfurt area and short range French systems destroying Strassbourg and Frankfurt creating a radio active fallout that further increases virus mutations and causes deaths in the lower millions directly and indirectly by radio active poisning.
China faces uprisings due to a weakened kommunist system due to heavy losses in the naval campaigne and India gets pulled into the internal conflict by challenging the northern boarder to face civil unrest at home between the poor and the most rich areas due to cast system conflicts breaking out.
Nature does an evolutionairy jump at the peak of the human conflict and world wide humidity reaches and average of 70%, temperatures of 30 dgrees celsius world average, new plants due to mutations spread out in the desert and swamps by extreme ebb and flow take main parts of worlds continental coast lines.
In the year 2050 it is all over, the world has lost 80% of human population by war and desease and 70% of all cities are inhabital based on pre-Armageddon standards.

The remaining humans are coloured and good swimmers, but have to rest during day time facing extreme heat waves. Like realy good swimmers and very dark in summer...with long siestas


Jim & Joe

..cchhrooow clikclilk....The birds have contact.
...chruooogh chroow....Initiating phase two. Sending text now.
Oh wow. Look Sue. We are on the guest list for that pop up Club.
....chrrooooogh chroow...Fishing initiated
Ahm? Pop up Club? hehe
Yeah. You know there is this Underground Crew that does pop up Clubs and we made it onto the VIP list. It is in harbour area in a factory. ONLY TONIGHT!!! Wanna come?
Yea. Can I bring my mates.
chroooowooo chrroog....The Fish is hooked up.
Chrroommmoo chhhow..Initiating phase three. Fake Kidnaping for Files
Chooowoowoo chup p....Sending messanger

Wednesday 28 February 2024

The truth about The Success Guy

 who's getting jumped right now for all that cannot read the first page of a book that that states the edition and publisher information, is a different one that his ego might have problems to suck up on, first.

He is the perfect average which makes him special.

This is because of the Survival of the fittest theory described by Darwin. It means that every organism has to fit into its sourroundings to survive. This also implies that an individum cannot be too much below or too much above the others or their average.
Intelligence has seven parts which are linguistic, logic, kinestetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The ability to speak, to move, to understand visual, to have rhtym, to interact and to self estimate.
A lot of other things like how to dress or how to behave derive from in them.
My theory now is that Drk Kreuter hits on all these seven parts quite evenly the average of those that transport his success, which are obviously his clients. They do not have to be jelouse, because they all find some they might be secretly better at, they don't need to have a lough or feel sorry, because he is good and all find something to look up on him or even admire, but not too much. There is nothing you can realy say against, except obviously by cracking a bad joke.

What if, this is what hinders mankind? Like we don't eat raw food anymore and are no Homo Erectus anymore. We wash ourselfs and use diplomacy .... oh...dam.

International Corpos on FFM

 I told you....

PS: They will move and I guess it will be a new Skyriser in La Defance right at the Seine and the flyer will be full of Corpo slime extra thick....bets?

The KSKs new gun

 in 300 BlackOut just means that they will give up quicker after SEK and GSG, because that ammo ain no NATO standard and we all know your tactics..

#TheGermans Vs #TheReality

Like this guy about 300 BlackOut  Despite all my Underground or Conspiracy Cyberpunk bullshit, does the 300 have more power than 308 Winchester aka NATO old standard even so having the same dimensions, if the same propellant is used. This is because of the different shape of the casing in which the propellant is using its force way more efficiently on the driven projectile.
The 300 BlackOut become famous in the USA with the HoneyBadger which is the the US version of the infamous SAS gun used in covered operations against the IRA based on an MP5, but chambered in NATO standard 7,62 aka 308 Winchester and comes silenced.
Both are neither rifle or carbine, but actually covered operations tools inbetween both and MPs or better assassin guns that not only fit the Punisher just right below the arm pit in the jacket...seriously....what does the KSK wanna do? It will be stupid, right??
Also, the silencer on a gun using super sonics surpresses the exit bang created by leaving the barrel and some also take down the mussle fire. This way the target hears, if missed the super sonic bang, that spreads evenly around the projectile breaking the sound barrier, but the prey cannot locate the shooter based on the barrel exit bang. 
Just saying, not that I took part in 90ies underground wars in whcih you Germans were the pussies everybody at least once had a go with....when freaking out in all arrogance.

TheGerman Military Strategy School

 sais that in woodland, with wide spread swamps and many rivers the lighter wheel tanks have little impact against a Russian tank force....which are way heavyier and just cannot cross even the more solid parts of especially swamps and certainly narrow forests.
The so called Medium Forces would just need appropriate maps to understand the paths around them and be equipped with light but very effective anti tank missile launchers.
And the Russians might come not on chains when their satellite recon tells them that the Germans drive around in the woodland creating maps of go and no go roads and pathes to outmanouver by being faster and more knowlegable of their surroundings.

Is Underground just too cool, like kicking out the corrupt in the BKA?

Stories falling short

 TheGermans say that a woman that understands there was a Trojan on her desktop did open a link in an email that would install that Trojan. Obviously, than the Hackers aquire Admin rights on all desktops.
That's propaganda.
But how could that be done?
In this scenario the Russians don't touch base and turn Hollywood like into super spy cleaners with USB sticks. They use a desk in Moskow.
The problem with the link is that all browsers limit the auto execute function and that installation of any software needs at least another click to confirm the installation process. 
Than, the computers of the FRG are locked up and checked by industry standards. That means that all desktops will have standard anti-virus and firewall systems installed. That there is most likely an option of remote access by IT security and when the computer is set up also a scanning routine will be set. In some paranoid cases all internet access is blocked straight along with USB and SD ports. You have keyboard and only the software that is on the computer beside one open port that connects for updates with a fixed IP address.
Actually, computer networks even in the size of hundreds or thousands computers can be pretty save. There are industry standard protocols to set up computers for each position in the hirarchy. You can't realy Google them, but its a mixture of Good Practices and DIN certification rules for IT security analysts that create lists of security levels and staff that maintain them.
Every IT student that gets into IT security knows about the engeneer that used his mobile phone on the desk top computer and created a bypass that was used to hack the system all save behind a company wide firewall and the localy installed anti-virus software found the known trojan horse after the consultants billed the happy client.

This is because hacking started in the very early days of the internet and until today the biggest threat to IT systems are competetive nerds looking for a challange and not other Secret Services looking for hole and mistake in the system instead of creating something.

A Secret Service, if he just was hiring sober staff, needs to first understand for what reason they want to hack the German Parliamant. For the sacke of it or what do you actually want to know, because there is a good chance that the IT resources are bettter placed on something realy important that they don't already know.
Meaning, what possibly would any Parlamentarian send by an email within that shark pool of scandal rats to another.....

There are other systems that are more important. When the news say that a lab created a Virus that kills mice instantly and the public hearing of a CIA freak of a white guy suggests they were builidng a biological weapon by having no explination why anyone would kick of Gain of Function research in the heart of Chinese industrial production than BRISC wants to know how many labs there are, to what kind of Gain of Function experiments capable and in which places they are located.
Just the last thing you need to do as the FSB is to attack the U.S. ministries computer network. What you want to do, is to understand what tools, equipment and facilities are needed by which level of school education and create a list of potential companies that are ready to do, can be ready to do or can be created to do such research.
And than check them on having ligit web sites looking for real clients, employees with flights into weired areas such as Washington DC or Munich regularerly, Facebook accounts that show them with known CIA agents or none at all, but some time in the luxerious spots of the world, and than have a look by satellite, telephone surveillance to finally check up with real humans, most likely with guns and a badge.
Just a lot of effort in the most paranoid part of society to begin with first. 

PS: In 21:46 they suggest that the hackers were caught because the software the Russians wrote would not know the German ü sign. Well, so does their kyrillic or US english keyboard used writing software in C which is why they would have used the alt code for ü embeded using <> and coded by number 0252 into the software, otherwise you check which Moskow IT shop sells German keyboards and just exchange them with French at customs and they are out of bizz....dudinas???

And you don't get what I am saying. I did not say it did not happen. Does anyone remember the search for the white car that left a mark on Lady Di's Mercedes? What would happen, if the media stats the Secretary of Angela Merkel opened the Cat Pic attachement .exe I love you....

Lieing so, does not help. You make it worse. Every fucking single time. Grow some balls. I can stop a nuclear war, but not your neighbour walking over to you with a pann to smash your head, because.....the world gone nuts by an evoltionary jump against those that build the arsenal.

And finally 01:22:00 Testing if they can slow down trains. I wonder, if they are smart enough to attack the electric grid to take off power, lowering the speed indirectly that way, but by God creating chaos in the time table, while deraling trains will cost innocents lifes granted, not just nerves of the impatient.

Believing your own Bullshit

He sais that less people buy Washingmachines and than less pople produce Washingmachines and than again less péople will by Washingmachines and I hate you for bullshit. Anyway. In that dum example of a circular economy the exports in developing markets should balance the dropping sales.

But that's what realy happens:

You produce for years the same technology and sell it for different prices. Your machines are designed to fail. Your machines have had no technological changes since about 30 years. They still use the same amount of water and cleaning powder aka soap. Soap is the basis of Washingpowder, marketiers, that's the stuff from bones that crack oil and fat that is dirt.
No Miele, Siemens or Whirlpool ever met wth a set of engeneers that develop textile fibres, chemical cleaning products, a physics or mulecular expert to start a revolution, yet every single year there is another revolution in washingmachines, but its not even handels to carry.

Funny? Well, our electronic trash piles get bigger and washingmachines have micrcrontrolers on a level that could build a tiny computer for slum kids doing their homework on a handheld, those that use a brush, soap and labor to clean their clothes made to withstand the physical and therefore extremely efficiant cleaning stupid lazy fucks.

So, your understanding of the economic market is wrong, because you do not understand that you have been producing a product that about 80 percent of the world's humans do not need or ever will have need to use, because a brick of soap and brush is in those 80% of the wold way better, also to carry.
Your product is bad.
Like Kokain....

Yours, and I have no somke, buddy. I'd be even worse.

I got it

The CIA Artefact Crew must have taken over ownership. In this system nobody just gets Central Bank money, but they have to compete for it.
Let's be clear. Go and suck of Sinaloa Dicks to make money. I am done with ideas especially on your intellect level. Amazon is the online shop and I do not know what software could be the niext big hit considering that the "I love you" Virus was the most succssful software ever just before Angry Birds. I do not know which product will be the next lucrative hype for your crowed that has way too much money for their own good, will all others try to make you aware that we are all broke, (the farmers?) except Kartell products, because you already spend 5 digest for steel bracelets in gold paint with 12 numbers on calling it a watch. A watch is a time indicator and only Fentanyl will make what you have their into what you say it is for you and only for you.
I am trying to tell you that your system is done, broken, fucked, screwed, shit loaded, busted, wrecked, fubyied, sick, ill, so from the 80ies, yesterday over and over again, because obviously your current dosis is way too little.
Go stupid and you can't even score Kartell product anymore.....get it?

Joe & Jim

 This is getting boring. Can you write a software for that?
The vacation system. Working on it. The girls will talk to James and go through a set of online questions and the rest is done by the software including cut sharing.

Jim & Joe

Harvey dropped a new file in the Starbucks trash. 
What's on the SD this time?
Let's check...
Ok. The Crypto from last time, a bonus and here we go.
That's great Paralegals.
Thats a nice one.
We like it.
He is a prick
What a wanker
That's gonna be fun.
I don't think a positive weed test in a CIA susbidery is enough.
Not at all.
So extras!!! Brain storming.
Noise per speakers at nigh.
Subliminal messages by TV
Coffee mixuters
His daughter's sexcual awakening
RAP music for his son
Exams real results
Mother goes horney nuts swinger
And we tell him all in about a year

TussyInc SWAT

Ok, Joe. Jim. So you are sure he will just signe it? 
I mean the divorce papers are all legal, I have tripple checked. Very generous, but all legal and not unusual at all. But, why, I mean he could keep turning this into a long stretched nightmare as an Ivory League Lawyer himslef doing Kartell clients.
Yeah. Don't worry. Ms Ex. Do you know his new one?
She is all on his side and competetive against a MILF.
And the rest does Harvey.

War rethorics

 A German Think Tank stated that Macrons word to have possibly infantry in Ukraine was not that bad after all and that it would help to have Russian planning become more difficult.
What it realy does, is making sure that Russia understands that The West's Kokain elite will risc everything to stay. Hitler and his Junky Gang were convinced that they would win a awar in all directions and in their last days stuck in a bunker they moved armies that were long gone, like they insisnst drugs make them srronger and not just more pleasent to kill, if needed.
It is not that bad, but hardly better in a world in which all is relative since Einstein had prooven considering the also changed world wide situation. The West failed to keep up its domination and hegemonial strategy that was strongly influenced by Nazis like Oppenheimer, von Braun and many other war criminals that kept their loot in a new democratic free world.
While the East kicked out the Stalinists and turned Perestroika The West had by Jelzines political campaigne managers the CIA taking place in the Kremlin and abviously those that just shortly before kicked out Stalinists just had another match in a way to familiar war.

The West needs reforms and no idiots anymore. The Farmers tell you, but the elite keeps harbouring and supporting murderers and thieves as base of the system in all aspects. MTV is bluntly racist from Black Music to Gang Coltoure, the IT industry, the Fuel industry, Online Shopping, Supermarkets all exist above the law as bad as Secret Services and entire Police Departments.

The Russians, just like us Niggers, Rednecks, Mentals, Ureinwohner, just to for well know that you will break your word, contract and even oath as soon as it turns to an advantage in your deliusion.

So, go for it.

but this time against us

The predictability of the Coaching Industry

 is what is called market satisfaction. These guys do not even try to hide their passive aggressive G attitude born from coming from hoods in wich violance is no more than a broken nose at worst and big mouthing legend creation gets you far. CIA recruitment family turff.... The Privilged White opposite to my White Trash. The Senaotrs Grand Children Vs The US Marine Corps

The CIA was founded by an ex Navy communications Officer loosing out on Wall Street to come back with success to Wall Street. The rest will be "Top Secret" in red and it these letters are already printed on the file.

Every testo affine influencer that falls short of convincing that his big mouth lives up to realiy, well presented reality, suggesting that it all might be the other way around and his reality does not live up to his words, has an online course.
The point is that these guys are rather close to the CIA core Crew and therefore are a possible secondary target for the FSB and other Services looking for low hanging fruits that might create a butterfly effect. There is a good chance that the education platform software is the same and taken from Open Source Software, that the marketing agencies are the same or that those running them are from the same College and that their Bankers all hang out in the same corner of the same Pub. 
There will be more in common than the attitude towards women.

These guys also provide the lifestyle toys for the CIA direct employees enabling them to hide their real income against the Senate and are hard to get for FBI. It is all legal, expecting a paint job in these days.
Just, at some point they will have been done with all stupids falling for bullshit courses, but there will be no trial as against the GM Financial Investement Call Center, founded by someone related to high ranking CIA officers, they will just look for a different model after Network Marketing.
All in all this secondary CIA system is about to collaps and the cash flow based on legal and not that legal ripp off will fall short to finaly end. Just, they are realy realy bad loosers and will do stupid to keep up both cash and G image. These Syndicate KingPins calling Daddy with the bigger badge when it goes wrong...

Can't wait for tthat rematch and need a cross atlantic rideway until than
No way I miss that

When the Underworld takes the Streets

 Check this BKA and understant that I am better than Delta
and someone among you owes me

here you are just the other Gang

You pay or I make you

Come to die
Or pay
for what "Tom" and some of you did

Nothing lasts for ever


Shadows here we come
as soon as they pull to enforce their authority
over accepting their status
in this New World Order
they got in by theft and murder
off proof wihtin their system

IRA Provos
Trouble a Head

get body bags


The CIA called me The Punisher when I told them that

I was a Frank wihtout a Castle

You will have to call me 

The Executer

You took too much


IronClad The Goblin

Cyberpunk ain real

 you sain'.
The Cyberpunk Game is obviously about the Shadow Runners and not about the Corpo Guys. In the table top pen and paper game you might meet a Mr Smith hiring you for a Cyberpunk Geegle Corpo.
In this dystopian world, in which I will be a Crusader dressing up as a Street Samurai when hitting the grovery shop to pay in bank notes, crypto or sliver coins, the Corpo guys have a nice condo or house in a gated community with and among other Corpo employees. They have a nice ride and get inspired by the Allies and Thalias on what to wear every single day, they have their first chat in the car or already when having a coffee, they get their Corpo ID and enter the building to eat in the Corpo resto, meet some colleague and colleague friends and their Corpo gives them a pension plan, career path and hair dresser, gym, resto, kindergarden, car loan, travell expenses and vouchers and discounts for bycicle shops, console gaming, food off site from the corpo premissis.....and if you get fired the hard way, the Corpo Security will use violance to end up with us, but no one calls the Police.

Read carefully, BKA and CIA and FBI. You have been steeling from us. You will get punished and you are isolated having no friends among any other Nation or Corporation. Pay your dues and let us live just as you do not enter Google or Microsoft or your Enforcers will die just as your Soldiers in Afgahnistan, Donbass or Police in the 90ies. This is no joke. We are humans and we may be different.

In this vid you will see the future of corporate work. They are not working like me among you, they work like you above me. I told you to stay usefull and you told me to keep learning. Take care....

Parallel or Jungle
Pay or Breach
Travell or Hunt
Underground or Enemy Nr 1
Street Samurai or One Man Firing Squad

TheGermans real kind

 is defiance.

Imagine that their worst adverseries that are wiped out of history books and are only mentioned for actions a very long time ago when the Polish and Lithuanian Kings united to beat the Deutsch Herren Orden on their terretory told them that real wealth only can come from the accres and that nobless oblige means to live with all ability for the people and to never ask any of your citizens what they can do for the country, but only what you can do for them.

Keep thinking of how two sets of Lords act based on from or of and add to the of defiance and you can predict the stupidity of the not to be underestimated and they will call it seeing the future.

PS: There was a change in my PsyOps Crew and they turned bluffing.
If it goes bad I go ballistic
armed homeless

Tuesday 27 February 2024

TheGermns kind

 will cure the worlds mind, is a deeply rooted misconception of TheGermans injected into the arterias of every German. They lost the war only because of the Americans, there was no Gas in the tinns, they are a people of poets and philosophers, Mozart was German, thousand years of history....
...and this guy is both allowed to do what he does nor finds a save spot surveilled by a doctor with regular classes of activity, food preperation and lessions in humanity beside behaviour advices.

Funny, if it does not happen to you? Yeah....

but they follow, are everywhere, so normal won't cut it

When a man hast to tell about

realy realy women things...So, Lady Tahlia has quite common problems. Menstruation pain. Painful cramps and mood changes are normal these days.
Let's reason together...
Menstruation is a process of cleansing. In order to have babies the female body has different organs than a man. One of them is supposed to take on the egg of the woman. There, cell devision starts and a baby is created. The egg needs a bed like environment to do that. That is basically a layer of blood, and that layer needs to get exchanged. Monthly.
To create the bed the blood must have a different form than when it leaves the body. 
Furthermore, we have to understand that the recreational part of our very basic existance is one of the most important we have falling just short of the surivival instincts.
The pain must come from anything in the live of a woman that hinders a good flow of blood or the change of blood to a liquid.
There is a realy bad desease that hinders some humans to stop bleeding called Hemophiliac and they have a problem with their blood coagulation.
And this were, considering the complexity of the human body, Dr Google needs to help on an individual bases taking the lifestyle into account. It can be also something easy as reading the paper of the long term meds and having a chat with a real Dr of med.
 An example: 
When I enter What has impact on blood coagulation Dr Bing (me cheater) sais:
Thrombin that moves outside the hemostatic plug binds to thrombomodulin on endothelial cells where it activates protein C which, with protein S, inactivates factors Va and VIIIa. This creates a downregulation of thrombin generation on healthy endothelium and localizes hemostasis to the area of injury.
If you also have dry lipps than the good news is that you cannot overdose real Vitamins like Vitamin C and that Ascorbin  Acid is easily available in large dosis. If that also tasts great...give it a go, b...while I did not even know that a Vitamin C exsited and I am sure the gym rat healthy living crowed neither, but as every real Vitamin you'll piss it oout if it was too much
If that does not help you go through all the other Latin words and check if any English meets your lifestyle. If you do not need a Thor browser to order it, you have good chance that it won't kill you.

Never score your own gear

Is the very first lie every single one of The Weak buys into. I do not know, if any of the parties takes bets on time frames until that rule is broken, but they all do. Also, they do not know anyone walking off a big payday or opening the bag as he said, despite meeting someone that has no fear. 
Toxic substances are a big bad bitch and on needs to be sober to realy see clearly, beside planning helps a lot to stay calm.
In 41:22 of a lecture in international business affairs in free markets off major protection a human is killed to seal a new contract.
Kokain heads don't think far about consequences and only Amphys are worse. 
"Someone moved in into my Escort business" and on top a new business opportunity and some mum will cry or be happy, a brother might call for revenge in some years or finally stop drinking at the weekends for good, and a Crew might swear revenge or party hard with a new top dog. For sure is that non of that was taken into consideration over "they have Kokain and Cash" considering the time frame of decision making in that Incorporation.
The problem is based on the simple fact that The Weak on that level have little understanding of market theory and the real bad guys, respectivly CIA Delta Force run by the Clandestine or Narco Devision, is the worst Master possible. Just watch GBRS Group being incapable of not checking any Pistol use in close distance hip pulled onto belly level...while we would be the head, lung, heart from some dstance off his breath part of the U.S. Forces, especially as Provos and MIB.
Competition is good for the business. That someone on Escort affairs does not connect two pussy or three pussy is better than one....Just lower the dose of powder and start as all big corpos market trusts. How can you drive from one fuel station to another never hitting more than five different companies having the all same prices, complaining about the choclat bar price compard to Wall Mart and than smack up a guy that well could be given a number to have conversations like:

Hi, Joe, Ai hav client wants good blond. Hav no blond. Only Asian. Can you help?
Siiiii, Tschiin. Sarahh caaan coooome. Nooormal raate.

Is it that hart to be not stupid out of your mind on killing and violance, Ladies and Gentleman? please...there is world war coming....possibly.


TussyInc SWAT

Hey, Jum
Oh, Memories in pictures?
Yeah. Remember the job on the Caymans in the Servier Farm and we needed another 24 hours extra.
Oh Yes. Annik was great.
This is when she sais "Mmmh" shortly before she showed him the handcuffs from the CCTV..
Cool. Do you have one when he figured out for whom they were?

Why I like that GI thing so much?

 Because it is just so cool to look good. And nothing looks better than a Big Red One Recon.

A hacker?

 Fuck you. 

I need Help?

 Come by...

WW3 stays cold

 Take their barraks when the left. Eye for an Eye. The facilites are great for Pig farming and Farm machine repair shops, the BoBos can sue them, if they try to come back for ever and the Banlieu smack tyres and cut railway wire.

You go WW4 and Underground. Betts???

What, if this is not only the CIAs wet dream before Valentines day and out there are Gargoils that go against both Deamons and Faggots, like the FFM Theater Fight was no KSK? What, CopyCats?

Ca dire de manier libre, pas de libre direct, broche du merde.


 That I was on my own, TheGermans.

Do I realy have to show you also the brutal side past the mean me to have you accept your spot? Nice is done. Period. 


Code 8 Last Part

 starts like this:

Oh, Deputy. 
Who are you having shot the Sherriff?
Well, someone made it to us into our flooded woods and told us you did not let them leave in Peace.
We came to bring you war
Cyberpunk Crusaders in Exosceletons and Mechs just before our bomber fleet
...rattatatatatatatatatat....boooom....action....blood spill....rratatatatatataatatat...cheeeeeank crank....

PS: No way, I grow up. You suck Authoreties. Try FUN, instead of steeling

Gang Violance Waves

function exactly like the Corona waves. They grow exponenantially until facing restrictions to lower down and grow again creating an epedemic like wave.
This being said are humans more intelligant than Virus and usually also than Monkey populations representing the most intelligent animals, but the letter don' do drugs...
Therefore, humans act differently than both Virus or animals. In Berlin the violance is compared to other places low level. In Mexico the same powers do use military weapons and have no mercy with bystanders, and the Police is just the other Gang. Military is more respected, due to their firepower, only.
In this time of change, that is getting closer to revolutionairy aka dramatic change, it is hard to predict if any force also interested in the illigal stakes of Street Bizz will escalate the situation or calm it down coming from e.g. the outside or gone nuts from within the inside.
Berlin has a strong Rocker Nation stake, Clan rivalries, Nazis in the outskirts, Hooligans spread evenly out and the actualy dominating force are the too drugged to fight MDMA Clubbers ruling their supply. The GeStaPos all on and all in Amphetmines.
Berlin is broke and actually of little interest for major Syndicates, if there was not a new player since the early 2000nds that offers hard core beams for about 2 dollars the shot willing to adjust the product to consumer interests and being very capable of extreme violance.
Actually, Frankfurt City is the hard drug center responsible for physical visible decline and Berlin the spot for Party drugs and visible offbeat moves at weekens, but addiction always comes with the need for higher dosis and more potent product.
As El Loco Lupo of the Major Asshole I told you Cartell I strongly recomend to cut down on staff violance the hard way to have the Club Scene going in lack of any other clients and introducing the U.S. Cities model of strictly segregated quartes of town. Pankow as the classic worker and these days social wellfare district is no place for any drug sales. Those need to be easily controllable closer to the town center and main transport routes. Since the 70ies the center is the backdoor of the Bhf Zoo with gay prostitution, established junky watch and the emptier parts of the Tiergarten while having the market spread out to the Church was and is a mistake cutting down on tourism at its core spot.
Berlin is full of backyards and even second row backyards that can create perfect spots for toxic mothers profiding home and even kitchens Trainspotting style, but Berlin with its hundreds of different centers next to its two main centers can easily drop into a widespread FFM Bahnhofsviertel that will wreck all cash flow into town by shutting down tourism based on trash, rats, junkies and unpredictable Polizei appearances.
Berlin is fragile, way more than TheGermans understand.

An Environmental Change Hypothesis

When Bill Gates stated that we are unprepared as a society to deal with an epedemic and that there are several Virus out there that could possibly create a world wide epedemic, most had a lough. The nuclear threat is clear to pretty much everyone as much as the devestating impact of a classic major world war. Climate change is under debate, but actually only by those having financial interest knowing they cannot take anything with them when dying trying to avoid stress in their short remaining lifetimes.
Despite all bullshit descussions on CO2 pollution and mineral oil or nuclear power plants not addig to already existing climate change adding natural pollution and if reducing lifestock is a good idea instead of using reproducable fule sources and the incapability of changing our lifestyle as a society no matter the economic, ecologic and socilogic impact far far away, it is gettting warmer on this planet.
We are also about to enter a period in which it will be hard to argue that the rising temperatures are not exponentialy developing and everyobdy smiles at the picture with the diver and shark stating the most dangerous preditor on earth, next to a fish.
So, what if earth as a living and developing organism itself decides to change not only the climate by exponential change, but like the Corona Virus or Homo Neandertalensis to Homo Sapiens Sapiens by mutational development?
When a Virus mutates it changes major parts of itself in a jump and so did we Homo when turning Homo Sapiens Sapiens. At some point a Homo Neandertlansis couple gave birth to a new race of humans visibly different than them in bone structure, skin, hair and most of all ability to learn and create.
This happend based on Darwins Survival of the Fittest and means progress.
If we are a deseas for the planet as such and actualy know that, what would the planet change in its environment?
So, all those that believe into being the stronger to survive and dominate their environment instead of trying to fit in by understanding and adjusting like:
Short cuts on selfdevelopment, fixed rhythms in their live, daytime work schedules, driving vehicles to limit movement, comfort and chilled even temperatures with limited sun impact in rather dry humidity creating a mild climate and soft environment.

Any chance it will get stormy, freaking wet, incredible hot, with deseases around leathel for medication users and drug addicts created by a super humid hot climate, pitch dark nights by cloudy skies, heavy UV impact sun, insect waves in even urban areas, cross breeding animals becoming more aggressive when disturbed in their terretory, resting floods with way higher sea and ground water levels by way longer and stronger rain and snow periods.....

...and everyone that never was able to afford shoes, but had to walk long distances is better off than all SUV Gym rats,because they are the stronger...all for a sudden?

Could nature be the biggest bitch around and just change all interior from furniure to stairs and doors against the blind in the house, while everyone expects a paintjob they believe they can't be bothered about?

When we are done with you

CIA and Confed Forces....on your Ashes.
For denying God demanding to do Good.

In the meantime

A lot of shoegoo...a very lot.


Some came to their senses. Blessed the Lord!!! Amen.

@CIA Artefact Devision

My aim was always to one day make music that is so intense and hardcore heavy in spectrum that your white privilged hard drug inflicted people can not bear it anymore and you stop steeling, because your people simply die as soon as the bass kicks in with the high hats.

PS: When we took over a German Club in the 90ies we came in a weekend night to upgrade the speakers and amps after beating the shit out of the German Bouncer soldiers selling speed to have em stay away.


CIA Subliminal Messages

The Nazis started to deeper research in mass control and the CIA as much as the KGB hooked both up on it. Some strategies are known and become Pop coltoure icons like the big dick in Fight Club and that one girl crying whoms dad you wanna check on.
The CIA continued with psychological research and today all NATO nations have several PsyOps devisions on different services for different missions with also Police, Social Institutions and Schools.
In corporate world that is the moto in the hall way you keep walking by in a letter font and colour set that it will go straight in your subconcious.
Well, the brain has a funnel that filters all incoming information from your senses and that funnel will filter out most of the time when holding a coffee on the way back to the desk the moto, especially if someone does not feel the motos being lived in the corporation. That funnel also is responsible that we can follow a conversation in a crowded room and do ignore or all other chatting close by. 
That funnel can be trained like everyone can train to use the weaker hand or how to dance. In the end of the day training makes a master and humans are born with little genetic prerequisits compared to the need to train and what can be achieved based on just training no matter the genetic coding.
AFN in the 90ies was full of these messages and told the GIs to become Footbal and Basketball stars. The occult call that the ether and sometimes it is not a hearable sound message that can be filtered out by using an equalizer.
It is more difficult and scary.
Part of that research, and this is were the Holocaust comes into play, was about our dreams at night when we sleep. Dream world can be full of scary nightmares, also full of great pleasures and dreams and the interpretation of dreams date back about 5000 years to the Old Testament. As old is the Jewish mystic. Our dreams can be so plastic and realistic that they are like a second reality and some can see things of the real world through their dreams directly.
Today, there is no literature about dream world available that is not a pile of occultist and weirdo bullshit even so mysticism in all religions is very old and therefore has an incredible long history.
Bascially, right after the GeStaPo the CIA went on the hunt for Hebrew, Latin and Arabic mystic books teaching about dream world to even research in Gallic literature seeking for an advantage in their war for suprimacy, the only thing everyone should be able to agree that CIA, KGB and GeStaPo have defenitelly had in common.
Everybody can learn to remember past waking up the night times dream, and some use a drug cocktail to enter this dream world, that I assume is part of a 5th dimension that follows like time and space physcial laws.
Imagine you are not supposed to stare at goats to kill them, but are a highly functional addict working for the CIA in their PsyOps Devision and keep using your mind on an radio wave or MP4 stream to influence a targets thinking, like the NSA goes ballistic in surveillance technology use against the Enemy Nr 1 like in the movie and you get an idea.
In the early years of the Renessaince Gallileo Gallilei discovered that the earth spins around the sun and even calculated the earth's size correctly to enabel Christof Columbus sailing around the world. The Vatikan feard of the political implications and forbid any teaching that their holiocentric theory was incorrect, but I do not know why today the history books say that Christoph Columbus for sure must have known he is not in India nor China or Japan. He knew he discoverd a new world known from tales only.
Today our Secret Services, that are using drugs themselves, murder innocent bystanders, wrack entire nations, have to law for themselves standing above the Juridical system entirely and use unconstiutional methods to influence even their very own supposed to protect are what the politics of the Vatikca of the Renessaince had been.
The Vatikan by now rewoked its sentance against Gallileo Gallilei and gave him is deserved holy funeral in all honours of a good Kathlic.
I don't think Jew Murderer hosts will get that chance, L-Boyz & Co. We'll make sure, as we alwways did. We are Crusaders. It just never was that brutal in war...

Monday 26 February 2024

Joe & Jim

Can you hack a Private Tab creating a history?
Mmm mmmh. With voice recognition on Siri when the boss comes in. 

Drying out the market

The UK jumped a load for TheGermans, so to say, and considering that the Orange Order is arrogant enough by nature to need no Coke, just like me, they will destroy the load.
5.7 tonnes is a serious amount and I wonder, if the load was payed already, how the money was transfered and what will happen, if the money is lost by one side.
Also, as much as Bayer promoted Heroin as the only cure for the Kokain addiction, Tilidin Pharmacies will see a run, beside Street Fentanyl. Go out and score filthy rich bastards.
Also, Crack is off, but will get exchanged by a synthetic version that is just named by a known brand on the market for sales purposes.
The more loads of Kokain are found, the less lucrative the production becomes and The Jungle can calm down. It is rather difficult to argue a "No, not here", without FARC back up especialy when Contras are the new partner on the tiny farm, but also synthetic drug production localy becomes more lucrative with some potential that the big Kartells do not understand Europes Police selfunderstanding and expectations on Kartell business affairs....way worse than any outsystemed Banlieu off the cash flow.
What goes around comes around, and you will pay for The Club of 27, also. #ticktack


 The Jungle ain coming to rumble....ever

TheGerman reliability problem

In the very first minutes the long beard in the Miami Vice suite asks the TheGerman Monty Pyton suite right next to the hipster beard, if he'd knew one single watchmen that has no German ltd, but is listed with all his personal finances for his companies actions....
...and I wonder which bank he's got, because all credit given by banks has in the small print bylaws, that at a certain point, usually on longer stretching credits, turns at least one of the five GmbH heads liable and puts in his personal accounts, too.
Actually, the GmbH is a fine copy of the limited, that limits financial liability for the humans and, if the company goes broke, like we know form bankers and top notch stock market listed companies, the humans still have a pension.
Also, I am sure that the beard won't help a bit with the ultra conservative German banks and their credit department, if you know what you mean.
There might be a away so. The piont is that international laws and internationaly operating companies have different sets of rules than especially local once, but you can quite possibly skip German AG banks for ever, yet might find potent international banks in e.g. Panama, Mexico, El Salvador or the Bahamas. The latter is part of the England kind of. (Note to myself: Skip travel to Bahamas for ten years, you fuck)
The way to do so is using internationaly ligitimet registrated companies in offshore places and idealy a small shop in another country to than turn all local shops into possession of that company and move the online shop away from German servers, beside creating international pages, too.
But be aware. Goolge won't tell you the .de for the Bahamas and instead thousand US registered companies that do the brain test for you and register a company without ever touching base in the online...
With the appropriate international bank you also won't have any problems with any tax office, except D.C. maybe. So, no shop in D.C. Miami is so much hotter anyway and Mexico City always the best place to be in the City Center.


PS: Yes, you can and actually have to transfer at least some of the profits to the head company. TheGerman tax office will still with all legal rights tax the profits of the local company, but cannot tax any activity of the forigne company. They also cannot tell how much money transfered back to the local company comes from profits, credits or an investor which also has impact on German taxes to be payed by the local company. The credit/tax reduction came can work. One thing is for sure, they may not ask based on international rules for a balance sheet of the top company. (and I am sure....)
Beside a local legal you might want to ask an international guy. In Germany some idot might risc a gun fight comeing after me bullshiting about this being an illicit legal advice, while internationaly, and this is the blogg, this was in no way touchable by any law as it is not direct representative advice in a court or for somone seeking trial. Check this to understand Law in real nations not build by former SS men.

TussyInc SWAT

Hi, how are...? ....ok calm had a test run....we did Moskow....he was so impressed by our ......OH NO!!....IN MOSKOW????...HOW WE ARE SUPPOSED...biting fist .....good news is it worked to have him suprices in the Victories Secret change locker but without....yeah realy... who would have thought...I do appreciate your positive attitude in difficult unforseen unbespoke situations, but you know -- getting a corp out of a Russian chill box back via three hups into a London chill box with all records....I call you back....don't know...soon.
What's up Joe. Some spontanious change of plans?
You think one day one women will just do as told?
Nah....part of the beauty

Did you ever consider

 to just bluntly lie into the radio, when you know you are a good guy, the others are good guys and you both want to help the he good guys around, but the orders are murderus?

Provos don't do that

Sir we have contact. Opening fire.
....gun shots over radio.....
They are shooting back.
...even more gun shots over radio...
We have to retreat.

Whaaad aaare seeey shooding aad Dimitry?
I thngk they maighd be huding birds from the weaasd.
Kraseee frooogs.

....a few days later...
Uuuuu knooow Muhammed?
Yes. Is gooooood guy.
Heh saais in Ali Baba Bar is Pastice one for two
....a fwe hours later...
So, ir is one bottle for two, but eaaatshhc a glass.
Ouihicks,,,,uuuuuuuuiiiiiiihhhhhiii...Ca qua youuuu tellll Genera  hicks lal
You shoood bad
No, no, pas bonnne....waving finger....Say....heaaavy impact....retreat...

PS: Is it that difficult to have fun, realy???

Heaven help my death before dishonour
and don't miss your time to die

The indirect GeStaPo actions

There is a gang on trial in the Netherlands, the Kingdom on has to regularely explain that the part in the hymn means from Duitse blood, which was the founding Clan of The Netherlands, and not from German blood in fucking any respect, that is escorted to trial as it was about a para-military terrorist force with back up from Afgahnistan and the Nation awaits the reapearance of the missing Stinger Rockets.

Onbvioulsy, the Cocain Head Supply Crew is all Maroccaninan and one of their main clients Gang KingPins just made it into Parlament.

That means that one of the most liberal people, with one of the longest histories of exchange with other people world wide, that build all its wealth on trade, these days is deriving from a people that build tanks instead of farming machines, build gas factories for humans instead of trade ships, and now votes the worst of all European Bullshitters into a leading position, missing Hitler and he is all they can get.
The Netherlands woke up to buy armoured cars from the worst of all Zwangsarbeiter companies to have a shit on its history on the polls.

Does make all sense....if you are a CoceHead, right? So scary the sheep go with your lie.

#IRAmovement #endnations


 That I ever posted comments to become an influencer in any respect. This is because at least I am well aware that neither them nor me can deal with conversations like:

What do we do today?
And than?
Ok. Only treatmill. And tomorrow?
Well, the day after tomorrow and it will be Treatmill.
For how long am I doing the Treatmill?
About 6 months, if you come every second day.
And Bizeps.
In about 6 months, which is after the Treatmill.
There, the mirror. 
Lift the T-Shirt.
See. Treatmill
....bitching session for 10 minutes and than 5 minutes treatmill...

So, why would I do that??

....a few minutes later....
I can't run anymre.
I said Treatmill, not running. 

Be aware

we are those that in your bullshit philosophy chats on One day a Lion or a Hundred a Sheep want to ask, if there is realy nothing inbetween, but don't, having history with your ego and attitude constantly. 


Sure you don wanna leave us alone?

For me it changed when I had ro react and could not drop the 100 sunrises anymore receiving yet a stupid smile from an even more stupid look'a'like when I said am no Lión, I am Wulf, and that the tattoo was because Wulfs don't perform in the Circus. Ready to understand what Wulfs eat all day long???

BKA, internal affairs


IRA Provos

Sparta is gone, its Cyberpunk now

Another unasked hint

for Mr Hopkins. Aham...In minuste 04:35 on your constantly improving Power Slides you refer to a certain kind of women, predicatably, after having pointed out to be looking for an obeydient submissive women before.
All I understand is that you like to dominate, but that should remain among your real litterly speaking mate and you, off cam, please.
All Top Gs, I mean like the real Top Gs, that are in the bizz for profit and quickly not the fun anymore, running off shore bank accounts, Yachts and wonder, if the lawyer or a gunmen can fix it, have exactly that kind of women you refer to as a problem.
They have been looking for the man, but not found one. They are strong enough to tell, if he is wrong and did so in the past, they have fun and show it, they do party, create party and are ready to tell when they have both a problem and a good party. They have an Ego, because they know that in a world in which money is men's affaire they can both break a man or get the most out of him demanding their fair share of the success.

Every man, also Gs, need a good match. Yes, sayers never are. Trust me, my last boss figured out the hard way...

Why are stash houses and labs

so easily penetrated by Special Forces? 
Because you score instead of wondering who could enter and how.

PS: Manifesting all high glorious battles is no practice session, period.


 Google Bamboon

Geees top

 you might find all alike the top powder female off creol in spanish vice me wondering about the lies and how deep the ties are to confeds mads on wheels guarding those to fat for spalding in libre turff who has the nerve for chez Guz pubs for the little cups in need of a deep future?


Sinaloa Kartell changes in leadership

 Turns out the women take over. The speaker calls it a miracle that the potential new femal boss is still out of prison. Obviously, the media and journalists do speak about their supply line as the other service likes it and that without emailing a script. The DEA fights, the CIA supports, like in the Good Cop, Bad Cop scenario.
Having already killed several high ranking Sinaloa bosses and some of their relatives, the CIA has quite some leverage on the women with even more a main head in a prison cell of their own. The CIA also runs Guntanamo and the prisions in wich Epstein died, just not officially. That would be the FBI, founded by an Antisemitc Hitler looving Cocain Head called by a dam and vaccum cleaner...
Cocain is a lifestyle, like being a boss that works 24 hours and his staff creates the output, but he gets a spot on the Forbes list. They strongly believe that Cocain makes them strong and no hard training, mental practice and studying by reading books can challange the might of any organisitaion that receives for their agents and officers induastrial level drugs called medication.
It does not matter, if it sais Pfzer or Rolex on the pack of Cocain, you idiots, or if it comes in bricks or capsules, you still become junkie bitches to a delusional selfreflection inflicted by a hard nerve toxin, while weed makes you feel more and practice creates Masters.
We will win that War on Drugs, no matter how many of us will die in this phase in which we will challenge the current order of us have nots, but have all duties, work and pain, against the have all, no matter their moral, character, ability and capability, despite responsibility.
You managed to have nature turn against you. Alpha wave of Covid was pure murder through your prison gangs being willing helpers to ensure your steady supply sline. The Ukraine war is a graveyard for your warriors and I am sure Germany will turn into chaos, if Sinalo, MS13 and Barrios do not run against our American borrows, but feast among the weakest yet richest link in all post Nazi syndicates.

Welcome to our style of Total War
IRA Provos
Independent Cells
One Man Gang
IronClad The Goblin


The Establishment's ignorance

 Is having a conversation about doing Cocain with Kartells and bullshit láughing about it, to in the next moment, put Weed on the same level.
So, the Kartells do Cocain and the Journalists goes straight with it being convinced the Cocain would have helped also her collegue. There is no way that any BKA officer or the fucking Hoover FBI would knock on her door as they always do on ours.
There is no way I even just hang out with Coceheads, because Cocain does not fix their ego problem and I have met nothing more annoying than Cocain heads. MDMA junkies are so onto something realy worse that they quickly manage to ignore someone like me, but Cocain heads get naturally triggered and the dose does not help at all to not try any form of competition.
You may stay among your own, if just all Nazi build up organisation would understand to take care of their own and stop to instead keep looking for the weaker, or what they believe is weaker. The nice, the good, the helping, the Hippi, the Reefer and finally the sober.
The more The Wests system fails in which a Journalists can without loosing her Job openly state to do one of the worst substances for mankind that was used by all Auschwitz staff, creates thousands of dead trying to make money in it until today, the more the worst of you will come again, as when they retreating from Paris or in the last days of your KZs, but noobody of you will put a blond Journalist in her place. Rehab and long term drug tests.


We train, we practice, we listen to our feelings and sharpen our senses, we love and hate, we fuck for satisfaction and babies and follow our heart, we are different than you ruling, wer are off hard drugs and medication, and we have been wating for this storm. A Virus like the Plague, System Collaps as predicted by Smith, Keynes and Marx, and social turmoil. Challange us again and this time there will be no playing, no fooling you, we walk all over you. Come here! It ain the 60ies nomore.
We have no PTSD, your system is a playground for assholes, we are no psychos, we do now better and insist on our God's given free will, in opposite of you demanding SS like order even in the Corporarte world over reason and argument and the best for the job, not the biggest slime sucker in the bosses ass. No means no and you will suck it up soon. Just cross the line.

Sunday 25 February 2024

The West's ignorance

In all biologic populations, healthiness can be measured by population growth. Population growth can only happen when the population itself and its sourroundings are healthy. This needs balance. Simplified, and used for market theory lessions, a group of Pikes in a closed pont of Carps will eat only as much Carps, increasing Pike population, until some Pikes die by running out of prey, but this way giving Carps the chance of increasing their population and this way....creating a balanced sytem.
Obviously, and all modern economic philosophers explained that, there is no pont in which that happens, except the ifs are taken in account. If the Pikes don't stop by themselfes to breed and eat more and more of all Carps, this way becoming unfit for the closed pont, they die after having also ate each other sometime past the last Carps lonesome death.

Europe as the actual most pure core of The West and center of the Dark Modernity with all its inequal enforcement of laws has a very broken population record. Real good numbers are difficult to find, especially past WW2 when politics took over information, but a quick research suggests these key stone numbers:
1900 239 millions
1939 560 millions
1960 450 millions

The main jump in the beginning of the century makes a lot of sence considiering industrialisation and its impact on what is base in all biologic populations to grow: Secure food supply and the ability to rise the breed safely. Fish don't realy rise their breed, but humans have kids around for minumim 20 years realy close and they kinda never realy leave house. 
Fish just swimm away.
So, industrialisation increased aggricultural output using machines and fertilzer, industrialization provided clothing and housing, industrialisation provided books and long distance connections and therefore created a safe long term perspective of successful survival for kids. 
Parents had no need to fear the destiny of their unborn.
Then war came and until today the population growth did not change back to the early years of industrialisation.
Considering the fact that there is no war, there must be a different reason for staggering slow popultaion growth, that went down again from the 60ies on, especially when watching shops full of food, cloth and information media visible for everyone.

So, what is wrong Oh Mighty Leaders?

TheGerman's Top Gs go party hard

 Watch this to get an impression of German Top G Clubs. This is were those that rule the German Streets meet the Floors of society. They have status there. Some that work cheap low labour jobs are Queens and Princesses there from Dusk to Dawn once or twice per week.
This is also were they realy recruite and start business with the Floors. Guys like us are excluded. Guys like us don't mind. Guys like us Jump Around in the House of Pain, but we don't do deals with Floors or anyone else on the Street. 
There is another version of Club and that is the Hardcore Techno Scene with his HQ in Berlin that is way closer to hard drugs and less into shiny bright posh places full of sparkling wine, standing not second, but right next to these places in the vid.
Their places have a long queue that is important to represent for all the exlusivity of the place. Idealy the Top Gs can park their ride directly infront of the entrence and who knows the Bouncer bypassing the crowed is Boss, King of the Night or at elast a Prince.
It is the posh crowed as in Miami Vice and there are only three other ways in. You go undercover like Sunny and Tabs, you come with a Badge or as in the 90ies in a Crew of obvious Ghetto Soldiers flashing the Iron, shaking the head shortly and having two rest next to the door when heading in for a moment in all silence.

We don't have places in Europe and in the 90ies it was GIs. We only smoke weed, do low idiot jobs for bad pay and have no chance of ever getting fair pay. If we resist we have to go the full hundred yards and we are few. Avoiding unfair trial can mean moving to another country and as in my case two years of being homeless. But it was Paris and my German name is registered as I was a recruite in the French Legion to leave after the psychologic test. I end in mental hospital, they send an Officer, but I am special.

Especially in Europe were the GeStaPo follow up syndicate is stronger than in any other place on earth and deeply integratged in all levels and stakes of the system we are pure, sheer Underground riscing long term medicated prison sentences or just getting murdered, if hittig the streets droppig the cover. You can tell by the way I walk that I am different, that I am a real skater, a streets sportsmen, a ghetto soldier and my walking already challanges Police and Gs as the better is their natural enemy to try hurrassment.

I am sure Sinaloa, FARC, IRA and both Cosa Nostra and Camorrah read here, too. Beside TheGermans still not stepping down, but being all about a nother round with Police, Come and get me....
To keep a long story short. I either start a one man army campaigne against the GeStaPo that will wreck and push the FRG into chaos using mid age brutality or somone makes them pay their dues or at least helps me to do this:

Create places for US in TIE. 

I want my share as I deserve it and that means first of all that I keep my Copy Rights, that I can life from my Music, that the Nation accepts its status of playing on a lower level, if it is about survival, so I can build spots for those US, some ways off those that have deals with the greedy and corrupt that will die, if I go for war against their ignorant arrogance believing their is none of their laws for themselves and that their SEKs stand a chance surviving.

La Scampia is a perfect example. It is an existing concrete structure without any purpose. If I was payed out by who the fuck ever Tom is instead of taking down a system that protects him and his hard drug lifestyle, than this is were I'd put the money to create a modern castle that is less of military nature, but a spot for all those that do neither inted to follow orders or get into hard drugs prefering runners high, self education and Green Berret like comradery.
This means skatehall, low cost sakteshop. mechanic car, scooter and even bycicle workshop, library, computer refurbishment, low cost digestation sur place cafe and resto, backpackers inn, direct farmes shops, graffity canvas and refill station, club as we like it, dark cornered, save perfect speakers and free water and low cost baverages and no bouncers needed to dance and dance, from which we carry you out if you don't let us live.

Ready for a parallel world or do you need a major lession to understand your status BKA and Bonez MC 
you turned too expensive
I told you
Unterordnen Polizei, nunmehr für euch