Wednesday 28 February 2024

I got it

The CIA Artefact Crew must have taken over ownership. In this system nobody just gets Central Bank money, but they have to compete for it.
Let's be clear. Go and suck of Sinaloa Dicks to make money. I am done with ideas especially on your intellect level. Amazon is the online shop and I do not know what software could be the niext big hit considering that the "I love you" Virus was the most succssful software ever just before Angry Birds. I do not know which product will be the next lucrative hype for your crowed that has way too much money for their own good, will all others try to make you aware that we are all broke, (the farmers?) except Kartell products, because you already spend 5 digest for steel bracelets in gold paint with 12 numbers on calling it a watch. A watch is a time indicator and only Fentanyl will make what you have their into what you say it is for you and only for you.
I am trying to tell you that your system is done, broken, fucked, screwed, shit loaded, busted, wrecked, fubyied, sick, ill, so from the 80ies, yesterday over and over again, because obviously your current dosis is way too little.
Go stupid and you can't even score Kartell product anymore.....get it?