Tuesday 31 October 2023

Don't be fools, The Tyranny of Evil against the Inequities of the selfish

This world goes for war now.
In all wars there are battle grounds, prisons, hospitals, work and pockets of silence being calm.

This time the war is again fought on all levels.

It is time to listen to your heart, stop the ride and reverse by safety first, taking a detour that feels save and wonder if you should stay or go, before sweating having to press out a No or even worse a false Yes to than keep running.


Monday 30 October 2023

Rockefeller and his son.

 Germans like egoism, but no responsibility. I wonder if they understand that they do. Vid.

40 things Rockefeller wrote to his son, 
that made me conclude that you were an asshole making many humans honorable humans by turning them into your enemy.

1. I never thought I would lose. 
You ignored loosing, you only remember your victories and loosing is part of live and you should have snored less koke.

2. I do not meet competition. I destroy competitors.
And made sure that no anti trust laws applied, that no murder was retaliated, that no judge took you down, that being poor was better than being rich.

3. Our destiny is determined by our actions and not by our origins.
True, yet I wonder if you honestly ignore that every path has both start, track and desteny all connected.

4. Visionary businessmen are always good at finding opportunities in every disaster. That is how I did it.
Real Businessmen will in disasters use without hesitation all money they have to do good, just like Josef Schindler did, when men like you took power.

5. You cannot sharpen your razor on velvet. 
A knife is given its sharp blade edge by a stone, but the final sharpness is given by a soft leather or smooth surface of a stone. Both are not carried, instead of the velvet cloth to clean that blade sharpened by both hard and soft surfaces off the blood spilled .

6. Get rid of the habit of being distracted.
Focus on doing good and you wont miss your time to die.

7. Look at those who fail and you will find that most people fail not because they make mistakes, but because they are not fully committed. The same goes for companies.
Your real character, attitude and strength will show when you know that you cannot win, but will loose, yet keep up the fight even a draw is out of reach to make it easer for those fighting after you are long gone.

8. Retreat means surrender. Retreat will turn you into a slave. The war is inevitable. Let it come.
Retreat, hold, counter. Attack, hold, push.

9. Match people by their enthusiasm.
Push the bad even deeper and party with the good to copy the best?

10. Luck is the remnant of design.
Luck is winning against all odds and needs lots of prepration.

11. Anything can happen in this world.
No. Some is impossible. This world is based on laws of which only a few are made by humans and humans make mistakes.

12. The important thing is that you firmly believe that you are your greatest capital.
Said the man to the mirror: What is the greates capital? And the mirror repeated the fisher that just wont stop fishing to found a fishing company.

13. Bring a steel like determination to all challenges.
It is carbonfaber age and rust free steel was not invented at your time.

14. Action solves everything.
No. Some things pass. Like cocain heads pass out and die.

15. When I was a poor boy I was confident that I would become the richest person in the world. Strong self confidence inspired me.
I belive that, that you thought so and even more that noone will ever know if you regreted ever or just past death. Did he read these quotes again after sending them?

16. Everyone is a designer and architect of his own destiny.
We never walk alone.

17. We’d better push it.
What, where, how and why does not matter to you?

18. Smart people make things happen.

19. If I say that I have the power of life and death over oil refiners that is not a lie. I can make them wealthy or I can make them worthless.
You also destroid the hemp industry, ethanol production and world peace. The problem is you are proud of yourself.

20. Do it now. Opportunity comes from opportunity.
What, why and how does not matter to you.

21. I never believed that failure is the mother of success. I believe that faith is the father of success. 
But what in?

22. Victory is a habit.
Talking to much is a habit just like being full of yourself. Victory means the defeat of an oponent like even just a secret hiding.

23. The glory and success of the family cannot guarantee the future of children and grandchildren.
You failed or never tried being on an Ego trip?

24. People of poor backgrounds will actively develop their abilities because they urgently need to rescue themselves.
And you will try to destroy them if they turn or just might turn a competitor. So this was a warning.

25. No one in the world leads a smooth life.
Becuase men like you got rich based on no matter what principles, good news, including you. Your son must have hated you the minute he got under fire latest.

26. People who climb up in any industry are fully committed to what they are doing. They sincerely love the work that they do.
And with bossed like you their rise depends on committed to beind below you. Right? 

27. If you sincerely love the work that you do you will naturally succeed.
And not ask for a rise?

28. Life is an opportunity at a time.
This must a slave driver have said holding a rifle to a man about to turn stronger than him first time, as he was working and the other watching.

29. Too many people overestimate what they lack and underestimate what they have.
When the slaves turnd poor men, this is what those hiding behind the system said now.

30. Believing that there will be great results is the driving force behind all great careers.
Define great results and career.

31. My nature never wears off. What I like is the feeling of victory.
So do I.

32. Enthusiasm is a force multiplier to everything.
Training is needed to use that force created by everthing that started enthusistically as an idea.

33. Faith in yourself is the force that drives you forward.
There is only one God and its not me.

34. I think carefully prepared plans and actions are called luck. I never succumb to luck, I believe in cause and effect.
You have been lucky most of the time, so, and I wonder if you managed to one day become honest again understanding what live is realy about. Like when nobody helped to get a cooky of the top shelf.

35. In the process of pursuing career success the most important step is to prevent yourself from making excuses.
Guys like you tend to mistake explinations for excuses, right, and No is no answer. Fuck OFF, works so.

36. The outcome of things is often proportional to our enthusiasm.
Cocain feels like a ruh comperable to being enthusiastic about something. That's why he got a third reference now.

37. I told myself, I warned myself. You must hold on to this [his business] tightly. It can bring you to the realm of your dreams.
And you business was fighting for good so his kindom come even way past your passing or did you start the excuses here?

38. Of course I paid a high price, but what I won was freedom and a glorious future. I became my own master.
I think you lie, like that king that turned all into gold he touched when he refused to admit he was not happier. All comes at a price. This is a rule, like action causes reacton, energy does not vanish it transfers, changes or transforms, but it does not vanish. So, what comes around goes around.

39. The person who can create value the most is the person who devotes himself completely to his favorite activities.
While others do what is needed, you keep having excuses. 

40. The people who can get ahead in the world are those who know how to find their ideal environment. If they cannot find it, they will create it themselves
True. Work in progress. Provos

Saturday 28 October 2023

Number crunching

 You have registries and name lists, CIA

We are this

because of this

and how many of millions of fews understand us over you?

#provos recruiting since the #90ies

for this storm


Vector Vs Hexagon Vs Grid Square

NATO and Secret Service military terretories are based on Grid Squares.

Moving objects in navigation have a Vector.

Provos plan military actions based on Hexagon fields over maps and blue prints, in which all distances from side to side and corner to corner using state vectors as a set of data describing exactly where an object is located in space and time, and therfore how it is moving from HexGrid Field to HexGrid Field creating a new level of quality in prediction.


The CIAs enemy number one, nobody knows, where are the Provos.


Floors, Street, Underground Money Clash

In The Floors, you have this in the bank.

In The Streets, you wonder how far you can stretch it

In The Underground, you understand that the rat is as big as the rat tail long.

"Should I stay or Should I go now?" The Clash on the MODs way of living

Friday 27 October 2023

Express Card into The Darkness

 If this was all true and not a set of facts, hypothesis and imagination from a virtual different other world, there would be also a few humans in a most exclusive club running the Federal Reserve as profiteurs and only remaining fiscal bank that are all living on a Black colour Credit Card that has no limit and creates everytime used the stressed amount to be pushed into the SWIFT banking system, way faster than any block chain crypto system could do, as some calcuation is needed to be done, instead of creating an Integer in a BASIC database on an Assembly master computer for a C operating system network, maintained by Java developers all into their coffee break social engeneering efforts in what they believe is English in an actual machine language base world inbetween metal and silicon age on a predicatbly ending timeline.

The price those Negrhabitos for laughing at the Illuminati below them is no having friends or confidence in a materialistic only world constantly hiding by lying.

So, get one of these onto your life goals list:


Carpe Diem in Carpe Noctem Autonomicus

From Kitchen to Hobby Room

Until the end of peace The Underground regularely needed to run or hijack kitchen called small labratories to be able to influence street and floor politics and wars.
In this all level war coming kitchens will turn hobby rooms, labs turn workshops.

You need:
a non IBM compatible computer off the internet
a constant metal sheet supply or sufficient storage
a metal sheet press
a fixed drill machine
a set of metal tools
The basic set up is upgraded based on availability and ability to

full CNC control of all stations
robot arms connecting the stations
robot arms for final assembly
laser measurment quality control
robot arm packing
IT based resource control, financial managemnt, quality and complaint management, CAD construction

Europe will be at war and all levels flooded with guns from stolen, captured, factory build, factory importet, illegal transfered, serial number to number cleaned, DIY made to underground workshop build. We'll might get the USA, Mexica and both Londenderry and Pakistan all at once.

may the best survive

Who was dreaming of an underground coffeshop and is about to preapare even open carry? How many?
What you think.

The B to A change in war of the Ukrain conflict

 Bahchmut was the first town the Russian Seperatist forces took back from Ukrainian National forces. Another small town Awdijika, as known and as difficult for a Western European risen human, is the next battle ground that in a changing war.
Until B. it was a hold and retreat strategy that dominated those holding Krimea and the Donbass region and they never counter attacked to dig in and hold, but instead created a strong defence line system a few miles behind the frontline.
A. is taken faster, increasing slowley the momentum of the Russian force and showing that they are about to change from defence and hold to attack and hold.

In this overall conflict in the Northern Hemisphere all about world dominance Russia has every reason to also change away from its century old defend and hold tactic that was successful againt all enemy forces and actualy march under fire possibly even way further than they did when they were officially welcome as the better choice than the Germans as Nazis.

Energy in war does also follow Einstein's discovery of the Energy formula E=mc² in wich energy is defined as the weight multiplied by the acceleration squared. In warfare the energy is the momentum, the weight the firepower and the acceleration the speed of territorial gain or destruction of the enemy.

NATO hit Serbia down without marching in by air striking using super sonic jets all their infrastructure and military force until they came back onto the diplomatic table. In the Iraq war the Abrahmas were riding as fast the fuel trucks allowed towards Bahgdad and Faludjah fell by Special Forces shooting with unmet precision all available shells into target until the last resistance was down on its knees with hands behind the neck surrendering in their own streets.

We will soon see Russian forces taken towns faster, then simultainiously, with more troops successfully acting on their own based on functional supply lines that work on demand, rather ordered delivery, then using more parts of the available forces under coordinated comand as the comando structures learned to an possibly almost autonom level by this way boosting moral from the very top down to the tyniest of infantry man by being heard and becoming part of a team instead of a strict hirarchy awaiting ultimate sacrifice over ultimate dedication until ...

... they might hit hard against their core enemy to change the world, this time for ever, as if The West was Russia's HAMAS. 
The broken contracts are on a dimplomatic level what on terrorist turff decupated civilians are. Do you understand, Boyz, what you triggered in all arrogance? 

Do you....


What if, when about to be surviving to kill more...

 ...and all came to an hold considering how long they make it. To instead of first killing the needed fear to survive that holds back to kill all and everyone noted down the 11 phrases each and each single one wanted.

To each group presenting to teach other group the 10 most noted.

To each group checking what they can give to each other of them.

Instead of death.

Thursday 26 October 2023

OMG Vs Military in the mountains

 How to Evade A Professional Military (Tracking, Countertracking)

This video will teach you all sabotage tactics of standard NATO Delta Force schooling books. I am no regular special forces guy.
My scenario was, growing up as a "racial Jew" in a nation given by the Allies to the murderers in the Holocaust, a very different one.
I'd be either a One Man Gang or part of a hunted group facing Germans again.

Hiding would not be an option as Germans used in their past when not having to cover as democrats in a republic even most brutal and inhuman tactics to gather informations being on a still in use amphetamin based drug cocktail.

I fight or die.

The group must seperate between those willing to kill Germans in ortder to survive and those unwilling to prepare and engage in killing both German civilians and militants. There will be noone to young and noone to old to fight to kill, considering standard German behviour during WW2.

Based on the given position a route based on the most save possible track towards another people outside the reach of the Germans must be decided on. The saftey is based on the own available weapons, transport and food. More supplies must be taken from Germans and to break their moral no German can be spared leaving a trace of equal inhumane and brutal retaliation against their own must be layed, to give them a chance to come stop their hunt by a fake story.
Germans throughout their history never spared any horror or brutality and each member of the group must honestly acknolidge, if they are capable of torture against even innocent Germans to reach any part of the civilized free world.

You would not believe how many I met growing up, that will ....

I am a human. You may not murder, steel or lie. 

This only applies for a war scenario in which Germany is under attack and lost cover, not in any civil rights fight or retaliation run making base for a Dystopian New Order as punishment.

#muhahahahahaha #ItoldYou

Underground on detour through Bond territory

The militant world is a three level world. Top floors ruled by rich boys, like James Bond, Streets run by organised crime like the Sons Of Anarchy and Peaky Blinders, and the underground off sight populated by IRA, FARC, ETA and every single time a Provos Knight was on detour into Bond & Co high security CCTV surveilled turff, they thought one of their own went rouge...

You arragont western rich wankers. 
We are Americas enemy number one, nobody knows, (we are the Provos)
Red Baron's Devision and I am IronClad the Goblin aka 2Pac, Eminem, Nirvana, you name it.

Bourne, Punisher, Wick

Regret or I come again up, but for you. paypal.me/J4vurmywumccscnm I like steak, too.

I seldomly swear to protect the American way of live: Freedom!

Understanding life to live success

 Iman Gadzhi - Money, Women, Fame, Fatherhood (E022)

All discussion on realness and natural and sponsors aside, these men drop phrases from a position of success to having had understood life when shortly before stating many of their rich, yet not priviliged friends would suffer from boredom and even depression.
That is like me stating I was one of the most dangerous man on earth, yet nobody knows me and hardly anyone is more off a Time magazine cover, or am I? R.I.P Kobe. Thank you for your mission.

Them and us are both part of the chess playing Western society being part of the priviliged northern hemisphere. While they have a lot of money and a luxerious lifestyle, they lack the priviliged position off the law of my enemies and in opposite to us will get caught breaking those, while we either outsmart or take out the system.

In this system they are the sheep, except the financial resources, just as the nine to five, five days a week worker in all factory, workshop, service or office and not everyone want's your position realy.

In this world inbetween Garden Eden and either Heavon or Hell, everything comes at a price. Our freedom of choice based on God's given free will is payed by pleasure and pain in constant change.
The price for a beautiful normal life among the masses in which you never walk alone is flipping coins at least here and there knowing that even as an Air B'n'B Mikes flat will be out of reasonable reach, while Iman walks alone instead of riscing creeps creeping up to him in Brixton missing that warm feeling of a working class hero Pub that is so important in British coltoure.

Jesus tought us that the one God of the Thora is good and that we have to help those next to us. The Koran points out who those creeps are and that we have to fight all those believing that good does not matter to the best we can. Jedi tells that God is a force and that we can train to be tools of that force doing good when ever we can.

If Iman and Mike made it to Brixton and you Jonny recognize them, you do as good leaving them alone enjyoing what you also came for as you do walking over when Joe Creep approches them making them auncomfortable as it was your brother Georgy as much as since Social Media the Somali Muahmmed is as close as Andrew living in the same block. Just 7 connections away.

We need another step done.


Mike and Iman, Jonny and Andrew already will say thank you when we hold the door even so being no clerk same way to all, priviliged, rich, worker, traspasser, so do all, except the priviliged Creeps.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

MEME - Dark Rosecrusader Moto


The End of Star Alliance

 Watching the top dogs of Star Alliance I started wondering at some point, if these Top Dogs of the secret service rat pack lost all control among their level as they did with Columbian Contras and Afgahn Mudjahedin turning Al-Quida.
Mossad did not choose clear sides in the hegomonial war, because of having a strong Russian immigrant minority in the nation, they did not intervene in Syria on any side and stayed out of from all behind the Good Fence, as it appears against alpha dog wishes. 
Moving into the Middle East.

The Germans, most likely supplying the majority of forign soldiers in Ukrain being part of the Ukrainian Legion, proofed that their training records were paper work and no more, which started on train trips from Hells Kitchen to Berlin using a handy Bundeswehr Rucksack and having nice conversations with the Soldiers making them understand that noone cheks the training, but only the paper records, during the 90ies, before they passed out on beer missing their train stop. 
Another war lost.

The Brits made peace with the IRA and never called them socialist by that creating from Boston on a strong working class truckers union undermining Confderate attempts against colour blinds in their homeland and never got closer than taking over Cambridge USA and Harvard loosing ground to the Black Panther Movement that always was supported by the IRA together winning the street war of the 60ies off main media attention on both sides of the ocean and since than being minded from the Brighton Beach Party to constant American racism debates on. 
Failure, since Elisabeth decide for Her People during the 60ies.

I don't think they all march never alone nomore...

Their Dusk is our Dawn. 

Free Republiques. You never walk alone!

PS: You take out the weakest from yor perspective first, please.


 Zero is a number and listed before number One.

Pawning time, brothers.

-2 -1 0 1 2 
and is the only number that has neither negative nor positive value,
like nothing
like Jerusalem
while all is no number, but a symbol
we all can bleed

Arroganz is Bliss or The Chaos no one Foresees

If 91.000 fulltime employess of the StaSi, the interiour Secret Service of Eastern Germany did not manage to foresee the design demand of female shoes for just the next year, why would you belive that 3.000 full time employess of the Federal Reserve can handle a fiscal system running 2.26 trillion US Dollars?

How much cocain do you snore, please???

How much...every single day at the office...

#provos #MIB

A Hot Pot war szenario

 Gaza and Israel: The Start of WWIII or an Isolated Conflict? || Peter Zeihan

WW3 is running already since 1945. It was hot for most parts of this world, for most of the time as regional conflict as The War on Drugs or The War on Terror. It just may not turn nuclear or main forces full action.
The Near and Middle East is a constant conflict zone, while the Far East was apeaced after the Korean and Vietnam war the brute force way. Knom Pehn used small arms and killed everyone that had a comperable education of those he met while studing in Paris, France. Today, the Far East is Asian and quiet. A sad fact. Peace by homogonisation.
The Near and Middle East is heterogene and due to the onging WW3 no meltingpot as the USA had been since the very first settlers arrived. It is in opposite a lot more like the Confederate Natoin that excisted on today's southern part of the USA, yet having no state legal and open slavery.
People live at best next and in bad times against each other, but hardly ever with or mixing up into something new. The area is ruled by their differences and conflict and all those aggrevating that lifestyle, need to die, so the world and mankind can progress.

Gaza is a perfect battleground for all those looking for the ultimate battle ground. Everybody with an interest in living in peace can move to the southern part and if the war wages longer will at some point be able to start all over new in the Arab world.
The West Bank is due to its geography the next best place for war giving all irregular combatants from Militant Settlers to International Fighters a perfect spot to go for war living their hate to the fullest. It is a perfect mix of urban and rural grounds, the enemy is easy to recognize and arms can flow in from many channels.
The Lebanon well can turn into parts of Syria, with unfortunately main parts of the the south being populated by civilans interested in prosperty, but therefore creating an even more sophisticated battle ground of underground warfare as everyone with interest of giving IDF a reason to start a bombing campaign might get shot by concealed carrying civilians, Police or those parts of Hisb'allah with yet some brain and concious, while Beirut with the north of the Lebanon once again turning a top level war ground securing banks running off record money for realy nasty investment vehicles by highly paid hitman and assassins yet civilians staying out of drive bys and small car bomb action.
Syria remains the all ruins civial war battle ground all against Assad and ISIS, while ISIS and Assad at war against each other, with even Russians and Americans in.
The Kurdish will successfully continue to keep American Recognized Capital troops off, which might get into trouble by real Iraqies as soon as on their way or just being back into their barraks without the West ever hearing it or being able to understand the real situation of a factual New World Order based on "I dont care who is ruling above, as long they stay above." 
Iran will be no more than a few nuclear reseach facilities and the Government quarter in absence of Brigades to enforce the will of a Government that noone voted since the 60ies and Kairo will even further turn into a slum society mega town off every authoritarian control aka pure Lagos chaos as in the New Free World, but providing real freedom to the poorest, but on solidly feeded grounds.
A conflict that well will spread out and connect to bandits and terrorists in the Sahel to connect to open arms markets, recruitement and training grounds, easy to access, but hard to leave cash exchanges, meeting places and live line trade routes secured yet attacked by piracy against trucks and even container ships with Lybia as an officially Failed State as a center.
A conflict that will spread out into Europes poorest town ships and quarters for sure.

Imagine the world gets better. By war. 
Just not one war.


PS: CIA, I told your agent, I won't stop dystopia, I will disable it.

Sunday 22 October 2023

Zionism and murder

The first in the net stated that his relatives were murdered by Zionists in the current Hamas Vs Isreal war having Jewish friends, too. Well, I disagree. I believe in the Diasporah as it was common understanding within Judaism before the Holocaust and the continuity of Germany as a nation against all other people in central Europe wiped off their own identity in Hitlers suggested Kleindeutsche Lösung, but without all historicaly Polish established counties of Prussia, Danzig and Bohemia the Nazis of House Hannover proclaimed of to be of their rule.
Until today Nazis write our history books....and also NATO standard combat engagement books.
When the House Hohenzollern fell shortly after Danzig was once again occupied by the Deutsch Herren Orden to them, too, they created a military state comperable to the one the slave owning Roman Empire of the Antique had.
In all other non feudalist Aristocracies the profession of war was up to Knights and Guards while the citizens and farmers were encouraged, but not forced, to train the use of weapons to be able to support as defence their town or village boarders.
Along with the Deutsch Herren Ordern expanding its rule also a new form of border was established with boarderlines stretching through open field instead of being surrounding human habitats giving a blue print of modern nations as also Isreal is.
When industralisation created psycho active drugs and automatic weapons the Deutsch Herren Orden created the idea of the German being one single people stretching from the Netherlands to the far East of Prussia, the Nordic Nations down to Austria and deep into Italy no matter today lost historc facts, enforcing their will in SS Uniforms or any other if needed off every rule of engagement by mass murder of also civilians.
The Jews were most in their way as being never assimiliated for thousands of years in European history.
After the bloodiest time of war all caused by one militant order and their lust of expansion and tyrannic rule, they turned secret service level lacking support among all normal humans.
It was not a Zionist that murdered that family in Gaza by dropping a bomb or rocket from a fighter jet. 
It was a human that became part of a military force designed based on Deutsch Herren Orden, Nazi, NATO, Western rules of military warfare.
We once were different.

Irish Republican Army. Provos.
Clan System.

Rocker Wars or Street Gang Fights Vs Terrorism for Human Civil Rights

 Bandidos MC und Hells Angels - Expansion um jeden Preis

The Germans and their affiliated media such as Rupert Murdock's Sky media empire tent to glorify what is actually junkies in leather vests helping the ruling upper 10 thousend of Western High Society to remain high.
All of the main clubs are street gangs with a more clear and hirarchical structures than MTV gangs and the comentator of the channel from the link above made it from organised German right wing extremism and the outskirts of Nazi mercenaries into softer Rocker turff to now making a living of touring schools and having a YouTube channel reporting about the dark side of society.
At least he is not impressed by The Wests most hyped gangs, as he knew worse.
Our society is a conflict society and as much as The East behind the Iron Courtan never was Socialist or Communist, but run by Stalinist form of tyranny, our West has no Republics or Capitalism.
All power is with the national institutions while the citzen is helpless and defenceless and our capitalism is an accumulating interest based capitalism in which for the rich other laws by fact excist and all need money to make money.

Do you may own any arms and use them?
Can you afford a lawyer?
Is Police helping you when you ask them?
Do you feel that you are equally treated as everyone else in society?
Do you consider your arguements heard and understood?
Are you treated with respect by the representatives of the nation and the succesful of society?
Do we live freedom, equality, brotherly?

Or do we need war?


The IRA movement

 Ireland stands proudly with the people of Palestine - Matt Carthy TD

Despite inapropriate wording of Apartheid in regards of the political situation in Israel I do support as a Provos which is part of the IRA movement this demonstration. 
It is peaceful.
The IRA movement means to accept the simple fact that violance in general can be a ligitimat way of enforcing a political human rights agenda.
Ireland saw blood in it's streets like no second region in the 1960ies when Secret Services took control of the economy made and staffed by German Nazis and their collaborators.
While in London and Berlin a bored and hating part of society uses the current war in Israel and Palestine as an excuse to live and breath hate, Ireland demonstrates.

The Jewish Comunity and that little sweet museum need best protection from within all of Irish society.
Haters gonna hate.
May the best survive.
Provos, an independet call IRA force.
IronClad The Goblin

Friday 20 October 2023

Preparing for World War 3 is not what you think....

 A Mike Force Podcast

...also, because it won't come as you think. 
Most during Cold War believed WW3 would be a high tech copy of WW2 ending in a nuclear war. It was easy to find humans preventing this from soldiers to scientists, because it would destroy this planet and turn it into a waste land or even astroid belt.

One level down are those believing they'd be the next Chingis Khan, Napoleon or Cesar while than having to comand not one Army, but several and not only soldiers, but also sailors and pilots despite logistics, pioneers, intelligence gathering and policing forces.
With larger numbers in battles the needed connections don't add up, they multiply. If a soldier of a platoon on the ground calls in an airstrike and the airforce has to execute that also the secret service might have to be included considering the target and one soldier is connceted to the five others of his platoon, the comander on the radio, the pilot and possibly an overwatch telling them that the bunker they are about to have taken out harbours an informant and the connection of platoon comand to airforce comand and secret service comand was not even on the list.
Napoleon had a clear and simple line of Officers quite like Cesar or Chingis Khan without any airforce, but possibly a spy being more like a messanger instead of an active battle ground asset.

As a matter of fact modern armies lack digitalisation and AI driven communication. There are no communication tactics and strategies books out in any major large scale modern military force and instead more expensive and bigger guns have been bought. Our military became better in fire power, but also way more expensive and never upgraded communication and coordination technologie.

Therefore, noone can win a major World War in a classic fashion, because chaos is certain.

The need to wage war remains and therefore everybody will just look for a better way to get their goals. With BRISC Russia and China started an economic war that will trigger Western secret services into corruption and sabotage. 
The New Silk Road can only bring prosperty to the Turk and Pashtun people, if the Middle East is in peace instead of Isreal attacking Iran, the Libanon being on fire again and the Taliban pushing back the Northern Alliance with Turky struggling by a new terror wave from Kurdistan and Iraq being cought in between.
If the southern part of the Silk Road through the Suez channel striding by Afrika stops by a burning Mediterrainian Middle East and reawaken extremist terror in Egypt to Lybia, the goods well can travel south of Africa to Europe and the route to North America or through the Panama channel would be still save, if Piracy does not find Phillipinos, Nigerians and the Chinese would carrying on delivering goods to old but nasty customers over envorcing their trade routes into BRISC nations with military and possibly even Triade means that way chilling down organised crime at home.

Not only modern armies got more complex in connection, but all of warfare, CIA simple minds.

The whole point is, that you know you will fail, just as those that in false flag plundering operations causing the Crusades did and prefered to get killed by the Moslems instead of admitting the crimes to their own.
Today, you are no longer of us.
So, get ready to die.


In a world in which MS13 and Kartell armies will stride by our US borrows and also all those borrows of good hearted that have been abused in their good faith and instead will come to your all white political correct corporate world terretories, along with Taliban and all those alien to the African lifestyle stranding here in Europe that once again will become deaths home, just as in your last World War, but in even greater chaos.

Ready, Ayrian for a world apart?

The 90ies Movie La Haine, now where the crashing ground point is. 
Quote, from back then when there was still time: 
We are living in a society that is falling and falling and keep telling us that it is all fine until here, but not the falling is crucial, the crash is.

The New Modernism at War

Mods is a lifestyle, not as media portrait it based on scooters with way too many lights, but based on the party coltoure the lights were supposed to enlighten. The New Rockers, so different than the Original Rockers being Hippi Nomads, tried to exploid these by enforcing toxic drug use from Amphetamin to Halozinugenes and Kokain just as they did same time across the Atlantic.

Supporting New Mods is easy. Small incomes have to be deregulated and be turned tax free, especially if they are cash based. As soon the business becomes bank account driven rising in turn over a simple tax will do that in return gives access to the social welfare system in return, based on the bank account transactions.

Soft drug use should not be prosecuted anymore on all levels from consumer to dealer, except if coming with extortion or toxic substances while toxic drug and medication abuse needs to be punished from consumer to dealer including therapies and continous drug screening or work prohibition, if a regulated psychologic test shows signs of good character loss.

Tiny restaurants, foot deliveries from home kitchens, street sales from tiny portable stands, house weekend parties, shared housing, dual business and housing need to be deregulated as long as on a small turn over level. Music production and distribution online and in shops must be supported by University support from creating, building and running online and small range radio, music sales and sharing platforms and shops also ontop of small turn over business into regulated and registered enterprises applying all anti-trust and market protection laws. 
Graffiti and street sport videos must be declared fine arts and their production and distribution supported by Museums and art schools throughout all communities must be encouraged and supported.
Self defence weapons must be legaliced, from Police Tonfa rubber sticks to RAM airpreassure rubber bullet shooting guns in especially those szones declared dangerous to support law enforcement by vigilant citizens.

The rest humans will do. This is work. This will cause trouble, but more good than bad.
It will be


Thursday 19 October 2023

The James Bond Saga

James Bond is fictional, yet fiction always is a reflection of time. We live in a time of more change than ever in every aspect of our society and eco system.
From a cinematic perspective James Bond movies changed from single episode closed stories to a connected series.
From a sociologic perspective James Bond changed from a Gentleman player in the name of her Majesty to an Alpha male of MI6.
...or .... you can watch the decline of a secret service acting based on medication that started with liver values that could be better to dropping pills while staring in the mirror...


Provos. Love, Peace and Harmonie. ProTous.

This means that those pawns that have been easily sacreficed for a higher purpose from now on will decide how World War 3 is fought. If you give order to drop a nuclear bomb, we will not only refuse but take you out. If you ask us to die, we will survive.
Pawning in this phase of change means, that you don't give orders, but we will listen to your wishes deciding on our free sober best will what we will do.

Pawning. Queens of the Endgame.

Greece, as the cradle of Archtypes

You may choose one:

Living Gods, that do what ever they want no matter moral or philosophy with, against, Gods and humans.
Troy, those that find pleasure and satisfaction in working being humans dedicated to their work.
Athens, that think and reason to create beauty and luxus.
Sparta, where everything needs to have a purpose to have a place. 
The Conquerer, to enslave them all using brute force and vioalance by war to get what they achieved or destroy all of Greece.

Choose, as the Creator gave you a free will.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Russia and China and Wishfull imagination

Despite western wishes, Russians and Chinese always were distant brothers. When Russia looks west they have a hand at their sword wondering to pull it in defence or to honour, while their heart worms up looking east.
It has a very old reason that Putin showed his Pin-Up him on a horseback way east of the Ural even so the main land of Russia and most developed region of all of Russia is west of the Ural. The Russian is a European with a Sibirian soul and therefore never will become a Westerner.
While we forgot where our house numbers came from so the post man can deliver a message, the Russians for well remember where the saddle for a horse came from without the post would not exist at all.
It is time that The West ends and we turn part of the Free World again. Like Sahara, Sahel and the chaos of Chinese multi million people sprawls instead of being run by the tyranny of a carott on a stick system created by modern secret societes known as Secret Services having no law or moral limitations.
Live and let live or kill and get killed. 

#provos #fuckthefreeworld #welcometoourturff

Eminem ment into things bigger than you. 
Times change. I have focus onto you know.
Iron Clad The Goblin.
may the best survive

Sunday 15 October 2023

The outdated chess attitude

 King, rook, bishop, queen, knight, and pawn on 64 squares having different moving patterns forms until today the thought of the European war heads of all parts of society.

There are different strategies and actually quite a lot of different books written on such, but most mix up tactics with strategy getting stuck in names of opening moves.

Most play with an emphathis of stressing the knight and bishop, easily taking out pawns to put heavy weight on the rooks and saving the queen with left overs for the end game.

A strong pawn game is not understood and played even so they can shield each other and be further protected by the long distance moving figures.

An early rook and queen game gives by the pure thought sweat on the forehead as loosing them will create vulnerability in the endgame not understanding that all other figures also will be used differently having the purpose of shielding the triage in an aggressive game play.

Using the row of pawns to make the knights, that are usually looking like horses, jump around them into the oponents lines as if it was a game of Checkers sounds just weired.

Also, they usually only play against their very same own school of Chess strategy, but this being said, having several different strategies and different oversight of the board situation.

They play to know each other, not as a philosphical excurse into an old game of hirarchy and set ruels.

The Asian Go is communism about territory fought by gangs and table top pen and paper RPGs are just childish pure chaos of imagination and virtuosity in comparison.

The Shadowrunner Cyberpunk Blogg.

I'll never grow up, but die young before. Death before dishonour.

Ultimate Sacrefice Players

 I don't think you understood the game as those that set the rules initially

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Homo Sapiens Militantus

Humans fight over land and argue over opinions. Philosophers and Religious do argue based on quotes and logic chains of arguments and counter arguements. Scientiest do not argue or fight, they discus to create theories and build hypothesis that than can be proven by confirming in a test.

Land can be acres and buildings and only Nomads, which are extinguished in Europe by nations fighting with boarders over land rather than actual death camps, do not fight over land, but to protect their travelling property and lifes.

In those wars always all means had been used and it never was fighters that created rules of engagement they did that as politicians, philosophers and diplomats.

The Arabs teach that when the European settlers of Tel Aviv turned militant to crate a nation they killed their neighbours in their homes and drove away the rest. The Jews in need for a save home after we Europeans let them down from protecting them against the worst of us teach that they were attact by their neighbours and retaliated driving away as a result many others.

In no situation fear, anger and hate rule a humans decision no matter, if fighter, philosopher, religous or diplomat than when under leathel threat.

The Spartans had a rule to not engage in war before turning 30, becaus they believed it would take that long, in a time humans turned hardly older than maximum 70, having only a maximum of about a decade as active soldiers, to be cold blooded when threatend to be killed. The only exceptions was when defending from being attacked.

War is about killing. There is no glory in war and only who your enemy is defines your honour.

I had a dream standing infront of a grave and a voice said It's barrying peace.

Checking the times of the Plague we again have inequality and a devided society all over the world. We miss to come together and instead go for war. This is just the beginning of history repeating.

I am sorry and know that I will sinn on the bloody path of God infront of me. 

The 90ies where just prepartion. Noone will pay me what they took and instead further cut down on me. Therefore, there will be blood. #ticktack
I pray my brothers from 1 will make it through into new Renessaince, too.
