Tuesday 24 October 2023

The End of Star Alliance

 Watching the top dogs of Star Alliance I started wondering at some point, if these Top Dogs of the secret service rat pack lost all control among their level as they did with Columbian Contras and Afgahn Mudjahedin turning Al-Quida.
Mossad did not choose clear sides in the hegomonial war, because of having a strong Russian immigrant minority in the nation, they did not intervene in Syria on any side and stayed out of from all behind the Good Fence, as it appears against alpha dog wishes. 
Moving into the Middle East.

The Germans, most likely supplying the majority of forign soldiers in Ukrain being part of the Ukrainian Legion, proofed that their training records were paper work and no more, which started on train trips from Hells Kitchen to Berlin using a handy Bundeswehr Rucksack and having nice conversations with the Soldiers making them understand that noone cheks the training, but only the paper records, during the 90ies, before they passed out on beer missing their train stop. 
Another war lost.

The Brits made peace with the IRA and never called them socialist by that creating from Boston on a strong working class truckers union undermining Confderate attempts against colour blinds in their homeland and never got closer than taking over Cambridge USA and Harvard loosing ground to the Black Panther Movement that always was supported by the IRA together winning the street war of the 60ies off main media attention on both sides of the ocean and since than being minded from the Brighton Beach Party to constant American racism debates on. 
Failure, since Elisabeth decide for Her People during the 60ies.

I don't think they all march never alone nomore...

Their Dusk is our Dawn. 

Free Republiques. You never walk alone!

PS: You take out the weakest from yor perspective first, please.