Thursday 30 November 2023

MODs Coffee Shop Crew

Who is that voice?
I dunno know, she ain no howe
So, I know, but she'll lay me low
Wow, all of us, we must
Must must must
but cannot cannot
they'll pay a lot
I am proud as a MOD
of our brothers having mothers
that sexy, 
dam man
remember dub
next step for
some sweet on the lap
the lab online
Gin Tonic

J4v G Three

 never let the enemy know your real strength
the nylon knight to the cotton bandit

Provos Vs Service Men

So, this story is bullshit. The rats would warn each other by the rats in the hole screaming. How I know? Well, we don't end up on a chair like that, like a dog looking for a lost sheep. When we come, rats don't even scream, we eat them with all tail and hair. Wolfs don't attack sheep. Only rouge dogs do. We like rats, rabbits and sometimes a guinepig.


you took from the wrong crew


The Issue with New Gs

Right after having blown 4500 Dollars on a Boing return ride on which he'll be watching telly and have a nap, they argue on 15 Dollars for a guy that brings them through pure chaos, but savely without even checking their ID, instead of a credit card post mortem check up one way trip after being a Rich Western Wanker way off turff. 
Don't you think that this amount of trust, that Quat fucking What ever Airlines has not into you checking your ID three times, deserves a "What ever. Don't make me puke" at least.

working on their best verIsion

5 bugs more for avoiding running naked??
Jews are everywhwere too nice

PreRunners Vs Rally Cars Vs Paris Dakar Trucks

This is what I want, but it is actually a bad design. PreRunners are heavily modified US style off road trucks to go Paris Dakar style off roading. Rally cars use roads, bad roads, but roads.
Most of the time PreRunners will be used also on bad roads, but the road can be even worse and by the looks they do have Truck Trial aspirations.
Except that's just steroids....
Therefore, I do suggest a different design.
Take an even older junk yard F150, to stay with the Factory Five beauty, but first use standard carbon fibre pipes connected by aluminium joints, because full carbon pipes cannot be bend anymore to strengthen the all stripped original chassy, molding the joints only to the chassy.
Than you choose a desired tyre size considering the most likely percentage of bad road, real offroad and trial use for the tyre profile.
To fit them you look for standard wheel base parts already fitting to the tyre size, from even tracktors, but use two shoks instead of the standard one. Best would be a Citroen DS oil shock system in which all shoks are connected that way balancing the chassy mechanically based on liquid dynamics laws in physics modifying the oil refil valve by adding a connecting pipe system. Connected liquits have all the same preassure at the same level and a balanced surface, you ride with three, if it all goes bad, but you ride. 
Break upgrades by solid pipes and larger disc diameters having higher preassure, supercharging the engine and for offroaders required a changed transmission to finally create a glass fibre hull to give it shape will build the hardcore version of a Rally 1600 Kit Car class amateur league race car, that is a pretty beast.

Provos PsyOps Level

Do the questions make more sence, if you put the setting into a CIA special operations district that is filled up with hidden CCTV cameras operating an undisclosed amount of CIA analysts on several locations to keep the race cheating slave soldiers at bay and overwatch the hidden SS troops and families with their recruitable legionare material resource having their own mind after being cheated into capitulisation, while trying to figure out who the fuck this die hard renegade of a pain in the ass kill 'em all one man fireing squat is that come with about a dozent others all over the shit hole taking out entire brigades of covered field agents?
Does it? ....some hope...And has to be back in school after the summer break, 8 o'clock in the morning, looking all different during his natural sleep time in baggies with a skatebo...
getting vacation pics robbed in for the first two weeks straight and all they ask is where, like were?

You shell not give false witness.
the easy way.
In memory of Easy Company

MODInc StreetSportDevision

Jim is not picking the phone.
For a month now.
He keeps ordering burgers. so.
Show me!
All I have is this one
Which ...?
Which? Like you don't know Jim on Purple Haze on a Skateboard?
Well done, Jim.
Mmmmh. He makes us proud.
I still have tears in my eyes...
Mmmmmh. Ah, and do you know anyone at British Airways? They missed their flights and their Visa is about to expire.
Wait. Maybe...gimme some time....opens character sheet who'swho, who knows who, npc database...
Do you think they will ever get that not even we play Shadowrun anymore since about ...
The first kilo?
Yeah. If they ever get a mobile.

New Gs and A New World Order

Gangs derives from ancient parts of a hord and have been an military entety of those free men the Roman Empire hunted and enslaved with its Legions. 
They never new clear hirarchical structures and noone gave any order, but objectivs, using modern military language, and clearly communicated with as much information as possible.
Only modern commando special forces units adopted again that system of warriors, while most military remains in Roman style of information freedom being directly limited by rank.

Two World Wars and the Holocaust changed the world as nothing before and while Oscar Schindler remained poor after the last World War, his enemies became even richer in Germany, The United States, The United Kingdom and even France.
Modern management style in most main international corporations is strictly hirarchical with limited information based on position within the company, departement and team.

Most parts of the world are different. Germans have no idea that Poland today is a modern and very stylish lifestyle cultivating economic powerhouse, that the French country side hardly knows any Police around in deeply rural areas and night times out in London and Manchester are best in the most mixed places beside that Lagos Slums do not know any crime as many others world wide don't do neither.
As much as most don't understand that MTV gives a realy bad and wrong picture on Bloods and Crips, that CNN has no idea on Rockers actual street credibility or cineasts understand how much truth in too many Holywood movie productions is hidden behind the all action story.

Pop coltoure can be just pop corn entertainement or a fundamental critique of our society, like what it means to be man, at the very same time.

Do you realy think this man imagined humans.

or is there any chance that someone that is working on predicting with mathematical precision the movement of pigeons scares the shit out of someone that is powerful enough within a nation to write the posh word for "Criminal" into his signe?

The latter will secure this system:

Against all odds:

We are not only done serving, but will take our colours, pride, life and love back, senator sons and willfairy soldiers. This is the Storm we have been waiting for.

Choose sides. Live hell or don't miss your time to die...


The Tates and What they Say they Want

You cannot want what you want, but you want what you cannot want. Have Nots and Have Yachts and Yachts is what you want, but you cannot have both.
Who builds your Yacht, maintaince your Yacht and cooks on your Yacht. Have Nots? Or Have Yachts?
And in that real existing dark world Not Yachts Havers, who will protect you from Provos Have Nots Themselves as this will be my boat:

until all are free from nots and yachts living of others nots.

Cyberpunk Covid

From a known institude in the real world:

Omikron (B.1.1.529)

Am 26.11.2021 erklärte die WHO die neuartige SARS-CoV-2-Variante der Pangolin-Linie B.1.1.529 zur besorgniserregenden Virusvariante mit der Bezeichnung Omikron. Phylogenetische Untersuchungen zeigten eine starke Divergenz zu anderen Varianten mit rund 50 Aminosäureänderungen (50 chanes in Aminoacids) gegenüber dem Indexvirus, von denen über die Hälfte im Spike-Protein lokalisiert war. Für mehrere dieser Aminosäureänderungen (some of these Amino Acid achenges) [Spike: K417N (see below par exemplum), S477N, E484A, N501Y, D614G, H655Y, P681H] sind phänotypische Auswirkungen wie z. B Immunevasion (evade the Imunsystem) beschrieben (Andreano et al., 2021; Greaney et al., 2021; Starr et al., 2020; Weisblum et al., 2020; Zahradnik et al., 2021). Die derzeit weltweit vorherrschenden Omikronvarianten werden mittlerweile zahlreiche Sublinien zugerechnet (z.B. BA.1, BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4/BA.5, BQ.1.1, XBB), deren geographische Verteilung variiert.

From another source:

The VIRType SARS-CoV-2 (K417N) kit detects one single point mutation which result in the exchange of the amino acid Lysine to Asparagine in the spike protein at position 417. Mutations at position 417 is found in two variant lineages, however the exchange to an Asparagine is specific for South Africa lineage B.1.351 and can help the precise distinction of the different variant types of SARS-CoV-2.

From your prevered supplement company of chosen excellence:

And what is an Amino Acid:

Try that

and guess which bet I take against a service that did gain of function research next to patient 0 living on a drug cocktail ripping off my brothers and me until death parts being too lazy to train.

#ready #gangwars #OMG one man gang
Provos is organised in independ operating cells based on ancient Gallic Clan Gangs without direct communication. The most hardcore are One Man Gangs.

Top floors

C like ...
How would you possibly come up with anything but CUNT...???
Oxford Alumni, Eaton, Bully Club.
Remind me
Rockers in Suits.
Role up.
Mmmahh. The Germans.
Yeah. Go back to where ever Coburg is.
They are not even from there. Another place they proclaimed.
Do they also still have it?
Don't know

MODInc Riggers

You said, that code like in software always reflects the programmer?
How did that happen and is there anything you want to tell me, please.
OH WOW! Go Fuck Yourself CIA. Why would you do that with my Google?

MODInc Supplyers

Hey Jim. Wanna role up?
Yeah. What are you watching? Who is this?
Relaxation videos reminding me that I still need to decide on the colour and layers for the Shelby Kit Car.
Oh. Yeah. You said candy red.
How many layers does she do?
Can't tell. I guess about 5.
And for the Shelby?
I guess 7 in candy red.
Is that for Valentines Day?
Noooh. She ain Irish, She is Gold Coast, Australia.
Uuugh Rocker Nation all over.
Yeah. Poor girl. Comanchos in the back and Angelinos from the side, yet no indian nor saints.
Tarsha, that is a terrific job done!
True. Is it gonna be a V8 chevy?
Not sure. Maybe a Maserati small high turn V8 instead turbo charged.
Mmmmh. Terrific idea
Oh. The final look.
Pine Stripes. I need Pine Stripes first time, but that I can see.
It vibes you?
No. The Bong makes sence. But viping, dude? Nah.
I turn on some music, from others.

At which point

will rats be just shot again, when they come out of their holes, please. #TheGermans
With a 9mill... 

PS: An ambarrassement is to drive a Jew murder through the village naked by a wip and beat him with a bat at the end to death as we did in the past every single time. That's a double academic break, in Germany. Time to think.
Fränkische Ritterschaft

MODInc Riggers

We had company. M3s with blue flashing extra lights about to hijack the load so we needed to speed up a bit and you are many.
That's 5kg Purple Haze, 10kg F4 Hybrid, 5kg Jack Herer, 10kg Orange Bud ... five minutes later ...
Can we have a coke, please, and did anyone mention this supply line to one of your boys?
Yeah, I told M...
Nex time you talk to a Steroid Rocker about us, you have a funeral and need another boy.
No worries. Just dont..and enjoy the weed. See ya then.

Daddy Issues

 No Senator Son Loving FREEDOM


CIA & Co

#3batch Therapie @BKA

TussyInc SWAT

What you think?
That is a good guide on all Chanel products. The copies we have a perfect copies and the shop is ligit. He loves his mum.
I don't mean the katalog.
It is not a swim suite.
It is. I am man. Trust me. This is a swim suite and he'll bath in tears when you are gone. 
You are redicolous.
True. Did I mentin his sister is lesbian?
....ducking from the catalog...

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Next step forward - A good day after

If we all manage to not wipe out earth by a nuclear hit, we have to understand that nobody asking her honestly what she wants to become is a social nuclear war.

active to passive 

Provos is a Guild. All you have to do, is to do good when you can. Every time. . . . . DO!

Falling for The Israelits aginst the Jews

Because, they are not. Israel has based on the Massadda will never fall againt doctrene, about 200 war heads digged into mainland Isreal soil, we could not touch.
We can make sure all Nuclear long range missiles are protected by Black Panthers and hold them against CIA forces. We can make sure ever month somone goes over the floppy discs with an electro magnet to void the data on it. We can make sure Russian scientists have build conventional war heads missing uranium and do the same for Chinese systems. We can have all idiots trying to change that assassinated based on the uranium control systems. We can have all already build bombs exchanged with non uranium versions and even create a fake mouth of being able to reactivate used nuclear power plant uranium, like making wood from ashes...
....but noone can have an all paranoid, scared to death, holocaust knower social engeneer into reasonable thinking. 


Just don't. Only underground. 

Dancing - Begin to wonder - KI adept novize

You want to learn dancing and don't dare?
Easy. You need rhytm first. So, you get that track you want to dance on througout the night, if someone just would put on club heavy rotation and nod your head, eyes closed to shut down visible deflections.
Than you stomp with one foot on the bass hits and add your second foot. 
You are walking in the music now, eyes closed, head nodding, feet moving.
You listen to the high tones and midd tones of the song and move your hands while keeping the feet and later adding the head again.
You are dancing.
Open your eyes and watch in the mirror understanding you are one with the Universe

...and to ignore the assholes pointing fingers laughing for the conf test.... understand you sometimes just need new faces

Leonardo's code


Archtypes - Floor, Streets, Underground

Archtypes are draws of characters generalising groups. 

The Rocker
The Rocker values his brothers over every women. He will destinguish between his mother alike wife at home and the whores around him. Those he does not bring home and those keep respectful distance, if the Old Lady is around. Rockers are part of the functional toxicomanics and have a life all around hard drugs, red light and violance.

The Gangster
Shares a lot with Rockers, such as the family value, the status of women, and the importance and values of his brothers he would not define as brotherhood, but lacks the internal structures and club house system. Therefore, internal fights are way more common turning them in to more aggressive high functional street life groups.

The Tussy
Is always a woman and has no male counterpart. They exist inbetween Rockers and Gangsters in constant struggle to get their cut of the money floating through the turff. They have easier access to the floors of society and are not part of the functional toxicomanics even so often in close touch. They often create Pimps and Gs, by giving them jobs or runs having a tendency to use Rockers and Gs as they do them. Usually, they remain the whores and never become the Old Lady of a Rocker or a spouce of a G, who choose among their female character equivalents in Rocker Ladies and Female Gangs, even so these women tend to sometimes copy Tussy styles. Not all Tussy is criminal, but all are prefered partners of criminals for representation and cash flow purposes.

The Modernist is a group that made it in the 60ies within British society from the streets into the floors. Today, MODs on streets are still visible as Rastafary, Skinheads, Punks and Skaters even so these groups would not be officially classefied as one group. The MOD is actually gone by making their declaired way by being absorbed into society, which was the very initial idea. MODs became known by open street figthts against the Rocker's of Britain in a clash of life style and are no topic of the media today anymore who defined them as a group and gave them their name. They were the partners of the Tussy, being born as the first generation in Britain in which work without a college degree made enough to move out in the early 20ies already, instead only after marriage. 

The Terrorist
Is underground except in some places such as South Libanon and the Columbian Jungle. They come as hardcore tyrannicle extremists like ISIS or Al-Quida, liberation forces such as the FARC, or as resistance groups against unfair and violant treatment of the ruleing nation such as all official wings of the IRA. All Terrorist groups have a political agenda and all Terrorists have to stay covered from national observation or go for militant actions.

The economic growth handicap

Most understand in our society that the nation is the enemy. We do have in all The West a shadow economic system, which is in the lower income class work for work, for the mid income levels cash based black money and for the wealthy forign nation bank transactions from savings to savings account.

Our Western nations do hunt ecomicaly successful individuals based on the idea that the better is the enemy of the good to keep our monopole markets alive.
All competition needs to be shut down on an early stage to have IBM and Hoch Tief florish with Nestle products.
This hinders bigger investments wich are always relative to the actualy income. In some areas you will have the National Police riot your families place, when you bought cash a better car, if the local informant dropped a message even so the money was from work and not drugs. You did not pay all taxes, didn't you, or you are a dangerous man.
This goes up to mid income levels and hits all crafts, while anyone in the service industry needs to work with the boss of the workshop and most university degree holders are out competely, except straigth forward criminals. They will say no to all extra work considering the paper work and trouble in the monopole company arsing. It wont be done at all.
The weaker the nation gets, the more the nation has to rely on electronic analytics of bank account transactions and not Police eagerness aka corruption, the easier it will become to store gold coins over cash and use stable coin crypto currencies from hardware wallet to hardware wallet even bypassing Hong Kong registered exchanges. 
While gold can be easily swapped to cash in many places also anonymously, crypto will have to circulate longer within the second economy before getting injected back, but also bigger investements are possible. Maybe better not visible to all and everyone.
Like good HiFi to enjoy my music requiering broader audio range High Fidelity equipment than Dr. Whatever bluetooth loud speakers all refurbished on the home desk including street warrenty. Bring back, I repair. ONCE!

Provos - New World Order

Africans are nice and good social people. #TIA We grew up in The West. #TIE #provos


The pen does not win wars and the sword does not write poetry.
We master both, knowing there is time for everything.

TussyInc SWAT

Hi. You are the Goblin?! Nice Pub. Marseille is hot this time of the year.
Oh wow. You are Joey?
I wanna be in.
Ok. Look. Take a seat. I am not sure how to phrase that. I work with all kinda women. High Class Escort that like a bit of retaliation, horny prostitutes that like to retire from red light for generations to come, I hate college hoties that hate frat boyz, but you know...
The targets are all rich western wankers with amoral side businesses for either CIA enterprises or companies and we push our part into the deep south. 
What you think a hot southern lady, sporty tight, all blonde, ready for action, all barbie queue...
You said that last one in strange way...
Is no other but a nuclear devestating strike having all dirty fantasies since puberty coming true for our targets???
Please, I can dress down.
I have heard that many times.
Can you fake a Boston accent?
Ok. I find some...

TussyInc SWAT

So, first he signs his last will and that that?
Honey. Please. I am a respectable Game Master. You first show him that. Than you introduce him to it, I keep pushing him in the Squash Center we just opened, than you make him signe his last will, and than we both hit him properly. You in your court, and me in my court. 
Yeah. Dockland Prison game. Traveller real old school. Kinda tennis, but in hardcore, and he is 35 after all not 80, but a rich western wanker by all means. I would not have you go after an 80 years old. I'd just show him pictures. Anyway. Are you in? It is an endurance game here. No Marathon, but solid 200m hurds.
Yes, and HE will be all in.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

TussyInc SWAT

Perfect. How was the evening in Rome? It costed my a bit to get you right next to him.
There was another guy.
Focus, honey, focus.
Well, the Guy ...making quatation marks in the air ... was paying more attention to him than to me. I got his name so.
Joe the Bull?
No, James Bond.
Realy....relaxing in the coach...that dude will chat you off, wreck his car and kill the target. 
I just have to figure out the order and adjust plans.
No. I hate this guy.
Why? ...playing with a extension lock... I mean.
The car. Anyway. I call the degger. We go e.
And me?
You like James? We keep going.

NerdInc - Degger stuff

I just wondered, if any banker would give on his watch collection a bank credit based on e-mail traffic and maybe even an online signature based on a click to confirm contract promising a dedicated Vlog for the banker or indpendent credit broker.
I need to loose company.
Like a rare 5 pieces, 400k watch, should be enough security considering his fame and income for about 300k in credit transferable to a Dubai bank account created online, ideally, or with some paper work and good local knowledge of the streets, just in case. 
And remember to print the paper work to send it to him for the house search.

PS: Or just some paperwork, because he is an asshole???

The education of becoming Evil - understand your enemy

Greek sagas on the greek gods, because Dallas is for pussies.

Gs Vs Gs

Despite all about the likelyhood that a CIA son turns G to hit a traffic jam right next to a Casino in London and manages to get hit by a grand theft auto crew the very next moment by pure bad luck.....he later sais that the Gs were parking the car somewhere to check, if it had a tracker and would pick it up a few weeks later.
Lead seals from all radiation and radio waves, which includes those of a tracker signal. Therefore, you take a pick up truck with a crane, drive around and pick one up, role the hood over it that has a thin layer of lead and drive into a garage that is also sealed with a layer of lead to look for the tracker???
Does that make sence?
If that does, what if the Tates were put onto a list comperable to all those that they select for Delta Force, or those that they trick by false evidence into frontline service in Big Red One, or the Missiahs list I am on to have a team manipulate their lives?
The Tates appear to be good in lying, yet have no interest in serving the Confeds of the USA, are possibly rather colour blind, but like cultivating big ego's of MTV stereo type Gs. They are also not the brightest, nor dumb fucks, have no good, but also no very good character like Big Red One or Messiah list attendies and have a bros over whoes attitude. Pimp meterial with conflict potential showing everyone the larger than live toxic masculinity guranteed success a Hippi may never have. Gs get mon, Hippis crack up. Right??
PS: So, a crew that manages to pick up a radio signal to steel a car, created an epedemic of grand theft auto by knowing about trackers, gets onto Tesco CCTV cams for washing powder and stabbs a 41 year old to death for 5 quit? Tate....think....please...
PPS: I grew up in Hell's Kitchen, where one of the CIA Farms main recrutement spots is, build on holocaust murderes all with new identies, protected by slave soldiers, taken from a Hippi Traveller trailer after my parents got shot by a crew of them hunting free humans. They look for naive, bad and good, to exploid the naive, turn the bad to their own and murder the good. 
Just Evil, they never understood. #gfyBKA #gfyCIA 
We run the stove. We the provos. The best to fuck the rest, live is a test of the best against the SS rest. you messed up too much life and by our knive you dive back to hell, our spell is spartan and satan our brother, your mother death is coming for you to confess in a dark evil mess of murder. for the jews!!

50:35 You head bud Grim, kick is groins with a Muay Thai knee and keep hitting his face holding his shirt when he is down until he is gone. The 20 others won't come. The key must be in the right or left pocket, depending which hand he used most of the time. And remeber the weed, I mean to take his weed. If it is good, he was real Jamaicans, otherwise go looking for a guy with good weed and dreads, long clean well shaped dreads next day and tell him about the other 20. #provos are everywhere.

TussyInc SWAT

No, No, No. Honey. This is Geneva. The restaurant is just at the lake. The guy makes more than the CEO living in Manhatten. Do you know the suit of the liftboy at Tiffanies 5th Ave? No? Oh my God, life past by you since you turned a women? The banker has one double the price and you want to know Valentino. It will be summer, 26 degrees, he always goes for a digestive walk along the river and when Jim here does the Blues he'll stop. Fucking right next to you and your sis. You don't know Valen....where did you say you grew up again, please? No. keep it. For the bedroom. He'll like it dirty. We all do? MEN!!!! god...and you can speak more than by nodding and 
okay okay. Choose.
OH MY GOD! They are ....chaar drop....
Expensive? Money comes to Money in this world. 
MMh....And what you do after the job?

All of us - Provos - For You

 Nobody ever asked honestly what do you want to be

In opposite to her I am fully trained highly capable terrorist

a crusader knight

get ready BKA

A Real Dystopia Dark Present

The introduction is that nobody knows what kind of desease this lung infecting desease is. Covid-19 was easy, because somehwere realy close to the market of the inital spark of the outbreak the Americans financed Gain-of-Function research on viruses and Bill Gates warned that nobody had learned a lession from past Covid outbreaks. In our system stockpiling anything for the worst case scenario is just for weirdos and research in vaccines or medication without immediate urge is apperantly as stupid.
China turned from an Empire to a Communist Nation and managed to bring millions out of poverty, the communists ended regular periods of hunger and provided basic industrial goods to all and everyone in China, while the ancient system of the Forbidden Town failed to serve it's people by failing to push industrialisation through.
The price is nine to five slavery in a mild form of tyranny. Not as bad as Stalinism, but way worse than Cuban Comunism, only a few decades ago markets were liberated creating the first millionairs since the Empire turned Triades and underground and with that some more freedom. Yet,
Chinese are robots, but the most productive.
Chinese get ill, again first.

The music that was stolen from us, me and others by CIA and TheGermans, would not have been published in China. They would actualy have listend to lyrics and atmosphere being enemies of The Wests Carott on a stick system as motivation. They are openly hostile to Punks, but do not derive from Jew murdering thieves, but from badly educated aggressive simple minded parts of society, with little sence for kung-fu and difficult thoughts.
Basicaly, in The West mass murderes took over and further East all those that could not find any work at all, during a technological revolution.

We will have a sociological revolution by brutal force here and there by more civial resistance. Do you see the ground allready? The important part of falling is coming. 


I for well can make your ending worse, TheGermans. Think!
You retreate from the popular arts and let humans like me have living from
music, art and street sport and such venues
or you die in a street war
starting 2024
I seldomely swear to protect the American way of live: FREEDOM

Monday 27 November 2023

Max Headrooms - The German Mercenary

This guy sais shortly before 23:59 on should get in some important topics, related to the Bushido topic of the vid, a treasury of knowledge, meaning a solid base of understanding in this case on nutriton and medicin.

It tastes good, keep eating until you are full.
If it hurts stop what you are doing.
And, if I may add, if you have to be told those two points, you had bad education.

Instead, The Germans and most of The West, will spend hours on talking, come up with studies and theories, have an opinion and can quote experts with degrees or experiance, and will continue to talk.

Just the European Greek-Roman Judeo-Christian society is something nobody wants to get caught in. Might be illigal, not just fun.

Sparta is gone.
It's Cyberpunk now.

Provos Objectives running since the 90ies

1. Hinder a nuclear war
2. Free mankind
3. Have fun on the way
4. Don't miss the time to die
5. Never fall for the bad side
6. Follow the heart


The end of our lifestyle

Corona might not have been the only epedemic as news reports inidicte. China is hit by a new wave of desease, while the German media ignores Covid still being around completey, as I predicted they would at some point. 
There will be no trial against CIA or BKA for any action against humans and instead they will continue to threaten their victims with false diagnosis awaiting blunt repetition of what ever they state, no matter how bad.
The lifestyle that lead to most inequality in mankind since the beginning of time will not be challanged by anything else but words. 
Therefore, nature will continue to hit all those that support that lifestyle and the system that creates and manifests the continuity of that lifestyle.
Soon, as in the Dark Mid-Ages, conflicts will not be limited to battlegrounds and verbal disputes, but turn right here militant. 
History does repeat itself. 
The Dark Modern-Ages end....

In the WION at around one minute in, The German expert, states that it was a common desease and is treated with Anti-Biotics playing down, German he is, the greater picture. This is another outbreak causing more headlines than usualy, causing more hospitalisation than ever, having more patients than ever that will be treated with medication that is known for cutting down the human imunesystem, if excessivly taken.
Therefore, there is a good chance, hard to explain to Germans refusing logic, but insisting on title only, that the Corona epedemic created more humans with a weaker imunsystem that are now hit by a common desease harder and by using the usual treatement further hurting the imunsystem which can create in the future a deadly wave of either Covid, an existing common desease or a new Virus.
#TheGermans Vs #humanbehaviour
It was all not that bad Vs are you listening?

So, in war when the enemy comes you have to deal with it.
we shut down all coal and nuclear power plants now and deal with it.
we use no fossile fuels anymore and have cold heateings and way less electricity now and deal with it.
we have no Police that protects laws for a few now and deal with it.
Imagine Anarchie now and we deal with it and never again deal with what is now for real

Now I have all time for you, Germans....

Attitude, please

come back for no gloves


pile up on two world wars and one world cup

The 911.
Ok. Physics has laws that cannot be broken, like dead women never come back or love is no chemical reaction. A Porsche 911 has the center of gravity behind the rear axes, which is because the entire engine is set behind and the gear box ontop of the rear axe. Driving physics are set rules.
It is a shitty construction. 
And because they (Tates Matrix) know that as soon as I get 200hp more and 8cm more grip out of mums hatch back, I have no cash for right no to even run sitting duck to kill the first Polizei coming fourth time then, I'd eat Porsch' every single time, instead we all go for war now.

You owe me, Federal Republic of Germany
Live and let live or kill and get killed.
Welcome to the big boys.
no soap nomore. blood for blood

Freedom on their graves

 The last standing units of the Weapon SS and TheGermans

As soon as we have killed them and all their friends and relatives
the Holocaust is retaliated
by wiping out The German culture
for ever

In God We Trust

Sunday 26 November 2023

The Tate's Guard

 At least it's not a Glock

TussyInc SWAT

ring ring
Hi. Hey. How is it going.....HE RAN...the IT guy that made it Oxford Alumni Boxing Champion went shopping....after the second set in the second hand shop....he just saw him getting out of the door when you came you bought the set....the first and still wear it...sent me a selfy, please...ten seconds later...and you wonder why the shy guy that needs settle treatment, IF I MAY QUOTE MYSELF, FUCKING RAN honey. I have no fucking idea how all natural make up could scare anyone...can you have your little sister call me, please???....thanks.... of course you are still in...he just needs to dare more...bye
click.... doon....dooom...doon...
Hey, Jim, We can upgrade. Now it's all the leds and that's three Venture Capital Companies of The City, duuuuuude. These ladies....wonderwomen....I am telling you...CU later...

That's exactly as it will go down

between CIA & Company and Provos & Affiliates 

The CIA is guilty of treason and the sentence in a trial would be 
death by either firing squat or hanging.
they will try all and everything to avoid a trial.


Target is every representative of The Nation and Monople Economic System being the domestic enemy of The Free World.
Only, because we stopped you from destroying all of earth by a nuclear war, does not mean its all good now, when this world is still more unfair and mean than ever in human history while you on drugs refuse to be human insisting on privilages illigal even based on your own laws.

Clan Law than
the Law of the Jungle

Do you know who worked and for which pay on the fields of the Kibuzzim Hamas attacked? You could.
Do you sing the words of the songs you listen to and do you understand them? You could.
Do you go roboting every day or do you rebell? You could.
Are you gonna die or kill us? think
We won't justify what we can't! In opposite to you.

May the Good Lord forgive us on the bloody path of God,
as we will sinn
#Provos #IRAmovement #FREEDOM

PS: To understand the metaphor of the movie you have to know that the CIA and all CIA employees are members of the military and therefore can be held accountable by the military justics system. Every US soldier can be put on trial by the nation he commited a crime within or against, by the military justics system and by a civil US court in civil law suite. The skinhead lied. 
We refused to die, now your time to deal with Father Death is coming.

TussyInc SWAT

Your Mr Smyth is ...
Can you help out with a ... mate ...?
You don't know gay people?
It is more important who knows you, than whom you know, but I know you, so...MMhhh?

True story maaaaan

 Some stories are true
or almost true

Saturday 25 November 2023

Provos recruitment

When you can do things so different hardcore difficult that they don't look easy, but just too weired to be real, you are ready to join our centurions

TussyInc SWAT

Why do we have to meet in a church?
I had some hope. Anyway. Can you imagine to look like that for about daylight time?
How much?
Not that long.
I mean how much mon'?
Ohh. yeah. We estimate a quarter billion. Do know Lockheed Martin?
I am about to drop something about BDSM.
Good Girl. And as soon as we have sold the five containers of Dell LapTops in Lagos it will be 2000Dollars by 1000 by five
Ten million. And the rest?
That's why I'll never go back. Anyway. I think I know what that guy is about to drop, so take my trench coat, please and we leave.
...five minutes later...
We intend to build a long lasting business relationship with Lockheed Martin based on Mr. Gorges little dirty secret, you respectivly, and will use that to exchange all Laptos and Desktops of all offices world wide within six month against relabled older laptops billed as brand new once. 
A ha. Two for one?
You are adorable.
Don't you think they won't hire some mercenaries?
Any with military experiance that had no to deal with their Pentagon gear? hehehehe 007 is blocked in their switch board. We'll be fine.
And what do you do with your share of the money?
Micro-Investements in Jakarta, Bangladesh, Bankok, Sao Paolo, Congo, Cape Town Township. Cannot be traced, are mainly product based and I love Slum Coltoure Street Food.

Rigger training

 All Beginning Is difficult.

Good choice of cars.
0:00 to 0:29 
You don't need the rev limiter anymore, but the trick to exponentially increase revs mechanically is a brain power test.
You need to hold line, because from distance it is hard to estimate the actual speed, but easy to see crossing lines.
Empty two lines in all light are perfect to practice precision driving, the shadow boxing of rigging. Keep distance to the lines and car infront in all speeds and turns. Experts use a buildingsite distance measurement laser aiming at the ride infront or the side barriers.
0:30 to 01:08 
There is no need to warm up the tyres or is that just outside the vacation home
All objects in the car must be air born secured
On narrow streets you need to learn to ride on the very side having a cars width to the other side
You slow down before each turn and take em based on visibilty learning to max accelerate out at the peak center of the turn
You test your eye sight by all lights off tweaking the lightsystem to also cut down break lights and understand max possible speed
You learn fast reversing in tight turns, learning stearing in the gearbox while having eyes on the road and look for turns that force you to go down from third into first.
You learn overtaking each other by one holding line and the other squeezin around left side getting faster based on sober confidence in one gear and down shifting
You learn fitting into normal traffic stopping speeding turn based
You always use your indicators when lights on.

not bad luck
#provos #MODIncRiggers

MODInc Riggers

You are asking for a taxi ride from Frankfurt, Germany to Lissbon?
Yeah. I don't take the train.
Ok. Why?
Well....its my looks.
Hit video conf bottem right please.
Ok. I get it. Overnight ride, you don't talk to the driver, refill stops only, food and drink provided, pay on destination, no personal attachements, 50kg max load, one meter by sixty centimeter, by fivty centimeter in the trunk, if ain fitting, it stays, you discuss, deal is off, you stay, too.
...ten miniutes past pick up...
We have company. Does a black G Wagon with Frankfurt registration ring a bell?
Oh my God...panic...that's the pimps. RUN!!!
Why do you break?
One sec, please.
That was personal.
You said no personal attachements.
You ain used to liers, SamathA?
...chichichi wraaamm....squeeez....
I wanted to 
Second Comandement, please.
You said rules.

#TheStreets Vs #TheUnderground
I need to get back in and loose company

TussyInc SWAT

 Sexy Women And Tactical. Welcome to today's meeting. I am glad to have...
Cut the bullshit.
I like that attitude. So. This is Geoffrey Michel Jewing the third and here you ask him for the way to his most favorite restaurant in Panama. Of course you got lost, blond stupid you are, but you have a reservation and read in the Vogue about the place.
Mmh. He does not look dangerous and actually sporty.
True. Tennis. College Team. Princton. Liberal son of a CIA General in the Narco Devision running their black bank accounts and best of all, still biological fully functional, with a major company typical ego.
I like that.
I know. We know. You fuck him stupid within a week, I assume, and as soon as we have access to their Florida Villa boat house, in fucking Panama, we are ready to leave.
How much?
All they have to bribe El Salvadorian politicians and buy MS13 gear. About 3 billion in U.S. Dollars. We have it in good assets about a week later and the first hit teams will come about two later.
Puuuh. That's the scary part.
We are the Honey Batchers Crew, sweety, and Delta Forc is old buddies form Afgahnistan. They will love the Congo. They'll understand and you'll be save in Macao, Chao Linn.
Ok than.
Stop that hair thing.

#provos #shadowrunners

TheGerman force

They look pretty and have as their Weapon SS foundig fathers all a drug addiction, based on doctor's medication, realy bad training and do not come without PsyOps making ground before the arrest.
Since 45, they murdered at the Olympic games Israeli sportsmen by passivly collaborating with terrorists and their most famous Mogahdishu run was quite possibly a marketing gag to create a legend.
Their tactics are no SWAT, if SWAT would mean Special Wepaons Attack Team, but they use seage tactics building up an illusion of excellence by bringing on realy nice gear to the battle ground and will not come close before having a feedback of fear confirmed by PsyOps.
They naver faced booby trap prepared grounds, break out capability or heavy resistance as e.g. the French National Teams against terror cells did or had anyone taking out Police Stations in termination runs.
#shoottokill #provos #IRAmovement

This is CIA agent character material

Imagine you are a reefing highly gifted individual that manged by sheer bad luck to get into CIA circles and that's who you deal with as your new always carying friends being larger than life, always.
Bad Boys for life, hardcore style.
Funny, if it does not happen to you.

06:18 Scary aggressive? Well, I know how they look and wimmer before a military bullet travels through their head send of a hijackt gun having them close face to face. 
They all cried, Petreaus. All. Each of your boyz.
#provos #centurion #deadheads
#ready #3batch

Be aware FBI on MS13

We for well understand that someone who manages to escape a brand new El Salvador Prison and makes it to Mexico is handing himself in to your protection into a Confederate High Security Prison.

I wonder why. Is there a split and the MS13 heads refuse to get shot into pieces attacking real American turff when there is easy loot just across the Atlantic offering even long term accomodation or is he going touch base head quarter to organise your retaking of Europe knowing FSB won't stay off your colonies creating Frankensteens monsters like Al Quida just Rich Western Wanker street level?

Either way, this is nothing a sequence of Kassam copy rockets can't fix, in the long run.

We appreachiate you considering an underground war. Make sure you retreat from the popular arts by starting to ensure me alike can make a living and your soldiers won't have to drop into a civil war hot spot.

I always told your BND hires to stay useful. They failed.

Yours, IronClad, The Goblin
Leading the FBI's Messiahs List

The Problem


This map shows the very problem perfectly, but not the way everybody sais on all sides. The actual problem is that on the first green noone knew national boarders as we do today. This green, which is missing Jordan as in Cis-Jordan British Mandate Protectorate, dates back to a time in which the automobile, the car, the tank, the crane and the trekker, was about to hit mass production. It was just invented, like Jedi as a religion today. Nobody factually cared about boarders until meeting someone declaring a boarder, usually in a dress called uniform and in arms, while on the road back in those days.
In the last picture we can see that the human effort went into creating fences, concrete walls and building national boarders or fighting them, while the Negev is still a desert without trekkers planting trees and building water supply tunnels and everybody still stops on check points instead of avoiding them. So everybodies agrees on careing.
Watch the movie The Last Kingdom and understand that the early Zionists came as the Baron of Iblin, and we still have the same enemy today: Murdering Thieves disgusing their real identity.
Watch Snatch to understand how to fight them keeping tears down to a limit, because only a few knights are around. 
Yours, The Punisher.

The Beginning of the Last Great War

Why would NATO join the Isreali conflict in Gaza, if HAMAS was about to be defeated and The West was still the actual player in the Middle East that established the Mullahs in Iran by conspirering against the Shah and having obvious allies in form of the Afgahn Taliban that needed one day to get back in charge?

We are ruled by all those the CIA gave amnesty after WW2 who are the worst criminals in human history that have created more inequality on earth than ever in human history. Almost all technological development passed by about 80 percent of the world population and further more many areas of even The West are deindustralized instead of helping to push mass manufactured goods to those other 80 percent, which is because of the same attitude of the very same humans in charge right here, that appear to freak out like Adolf Hitler when a black man wins against his own.

They will be devasted and not only angry, if that happens by faul playes, and thank God, that enemy does not deserve any fair play at all.

There is a good chance that they will not retreat off into their main centers to at least keep some of their conquered turff, but instead attack and create a battleground that will stretch out from first Israel to all the Middle East into Europen Immigrant neighbourhoods to finally reach all those that willfary turned nine to five robots giving their heart away for a car, house and constant complaints about all and any everything, yet excusing themselves, if they could help. The Germans distinguished between active Nazis and Mitläufer, until declaring all SS in the 60ies to the latter instead of executing all that helped against all good. The worst mistakte and follow up crime in human history.

The Good and Evil lost against The Bad.

There is another go about to happen, because 90 percent of all the rest of the world either does not mind or actively acts to end The West and the Nazi collaborator grip on us.

Be my guest.

The key to win this war is to fight it on all levels and not just on a battle ground of standard military warfare as in Ukraine and in Gaza that is commented by a monopole media, but to use commandos to destroy and attack to harm deep in the enemies lands electronic infrastructure, to assassine main heads of the enemies society being part of media, nation, industry and even entertainment that keep the status quo alive, to support all criminal enteties within the enemies turff by supplying cheap reliable guns and ammo, handing out plans to rob banks and luxurious places, to intercept communication and spread mistrust and hate between political and militant or violant groups, to interrupt the flow of export and import goods, to negotiate to negotiate and then break the agreement first opportunity over and over again, to not play fair against someone that will first use mean tricks every single time and break every contract granted, that believes in privilages and not in the One Good God.


PS: From 19:08 to 19:40 this CIA man, basically declares the Nazi expullsion plans against the European Jews to a Jewish idea. He sais that a IDF General told him they should have gone to Madagaskar, and that this was a discussion in the early Zionist movement. 
Actually, the early Zionist movment was a romantic movement based on the Jewish singing to meet next year in Jerusalem (L'Shana Haba'ah) as much as Marx early idea of a communist society was a system serving for everyone equally without money. Why would any Jew come up with considering Madagaskar off the African coast for a nation, please? A Nazi in need of destroying European societies to gain power and control in their intoxicated attempt to conquer the world well would and did.
The CIA did not get too close to the Nazi. They always were Nazis.
In around 20:17 you can see my influence onto CIA circles. First time a CIA officers admits that Israel is a Western extention and not a Middle East nation, but Isreal is since the murder of Itzak Rabin an Isrealit and not a Jewish country and Inch Allah one of us will kill you and your brothers like Rabin was murdered by one of yours. #holywar #crusaders
Israelits were first by Kaiser Wilhelm given equal rights to the Jewish community.

Friday 24 November 2023

The better is the enemy of the good

Germans love to play stupid. A tiny bit too much for their own good, fortunatelly. The German YouTube server and TV is full of stupidity, cultivated, organised, managed dumbness. The only thing that may not appear is someone with proper German grammer, blond and blue eye looks that actualy listens to what he sais beyond pronounciation and grammer.
Of course those will correct your English and French and teach you proper grammer, from their German school books every possible hit, while the stupid won't speak any English worse than every Frenchman trying to avoid German grammer corrections.
I still remember a frustrated London Burger place saller of a main  corporate chain, having a mirror at home and some experiance with German clients securing her pay by asking in good English, if they want Tomatos, Cheese or no cheese and extra big fries or any other extras knowing the Germans would consider her mumbling, therefore noone to talk to and take a step back from trying to chat her off by just nodding every time where they expected the end of a phrase, not understanding a single word obviously. Only Her Majesty speaks like them, in their mind, waiting that the King does do a grammer mistake.

Germans understimate that their love of stupid behaviour does have an impact on their intelligence, by repetitivly programming their brains. Trust me. I got stuck among them! #theFrankonianchieftain
#TheGermans Vs #mankind

The Most likely Scenario

The West is falling and everyobody gets it, but keeps ignoring it. Actually, The West must retreat from main areas both geographically and sociologically to retreat to hold it's core Corporate main areas.
Only in Italy the National Governement practically retreated from main turff in the south to hand it over to the Mafia by cutting all social money. This way, noone will hit their office or participate in their attached schooling system anymore. National Italy retreated to the main cities and some tourist spots, the country side inbetween already is quite free of National forces.
If the Europen Nations do not give up basically all turff and retreat into their main towns, with their major Sprawl and economic centre of the European Nation System streatching from London to Frankfurt as their core turff, it will turn to chaos from Lisbon to Kiev by outside and inside actions.
No matter offical politics, London is the most important financial spot for the EU. London, Paris, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Antwerps, Cologne and Frankfurt are the the main cities and urban centers in the EU Nation that host all main corporates being allies of the Nation and that are in desperate need of The Nation as a system ensuring their success against even their own laws from Anti-Trust to Corruption or Civil Rights. 
There is also another layer in that core region consisting of rural small towns and villages starting just outside the main urban centers giving place for agriculture and cheaper housing beside close recreation vacation spots for the wealthy mid-class of Corporate and Nation Worlds, turning this into The Nations mainland and center of wealth.
Of course, Lisbon, Barcelona, Madrid, Warsaw and towns like Krakow can remain under National control, but Passau, Grenoble and Genua will streatch the existing manpower need to enfore fashist national rule in which laws apply only to some too far to not risc collaps, if just one town gets cut down the hard way. 

All resources are limited and if The Nation does pick a fight with us, in open warefire, me first as one of the main targets, they will loose by what they will call terrorism or murder all Police Special Forces within maximum two years in a military campaigne and stop all social live by fear of terrorist amok attacks.
There is no Police unit out that can stop me, matches my training, tactical and strategical understanding and will to survive, if I go Amok, and I am not alone for sure. Either they give into our demands of stopping copy right theft, stepping back from the popular arts they took during the 60ies to ensure humans like me can have a living, give small business the same anarchic rights as their main corporations and retreat into Corporate World to continue the war of lifestyle in the underground, as everybody likes weed and nobody thieves, or The West faces a terror campainge all other Secret Services will use for their own goals when I first of many will shut down puplic live by targeted terror against Law Enforcment and all profiteurs of the System. I do torture Germans! As you did in Poland.

You went to far
and die where I do vacation but challange me for a total war

PS:If you ain no torture scholar, do you know the bleach bombs in movies to get rid of all DNA proof? Fill em up with butteracid and come at night to your most hated Main Corporate Shop.#provos

The Tate University and Co

You will not get rich by these courses, You will get rich by these courses.

Most don't understand that both phrases are true, but for different persons, which is because these Dark Modern Times teach too often varyities of absolutism instead relativism.
Some teachers in school are good to argue with, others will insist they are correct even so just proofen wrong.

If you are living in the worker Ghettos of Glasgow and while Grand Dad still had a lifelong job in the Glasgosw docklands, your father was at least still able to have mum stay at home and you managed to turn trouble maker even so for good reasons, the Tate University is ripp off for you. 
You will not get rich
Unless, laws change and you can turn mums kitchen into a Sandwich making center of a Sandwich delivery service, because if it is clean enough for your family, it obviously must be clean enough for clients, but only an IRA commando can get that message accross understandably to law enforcment and Co, you have to keep hitting the national treasury office.

If you're parents warn you to hang out in Brixton past noon even so you are in your early twenties and as soon as having your first Dubstep record spinning will search your room for weed, you will get all you need from knowledge to mindset to have all those you meet in your Pubs, Bars, Clubs and Parks to buy which ever product you trust in and Subway will have no alternative, despite all market laws.
You will get rich.

Get your head down when we start the killing, please.
You look all the same as we do
The Tyranny of Evilmen
The Selfish
when the Rightous path is set aside into the valley of darkness

The Carotte and the Stick

Imagine, this is what the guy behind the rider tells everyone, who made the rider hold the stick and by reading this blogg he finds out there is a wolf pack around...all about him...and only him...


Welcome to the nuclear drop zone wood lands
home of the Wolfs,

A lession on Cigars

 You are getting ripped of. A Cigar is made by tabacco leaves that have been fermented, dried and than by using flavored oil rolled into what is called a Cigar.

The quality of a Cigar is not measured by the paper roll, but by the amout of full leaves rolled up versus full leaves that hold broken leaves inside.

And that's it.

The fermenting process is as relevant as the destilling process for Whiskey. Whiskey gets its taste by the time in the barrel, otherwise it is either Bourbon or Jack Daniels. Not that much realy. 
The oil used to make the leaves rollable is important, but no main secret and therefore Not that much relevant realy.
The leave quality in terms of broken or full leaves is important to the way the Cigar burns down, which must be equal for comfort, but comfort only. Just check how the open end of the Cigar looks like. Many rolls or many chips...
Along with a Cigar on should have a Rum. The sweetnes of Rum adds to the flavor of a Cigar and the combination of smoke and Rum on the tounge make the taste experiance.

Personally, I consider the in Europe available Romeo and Juliette smaller Cigars the best value and something like a Butocal Reserva Rum an appropriate accomplice for rare occations, I have not had in many many years.


We are done with you, TheGermans, CIA & Co

 When we also may look around having our view loose the sky and look at our house, car and boat with a happy family all around and your graves in distance to meet ever again on only on Judgement Day

And if it is for generations to come
In God We Trust


you owe us. US: Ace Company to Delta Company and Affiliates
Ghetto Kids, Rednecks, 51st
The Skaters that shot you Petreaus

keep buying stock of CIA companies
and remember the Bodybags

2.26 trillion US Dollars can buy a lot, 
your blood will buy our scares