Thursday 30 November 2023

New Gs and A New World Order

Gangs derives from ancient parts of a hord and have been an military entety of those free men the Roman Empire hunted and enslaved with its Legions. 
They never new clear hirarchical structures and noone gave any order, but objectivs, using modern military language, and clearly communicated with as much information as possible.
Only modern commando special forces units adopted again that system of warriors, while most military remains in Roman style of information freedom being directly limited by rank.

Two World Wars and the Holocaust changed the world as nothing before and while Oscar Schindler remained poor after the last World War, his enemies became even richer in Germany, The United States, The United Kingdom and even France.
Modern management style in most main international corporations is strictly hirarchical with limited information based on position within the company, departement and team.

Most parts of the world are different. Germans have no idea that Poland today is a modern and very stylish lifestyle cultivating economic powerhouse, that the French country side hardly knows any Police around in deeply rural areas and night times out in London and Manchester are best in the most mixed places beside that Lagos Slums do not know any crime as many others world wide don't do neither.
As much as most don't understand that MTV gives a realy bad and wrong picture on Bloods and Crips, that CNN has no idea on Rockers actual street credibility or cineasts understand how much truth in too many Holywood movie productions is hidden behind the all action story.

Pop coltoure can be just pop corn entertainement or a fundamental critique of our society, like what it means to be man, at the very same time.

Do you realy think this man imagined humans.

or is there any chance that someone that is working on predicting with mathematical precision the movement of pigeons scares the shit out of someone that is powerful enough within a nation to write the posh word for "Criminal" into his signe?

The latter will secure this system:

Against all odds:

We are not only done serving, but will take our colours, pride, life and love back, senator sons and willfairy soldiers. This is the Storm we have been waiting for.

Choose sides. Live hell or don't miss your time to die...