Monday 24 July 2023

Sunday 23 July 2023

The change in little Italy - Ns all in

 There is currently a change in Italy. The 'Ndrangheta is going in and leaving a vacuum on European imports on the southern route.
Despite the media monopoles run by profiteurs of the WW2 picture of the Mafia, there are actually two different systems at war with each other. Like Mexican Kartells were supported by the CIA, the BND supports the puplicly known Mafia and than there is the real Grand Dame d'Italia. La systema nostre buene cosa. The fight for the good, yet as illigal and these days again fought more in side roads and with less terrorist style actions than until the 80ies when two judges still in charge after Mossulinis times got a final lession.

I was under the impression that the secret service supported part was in an internal dispute exchanging the difficult to control, low IQ teenage killers of the 'Ndrangheta by classic 1%er Rockers, namingly he Hells Angels that already have some impressive amounts of charters all around Milano.
Than, in a recent vid, a rep of the Germans was for dinner in a resto of a German woman also seen as part of the Gamorrah in another vid, which is like the TV show a better name for the enemies of the resistance groups against an Italian central nation fighting to reestablish the centuries of independet towns in Italy that are the Camorrah.

So what happend?

Did the Rockers manage to get rid of internal competition and the lady enjoys her retirement in the German HQ of all GeStaPo supported organiced crime groups being one of the treators, does he even know into whoms restaurant he stepped, which is a valid possibility considering that they all consider intelligence overrated trusting the fake power of psychoactive highly toxic drugs, or are they all in the end of the day way closer under the control of Pullach or Bonn?

In the end of the day, it does not matter, except to seed dispute in their rows. We will have to kill them in order to create a free Europe and kick of a second Renessaince.


Wednesday 19 July 2023

The possible excess of the extreme

Nobody shows the worst case scenario of climate change. All growth is exponential in nature and comes to an holt at some point to reach a plateau after which it turns into decline.
Even so The West and UN have been provided with exponential growth calculations as early as the 80ies on climate change impact, some prevered to publish linear static calculation simulations understanding the limitations of their lifespan.

This summer is the first in the phase in which exponential growth on a graph turns visibly from linear up to bow and than soon into a straight vertical one.

We will loos spring and autum, we will get extreme heats all over the world, we will have more weather, more sun, more rain, more wind and storm, mutations will come and nature will test new viruses, insects animals and possibly humans, too.

This earth new an Ice Age and we will face now the opposite of some CIA strategists created fake news of the earth actually turning into antoher one a few years ago an Age of Movement.

In hot areas water vaporises way quicker, air humidity risis along water areas such as coast lines and rivers while drops over and in areas off open waters like lakes, oceans and rivers. This will create more and heavier rainfall close to mountain areas and other natural rain barriers such as long woodland borders or large rivers. The rain will fall stronger and heavier, the winds will increas.

Live will increase for all those that like it intense and turn nightmare for those in need of a soft and simple environment.

All those that need an AC, a car to go shopping around the corner, that mind sweating and are scared by lighting and thunder, heavy rain and feel uncomfortable in storms will suffer now.

We instead have to survive their last stand up before they enjoy the hurricane of a new plateau in evolution.

#provos #newkings

Sunday 9 July 2023

Comments - The war over The Wallen

 Why Amsterdam is Building a New Red Light District

Can you imagine that this is actually an attack against the oldest Red Light district that does not know pimpery? The Wallen in Amsterdam are full of tourists that stride through the few streets, The Wallen are surrounded in a nother layer of town by small caffees, coffee shops and there is factually no crime. The Wallen does not know in opposite to the other big Red Light area of Hamburg and Frankfurt hard drug use, street sales of hard drugs or violance.

Crime measurement is done by looking at the crime statistic which is based on Police reports that are created by someone informing about a crime, such as tourists on pickpocketing in The Wallen or reports on  hard drugs being bought at the Wallen.

Do you understand how much illigal cash can be earned, if a Red Light district falls into the hands of Anabole-Steroids, Amphetamin consuming and Heroin and Kokain selling Rocker and Street Gangs whos actual bosses in Mexico and Afgahnistan have billions to invest into e.g human resources?

The Nethelands is home to a religous reformist split of from the kathlic church known as the Calvenists. These are very bussy and disciplined humans that consider nothing more cathlic, and therefore their oponoent, as the lifestyle cultivated in The Wallen. The Calvnists have a lot of power and they are right to keep The Wallen at bay, but they are wrong to ignore that there is a bigger threat outside and that The Wallen are also an important micro-cosmos to protect in a multi-coltoural liberal trade nation.


PS: Historicaly, brothels were forbidden in Amsterdam creating the unique character of The Wallen. A brothel is like a hotel having an entrance and is wihin a house. Like creating a fence around The Wallen would create in Anne Franks home town a living nightmare for another group by factually creating a Red Light Ghetto for anouther small sub-group of society, a brothel will enfavor a Security Service and one owner of the building, exactly as in all Red Light districts that have to deal with pimpery and toxic gangs.

Saturday 8 July 2023

Piccasso's me

 I do not know the artist, it was not me, and I never saw a painting so much hitting showing me.

I know who asked my why and when I have no lions' tattoo unlike so many occuping me keeping distance and I know that I told you all that I, a wolf does not perform in any arena.

I also know you forgot that wolfs eat rats, but I wonder, if you see the coming feast like this society the ground we all knew we'd hit some time.

There will be no peace until I killed you all!

I seldomly swear to protect the American way of life: FREEDOM!!!


Wednesday 5 July 2023

The Western style capitalism oxymoron

a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

A guy working as a pizza delivery boy for an independet Pizza place and a Start-Up college boy. Both same age about 23.
The Start-Up is considered worth a few millions, lives in central London for rent, drives a company owned luxurious car, has a closet with clothes costing several ten thousand and several hundreds per week to maintain, because underwear gets warn off, his vacation are short trips into luxurios spots payed of bonus miles and he goes for food to restaurants. 
He has a huge turnover in cash, but all he owns is stuff that cannot be sold like his cloth except some jewerly. Considering that his company is owned factually by an investment company and makes no profit, he is financially actually broke living on someonelses money hoping to turn his business idea profitable one day.

The Pizza boy constantly has to check his bank balance and needs to buy cheap food even so he can have all on the manue free of charge, the scooter is even his own paying it off by the job, his clothes are either cheap and he knows when they go broke or high price, but durable and his wardrope has only few items for the occation from work to sport to hang out to party night out, his place is a room in a shared house and they hang out together somewhere outside of the city center with plenty of cheap food places around with a meal for about half an hour work on the scooter and at some spots the soft drink is for free, his vacation is a train ride to the coast with venues, beach and meeting others in Pubs the drinks cost about 15 minutes of work.
He even can save some for either a big boys vacation trip by plane or furniture to move in when love hits his live and will change livestyle.

Actually, The Pizza Boy is in plus and the Start-Up Boy creating debt.

If you CIA and rich keep killing our livestyle I will not only kill to retaliate, but to make sure you ain creating more like me.


Monday 3 July 2023

Dystopia en effé

Utopia is a dream, dystopia is a surrealist dream. Whole point is that Picasso was closer to reality than most paintings of Antoinette.

All resources are limited. From humans that can dress in a Uniform to the amount of data a computer system can process, to the amount of humans a human can control or coordinate.

In the long run systems that are based on freedom of decision making are better and more durable than those based on command and orders, wait and receive. Trust is good, control is better is the most misunderstood phrase ever. You better double check even so trusting your ability. You still watch the traffic on a green light, don't you?

The West is devided into those within the monopole system and those excluded. In the near future the system will loose more and more manpower to enforce its rules also onto those excluded. 
This is the chance to organice both sides. Those that want and enfavor the rich mens dreams and those that just want to live. The problem is, since the beginning of time the rich men tries to abuse those here to live. From the chosen people leaving Egypt turning the first immigrants, to Jesus' ultimate sacrefice saveing his revolutionairy platoon to Muhammed devding the wealthy from the rich, this existance is a decision between hell or heaven thereafter in this existance.

So, go ... Armaggedon .. inbetween worlds of this existance...arm get on.. will fight over the Goods live...The Tyranny of Evil men and the Joulusy of the Bad in the next world here.

#jedi Vs #sith