Sunday 23 July 2023

The change in little Italy - Ns all in

 There is currently a change in Italy. The 'Ndrangheta is going in and leaving a vacuum on European imports on the southern route.
Despite the media monopoles run by profiteurs of the WW2 picture of the Mafia, there are actually two different systems at war with each other. Like Mexican Kartells were supported by the CIA, the BND supports the puplicly known Mafia and than there is the real Grand Dame d'Italia. La systema nostre buene cosa. The fight for the good, yet as illigal and these days again fought more in side roads and with less terrorist style actions than until the 80ies when two judges still in charge after Mossulinis times got a final lession.

I was under the impression that the secret service supported part was in an internal dispute exchanging the difficult to control, low IQ teenage killers of the 'Ndrangheta by classic 1%er Rockers, namingly he Hells Angels that already have some impressive amounts of charters all around Milano.
Than, in a recent vid, a rep of the Germans was for dinner in a resto of a German woman also seen as part of the Gamorrah in another vid, which is like the TV show a better name for the enemies of the resistance groups against an Italian central nation fighting to reestablish the centuries of independet towns in Italy that are the Camorrah.

So what happend?

Did the Rockers manage to get rid of internal competition and the lady enjoys her retirement in the German HQ of all GeStaPo supported organiced crime groups being one of the treators, does he even know into whoms restaurant he stepped, which is a valid possibility considering that they all consider intelligence overrated trusting the fake power of psychoactive highly toxic drugs, or are they all in the end of the day way closer under the control of Pullach or Bonn?

In the end of the day, it does not matter, except to seed dispute in their rows. We will have to kill them in order to create a free Europe and kick of a second Renessaince.
