Wednesday 30 March 2022

Reform instead of revolution

Reform latterly means to reshape and a revolution is a dramatic change to reshape.

We tend to focus on all those part that are not working well trying to improve them and looking at our few company dominated markets most are demanding splits and enforcing cartel laws, this way also punishing success over abusive behaviour. 

In the pharma industry majors get tax reductions on block buster meds, if they invest in rare disease medication development that have little profit margins having few sick people.

More competition can be also achieved by supporting the small rising, by creating easy and simplified rules from registration to tax declaration for tiny companies setting clear lines when they are considered big players.

It means to support technologies like P2P that also can be abused for e.g. copy right theft called software piracy one side, but on the other side can be bases for a tiny company to avoid expensive server farms, hardware or storage, by focusing on those that abuse instead of the actual technology that is hardly used by major players using main frame and cluster central computing to have the advantage of full control.

The U.S. voting system trusts a middle man to vote Washington which is a form of sharing power and control deeply routed in the very design of the system and this very thought can be adopted to create competition forcing the big players that rely on direct control of their users, their users data, if it is accepted that based on the design some abusive behaviour cannot be stopped by the tiny firm. Like your vote man might change mind...

P2P is just one example and I assume that in the building sector major one stop shops are in advantage over independent project managers that would hire local heroes, also they themselves use sub contractors and every and all grocery stores or little family owned markets have the same tax measuring tape than the major chain supermarket next door.

If you have more build a bigger table no bigger fence, but today you gotta do both or hide the size of your table...

#WeNeedChange to the better for the good.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

This is the End

of the western system of accumulating capitalism. Capitalism based on markets proofed efficient and best serving the humans within.

But capitalism turned accumulating and markets monopole. 

Money only can be made with money and making more money needs more money.
All markets are dominated by a few companies and their leadership all share the same social background.

Major important projects either fail, never work as intended or are not even getting started. The achievements of technological, scientifical and medical development are not only failing to get distributed to all of mankind world wide they turn more and more against those few that have access.

The most important and favoured technologies create a climate change that triggers mass immigration onto levels no nation can deal with and life is becoming for the next generations predictably more difficult all over the entire planet.
Scientific achievements getting less and less into all those parts of science that help progressing as mankind. The last major scientific understanding of the world was Einstein, but for topics off this planet. Solution for major problems from energy creation to sustainable agriculture or organising social aspects of society creating progress for a better life just did not happen. Fusion energy is not working, genetics failed to produce better crops and got rejected by consumer and industry while biological food production is even less efficient than conventional, we still cannot predict and stop crime waves or drug abuse nor understand the reasons why some turn against society.
Medicine created super resistant bacteria, cancer is still most lethal, HIV still turns AIDS too often and today we fail to stop the Corona Virus.

War appears to be the answer for the powerful trying to keep status quo over admitting their inability to reform and their fear to step back. Power over people instead of profit over people when there can be no real profit made anymore turns attractive. 
Even for the super rich Mega Yachts get boring like Super Cars and Luxurious Watches after some time and repeating that "money does not make happy" was first an image quote, but now turns sour reality with no way out except for those few that find another kick.

During the last major combination of a failing system, an unstoppable epedemic and raging wars those that find a last kick in tyranny together with all that pushed the spreading disease further by ignorance killed 80% of the European population within about half to a century of struggle.

Yet, gave birth to the greatest time in mankind afterwards.

I wonder, if mankind got wiser or, if we repeat history or, if this is the beginning of the end and insects are next.

We'll find out.......

Friday 25 March 2022

If there was peace possible

National order proofs currently every day, by all apparently free media reporting in comparable wording and simplifying a rather complex and at least two sided topic that it reached its limits and turned abusive against its very core principles.

The system was doomed to fail from the beginning on. A world that becomes more moving and connected has no space for egoism and central fixed structures in the long run.

The German state coordinated pension system is based on a the generation paying for the generation retired, which means that as soon as families turn two children families each has to pay a full pension for each pensioner each month and each year. Since several decades ago all and everyone knows that this is happening and the system therefore fails, yet it was never done more than talking and talking and lying. 

One man voted by several millions, directly or not, cannot in any respect speak for each of the millions and must end up speaking for a few only.

One town ruling over another or several others even on local affairs is a modern national order called form of soft tyranny. The dictate of a few over many. 

There have been other systems in place that lost the wars in the last and century before the last against a new version of feudalism. The German counties had a dispute dividing them primarily in north Vs south. The north was centralized and declared an Empire and the south was organised in independent towns and regions collaborating in which the Lords voted a representing King of Kings. Last was the Habsburgs to fill that office.
Today, looking at the two world wars as a conflict between central and independent systems as a conflict between nations and collaborating small kingdoms will get you a fail in the school system and even so a lot of conflicting information especially in school books on the German history only make sense, if a conspiracy theory level of a wiped out war looser is added.

In 1815 France got a King ending the Republique that almost spread over to other central kingdoms scaring all aristocracy with the Guillotine for all tyrannes. 
In 1870/71 the Prussians won the war against France, but the King was abolished and the people had their Republic back.
Hitler looked for the small or great German solution in which the great was taking also the territories of Habsburg under the Führer and the small limiting Germany onto those parts today known as Bavaria and Baden-Wuerthemberg inlcuding Hessen ruled by Prussia all called Germany.

The winners write history. 

For more I'd need a school history book and it'll still be a conspiracy theory after all.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

The way we see money

Most of us live in a money currency monopole. That means you get Dollars and you buy all in Dollars. After some time everybody converts into Dollars.
Some things are forbidden to be bought in Dollars. If you are up for a hooker in most states of the U.S. you will break the law. You well can buy a flight to Amsterdam in Dollars, but there, on the last mile, you have to change your Dollars for Euros.

If someone takes a job they check how much Dollars they get per hour. If someone buys a house, they'll check how much square meters they get per Dollar.

Only a few will have several currencies in their wallet and most will quickly start stressing their credit card avoiding bank notes and even worse coins in multiple currencies in the wallet. 

Let's try to think the other way round. What do you want and in which currency can you pay for it that you get where for, most efficiently?

Many will move to another town to get the better education or job, in this respect not thinking about the Dollar, but about what they want and than about how to finance it in Dollars.

Money is just an exchange vehicle, like an off shore company for someone that has so much Dollars he'll never have any Bank print them out ever, and everyone can think like a financier.

We might hit a time in which crypto currencies become an addition to the established currencies and in a system that is based on competition and the exchange of  money additional organisations to the central banks will be beneficial to the overall good.  

If the underground has to spear head that movement, I might turn Kingping soon...Just, in my old school lesions on doing business had keeping a sub-ground level of attention the primer position to start everything always.
But than, Sparta is gone and Cyberpunk is still in the birth channel...


Tuesday 15 March 2022

Movement patterns

 Gang Raid

If a sociologist and a biologist would hook up with a computer scientist to create a mathematical algorithm of rats facing a major food storage that opens up after they have been gotten hungry, I am sure it will match this prime example of a gang activity.

Every pack has a leading alpha, betas that support the alpha and do most of the gang work and omegas that are challenging the alpha. 

In this gang raid some stood back covering the faces better and possibly just watched or pointed fingers at others more active. That would be the omegas collecting proof for the next challenging session. 

Some will have taken more out of the shelfs than others, being more active distributing the goods to others in the group. That's the betas doing the work.

Some will have received from the betas and that's the Alphas.

Who did not receive, nor collect, nor point out others, but was all in?

That's the aggravator or the rat catcher, that's the scientist that makes the rats hungry so he can profile them. 

His identity is Cyberpunk prey, his club is Cyberpunk Paras prey and his blood is Cyberpunk Paras Centurions prey.
