Tuesday 15 March 2022

Movement patterns

 Gang Raid

If a sociologist and a biologist would hook up with a computer scientist to create a mathematical algorithm of rats facing a major food storage that opens up after they have been gotten hungry, I am sure it will match this prime example of a gang activity.

Every pack has a leading alpha, betas that support the alpha and do most of the gang work and omegas that are challenging the alpha. 

In this gang raid some stood back covering the faces better and possibly just watched or pointed fingers at others more active. That would be the omegas collecting proof for the next challenging session. 

Some will have taken more out of the shelfs than others, being more active distributing the goods to others in the group. That's the betas doing the work.

Some will have received from the betas and that's the Alphas.

Who did not receive, nor collect, nor point out others, but was all in?

That's the aggravator or the rat catcher, that's the scientist that makes the rats hungry so he can profile them. 

His identity is Cyberpunk prey, his club is Cyberpunk Paras prey and his blood is Cyberpunk Paras Centurions prey.
