Thursday 28 April 2022

Cyberpunk Pirates

Recruiting now.

Do it for someone else, wihout personal profit and motive. ProVos
Hit hard, low, mean and brutally efficient those that do not deserve any honour. Centurions
No prisoners. DeadHeads
For the good hearted. Jedis
Make'm blame someone else. 2Hardcore4U
Unseen, unspoken, unrecognised, unprecedented. Ghosts
For the pleasure of the fun of it. Us!
Strip'em bullies. Pirates
Break a law you didn't make nor understand. CyberPunk

Tuesday 19 April 2022

The treasure of the Templers

Is not the holey grail, its a book. 
Today there is still the book of Kells secured in a museum, but the book of the Templers is lost. The book of Kells is a scripture and early version of the Bible that is created so perfectly that the legend says angels guided the hands of the monks, like God guided Muhammed when he was writing the Koran.

And here we go. The treasure of the Templars was a as perfect translation of the Koran that was lost in the last battle of Jerusalem and disappeared. The Templars were on one hand side those that adopted the Arabic number system and also their investment based banking system, that learned how to build telescopes and that there was an empire way further east that was real and no Roman myth, but also the Order that murdered Moslems, burned down Mosques and plundered rich Moslem tradesmen.

The Koran describes the unbeliever as those that do not stick to any contract and that will lie and pretend for their own wealth, building up on the old Testament that warns the faithful and good hearted of those serving a demon called Mammon over God.

Since the Nazis reshaped this world in battle with Communists the same spirit and attitude that destroyed the good and faithful part of the Templers is needed to become rich in this world: Egoism and serving Mammon. Today the Good Samaritan won't have any cape to cut in half for the very poor that is starving and all build higher fences over longer tables to keep even as little as they have. Only the poor share as much as they have to gain.

The Templers, that existed past loosing Jerusalem, lost their Jihad which is first the inner fight against the bad within and than got terminated by that inner enemy uniting with an enemy form the outside. 
That war was lost at the day when one of them decided to leave behind the treasure of the Templars over his own egoistic desire.

In the latest movie on the last battle of Jerusalem the last Knight takes with him the sister of the last King of Jerusalem. This last King was the head of the actual enemy within, but his sister a good wife for the heroic and strong Knight, while taking the treasure to Rome and uniting with the good from the outside to fight the bad in the inside would have meant to continue the suffering by staying in an even more difficult war full of sacrifice, treason, disgust, mean tricks and covered betrail for possibly the rest of his live.

Until today the Koran is misinterpretated and our society full of straight forward lies as much as the Moslem world never accepted in return the first two Testaments about God and therefore has to struggle understanding the most prosaic and mystic part themselves that is constantly referring to the first two and its characters. 

Therefore, the snake keeps selling apples successfully.

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Next Level preview


Dark Future Short Stories - Ten - A boiling bath tube

All chapters in order     

Dark Future Short Stories - Ten - A boiling bath tube 

A boiling bath tube

The sun hit hard all and everything exposed directly, the rest just sweated. The street sport gangs ruled the biggest Sprawl of the world that most did not even understand it was a Sprawl. The Mediterranean, called by them the bath tube, because of its tourism past and its coast line had in about 5km away from the shore a house next to a house all along. The Sprawl got denser and and more spread out and it was a super large Sprawl with thousands of most different organisations from gated MegaCon offices and recreational estates to free villages and large cities to rural stretches. It span all around a small ocean that had three small entry points from other oceans and hundreds of rivers ending into it.

Street sport gangs united during the period of turmoil that restructured all social systems of this earth and united almost globally against the toxic gangs. You don't skate or bike on drugs, but you eat the dirt of tarmac, sweat through heavy duty T-shirts and wear even in summer peak baggy, long, heavy trousers to protect against sun and solid concrete. Street sport teaches to fall on most hard surfaces in soft grace to get up and going again. They turned from the cool tough to the boiling hardcore and within a few years had won the streets there, taking on street sport refugees form sprawls further north where they got outgunned by the toxics.

They were into sports and did not start as a criminal entity to begin with. This being said, many financed their sport and their live with high quality cannabis products and underground parties. They naturally travelled through their town looking for spots and routs to skate and bike or run and all, as the next step, quickly started looking around to other towns meeting their fella street sportsmen all dreaming of skating the world in their car, truck or just bike or motorcycle and rucksack. 
During the time of turmoil they hooked up with those at the beach. Surfers and sailors were sharing the beach party turff and became the transport divisions of the all connected, but in opposite to all toxics, only chaotic system of gangs that not even had a unique name. On both Atlas and Alps throughout all other mountain regions skaters, downhill skaters, bikers and cross motos met and connected with the air born ultra light gliders to war bird replicas somehow, splitting even motor sports known as racers into rally sport and toxic go fasts turning all deadly enemies. Freedom of movement Vs dominating poison.

As much as the toxics retreated from the all hot or stormy bath tube they could not hold and defend in the darkest and most dangerous turff further north east. The power house of the toxics was a huge and mighty sprawl reaching all a long several rivers from Rhein-Ruhr to Rhein-Main to Rhein-Neckar where the streets where ruled by toxic gangs and rules where different. It was a dead zone for the almost all naturals that ruled here, especially in Marseille. Usually the Rhinos looked for trouble a short jump west of them in the triangle of Amsterdam, Paris and London connected by hundreds of small villages and towns by quite affordable bus and train rides based on a perfect road and rail system where most of the streets lived of the MegaCons looking for peace with the regional, but more innovative SmallCons most street sports gang members had family in, by making them happy being nice and easy most of the time.

This was Marseille and France looked since a few days regularly north east into the far distance through buildings and mountains. He saw a dark cloud far away and the urge of heading north grew stronger, but than he knew it was better to trap what ever was building up there. The others watched him and knew another street war was about to hit.

The message of France the Witcher seeing darkness spread and all prepared for the known unknown. Streets in arms...

"Lets all skate harder..."
"And pick up the gotcha sessions again, hardcore"
"They'll come in as rich boys. There is bling"
"Gliders up than."
"We need more. I had a dream. It is time to pile up the air game."
"What you thinking?"
"Did you ever consider sitting in a remote controlled scale helicopter? Big small fighter air borne"
"Not exactly. But I like it. Skating Marseille in five meters above ground just sitting in and no VR picture?"
"You got me..."
"Let me see who knows whom, how since when"

Monday 11 April 2022

Information overflow

In my last job we sat on a pile of unstructured free texts that had important information on the trouble shoots of the help desk workers and we just could not use them. Instead the ticket system creating a ticket called file for each problem minimum used drop down menus with predefined words that ended up in a pivot table of an incredible huge excel sheet, only I understood.

That also costed me my badly payed job in a world in which the better is the enemy of not only the good, but towards everyone higher up.

Social media is full of comments, text message apps full of conversations, IRC is also still around and forgotten, emails are send around, bloggs are full, news articles and adds are all text based.

There is no AI around that can find anything in there except the very stupid.

The more intelligent a human being is the human understands the importance of social behaviour naturally and the less intelligent the more egoistic behaviour a human will show no matter the outcome for all the group and even him or herself. 

In our society stupidity and egoistic, selfish behaviour are not only tolerated but encouraged.

The other side is that the more complex projects get and therefore collaboration and harmony become crucial to success the more they will fail, if selfishness and egoism are running the interactions which again gives room to intelligence to use the loop holes created by mistakes to exchange.

More chaos means that more stupids fail to understand order which is their base to rule.  

Stupid will fall....Corona and Wars. Chaos theory to chaos applied systems.


Thursday 7 April 2022

Knights fall and rise

A soldier is someone that does armed service for money. Today this means in a regular official force of a nation in difference to a mercenary that is a hired gun on a battle field. Most get into training with the age of 17 to 25 and only stay in that job for 5 to 10 years. Only few stay longer than 20 years.

Knights were nobleman that started training in early childhood even before they could walk. Those babies that started sleeping on their own in distance early from their parents where selected. Those that stood up for others naturally without being motivated by others and would fight, were trained in all arts from philosophy, religion, poetry and weapons use to commanding armed forces from hords of the commons to better trained organised men in arms, those that the word Gendarmerie derives from, to Gardists that lived in barracks and are as close as it gets to modern soldier special forces.

Knights declined and disappeared only as late as second world war. Their metal armour stopped being used way earlier when the crossbow turned the use of anything that slows down movement and needs time to put on and also off again, yet does not protect into a lethal trap, like in Ukraine tanks facing shoulder launched rockets.

Until than knights where nobleman and no Witchers. Witchers are the fantasy term for humans that have a special talent to feel their surroundings especially well, but without a totem a shaman would have. The U.S. army has records of entire units that avoided ambushes based on one soldier called sentinel feeling danger and warning the rest that did not feel any difference.

The only scientific explanation I have is following theory: The human brain has a filter that selects information. That is why we can follow a conversation in a loud club with the person next to us even so another person behind us is as loud.

For some that filter works different and the brain can process more incoming information faster. 

If a terror group digged in bomb, they need time and the locals will watch it. They cannot warn the arriving foreign soldiers, because spotters will take revenge, yet they will behave differently no matter how often someone said "act normal" and some humans can spot that difference. 

For toxics magicians this effect only happens on drugs. Ritalin is used to help kids to focus and all psychoactive drugs can have this effect, but not onto everyone in the same way. Ritalin is a form of an Amphetamine and they can turn one person into a calm listener and others into high puls unrests.

Secret Services know this and some use only toxic magicians almost like in the Shadowrun books. The problem is that all of these substances are also destroying the nerve system that is directly connected with our emotions and the ability to feel empathy and love. That's why junkies will betray their loved once to get more gear. Imagine what a CIA officer can do being in an organisation full of junkies that belief they can handle substances others don't even need to be calm in extremely dangerous situations.

Nobleman were called as such, because they were of better character and of course the bad guys will do a lot to pretend to be noble. Psychoactive drugs help to get there and during second world war when all major hard drugs where known, from Cocaine to Heroin created by Bayer to Speed and MDMA aka amphetamine and methamphetamine, they came to wide spread use in society, armed forces and secret services. Their long term impact is that it kills all noble in a human.

Cannabis products are called a soft drug. They come in sativa and indica. The first is stimulating and makes most laugh about all and every joke and the second is calming and helps against muscle pain from e.g. extended street sport activity or menstruation pain. They are both no narcotics and do not destroy the nerve system. They both stimulate it, which is for some difficult to deal with. If you don't like school weed will make it way worse...

A Witcher, like those sentinels the U.S. Army is aware of them existing, will be even closer to his surroundings and his brain will be able to process even more nerve impulses.

Witcher Knights to come...

Jedis on the rise into a more and more dystopian cyberpunk society against The Toxics in WW4.
May the better win

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Next level album about to come

I have 9 tracks and while listening to my first DJ set using a DJ mix software that turned out not too bad and supports my theory that in the long run the most exciting instrument is two turntables and a mixer inbetween....

I am still of Turntabelism and never considered disk jokey riding playlists an option.
In the mix so I am.
The rest is still some MMJ stuff but also created with Audacity and free loop samples. Gimmy bass.

....and here it struck me. It needs really good hi-fi to get the full spectrum of the sound I create. Music and good sound was always important to me dropping even out of jobs and relationships, if the sound of the managers and company played no music in my good ears anymore.

When back from Paris and on my first job I spend an entire net month salary on Hi-Fi, back than a 7.1 Surround System that I used as a 5.1 and was bi-wiring the stereo main speakers. 

In Hi-Fi high end it gets quickly really expensive and one can easily spend 10k on a hi-fi system while little improvements of sound cost a very lot. Often rearranging the furniture is smarter than upgrading the system. 

In general the speakers are way more important then the amp and a good CD or Blue Ray player is important because it hosts the digital to analog converter that is bases for the amp creating the impulse the speaker turn into sound. 

Bi-wiring means that I tweeked with a special setting of the 7.1 amp the 7 amps to use 2 amps for each of the main stereo speakers in my 5 speaker and one subwoofer set up. Basically, the stereo speakers, also supporting this in high-end common set up, use one amp for the lower and another for the higher frequencies.

These days, after my neighbours starting to complain about the down fire subwoofers mightiness, I am most of the time listening on head phones on the computer and my Fioo DAC just gave up recently waiting to be fixed or replaced. 

Hi-Fi equipment is rather durable and it does not make any sense to exchange a system that costs about two thousand euros like your pair of trousers. It stays for some time, but gives way lot more pleasure than fashion.

Hi-Fi has different characters and the right mix of amp and speakers is important. I read a lot in the dedicated magazines looking for a high-end entry level surround amplifier. The Hi-Fi mag said about mine it would be more the leather jacket rock guy and loose on classic music being fully featured and good value.

Next to my place was a dedicated Hi-Fi shop specialised in fine equipment. Those shops all have dedicated rooms to listen to different combinations, some offer even to build up a combo at home before buying it and in opposite to the big chain the staff is not underpaid hire and fire, but usually the owners. Lucky me, they had a discount shipment of speakers usually not sold in Germany coming in that they got their hands on so I got to wait another month, but ended up with speakers worth about 30 to 50 percent more than I payed still running about 10 years later. So is the Pioneer amp that got serviced once.

I added a fine fitting Pioneer Blu Ray player and automatic turn table I got on black Friday discount on Amazon doing fine for my Jazz and Blues records. rocks and got the blues...

I never got why anyone would just grap a box in the electronic discounter for anything important like music and playing music.

The room is also important Basically, if you can have a good conversation without an echo from where the speakers are to the main listening position which is for me a cheap replica of the Eames lounge chair and ottoman you'll be fine with the Hi-Fi same positioned.