Monday 27 November 2023

The end of our lifestyle

Corona might not have been the only epedemic as news reports inidicte. China is hit by a new wave of desease, while the German media ignores Covid still being around completey, as I predicted they would at some point. 
There will be no trial against CIA or BKA for any action against humans and instead they will continue to threaten their victims with false diagnosis awaiting blunt repetition of what ever they state, no matter how bad.
The lifestyle that lead to most inequality in mankind since the beginning of time will not be challanged by anything else but words. 
Therefore, nature will continue to hit all those that support that lifestyle and the system that creates and manifests the continuity of that lifestyle.
Soon, as in the Dark Mid-Ages, conflicts will not be limited to battlegrounds and verbal disputes, but turn right here militant. 
History does repeat itself. 
The Dark Modern-Ages end....

In the WION at around one minute in, The German expert, states that it was a common desease and is treated with Anti-Biotics playing down, German he is, the greater picture. This is another outbreak causing more headlines than usualy, causing more hospitalisation than ever, having more patients than ever that will be treated with medication that is known for cutting down the human imunesystem, if excessivly taken.
Therefore, there is a good chance, hard to explain to Germans refusing logic, but insisting on title only, that the Corona epedemic created more humans with a weaker imunsystem that are now hit by a common desease harder and by using the usual treatement further hurting the imunsystem which can create in the future a deadly wave of either Covid, an existing common desease or a new Virus.
#TheGermans Vs #humanbehaviour
It was all not that bad Vs are you listening?

So, in war when the enemy comes you have to deal with it.
we shut down all coal and nuclear power plants now and deal with it.
we use no fossile fuels anymore and have cold heateings and way less electricity now and deal with it.
we have no Police that protects laws for a few now and deal with it.
Imagine Anarchie now and we deal with it and never again deal with what is now for real

Now I have all time for you, Germans....