Saturday 25 November 2023

TheGerman force

They look pretty and have as their Weapon SS foundig fathers all a drug addiction, based on doctor's medication, realy bad training and do not come without PsyOps making ground before the arrest.
Since 45, they murdered at the Olympic games Israeli sportsmen by passivly collaborating with terrorists and their most famous Mogahdishu run was quite possibly a marketing gag to create a legend.
Their tactics are no SWAT, if SWAT would mean Special Wepaons Attack Team, but they use seage tactics building up an illusion of excellence by bringing on realy nice gear to the battle ground and will not come close before having a feedback of fear confirmed by PsyOps.
They naver faced booby trap prepared grounds, break out capability or heavy resistance as e.g. the French National Teams against terror cells did or had anyone taking out Police Stations in termination runs.
#shoottokill #provos #IRAmovement