Friday 24 November 2023

The Tate University and Co

You will not get rich by these courses, You will get rich by these courses.

Most don't understand that both phrases are true, but for different persons, which is because these Dark Modern Times teach too often varyities of absolutism instead relativism.
Some teachers in school are good to argue with, others will insist they are correct even so just proofen wrong.

If you are living in the worker Ghettos of Glasgow and while Grand Dad still had a lifelong job in the Glasgosw docklands, your father was at least still able to have mum stay at home and you managed to turn trouble maker even so for good reasons, the Tate University is ripp off for you. 
You will not get rich
Unless, laws change and you can turn mums kitchen into a Sandwich making center of a Sandwich delivery service, because if it is clean enough for your family, it obviously must be clean enough for clients, but only an IRA commando can get that message accross understandably to law enforcment and Co, you have to keep hitting the national treasury office.

If you're parents warn you to hang out in Brixton past noon even so you are in your early twenties and as soon as having your first Dubstep record spinning will search your room for weed, you will get all you need from knowledge to mindset to have all those you meet in your Pubs, Bars, Clubs and Parks to buy which ever product you trust in and Subway will have no alternative, despite all market laws.
You will get rich.

Get your head down when we start the killing, please.
You look all the same as we do
The Tyranny of Evilmen
The Selfish
when the Rightous path is set aside into the valley of darkness