Saturday 25 November 2023

The Problem


This map shows the very problem perfectly, but not the way everybody sais on all sides. The actual problem is that on the first green noone knew national boarders as we do today. This green, which is missing Jordan as in Cis-Jordan British Mandate Protectorate, dates back to a time in which the automobile, the car, the tank, the crane and the trekker, was about to hit mass production. It was just invented, like Jedi as a religion today. Nobody factually cared about boarders until meeting someone declaring a boarder, usually in a dress called uniform and in arms, while on the road back in those days.
In the last picture we can see that the human effort went into creating fences, concrete walls and building national boarders or fighting them, while the Negev is still a desert without trekkers planting trees and building water supply tunnels and everybody still stops on check points instead of avoiding them. So everybodies agrees on careing.
Watch the movie The Last Kingdom and understand that the early Zionists came as the Baron of Iblin, and we still have the same enemy today: Murdering Thieves disgusing their real identity.
Watch Snatch to understand how to fight them keeping tears down to a limit, because only a few knights are around. 
Yours, The Punisher.