Sunday 26 November 2023

TussyInc SWAT

ring ring
Hi. Hey. How is it going.....HE RAN...the IT guy that made it Oxford Alumni Boxing Champion went shopping....after the second set in the second hand shop....he just saw him getting out of the door when you came you bought the set....the first and still wear it...sent me a selfy, please...ten seconds later...and you wonder why the shy guy that needs settle treatment, IF I MAY QUOTE MYSELF, FUCKING RAN honey. I have no fucking idea how all natural make up could scare anyone...can you have your little sister call me, please???....thanks.... of course you are still in...he just needs to dare more...bye
click.... doon....dooom...doon...
Hey, Jim, We can upgrade. Now it's all the leds and that's three Venture Capital Companies of The City, duuuuuude. These ladies....wonderwomen....I am telling you...CU later...