Sunday 15 October 2023

The outdated chess attitude

 King, rook, bishop, queen, knight, and pawn on 64 squares having different moving patterns forms until today the thought of the European war heads of all parts of society.

There are different strategies and actually quite a lot of different books written on such, but most mix up tactics with strategy getting stuck in names of opening moves.

Most play with an emphathis of stressing the knight and bishop, easily taking out pawns to put heavy weight on the rooks and saving the queen with left overs for the end game.

A strong pawn game is not understood and played even so they can shield each other and be further protected by the long distance moving figures.

An early rook and queen game gives by the pure thought sweat on the forehead as loosing them will create vulnerability in the endgame not understanding that all other figures also will be used differently having the purpose of shielding the triage in an aggressive game play.

Using the row of pawns to make the knights, that are usually looking like horses, jump around them into the oponents lines as if it was a game of Checkers sounds just weired.

Also, they usually only play against their very same own school of Chess strategy, but this being said, having several different strategies and different oversight of the board situation.

They play to know each other, not as a philosphical excurse into an old game of hirarchy and set ruels.

The Asian Go is communism about territory fought by gangs and table top pen and paper RPGs are just childish pure chaos of imagination and virtuosity in comparison.

The Shadowrunner Cyberpunk Blogg.

I'll never grow up, but die young before. Death before dishonour.