Friday 27 October 2023

Express Card into The Darkness

 If this was all true and not a set of facts, hypothesis and imagination from a virtual different other world, there would be also a few humans in a most exclusive club running the Federal Reserve as profiteurs and only remaining fiscal bank that are all living on a Black colour Credit Card that has no limit and creates everytime used the stressed amount to be pushed into the SWIFT banking system, way faster than any block chain crypto system could do, as some calcuation is needed to be done, instead of creating an Integer in a BASIC database on an Assembly master computer for a C operating system network, maintained by Java developers all into their coffee break social engeneering efforts in what they believe is English in an actual machine language base world inbetween metal and silicon age on a predicatbly ending timeline.

The price those Negrhabitos for laughing at the Illuminati below them is no having friends or confidence in a materialistic only world constantly hiding by lying.

So, get one of these onto your life goals list:


Carpe Diem in Carpe Noctem Autonomicus