Monday 30 October 2023

Rockefeller and his son.

 Germans like egoism, but no responsibility. I wonder if they understand that they do. Vid.

40 things Rockefeller wrote to his son, 
that made me conclude that you were an asshole making many humans honorable humans by turning them into your enemy.

1. I never thought I would lose. 
You ignored loosing, you only remember your victories and loosing is part of live and you should have snored less koke.

2. I do not meet competition. I destroy competitors.
And made sure that no anti trust laws applied, that no murder was retaliated, that no judge took you down, that being poor was better than being rich.

3. Our destiny is determined by our actions and not by our origins.
True, yet I wonder if you honestly ignore that every path has both start, track and desteny all connected.

4. Visionary businessmen are always good at finding opportunities in every disaster. That is how I did it.
Real Businessmen will in disasters use without hesitation all money they have to do good, just like Josef Schindler did, when men like you took power.

5. You cannot sharpen your razor on velvet. 
A knife is given its sharp blade edge by a stone, but the final sharpness is given by a soft leather or smooth surface of a stone. Both are not carried, instead of the velvet cloth to clean that blade sharpened by both hard and soft surfaces off the blood spilled .

6. Get rid of the habit of being distracted.
Focus on doing good and you wont miss your time to die.

7. Look at those who fail and you will find that most people fail not because they make mistakes, but because they are not fully committed. The same goes for companies.
Your real character, attitude and strength will show when you know that you cannot win, but will loose, yet keep up the fight even a draw is out of reach to make it easer for those fighting after you are long gone.

8. Retreat means surrender. Retreat will turn you into a slave. The war is inevitable. Let it come.
Retreat, hold, counter. Attack, hold, push.

9. Match people by their enthusiasm.
Push the bad even deeper and party with the good to copy the best?

10. Luck is the remnant of design.
Luck is winning against all odds and needs lots of prepration.

11. Anything can happen in this world.
No. Some is impossible. This world is based on laws of which only a few are made by humans and humans make mistakes.

12. The important thing is that you firmly believe that you are your greatest capital.
Said the man to the mirror: What is the greates capital? And the mirror repeated the fisher that just wont stop fishing to found a fishing company.

13. Bring a steel like determination to all challenges.
It is carbonfaber age and rust free steel was not invented at your time.

14. Action solves everything.
No. Some things pass. Like cocain heads pass out and die.

15. When I was a poor boy I was confident that I would become the richest person in the world. Strong self confidence inspired me.
I belive that, that you thought so and even more that noone will ever know if you regreted ever or just past death. Did he read these quotes again after sending them?

16. Everyone is a designer and architect of his own destiny.
We never walk alone.

17. We’d better push it.
What, where, how and why does not matter to you?

18. Smart people make things happen.

19. If I say that I have the power of life and death over oil refiners that is not a lie. I can make them wealthy or I can make them worthless.
You also destroid the hemp industry, ethanol production and world peace. The problem is you are proud of yourself.

20. Do it now. Opportunity comes from opportunity.
What, why and how does not matter to you.

21. I never believed that failure is the mother of success. I believe that faith is the father of success. 
But what in?

22. Victory is a habit.
Talking to much is a habit just like being full of yourself. Victory means the defeat of an oponent like even just a secret hiding.

23. The glory and success of the family cannot guarantee the future of children and grandchildren.
You failed or never tried being on an Ego trip?

24. People of poor backgrounds will actively develop their abilities because they urgently need to rescue themselves.
And you will try to destroy them if they turn or just might turn a competitor. So this was a warning.

25. No one in the world leads a smooth life.
Becuase men like you got rich based on no matter what principles, good news, including you. Your son must have hated you the minute he got under fire latest.

26. People who climb up in any industry are fully committed to what they are doing. They sincerely love the work that they do.
And with bossed like you their rise depends on committed to beind below you. Right? 

27. If you sincerely love the work that you do you will naturally succeed.
And not ask for a rise?

28. Life is an opportunity at a time.
This must a slave driver have said holding a rifle to a man about to turn stronger than him first time, as he was working and the other watching.

29. Too many people overestimate what they lack and underestimate what they have.
When the slaves turnd poor men, this is what those hiding behind the system said now.

30. Believing that there will be great results is the driving force behind all great careers.
Define great results and career.

31. My nature never wears off. What I like is the feeling of victory.
So do I.

32. Enthusiasm is a force multiplier to everything.
Training is needed to use that force created by everthing that started enthusistically as an idea.

33. Faith in yourself is the force that drives you forward.
There is only one God and its not me.

34. I think carefully prepared plans and actions are called luck. I never succumb to luck, I believe in cause and effect.
You have been lucky most of the time, so, and I wonder if you managed to one day become honest again understanding what live is realy about. Like when nobody helped to get a cooky of the top shelf.

35. In the process of pursuing career success the most important step is to prevent yourself from making excuses.
Guys like you tend to mistake explinations for excuses, right, and No is no answer. Fuck OFF, works so.

36. The outcome of things is often proportional to our enthusiasm.
Cocain feels like a ruh comperable to being enthusiastic about something. That's why he got a third reference now.

37. I told myself, I warned myself. You must hold on to this [his business] tightly. It can bring you to the realm of your dreams.
And you business was fighting for good so his kindom come even way past your passing or did you start the excuses here?

38. Of course I paid a high price, but what I won was freedom and a glorious future. I became my own master.
I think you lie, like that king that turned all into gold he touched when he refused to admit he was not happier. All comes at a price. This is a rule, like action causes reacton, energy does not vanish it transfers, changes or transforms, but it does not vanish. So, what comes around goes around.

39. The person who can create value the most is the person who devotes himself completely to his favorite activities.
While others do what is needed, you keep having excuses. 

40. The people who can get ahead in the world are those who know how to find their ideal environment. If they cannot find it, they will create it themselves
True. Work in progress. Provos