Wednesday 28 February 2024

The truth about The Success Guy

 who's getting jumped right now for all that cannot read the first page of a book that that states the edition and publisher information, is a different one that his ego might have problems to suck up on, first.

He is the perfect average which makes him special.

This is because of the Survival of the fittest theory described by Darwin. It means that every organism has to fit into its sourroundings to survive. This also implies that an individum cannot be too much below or too much above the others or their average.
Intelligence has seven parts which are linguistic, logic, kinestetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The ability to speak, to move, to understand visual, to have rhtym, to interact and to self estimate.
A lot of other things like how to dress or how to behave derive from in them.
My theory now is that Drk Kreuter hits on all these seven parts quite evenly the average of those that transport his success, which are obviously his clients. They do not have to be jelouse, because they all find some they might be secretly better at, they don't need to have a lough or feel sorry, because he is good and all find something to look up on him or even admire, but not too much. There is nothing you can realy say against, except obviously by cracking a bad joke.

What if, this is what hinders mankind? Like we don't eat raw food anymore and are no Homo Erectus anymore. We wash ourselfs and use diplomacy .... oh...dam.