Monday 26 February 2024

TheGerman reliability problem

In the very first minutes the long beard in the Miami Vice suite asks the TheGerman Monty Pyton suite right next to the hipster beard, if he'd knew one single watchmen that has no German ltd, but is listed with all his personal finances for his companies actions....
...and I wonder which bank he's got, because all credit given by banks has in the small print bylaws, that at a certain point, usually on longer stretching credits, turns at least one of the five GmbH heads liable and puts in his personal accounts, too.
Actually, the GmbH is a fine copy of the limited, that limits financial liability for the humans and, if the company goes broke, like we know form bankers and top notch stock market listed companies, the humans still have a pension.
Also, I am sure that the beard won't help a bit with the ultra conservative German banks and their credit department, if you know what you mean.
There might be a away so. The piont is that international laws and internationaly operating companies have different sets of rules than especially local once, but you can quite possibly skip German AG banks for ever, yet might find potent international banks in e.g. Panama, Mexico, El Salvador or the Bahamas. The latter is part of the England kind of. (Note to myself: Skip travel to Bahamas for ten years, you fuck)
The way to do so is using internationaly ligitimet registrated companies in offshore places and idealy a small shop in another country to than turn all local shops into possession of that company and move the online shop away from German servers, beside creating international pages, too.
But be aware. Goolge won't tell you the .de for the Bahamas and instead thousand US registered companies that do the brain test for you and register a company without ever touching base in the online...
With the appropriate international bank you also won't have any problems with any tax office, except D.C. maybe. So, no shop in D.C. Miami is so much hotter anyway and Mexico City always the best place to be in the City Center.


PS: Yes, you can and actually have to transfer at least some of the profits to the head company. TheGerman tax office will still with all legal rights tax the profits of the local company, but cannot tax any activity of the forigne company. They also cannot tell how much money transfered back to the local company comes from profits, credits or an investor which also has impact on German taxes to be payed by the local company. The credit/tax reduction came can work. One thing is for sure, they may not ask based on international rules for a balance sheet of the top company. (and I am sure....)
Beside a local legal you might want to ask an international guy. In Germany some idot might risc a gun fight comeing after me bullshiting about this being an illicit legal advice, while internationaly, and this is the blogg, this was in no way touchable by any law as it is not direct representative advice in a court or for somone seeking trial. Check this to understand Law in real nations not build by former SS men.