Tuesday 27 February 2024

CIA Subliminal Messages

The Nazis started to deeper research in mass control and the CIA as much as the KGB hooked both up on it. Some strategies are known and become Pop coltoure icons like the big dick in Fight Club and that one girl crying whoms dad you wanna check on.
The CIA continued with psychological research and today all NATO nations have several PsyOps devisions on different services for different missions with also Police, Social Institutions and Schools.
In corporate world that is the moto in the hall way you keep walking by in a letter font and colour set that it will go straight in your subconcious.
Well, the brain has a funnel that filters all incoming information from your senses and that funnel will filter out most of the time when holding a coffee on the way back to the desk the moto, especially if someone does not feel the motos being lived in the corporation. That funnel also is responsible that we can follow a conversation in a crowded room and do ignore or all other chatting close by. 
That funnel can be trained like everyone can train to use the weaker hand or how to dance. In the end of the day training makes a master and humans are born with little genetic prerequisits compared to the need to train and what can be achieved based on just training no matter the genetic coding.
AFN in the 90ies was full of these messages and told the GIs to become Footbal and Basketball stars. The occult call that the ether and sometimes it is not a hearable sound message that can be filtered out by using an equalizer.
It is more difficult and scary.
Part of that research, and this is were the Holocaust comes into play, was about our dreams at night when we sleep. Dream world can be full of scary nightmares, also full of great pleasures and dreams and the interpretation of dreams date back about 5000 years to the Old Testament. As old is the Jewish mystic. Our dreams can be so plastic and realistic that they are like a second reality and some can see things of the real world through their dreams directly.
Today, there is no literature about dream world available that is not a pile of occultist and weirdo bullshit even so mysticism in all religions is very old and therefore has an incredible long history.
Bascially, right after the GeStaPo the CIA went on the hunt for Hebrew, Latin and Arabic mystic books teaching about dream world to even research in Gallic literature seeking for an advantage in their war for suprimacy, the only thing everyone should be able to agree that CIA, KGB and GeStaPo have defenitelly had in common.
Everybody can learn to remember past waking up the night times dream, and some use a drug cocktail to enter this dream world, that I assume is part of a 5th dimension that follows like time and space physcial laws.
Imagine you are not supposed to stare at goats to kill them, but are a highly functional addict working for the CIA in their PsyOps Devision and keep using your mind on an radio wave or MP4 stream to influence a targets thinking, like the NSA goes ballistic in surveillance technology use against the Enemy Nr 1 like in the movie and you get an idea.
In the early years of the Renessaince Gallileo Gallilei discovered that the earth spins around the sun and even calculated the earth's size correctly to enabel Christof Columbus sailing around the world. The Vatikan feard of the political implications and forbid any teaching that their holiocentric theory was incorrect, but I do not know why today the history books say that Christoph Columbus for sure must have known he is not in India nor China or Japan. He knew he discoverd a new world known from tales only.
Today our Secret Services, that are using drugs themselves, murder innocent bystanders, wrack entire nations, have to law for themselves standing above the Juridical system entirely and use unconstiutional methods to influence even their very own supposed to protect are what the politics of the Vatikca of the Renessaince had been.
The Vatikan by now rewoked its sentance against Gallileo Gallilei and gave him is deserved holy funeral in all honours of a good Kathlic.
I don't think Jew Murderer hosts will get that chance, L-Boyz & Co. We'll make sure, as we alwways did. We are Crusaders. It just never was that brutal in war...