Monday 26 February 2024

The indirect GeStaPo actions

There is a gang on trial in the Netherlands, the Kingdom on has to regularely explain that the part in the hymn means from Duitse blood, which was the founding Clan of The Netherlands, and not from German blood in fucking any respect, that is escorted to trial as it was about a para-military terrorist force with back up from Afgahnistan and the Nation awaits the reapearance of the missing Stinger Rockets.

Onbvioulsy, the Cocain Head Supply Crew is all Maroccaninan and one of their main clients Gang KingPins just made it into Parlament.

That means that one of the most liberal people, with one of the longest histories of exchange with other people world wide, that build all its wealth on trade, these days is deriving from a people that build tanks instead of farming machines, build gas factories for humans instead of trade ships, and now votes the worst of all European Bullshitters into a leading position, missing Hitler and he is all they can get.
The Netherlands woke up to buy armoured cars from the worst of all Zwangsarbeiter companies to have a shit on its history on the polls.

Does make all sense....if you are a CoceHead, right? So scary the sheep go with your lie.

#IRAmovement #endnations