Wednesday 28 February 2024

Stories falling short

 TheGermans say that a woman that understands there was a Trojan on her desktop did open a link in an email that would install that Trojan. Obviously, than the Hackers aquire Admin rights on all desktops.
That's propaganda.
But how could that be done?
In this scenario the Russians don't touch base and turn Hollywood like into super spy cleaners with USB sticks. They use a desk in Moskow.
The problem with the link is that all browsers limit the auto execute function and that installation of any software needs at least another click to confirm the installation process. 
Than, the computers of the FRG are locked up and checked by industry standards. That means that all desktops will have standard anti-virus and firewall systems installed. That there is most likely an option of remote access by IT security and when the computer is set up also a scanning routine will be set. In some paranoid cases all internet access is blocked straight along with USB and SD ports. You have keyboard and only the software that is on the computer beside one open port that connects for updates with a fixed IP address.
Actually, computer networks even in the size of hundreds or thousands computers can be pretty save. There are industry standard protocols to set up computers for each position in the hirarchy. You can't realy Google them, but its a mixture of Good Practices and DIN certification rules for IT security analysts that create lists of security levels and staff that maintain them.
Every IT student that gets into IT security knows about the engeneer that used his mobile phone on the desk top computer and created a bypass that was used to hack the system all save behind a company wide firewall and the localy installed anti-virus software found the known trojan horse after the consultants billed the happy client.

This is because hacking started in the very early days of the internet and until today the biggest threat to IT systems are competetive nerds looking for a challange and not other Secret Services looking for hole and mistake in the system instead of creating something.

A Secret Service, if he just was hiring sober staff, needs to first understand for what reason they want to hack the German Parliamant. For the sacke of it or what do you actually want to know, because there is a good chance that the IT resources are bettter placed on something realy important that they don't already know.
Meaning, what possibly would any Parlamentarian send by an email within that shark pool of scandal rats to another.....

There are other systems that are more important. When the news say that a lab created a Virus that kills mice instantly and the public hearing of a CIA freak of a white guy suggests they were builidng a biological weapon by having no explination why anyone would kick of Gain of Function research in the heart of Chinese industrial production than BRISC wants to know how many labs there are, to what kind of Gain of Function experiments capable and in which places they are located.
Just the last thing you need to do as the FSB is to attack the U.S. ministries computer network. What you want to do, is to understand what tools, equipment and facilities are needed by which level of school education and create a list of potential companies that are ready to do, can be ready to do or can be created to do such research.
And than check them on having ligit web sites looking for real clients, employees with flights into weired areas such as Washington DC or Munich regularerly, Facebook accounts that show them with known CIA agents or none at all, but some time in the luxerious spots of the world, and than have a look by satellite, telephone surveillance to finally check up with real humans, most likely with guns and a badge.
Just a lot of effort in the most paranoid part of society to begin with first. 

PS: In 21:46 they suggest that the hackers were caught because the software the Russians wrote would not know the German ü sign. Well, so does their kyrillic or US english keyboard used writing software in C which is why they would have used the alt code for ü embeded using <> and coded by number 0252 into the software, otherwise you check which Moskow IT shop sells German keyboards and just exchange them with French at customs and they are out of bizz....dudinas???

And you don't get what I am saying. I did not say it did not happen. Does anyone remember the search for the white car that left a mark on Lady Di's Mercedes? What would happen, if the media stats the Secretary of Angela Merkel opened the Cat Pic attachement .exe I love you....

Lieing so, does not help. You make it worse. Every fucking single time. Grow some balls. I can stop a nuclear war, but not your neighbour walking over to you with a pann to smash your head, because.....the world gone nuts by an evoltionary jump against those that build the arsenal.

And finally 01:22:00 Testing if they can slow down trains. I wonder, if they are smart enough to attack the electric grid to take off power, lowering the speed indirectly that way, but by God creating chaos in the time table, while deraling trains will cost innocents lifes granted, not just nerves of the impatient.