Monday 26 February 2024

Sinaloa Kartell changes in leadership

 Turns out the women take over. The speaker calls it a miracle that the potential new femal boss is still out of prison. Obviously, the media and journalists do speak about their supply line as the other service likes it and that without emailing a script. The DEA fights, the CIA supports, like in the Good Cop, Bad Cop scenario.
Having already killed several high ranking Sinaloa bosses and some of their relatives, the CIA has quite some leverage on the women with even more a main head in a prison cell of their own. The CIA also runs Guntanamo and the prisions in wich Epstein died, just not officially. That would be the FBI, founded by an Antisemitc Hitler looving Cocain Head called by a dam and vaccum cleaner...
Cocain is a lifestyle, like being a boss that works 24 hours and his staff creates the output, but he gets a spot on the Forbes list. They strongly believe that Cocain makes them strong and no hard training, mental practice and studying by reading books can challange the might of any organisitaion that receives for their agents and officers induastrial level drugs called medication.
It does not matter, if it sais Pfzer or Rolex on the pack of Cocain, you idiots, or if it comes in bricks or capsules, you still become junkie bitches to a delusional selfreflection inflicted by a hard nerve toxin, while weed makes you feel more and practice creates Masters.
We will win that War on Drugs, no matter how many of us will die in this phase in which we will challenge the current order of us have nots, but have all duties, work and pain, against the have all, no matter their moral, character, ability and capability, despite responsibility.
You managed to have nature turn against you. Alpha wave of Covid was pure murder through your prison gangs being willing helpers to ensure your steady supply sline. The Ukraine war is a graveyard for your warriors and I am sure Germany will turn into chaos, if Sinalo, MS13 and Barrios do not run against our American borrows, but feast among the weakest yet richest link in all post Nazi syndicates.

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