The Holy Land is again a prime excample. Nutraly describing the situation is the problem in Isreal and Palestine since the end of WW2 inequality in every aspect of life for all humans living in the region.
Some are very rich and others are very poor. Some are very priviliged and can avoid prosecution for any or most crimes they were accused of and others suffer from surpression. Some can travell internatioanly others are stuck in one place. There is no clear easy line that will not be unfair quickly when getting into detail.
In this area the situation is most extreme. Hamas never was able in any way to put the Gaza Strip onto an economic solid bases and Isreal faces a brutal form of small arm conflict. Each is in return to the other. Not everyone in Gaza is fighting and not everyone with an Israli passport is joining the IDF.
Here in Europe the difference is not that big. There is no camp like area with a big fence around or any area under constant threat of extreme violance.
But, never the less, is our system highly corrupt and has priviliged enteties. The fact that Bavarian Police uses violance against citizens without prosecution is a known fact. Cokain or Exstacy users are less punished than Cannabis smokers. Getting legel advice is almost impossible for low income households.
Port that to here.
One thing is for sure. Euope will see more violance especially between those parties that cannot negotiate anymore and want to see death on the other side.
So, how do you like my jokes and aquisations about a virtual KZ system from an organisation build by SS men after 45, BKA? And how do you estimate your survival chances?
#provos #totalwar