Saturday, 18 May 2024

Darkness for All - A not that far EU future

Finally, everyone and even the media realised that not Russia was under sanctions, but that The West isolated itself. First the USA became a stronger trade partner than China and now there is no trade with China anymore at all. Taiwan is still delivering electronic components, but especially EU products are stock piled in warehouses and find no buyer abrought and at home.
Unemployment risis and only the nations and tiny business still provide work. Deindustrialisation as in the south of Italy and Greece hit the industrial core of The West.
The synthetic drug waves did not stop, but got every bigger with ever lower prices and ever stronger substances. In some areas all shops had to close down.
Police started to shoot at both mass protests and small criminals.
The stock markets make billions in waves crashing through the markets. One day a central Paris, with all its closed shops, but at least few junkies, house was worth a tenth than before the Corona Crisis triggering the economic desaster and some unknown French company almost as much worth as Microsoft was before the crisis, but only for a few days. Speculation was exchanged by gambling called price manipulations.
No one needs to pay any parking fine anymore, most is cash only business, banks are not secure anymore except those directly connected to the big stock market speculants and Police is either not arround or to weak to enforce anything.
The best product to be sold are cheap reliable guns and ammo. Junkies won't buy, still too expensive, gangs won't buy, still too proud, but every rightous citizen want's one for his daughter, son and himself.

Factually, Europe is off rule from any national institution. If we just kill enough of those from the past....
2030.01.01 Happy New Year. Maybe I survive another one. Antwerps.