Friday 21 October 2022

Major Comments - Colion Noir - Armed Jewelry Store Owner

J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 1 second ago

It is comon practice in western nations to limit constitutional rights by laws, even so it sais in most interpretations of law, that constitutional rights are further explained by laws. The problem is that most constituions were put in place during the birth of what was a republic and those turned over sometimes several hundred years into a nation.

Republic means back to the people and referes to the power given back from aristocratic rule to the people, while nations are today as a matter of fact, a state system in which the people have to share the power with companies, fraternities and unfortunatelly a political clique, which are several stakeholders of the state. Last time this was the case it was lords, clerics and cititzens. 

Trump was voted against and not for, which is a national phenomena in opposite of the ideals of a republic. Every constitution declares rights FOR the people and the laws that further detail such are always against certain possible actions and consequences deriving from them.

Which is the actual root conflict on all problems in all western societies from 2nd to copy rights. 

A tomahawk was mightier than a gun and today the nations intends to limit use of military grade weapons to the military. We have a right to express ourselfs but copy rights can be arranged in contracts to be owned by others including their profits.

Than, there is always and ever another strategy. DON'T GET CAUGHT.


PS: Robin Hood did kill the Sheriff. Zoro found is love and the Punisher took em for all!