Friday 23 October 2020

MEMES - Cyberpunk Music, ha?

Cyberpunk Music, ha?

I am living in Germany. It helps me to not to freak out, constantly. The Cyberpunk tunes, obviously....

Crazy tunes, vibes, spirits dancing in my mind until I find a place I belong to and my soul calms. This here was a nuclear bomb drop zone and I catched that dam thing. At least in that all repeating day dream I never actually have.

Civil war areas and even those run down neighbourhoods all around the world are a quite straight forward with threats all visible and a clear enemy all around.

Here, they are so hidden and under the surface covered up that everyone will tell you it is just all in your mind and ill imagination. So they will. Highest suicide rate, highest rate of ADHDS diagnoses among children and no way to fit in except you fit in to begin with.

Crazy Cyberpunk Music Loop Tunes make it bearable - just that needed bit, so.