Wednesday 20 January 2021

Cyberpunk Music Tracks Volume I



This is because of

born into the 51st states

If Terminator Chase on this Album is scary than Chase Terminator will be "the most difficult thing to listen too" for sure, on the 2nd Volume of that triology that will stay a triology, caus I am in charge of it, while all my pop cultoure heros and utopias are exploitet by that enemy that created the 51st states creating crazy me...

Mental disorder is a state of mind that is chaotic per the definiton of disorder. If that disorder is understood than this state is per definition of the word chaos no chaotic disorder anmore. Remember that you shell not give false witness to your neighbour, when considering to tell this your doc....and keep arguing about the meaning of that, but first with youreself and maybe not with the doc, who is in charge of your daily prescription drug dose, before you made friends with your monkey mind, so you don't have to give false statement.

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