Wednesday 17 March 2021

Eristic Dialectic and the beginning of a Dark Future

Arthur Schopenhauer put out in 1830 an essay titled the art of being right and set seed of all anti-social dark future utopias and tragically also realities from back than on.

Basically, he describes and gives a rule book on how to kill someone arguing based on logic and honorable good will, by all means, legal or forbidden, honorable or just mean.

That way of never backing down or just pretending to retreat, instead regrouping behind a trap, of not accepting defeat but preparing for another hit just with different weapons and tactics, of winning no matter how or never loosing, but learning a lession only in a verbal arguement was turned just a hundred years later by military warfare and civil surpression into history today known as total war and nazi fashism, of an order is an order and Ausschwitz.

They lost without leaving anyone being victorious. Nothing and no place on earth got back to before and Second World War reshaped mankind like no other conflict ever.

The idea and strategy to get what desired by any means no matter what is still around as a widely accepted way. Even the CIA supposed to protect the free world, proudly mentions its "clandestine" and "disguise" departments turning commando operations into killing squad operations and betrayale into standard procedures, instead of being ashamed.

The dark future sci-fi genre is a warning anti-human utopia of what the contemporary could turn into and a blue print for others.

When listening to other Cyberpunk musicians I feel that I have not found another musician that shares my style. All appear to be pretty much stuck in a rather narrow band of rythm, melody and drum use.

I wonder if they see that dark future utopia as a desirable place to be, creating music as that soundtrack, yet not understanding that the Punk in Cyberpunk is a rebell, that a Punk is opposing the establishement which are in the dark future utopia nations and corporations using Shopenhauers basic ideas as first choice against everyone, leaving only the shadows up for those that choose to be different. A world of constant disguise and clandestine opperations by small squads to reach any economical goal or gain power. 

May my tunes be rocking the resistance forces in that parallel universe of cyperbunk shadowrunners sticking together already.