Wednesday 7 April 2021

Becoming civilized humans

Somewhere I heard a quote on Youtube that adopting the Wolf, turning the Wolf into the Dog that way, is what truly civilized humans and I immediatelly thought that this was because we then learned to take care of another creature.

In a dysantrop Cyberpunk society that is lost. Allmost all systems and societies based on anti-social behaviour are homogenous per nature. Most Rocker and Street Gangs in the U.S. are devided based on the American race theorie, also contemporary Mafia organizations are Clan or Family based and no exeption to this are the Columbian Cartells that only excepeted fellow Columbians further up their rows.

The U.S. society is a good example for my point here. While in the army, where no one is left behind, "race" does not matter and racism is alianeted, within prison gangs, which are the most dominant dysantrop shadow organiszations of society today, "race" is the very base of memebership selection.

Modern pop culture, which is in its management and artists level, strongly connected to those shadows due to the strong and abusive drug consumption, encourages this segregration by deviding into "Black" or "Latino" coltour, by constantly show casing or promoting exceptions to their stereotypes like Rap is Black, so that that one blond Rapper is extremely exceptional, but based on his hair colour instead of his ability or this joke is racist except told by someone from the appropriate "race" and finally by taking over insults to turn them into a synonym of a compagnion, yet keeping its racist character by limiting the use exclusively to a group again based on the very "race" theory that created this word as an insult in the beginning.

While most do that to point out disadvantages of major parts of society, to fight racism and to continue the fight for empowering the most fundamental and important values of the U.S. constitution for all equaly, there is from my Cyberpunk artist perspective always the threat of missing the actual goal and shooting straight into the opposite way like throwing a Boomerang, which is an Aburginal hunting weapon designed to come back when missing the pray.

Some, and those are the dangerous persons to every human society, that missed explaining what a Boomerang will do when missing the actual target, are activly pushing to focus on the differences to blindside for the common ground. 

Those few most dangerous to our fragile freedom and security are those that profit from seperation and segregation, that need a constant hard drug supply, that devide and rule by fear, anger and hate, that dream of a society on the constant path down into a dark future, just for the constant thrill of the moment.

Taking care thousends of years ago when we took the Wolf into our caves was feeding him, partnering on the hunt with them and sharing a dry and warm place to sleep, rest and play, turning them into an important part of the group and society.

Today "taking care of a Wolf " is as much more advanced and abstract as our society evolved further. 

Just sparing bad mouthing about a freak like me to your company, having a drink in the same bar, sitting in any car the other lane next by or just walking by your favorite CafĂ© would be enough contemporary "taking care of a Wolf" for me and me alike. 

Are you a Cyberpunk? Did you come to resist?