Sunday 18 April 2021

The beginnings of Dark Futures

Throughout history dysantrop societies existed, but fortunately not everywhere. The Roman empire was based on slavery and exploiting other people, but limited to Europe and the Mediterranean coast lines.

In the Mid-Ages, before the Renaissance, feudalism and an aristocracy considering its people their property instead of their legacy created what is today known as the dark mid ages.

In modern times the creation of nations and failing to stop their tendency towards fashism along with capitalism and communism swinging to their extremes make ground for the todays beginnings.

These times all have in common that their system that defined them turned against the humans it was supposed to serve.

Off civilized and organised nations it is clan or tribe structures that either serve its humans with a mixture of a communist style of sharing goods, socialist responsibility towards others and a capitalist way of honouring individual efficiency or they turn into Mafia or Taliban like abusive structures suppressing by valuing one family over others.

Like a pendulum our societies kept swinging from one side to another and will most likely continue for some time.

To me it appears that we reached a plateau in our development as humans and nature does not like it. Corona might be more than just another epidemic after HIV or Cholera and a warning shot that the way we use our technological advances to move and connect, to build and create, to have joy and fun became hostile to the overall ecologic system we live in: Planet Earth.

Venice got down onto its knees having an overload of tourism, yet more and more came instead of heading somewhere else and only a Virus turned the lagunes clean again.

World wide pollution due to mobility based on fossil fuels is a known and scientificaly proofen threat to this planet's ecosystem since the 80ies, yet we keep going for war to ensure our mineral oil and gas supply and only an epidemic grounded planes and cut down daily traffic to and for work that is so much not required in the digital age.

Most of our markets turned into oligopolies and the customer cannot choose anymore except between sub-brands of a few enterprises.

Ignoring all of that is the easiest way to make your day in peace, while speaking out loud will turn you ultimately into a target of the media, politics and possible worse - your privacy will be gone for sure. "How dare you?"

Short term profit and goals are too tempting to resist and rewarding in our financal sytem while long term saving and investment is good and excepted only on these sweet, nice social media posts called memes.

Everybody says, but does different.

Face over soul.

So face your soul ...  and be a Cyberpunk