Wednesday 23 June 2021

Goals not reachable

Climate goals are defined, but not manageable.

There is a potential for a devastating Virus pandemic and we did not prepare.

The Nazis openly hated the Jews and than there was Auschwitz.

Climate goals are defined and the consequences are known.

History repeats in Shades of Grey

What can I do? Nothing, so I keep doing what I do.

It could be worse, so don’t worry and it will be worse.

God gave us a free will and created good and bad in this world. We can with each decision made at least choose between good and bad.

For most this is not getting beyond helping or ignoring, for soldiers in Afghanistan it might become soon facing Taliban troops dying and saving the platoon or running and killing the platoon.

The Taliban today have been called Mujahedin in the past and fought the Red Army supported by NATO secret services financing their war by Heroin production.

So, if you continue talking those opioids from the doctor or your street dealer and instead of going with chicken soup, a bath tube, a basket to vomit and lots of warm blankets through the cold turkey you will take part in the decision of the soldier over there as much as everyone looking away if a gang sells gear or a doc easily gives out prescriptions, right up to the CIA causing an amnesty for SS memembers after WW2 or loosing control of the Mudjahedin turning Al-Quida, ISIS and Taliban.


Welcome to your real part of your Cyberpunk world you do.