Sunday 25 July 2021

MEMES - It's a gun world

I love martial arts, beside the pleasure of taking down a bully martial arts require physical abilities from body control to strength and endurance. A runners high is almost as good as a climax and I go for body juices circulation over any drug every time.

Just, the last resort of martial arts masters is Hollywood. The choreography that Hollywood comes up with are way beyond pretty much all coaches out there and some arts are lost completely.

Fencing only exists in the line strip based sports version and military fencing is gone.

Weekend seminars are a source of income and base for fools creating dangerous overestimated egos for even bigger fools. 

Dojo's ... see my soul bleeding in tears.

YouTube is all over filled up with pretty low level instructors that teach even worse students for reasons out of my intellectually capabilities mainly how to get beaten up next time even worse when that speed or koke head in full anger comes crashing down again.

Training martial arts needs to start early in live. It starts with learning body control by playing, goes next level by practicing sports that require endurance and strength and than as soon those pushes from puberty are managed it goes towards the martial part of the art.

In martial arts aggression needs to be controlled, instead on most levels of martial art competitions avoiding hits appears to be outdated and was exchanged by letting aggression go off. 

Mike Tyson is today known as the most aggressive of all boxers without stating that he was able to control his aggression and strength into precise devastating impact hits turning him into the most offense boxer of all time. He is on the same skill level as Muhammed Ali just on the other side of the measuring tape qualifying offense to defensive boxing styles. These are the creme of the elite. They are all from underprivileged back grounds, but eager and willing to take part in the entertainment industry known as pro-sports.

There are many men in the U.S. that well can play Basketball on NBA level, that could compete on all skill levels with even Michael Jordan, but that do not fit neither intend to become part of the NBA circus and instead are better of admiring our superstars. 
Lions might be stronger than Wolfs, but Wolfs don't perform in an arena. They can't per definition, because they'd turn dogs, if they would.

I know that there are many Wolfs out there, practicing martial arts having started shortly after they got beaten up first time as a small child and kept going. Humans that know that power is nothing without control and what a precise hit at the sola plexus will do. That are not looking like Lions for the shiny side and spotlight, but for a feast in a rat nest. That know that it was the shepherds dog usually killing sheep leaving them behind on display, not the Wolf, and that Wolfs keep hiding and striding in a Lions world.

Controlling a gun needs way more skills than most gangstas believe and body control is the bases for all movements. From running and hiding, standing your ground to firing live rounds.

Wolfs will bring a knife to a gun fight, if the knife is at least legal, but won't fight fair, but take that gun you brought, but will hit way of the arena, but go against the Shepard after having a bite of you in the shadows, dog, while the Sheep admire the Lions in the spotlight being distracted.

It's becoming more and more a Cyberpunk world pushed by a Virus.

Let's light a candle and pray, there is nothing more to do today.