Sunday 11 July 2021

Treating Corona like the flue on national level

So, society is sick of Corona, while I have a great time. I keep my music, my art uncommented by fake friends and nobody forces me out drinking into bad bars and clubs. Corona is easy to deal with: Stay the fuck at home off company.

Not so the loud with media reach in our society. They wanna party hard again, show off their latest fashion items and new car keys waving that watch while gossiping and when I manged to get drunk enough to have an excuse for heading home they make jokes, I guess, about me strawling along outside. If I drink enough on Friday I can scrap Sat without a major discussion. Hangover the male Migrane.

Just, Corona is a serious threat to all cocain heads and constant doctor's patients for career reasons or just because everybody does. They might die, being a high risk group. 

Corona is further mutating and that it turns into a flue, just a flue is based on hope. The Spanish flu was a mutation of the flue and not the root of the flu cycling every year around. I have the perfect excuse to stay home for about two weeks, not insisting on antibiotics at the doc, and I missed the flue shot being too busy at work, while others help creating them a immune system issue based on anti-biotic overdoses treated by higher dosises while I like being lazy.

Because of ignoring Bill Gates, and that must hurt most, nobody knows how this will further develop. Knowing as in based on scientific research, like data analytics and lab tests or computer models.

Worst case: It turns more infectious and more lethal. It kills about 50 to 80% off the western population within one or two decades creating turmoil like the Pest. It is the Virus of Shadowrun coming true. 

That is the fascinating part on Dark Future. It is as close as it gets at reality dealing with the worst case scenario.

The problem is that due to missing scientific research there is pretty much no way to realistically evaluate and estimate the likelyhood of any - any - scenario. It well might turn just the flue. too. Which would be the most optimistic scenario, in which humanity turns immune by building up anti-bodies from the bodies own immune system.

So, we are in one extrem way stronger as humans or in the other in a Mad Max world. 

Cyberpunk as in Shadowrun was based on a population explosion and a Virus that had humans mutate into different races along with extreme advances in electronics and magic becoming real, beside dragons awakening. 

Dam....I    won't   became   a   Street Samurai   either  way....OMG!!!