Thursday 8 July 2021

MEMES - Us Dark Future lovers

Dark Futures scare the shit out of me, but in a weired way. Under threat people either freeze, run or attack. If I see signs of Dark Future Cyperpunk I am in all attack mode dry ice cold full up for conflict and yes I will back down, retreat, if I can get a kill that way.

In a Dark Future world honor is gone and glory was raped in the process to get there.

There is no way I would want to live a Street Samurai life knowing that I certainly won't be a Con Men in a sute enslaved by a credit line in a shitty job, because - I am somehow quite convinced that I would make it, in opposite to gangsters from this real world order, carrying full automatic weapons to use them, playing hide and seek to kill to survive instead of endless stupid discussions with established authorities to get what I might neither need nor want, if I was a Cyberpunk in a Dark Future.

Those that secretly dream of a Dark Future world coming true, todays gang lords and Kokain heads have in no way a mind and understanding clear enough to estimate how life would be, if our shitty, but kinda save and stable society based on lies, naivity and ignorance would go to hell.

In all armed conflicts from regular wars to rebellions the sober have best survival chances and today all criminals base their power on ignoring order and drug use. I may carry no arm which puts a criminal in an advantage. I may not bully anyone, which puts the bully in advantage. I have to argue in a world in which anyone may just ignore reason, logic and any argument, if it pleases him based on his position relative to mine.

In a dark future I just will use violance anytime I do. Cold blooded violance giving a shit about status, income or looks, because everybody does, because order is gone and there is no law in place anymore, because the world turned into a jungle in which everyone kills to eat or hides if they are no more than prey.

I only had to estimate my survival chances, check the known knowns, consider the possible options hidden as known unknowns, calculate several options of likleyhood of what is an unknown unknown and give it a full automatic spiced up full metal jacket hollow point well aimed go in cold blood...hitting straight through your cover in belt fed blasts. 

I have two souls in my chest a philosopher once started. Like a good knight prevers to be in a garden, knowing that it is better to be a knight in a garden than a gardener in a war, yet all his training, all his cells call for action, because we inherited sinn and we have to control our sinnfullness, so it is the garden to be.

Give me a good reason and I start a war.

Take my intellectual property, steel my food, have a walk through my flat in my absence, send me a subliminal message, chat behind my back, just fucking disrespect me just once and in a dark future being real - I kill you, your friends, any every business associate that ever collaborated with you to take your ammo, money, cloths, home, bitches and mistresses and no Police force, Judge, Secret Service would be there to do anything against it.

Mmhhhh......Sten Gun build?

Let's watch Pornhub instead.