Monday 16 August 2021


Ancient Rome was referred to in all and every single of my school books as a civilisation while the people in the woodlands east and north of the Roman Empire were called primitive tribes.

Civilization is defined as the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.

Rome conquered to enslave. Rome tortured to death by crucification. Roman Emperors were killed by their sons. Roman Emperors burned down their own capital. Romans watched for fun enslaved humans kill each other. Romans watched defenseless humans get killed and eaten by captured starving animals, for fun.  

In Germany they still teach the language of that one of the worst three Empires that ruled earth right next to the Nazi and Mayans and even require it for some university degrees.

I understand why Germany, that was build up in major parts by war criminals and collaborators of the very worst Empire ever, glorify an Empire that lasted the 1000 years they wished for their Reich. 

The dominance of considering the Roman Empire civilized in also the English dominated internet is scary, so. Especially that those people that resisted successfully being overthrown and enslaved are not even granted people level, but are referred to as tribes frequently, called wild and less advanced in architecture and technology than the Romans.

Which is wrong. 

The Romans never had iron, but used brass only. In many areas of Terra Incognita brown, black coal and iron mines existed. These "tribes" using superior combat tactics and weapons based on more advanced iron smith technology finally took down slavery based Rome and freed the occupied territories.

These people living in ancient highlands and woodlands created few towns and mostly villages. The overall population on the entire earth was estimated to be only about 300 Million at about year 0 according to wikipedia.

Rome had at it's most likely darkest time called "peak" around a million habitants and was a parasite to all its surroundings due to the lack off technology. Even today towns like Mexico City have trouble with using too many resources and drying out the surrounding rural farmland areas. 

It did not make any sense, it was not helpful at all, it was not useful for a free society to create huge towns that required to cut down large areas of forest, that would create massive waste management and clean water supply problems.

A society that takes slaves will not live in harmony with the given natural resources and create intrigue and finally murder. So did Rome.

The Cyberpunk utopias all describe living in a post credit line empire of anarchy in lost territories or as slaves as ConMen. If the Punks fail in that dark future cyberworld, Mad Max like renegades will collect the remainings in a dying mankind. 

"Let's check those dinosaurs in the Zoo?" "Dad, there are none! What is that pouder good for?"