Tuesday 10 August 2021

Corruption and the Kartells - Mexico on legal Weed


Mexico's Supreme Court ruled already back in June this year that the laws against Cannabis use are against the constitution, yet the state misses out on correcting their wrong doings quickly continuing delays since in 2017 medical use already was legalized.

The most annoying thing back in the days when I was smoking pot was buying from the chemical department of the industry. Low quality, expensive and constant attempts to have me buy really unhealthy stuff.

The change in strategy to divide the industry into legal and illegal and therefore protect the good from the toxics comes quite late and shows that the Kartells don't need to pay off anymore the greedy within society. They rule.
They rule so big time, that it will be them to open up the Coffee Shops, that it will be them to run the Cannabis channel of the drug industry, that the greedy now try to cut down against the Kartells out of self-defence rather than attitude.

The world works in a strange way, because Gods ways are mysterious. It will help everyone so. The good can bypass the toxic and buy over score, the Kartells will get the sweet and most addictive taste of legal cash, the greedy can save their positions for a bit longer and Texans will cross the border.

Europe is far off this position in time and especially Germany, actually most restrictive against pot, needs to be cut further down by Kartells until they do the necessary over their ideology. For change Kartells will have to take over more directly all channels of the drug industry creating more mayhem and real devastation on Europe's streets to have the corrupt stop using their media outlets to pass fails propaganda on steroid junkies that hardly can ride their bikes and very low IQ kids lacking any aiming skill, as the real dangerous. As when I was a teenager the ignorant believed the nuclear power plant being the bigger threat over orders to have the 20.000 soldiers up the mountain march east triggering some of the approx. 30.000 Russian nuclear warheads being lunched, as the same now rich belief that their soon to come battery run cars will do any good in factual slave run African cobalt mines and against climat change based on calculations with average 18 years usage life span on cars, they consider cancer candidate Rocker Gangs and media active Mafia organisations of disabled stupids a threat bigger than what developed in Mexico, Afghanistan, the Columbian and Peru's jungle, Pakistan, that get's driven out of Brazil's Favelas right now and is on the jump south of the Sahara to come after your jacket by force instead of bad gear. 
If these new kolonies of the western junky society free themselves the expedition and collaborator forces will come back for bad and even worse having lost their territories, but not their ill attitude. 

Trust me: when the deamons you called walk back upon to you, the wind you caused turns storm, the seed you placed turns that poison plant, I'll be gone, like the GIs, to never come back except for overkill with nuclear impact when you are on the ground in blood.