Sunday 26 September 2021

Evolution interacting

Biological evolution is based on mutations. Biologic organisms change, which is called mutation, and those fittest will not only survive but thrive. Humans are a mutation of apes that further evolved into today's only race, the homo sapiens.

We are growing based on a blue print called DNA and in opposite to other strategies we are born with little capability and instead learn, therefore it takes sometimes up to even three decades, about a quarter of our live span, until we move out from our close family, the human nest, and possibly come back in the last quarter to again enjoy the protection.

This DNA string is rather simple, but creates a quite complex body that has also a mind and character. 
Most likely that DNA string created by a sperm and egg cell fusion and mutation further changes what it builds in case of the human developing by growing and learning. It is interactive and not a blue print from e.g. an architectural building. That means, if this statement is true, that in an equal series of cloned DNA strings, the developing and growing organism will be different when growing up in different environments of a period of time. 

Twins from an orphanage that got separated early and put into different social groups will turn out different in physic and mental state the longer they are separated. 

I keep wondering, if Corona is natures way to change humans, because even the biggest ignorant fool must understand that we have managed to turn alien towards the us surrounding planet we live in. 

Based on that thought I further wonder if beside learning, humans might develop based on an interaction of viruses and substances, basically the way of living our lifes. Most diseases are not lethal, but make the body create anti-bodies considered to strengthen the human immune system that is next to our intelligence the foundation of surviving and striving, while using toxic substances like illegal drugs harms and shortens live span. 

Corona might be just that. Another flue that has the fit become fitter by strengthening the immune system and taking out the unfit that lived on drugs illegal or prescription.

I am not a biochemist and do not in detail understand how the Corona Virus interacts with the ACE2 receptor and the system that controls e.g. blood pressure the receptor is connected to. But so also Biochemists and Virologists do not. They just started research and the internet gets more more content as research progresses. 
In the latest mutations of the Corona virus I read that the virus started to have parts of its own DNA, that will interact with the infected body, changing parts responsible for tissue generation and repair. Biologic mutation makes the fit live longer. We live longer on a basic level, if we improve our bodies capability of cell regeneration so wounds heal quicker, we longer stay young and start aging later.

Nature already managed to slow our toxic fossil based mobility down turning as a most prominent exemple Venice blue again, while those frequenting the worst of our spots to socially interact, public parties based on drug and alcohol consumption that have every weekend sky rock police reports, into virus spread hot spots. 

In the dark future utopies there is only one Virus that creates meta-humans and leads to another time of war between normal humans and meta-humans pushing the world into a world of shadow running cyberpunks.

To connect the dots here: I wondered when cooking coffee before starting this blog post, if in the future nature tries to have us as humans develop based on very simple DNA that is quite exchangeable between all humans and instead keeps pushing individual development onto an interaction of Viruses and substance use. 

You become what you fetch and score, instead you are what you eat and do?

There is already a Malaria Virus mutation in Uganda that turned resistant against drug treatment....