Thursday 9 September 2021

Narco business distribution lines reorganisation

 Where would you go if your main distribution partner of your main quite illegal product goes in, in this world and a Cyberpunk shadow world?

Well, it needs a place that is nice and comfortable to keep affairs soft and easy having the appropriate luxurious vacation style atmosphere to meet potential new partners that have touch to the client base and are horizontally integrated in the targeted market by ideally a vertical existing and well established integration, too. Cancun and every larger than life stupid rich show off

You gotta do that shit yourself in the sprawls after the downfall, because they are in constant chaos and struggle pulled and pushed between the absence of national order, but MegCon greed interest, gangs moving, locals defending and runners up for contract cash. Your partner today will strip you tomorrow in a world that keeps spinning warp speed in the shadows of the drug tested, credit line enslaved humans tiyed in suites. Narco Army Security Commandos deep in the sprawls securing deep dark web arranged meetings with all in arms independent gangs running clubs, score houses, street sale drive through spots under the constant threat of runner hits hired by any form of competition after the downfall feeling the impact.

Today the deal is to trick the average Joes in uniform believing in their job on the hunt against substances that are asked for by many, that create high profit and will kill in the long run by abusing holes and mistakes in the system that encourages greed and conflict, by partnering with all those that successfully manage to live in between all other Joes, but promoting the same livestyle and spirit of decadence and hedonism as the producer. Playa ou Plombo.  

Hedonism is what will kill in a cyberpunk world, but also drives the adrenalin junkies into the shadows of the sprawl where a life ain't worth a lot, but will create retaliating fire up to bloodshed revenge, if taken without proper preparation and safety ensured. "Do you know who this is?" over "Do you know who I am?", because there is no order to be called and only order to be enforced by each one autonomously. Shoot and there is no need for questions.

Actually, I am pretty sure that the profit margin for most products traded in the narco business would tremendously drop if this world would go Cyberpunk considering that all and every creep would be in full arms everywhere off the shiny light, keeping only those in for the fun and sake of it....