Wednesday 15 December 2021

A Dollar for a Bang or A Bang for a Dollar

The West reached its limits of real growth hitting structural problems in grid lock. Wall Street investment is either about the bang of a Dollar or betting.

Crypto Currencies that don't buy anything and are ultimately purely virtual, promisse soon again high short term profits, like a Crack pipe.

Trying to find a place where a Dollar can move into real value is gone. The next big idea is another 3-D environment and it might turn out a success this time. Just, all will be the same. The meetings and the work done, just wearing 3-D glasses. No change like from a candle to a light bulb, from an ox or horse pulling the wagon to a station wagon running on an engine being auto mobile is anywhere close.

All innovations that industrialisation gave birth to, including full automatic weapons, were done by single minds that connected dots from different fields of expertise in a creative manner creating something new. 

We need major social changes in human behaviour and society to manage reaching the next step in social evolution, that is those team work memes on LinkedIn, become actual reality, turning teams into collaboratively innovating incubators based on equals with different backgrounds accomplishing each other. In pluribus unum on team level, instead prior ante paris or even worse working donkey pretending being stupid among rats to keep paying bills for shit e.g. Calvin Klein promotes.

And that won't happen anytime soon.

The only places where a Dollar still can create a Bang is all around the New Silk Road project pushed by the Chinese government, being aware that the west soon will stop buying their factory goods, because we either go broke or basically already have two big TVs and three of all other stuff around, while on the land connection from China crossing the Caspian Sea to the poor south east of Europe markets are still in need.

Africa is where the Bang creates a Dollar and for most no place to invest, being scared of the new Wild Wild West and hesitating to use hired guns taking bounty money where nation is an idea of the northern hemisphere or the rich world for the time being, to secure and protect every Dollar invested.