Thursday 2 December 2021

Another plague

Caution Advised. The link may cause disgust. 

This blogg is a Cyberpunk blogg. I am looking at this real world from a Cyberpunk perspective to indirectly promote the Cyberpunk Music I am trying to make a living by and that is inspired by Pen and Paper Table Top games like Shadowrun rather than quite lousy computer games that might turn out to be fine open world shoot em ups, but miss the actual thrill of their base.

The Dark Future Utopia of the Shadowrun game describes a fallen society that after major technological advanced in 2050 turns dystopian due to major biological and meta-physical changes in mankind. Meta-Physics is the not scientific part of science dealing with all those phenomena's that are either fake or cannot be explained and are on the rather scary side of this world. Basically, it is a Sci-Fi world closer than Star Treck and Star Wars in which magic is as real as Meta-Human races like Orks and Dwarf living next, with and against the Matrix and human brains connecting directly with computers. It is pretty much the MMA of the Fantasy and Sci-Fi Genre.

In the past of mankind our society never fell as bad as during the time of the black death, the pest, that wiped up to 80% of mankind away. Shadowrun takes a different approach. Population explodes, but along with dark mid age like Viruses and wars. 

A good adventure is close to reality, like the best stories are written by reality instead of fiction writers.

Sometimes this perspective is only for those with a strong stomach especially considering that we do have a new Virus around that is already more infectious than the Spanish Flue, yet to meet Pest levels, but the Pest in the Mid-Ages came along with rat mass populations, when today Australia was one of the worst hit nations, but in towns while on the country side mice turn an epidemic of its own: