Saturday 4 December 2021

Computing ...

I kept the so important part of Cyberpunk rather off this blogg. My bad!

Today understood as malicious actions against digital infrastructure, it actually derives from hacking with fingers on a keyboard of a computer creating something digital. 

Starting hacking is today quite difficult. There are millions of books from cheap to way out of range on as many computing topics, computer languages for almost as many different computers out and being a gamepad master does not help at all.

Digital processing, aka computing, as an industry has uncounted different branches.

Computer hardware set up turning a Desk Top standard IBM standard PC into a Christmas tree like major focus of the room. Something Apple PCs appear to not need, ever.

Operating System handling from Windows hidden features to Linux distribution customization is not only a branch of its own, but a weekend filling art of its very own kind truly mastered only by a few.

Networking analytics from home based WiFi routing set ups to Smal Business Office environments to company building Local Area Networks, to enterprise standard Wide Area Networking routing through encrypted tunneling software over the internet another branch combines all the first two and adds transmission protocols, office software, database software, access right management, office desk top computers, work stations, hard and software servers, digital and physical routers, hubs and switches of several kinds, Sniffers from system architecture top down to the Real World existing Matrix in full HD graphics down to command line based interaction.

Even so possibly the most fascinating part of Cyberpunk, because of the INPUT! part of possibilities and options it is today quite chaotic and difficult to get a grip on that drag strip of autonom learning.

The best way to start is deciding on a starting point first step project. Hacking the CIA is off the table at this point, tragically.

Saving e.g. heating costs does make quite some since so.

Most of us get up in the morning and somewhere between bed and office come to the living while back at home the heating is still up and running even so the flat is partially or even completely empty.

Yes, you can buy a plug and play system called smart home heating control and from there on start. I personally, after figuring out that the CIA did upgrade security and that they have no really new information beside those on Wiki Leaks anyway by a simple phone call, thought that those single board computers around are as cool as my C64 back in the days when hacking was almost like today surfing the net and passwords could be obtained, just in theory, practically by asking the guy on the line next to the modem for security reasons. PS: I am right here waiting for you!! Still...

After understanding why a screw driver and actually reading the manual is utterly important as especially a hacker and ambitious, focused, target driven apprentice on the first step, by swapping the original heater adjuster thingy to those digital WiFi out of the box and off the shelf, the system limitations will be quickly understood by just using it actively.

From the graphic user interface on the mobile phone considered being improvable, to the need of a constant internet connection and the desire to put the smart in smart home onto the next level by e.g adding a moving sensor or any other stuff from possibly even other market participants to the home network an entire fucking skyscraper of doors opens and it becomes time for the first plan in system architecture to become physically touchable.

An e.g. Udemy course on project management might help also the nine to five efforts, while home smart wont get any jobs in any IT department. Beside, that puts everyone on top position of every profiler per standard training book at e.g. FBI level. CIA does not have such books, they spy on the FBI fellas, last time someone checked or I heard a bystander once saying, or did I read it somewhere? Puhh.

A Raspberry Pi or alternative single board computer running on Linux is the consequent next step beside Open Source software like openHAB available also on Surge Forge or GitHub and will cut down on TV time tremendously, especially when you figure out how much open source, free to download software there is and until no profit is made hits breaking point the developers do not need to be payed based on the open source Vs free ware software distribution principles, now having all topics on the table and on the mind on easy, sweet, legal, baby level.


So, where do we go in the matrix today Punk?

PS: Nation-Town-Address-Phoneline and -0 is usually the switch board... IFU-period!!! 666 Really??