Tuesday 7 December 2021

Structural Monopolisation

Marx found a flaw in our markte system. He, as the first in industrial times, predicted that markets would develop over time a tendency towards monopolization and oligopolization, that they are not selveregulartory per nature. How to fix this is still to be discovered in market theories, the political and economical ideas based on Marx and Engels not only failed, but created a soft form of tyranny that was fortunately overcome peacefully in the Sowjet Union collapsing from within on all levels. Thank you Mr. Gorbatshov for tearing down that wall.

Today our apparently superior to all system of market economy is caught in oligopolies throughout all major industries and on technological levels pretty much in monopoles. TFT screens and IBM compatible PCs everywhere, piston engines and smart phones and that's just straight in your face even so it comes in many different colours.

Possibly more futile to our liberty might be a structural monopolization that I have found no one addressing yet and I already wonder who'll pick it up claiming full intellectual foundation on it some time later, because he either read this or a copy of a copy. Information and ideas spread Virus like and the more important they are to the system the more they will spread and further develop from station to station, while the actual creator is way less important than the information or idea finding a suitable hoste. 

And no law or system can change the basic laws of this world from blogg post or social media post or discussion board comment further out, it well could force fair sharing of financial gain.

With Structural Monopolisation I mean that within the companies that are the oligopoly market participants competition is also running under the same laws.
Within each company major positions are also desired, wanted and hunted by many different participants of the job market from within and outside.
The Big Fellas in the media like Bill Gates and Marc Zuckerberg all are Ivory educated even so possibly not having had time to finish their education by going home with a degree. Their major managers, that have not had a comparable fitting business idea, but a degree to take home are most likely from the Ivory league alumni service, all having had the same education, based on the same set of rules, expressions and behaviors beside the actual content of their studied field. Everybody else is out. Everybody other won't fit, either way different.
This structural monopolization goes down from major companies well known, down to mid-size companies and even to LinkedIn business related conversations, all checked and corrected by Grammerly and was first seen in military units and later most likely also in secret services. 

The drafted soldiers from both world wars were still as diverse as the people, the Vietnam draft appears to be manipulated, if checking who was drafted compared to mathematical rules of lotteries and the first that had an almost homogenous army were the Nazis with the Weapon-SS based on full dedication to the Nazi ideology. 
Little is known about the recruiting prerequisite of e.g. the CIA, but all their actions publicly known as no bad joke make me wonder from supporting Nazis after 45 building up post war Germany to them reporting about buying a scrap yard Russian helicopter for two million Dollars of the desert to CIA officers in Military uniform suggesting to retire the Warthog army airplanes by using high-altitude bombers instead while knowing all German jokes about the qualities of stupid blonds...

This structural monopolization within organizations will lead to the end of competition of ideas and ways to do things, of diversity and finally end innovation, creativity and therefore progress as it did in all major industries even so well covered in many different colours and shapes on the surface. 

If Marx was further right this will lead to the economic system ending in collaps, if not fixed, but than also ending our known social structures, political systems and therefore the known world. A revolution is a dramatc change and the end of the socialist system peacefully gives me hope on one side, while knowing that the spirit of those creating a death factory industry just slightly changed is to fail makes me worry being unarmed per law.

The Shadowrun Role Playing Game introduction story is way closer than Star Treck, unfortunately. 
A shoot out as weekend normal in our night live venues closer than all drinks free bars without excess for real.